Deleting this zettel will also delete the following files, so that they will not be interpreted as content for this zettel.
DELETED box/constbox/delete.sxn
Index: box/constbox/delete.sxn
--- box/constbox/delete.sxn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-;;; Copyright (c) 2023-present Detlef Stern
-;;; This file is part of Zettelstore.
-;;; Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European
-;;; Union Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and
-;;; obligations under this license.
-;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023-present Detlef Stern
- (header (h1 "Delete Zettel " ,zid))
- (p "Do you really want to delete this zettel?")
- ,@(if shadowed-box
- `((div (@ (class "zs-info"))
- (h2 "Information")
- (p "If you delete this zettel, the previously shadowed zettel from overlayed box " ,shadowed-box " becomes available.")
- ))
- )
- ,@(if incoming
- `((div (@ (class "zs-warning"))
- (h2 "Warning!")
- (p "If you delete this zettel, incoming references from the following zettel will become invalid.")
- (ul ,@(map wui-item-link incoming))
- ))
- )
- ,@(if (and (bound? 'useless) useless)
- `((div (@ (class "zs-warning"))
- (h2 "Warning!")
- (p "Deleting this zettel will also delete the following files, so that they will not be interpreted as content for this zettel.")
- (ul ,@(map wui-item useless))
- ))
- )
- ,(wui-meta-desc metapairs)
- (form (@ (method "POST")) (input (@ (class "zs-primary") (type "submit") (value "Delete"))))
Index: box/constbox/dependencies.zettel
--- box/constbox/dependencies.zettel
+++ box/constbox/dependencies.zettel
@@ -98,10 +98,55 @@
+=== hoisie/mustache / cbroglie/mustache
+; URL & Source
+: [[]] / [[]]
+; License
+: MIT License
+; Remarks
+: cbroglie/mustache is a fork from hoisie/mustache (starting with commit [f9b4cbf]).
+ cbroglie/mustache does not claim a copyright and includes just the license file from hoisie/mustache.
+ cbroglie/mustache obviously continues with the original license.
+Copyright (c) 2009 Michael Hoisie
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+=== pascaldekloe/jwt
+; URL & Source
+: [[]]
+; License
+: [[CC0 1.0 Universal|]]
+To the extent possible under law, Pascal S. de Kloe has waived all
+copyright and related or neighboring rights to JWT. This work is
+published from The Netherlands.
=== yuin/goldmark
; URL & Source
: [[]]
; License
@@ -127,20 +172,5 @@
-=== Sx, SxWebs, Webs, Zettelstore-Client
-These are companion projects, written by the main developer of Zettelstore.
-They are published under the same license, [[EUPL v1.2, or later|00000000000004]].
-; URL & Source Sx
-: [[]]
-; URL & Source SxWebs
-: [[]]
-; URL & Source Webs
-: [[]]
-; URL & Source Zettelstore-Client
-: [[]]
-; License:
-: European Union Public License, version 1.2 (EUPL v1.2), or later.
ADDED box/constbox/error.mustache
Index: box/constbox/error.mustache
--- /dev/null
+++ box/constbox/error.mustache
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
DELETED box/constbox/error.sxn
Index: box/constbox/error.sxn
--- box/constbox/error.sxn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-;;; Copyright (c) 2023-present Detlef Stern
-;;; This file is part of Zettelstore.
-;;; Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European
-;;; Union Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and
-;;; obligations under this license.
-;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023-present Detlef Stern
- (header (h1 ,heading))
- ,message
ADDED box/constbox/form.mustache
Index: box/constbox/form.mustache
--- /dev/null
+++ box/constbox/form.mustache
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
DELETED box/constbox/form.sxn
Index: box/constbox/form.sxn
--- box/constbox/form.sxn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-;;; Copyright (c) 2023-present Detlef Stern
-;;; This file is part of Zettelstore.
-;;; Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European
-;;; Union Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and
-;;; obligations under this license.
-;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023-present Detlef Stern
- (header (h1 ,heading))
- (form (@ (action ,form-action-url) (method "POST") (enctype "multipart/form-data"))
- (div
- (label (@ (for "zs-title")) "Title " (a (@ (title "Main heading of this zettel.")) (@H "ⓘ")))
- (input (@ (class "zs-input") (type "text") (id "zs-title") (name "title")
- (title "Title of this zettel")
- (placeholder "Title..") (value ,meta-title) (dir "auto") (autofocus))))
- (div
- (label (@ (for "zs-role")) "Role " (a (@ (title "One word, without spaces, to set the main role of this zettel.")) (@H "ⓘ")))
- (input (@ (class "zs-input") (type "text") (pattern "\\w*") (id "zs-role") (name "role")
- (title "One word, letters and digits, but no spaces, to set the main role of the zettel.")
- (placeholder "role..") (value ,meta-role) (dir "auto")
- ,@(if role-data '((list "zs-role-data")))
- ))
- ,@(wui-datalist "zs-role-data" role-data)
- )
- (div
- (label (@ (for "zs-tags")) "Tags " (a (@ (title "Tags must begin with an '#' sign. They are separated by spaces.")) (@H "ⓘ")))
- (input (@ (class "zs-input") (type "text") (id "zs-tags") (name "tags")
- (title "Tags/keywords to categorize the zettel. Each tags is a word that begins with a '#' character; they are separated by spaces")
- (placeholder "#tag") (value ,meta-tags) (dir "auto"))))
- (div
- (label (@ (for "zs-meta")) "Metadata " (a (@ (title "Other metadata for this zettel. Each line contains a key/value pair, separated by a colon ':'.")) (@H "ⓘ")))
- (textarea (@ (class "zs-input") (id "zs-meta") (name "meta") (rows "4")
- (title "Additional metadata about the zettel")
- (placeholder "metakey: metavalue") (dir "auto")) ,meta))
- (div
- (label (@ (for "zs-syntax")) "Syntax " (a (@ (title "Syntax of zettel content below, one word. Typically 'zmk' (for zettelmarkup).")) (@H "ⓘ")))
- (input (@ (class "zs-input") (type "text") (pattern "\\w*") (id "zs-syntax") (name "syntax")
- (title "Syntax/format of zettel content below, one word, letters and digits, no spaces.")
- (placeholder "syntax..") (value ,meta-syntax) (dir "auto")
- ,@(if syntax-data '((list "zs-syntax-data")))
- ))
- ,@(wui-datalist "zs-syntax-data" syntax-data)
- )
- ,@(if (bound? 'content)
- `((div
- (label (@ (for "zs-content")) "Content " (a (@ (title "Content for this zettel, according to above syntax.")) (@H "ⓘ")))
- (textarea (@ (class "zs-input zs-content") (id "zs-content") (name "content") (rows "20")
- (title "Zettel content, according to the given syntax")
- (placeholder "Zettel content..") (dir "auto")) ,content)
- ))
- )
- (div
- (input (@ (class "zs-primary") (type "submit") (value "Submit")))
- (input (@ (class "zs-secondary") (type "submit") (value "Save") (formaction "?save")))
- (input (@ (class "zs-upload") (type "file") (id "zs-file") (name "file")))
- ))
Index: box/constbox/home.zettel
--- box/constbox/home.zettel
+++ box/constbox/home.zettel
@@ -1,31 +1,32 @@
=== Thank you for using Zettelstore!
-You will find the latest information about Zettelstore at [[]].
-Check this website regularly for [[updates|]] to the latest version.
-You should consult the [[change log|]] before updating.
-Sometimes, you have to edit some of your Zettelstore-related zettel before updating.
-Since Zettelstore is currently in a development state, every update might fix some of your problems.
+You will find the lastest information about Zettelstore at [[]].
+Check that website regulary for [[upgrades|]] to the latest version.
+You should consult the [[change log|]] before upgrading.
+Sometimes, you have to edit some of your Zettelstore-related zettel before upgrading.
+Since Zettelstore is currently in a development state, every upgrade might fix some of your problems.
-If you have problems concerning Zettelstore, do not hesitate to get in [[contact with the main developer|]].
+If you have problems concerning Zettelstore,
+do not hesitate to get in [[contact with the main developer|]].
=== Reporting errors
If you have encountered an error, please include the content of the following zettel in your mail (if possible):
* [[Zettelstore Version|00000000000001]]: {{00000000000001}}
* [[Zettelstore Operating System|00000000000003]]
* [[Zettelstore Startup Configuration|00000000000096]]
* [[Zettelstore Runtime Configuration|00000000000100]]
-Additionally, you have to describe, what you did before that error occurs
-and what you expected instead.
+Additionally, you have to describe, what you have done before that error occurs
+and what you have expected instead.
Please do not forget to include the error message, if there is one.
Some of above Zettelstore zettel can only be retrieved if you enabled ""expert mode"".
Otherwise, only some zettel are linked.
To enable expert mode, edit the zettel [[Zettelstore Runtime Configuration|00000000000100]]:
please set the metadata value of the key ''expert-mode'' to true.
-To do so, enter the string ''expert-mode:true'' inside the edit view of the metadata.
+To do you, enter the string ''expert-mode:true'' inside the edit view of the metadata.
=== Information about this zettel
This zettel is your home zettel.
It is part of the Zettelstore software itself.
Every time you click on the [[Home|//]] link in the menu bar, you will be redirected to this zettel.
ADDED box/constbox/info.mustache
Index: box/constbox/info.mustache
--- /dev/null
+++ box/constbox/info.mustache
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
Renaming this zettel will also delete the following files, so that they will not be interpreted as content for a zettel with identifier {{Zid}}.
DELETED box/constbox/roleconfiguration.zettel
Index: box/constbox/roleconfiguration.zettel
--- box/constbox/roleconfiguration.zettel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-Zettel with role ""configuration"" are used within Zettelstore to manage and to show the current configuration of the software.
-Typically, there are some public zettel that show the license of this software, its dependencies.
-There is some CSS code to make the default web user interface a litte bit nicer.
-The default image to signal a broken image can be configured too.
-Other zettel are only visible if an user has authenticated itself, or if there is no authentication enabled.
-In this case, one additional configuration zettel is the zettel containing the version number of this software.
-Other zettel are showing the supported metadata keys and supported syntax values.
-Zettel that allow to configure the menu of template to create new zettel are also using the role ""configuration"".
-Most important is the zettel that contains the runtime configuration.
-You may change its metadata value to change the behaviour of the software.
-One configuration is the ""expert mode"".
-If enabled, and if you are authorized to see them, you will discover some more zettel.
-For example, HTML templates to customize the default web user interface, to show the application log, to see statistics about zettel boxes, to show the host name and it operating system, and many more.
-You are allowed to add your own configuration zettel, for example if you want to customize the look and feel of zettel by placing relevant data into your own zettel.
-By default, user zettel (for authentification) use also the role ""configuration"".
-However, you are allowed to change this.
DELETED box/constbox/rolerole.zettel
Index: box/constbox/rolerole.zettel
--- box/constbox/rolerole.zettel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-A zettel with the role ""role"" describes a specific role.
-The described role must be the title of such a zettel.
-This zettel is such a zettel, as it describes the meaning of the role ""role"".
-Therefore it has the title ""role"" too.
-If you like, this zettel is a meta-role.
-You are free to create your own role-describing zettel.
-For example, you want to document the intended meaning of the role.
-You might also be interested to describe needed metadata so that some software is enabled to analyse or to process your zettel.
DELETED box/constbox/roletag.zettel
Index: box/constbox/roletag.zettel
--- box/constbox/roletag.zettel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-A zettel with role ""tag"" is a zettel that describes specific tag.
-The tag name must be the title of such a zettel.
-Such zettel are similar to this specific zettel: this zettel describes zettel with a role ""tag"".
-These zettel with the role ""tag"" describe specific tags.
-These might form a hierarchy of meta-tags (and meta-roles).
DELETED box/constbox/rolezettel.zettel
Index: box/constbox/rolezettel.zettel
--- box/constbox/rolezettel.zettel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-A zettel with the role ""zettel"" is typically used to document your own thoughts.
-Such zettel are the main reason to use the software Zettelstore.
-The only predefined zettel with the role ""zettel"" is the [[default home zettel|00010000000000]], which contains some welcome information.
-You are free to change this.
-In this case you should modify this zettel too, so that it reflects your own use of zettel with the role ""zettel"".
DELETED box/constbox/start.sxn
Index: box/constbox/start.sxn
--- box/constbox/start.sxn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-;;; Copyright (c) 2023-present Detlef Stern
-;;; This file is part of Zettelstore.
-;;; Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European
-;;; Union Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and
-;;; obligations under this license.
-;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023-present Detlef Stern
-;;; This zettel is the start of the loading sequence for Sx code used in the
-;;; Zettelstore. Via the precursor metadata, dependend zettel are evaluated
-;;; before this zettel. You must always depend, directly or indirectly on the
-;;; "Zettelstore Sxn Base Code" zettel. It provides the base definitions.
DELETED box/constbox/wuicode.sxn
Index: box/constbox/wuicode.sxn
--- box/constbox/wuicode.sxn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-;;; Copyright (c) 2023-present Detlef Stern
-;;; This file is part of Zettelstore.
-;;; Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European
-;;; Union Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and
-;;; obligations under this license.
-;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023-present Detlef Stern
-;; Contains WebUI specific code, but not related to a specific template.
-;; wui-list-item returns the argument as a HTML list item.
-(defun wui-item (s) `(li ,s))
-;; wui-info-meta-table-row takes a pair and translates it into a HTML table row
-;; with two columns.
-(defun wui-info-meta-table-row (p)
- `(tr (td (@ (class zs-info-meta-key)) ,(car p)) (td (@ (class zs-info-meta-value)) ,(cdr p))))
-;; wui-local-link translates a local link into HTML.
-(defun wui-local-link (l) `(li (a (@ (href ,l )) ,l)))
-;; wui-link takes a link (title . url) and returns a HTML reference.
-(defun wui-link (q) `(a (@ (href ,(cdr q))) ,(car q)))
-;; wui-item-link taks a pair (text . url) and returns a HTML link inside
-;; a list item.
-(defun wui-item-link (q) `(li ,(wui-link q)))
-;; wui-tdata-link taks a pair (text . url) and returns a HTML link inside
-;; a table data item.
-(defun wui-tdata-link (q) `(td ,(wui-link q)))
-;; wui-item-popup-link is like 'wui-item-link, but the HTML link will open
-;; a new tab / window.
-(defun wui-item-popup-link (e)
- `(li (a (@ (href ,e) (target "_blank") (rel "external noreferrer")) ,e)))
-;; wui-option-value returns a value for an HTML option element.
-(defun wui-option-value (v) `(option (@ (value ,v))))
-;; wui-datalist returns a HTML datalist with the given HTML identifier and a
-;; list of values.
-(defun wui-datalist (id lst)
- (if lst
- `((datalist (@ (id ,id)) ,@(map wui-option-value lst)))))
-;; wui-pair-desc-item takes a pair '(term . text) and returns a list with
-;; a HTML description term and a HTML description data.
-(defun wui-pair-desc-item (p) `((dt ,(car p)) (dd ,(cdr p))))
-;; wui-meta-desc returns a HTML description list made from the list of pairs
-;; given.
-(defun wui-meta-desc (l)
- `(dl ,@(apply append (map wui-pair-desc-item l))))
-;; wui-enc-matrix returns the HTML table of all encodings and parts.
-(defun wui-enc-matrix (matrix)
- `(table
- ,@(map
- (lambda (row) `(tr (th ,(car row)) ,@(map wui-tdata-link (cdr row))))
- matrix)))
-;; CSS-ROLE-map is a mapping (pair list, assoc list) of role names to zettel
-;; identifier. It is used in the base template to update the metadata of the
-;; HTML page to include some role specific CSS code.
-;; Referenced in function "ROLE-DEFAULT-meta".
-(defvar CSS-ROLE-map '())
-;; ROLE-DEFAULT-meta returns some metadata for the base template. Any role
-;; specific code should include the returned list of this function.
-(defun ROLE-DEFAULT-meta (binding)
- `(,@(let* ((meta-role (binding-lookup 'meta-role binding))
- (entry (assoc CSS-ROLE-map meta-role)))
- (if (pair? entry)
- `((link (@ (rel "stylesheet") (href ,(zid-content-path (cdr entry))))))
- )
- )
- )
-;; ACTION-SEPARATOR defines a HTML value that separates actions links.
-(defvar ACTION-SEPARATOR '(@H " · "))
-;; ROLE-DEFAULT-actions returns the default text for actions.
-(defun ROLE-DEFAULT-actions (binding)
- `(,@(let ((copy-url (binding-lookup 'copy-url binding)))
- (if (defined? copy-url) `((@H " · ") (a (@ (href ,copy-url)) "Copy"))))
- ,@(let ((version-url (binding-lookup 'version-url binding)))
- (if (defined? version-url) `((@H " · ") (a (@ (href ,version-url)) "Version"))))
- ,@(let ((sequel-url (binding-lookup 'sequel-url binding)))
- (if (defined? sequel-url) `((@H " · ") (a (@ (href ,sequel-url)) "Sequel"))))
- ,@(let ((folge-url (binding-lookup 'folge-url binding)))
- (if (defined? folge-url) `((@H " · ") (a (@ (href ,folge-url)) "Folge"))))
- )
-;; ROLE-tag-actions returns an additional action "Zettel" for zettel with role "tag".
-(defun ROLE-tag-actions (binding)
- `(,@(ROLE-DEFAULT-actions binding)
- ,@(let ((title (binding-lookup 'title binding)))
- (if (and (defined? title) title)
- `(,ACTION-SEPARATOR (a (@ (href ,(query->url (concat "tags:" title)))) "Zettel"))
- )
- )
- )
-;; ROLE-role-actions returns an additional action "Zettel" for zettel with role "role".
-(defun ROLE-role-actions (binding)
- `(,@(ROLE-DEFAULT-actions binding)
- ,@(let ((title (binding-lookup 'title binding)))
- (if (and (defined? title) title)
- `(,ACTION-SEPARATOR (a (@ (href ,(query->url (concat "role:" title)))) "Zettel"))
- )
- )
- )
-;; ROLE-DEFAULT-heading returns the default text for headings, below the
-;; references of a zettel. In most cases it should be called from an
-;; overwriting function.
-(defun ROLE-DEFAULT-heading (binding)
- `(,@(let ((meta-url (binding-lookup 'meta-url binding)))
- (if (defined? meta-url) `((br) "URL: " ,(url-to-html meta-url))))
- ,@(let ((urls (binding-lookup 'urls binding)))
- (if (defined? urls)
- (map (lambda (u) `(@L (br) ,(car u) ": " ,(url-to-html (cdr u)))) urls)
- )
- )
- ,@(let ((meta-author (binding-lookup 'meta-author binding)))
- (if (and (defined? meta-author) meta-author) `((br) "By " ,meta-author)))
- )
ADDED box/constbox/zettel.mustache
Index: box/constbox/zettel.mustache
--- /dev/null
+++ box/constbox/zettel.mustache
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
DELETED box/constbox/zettel.sxn
Index: box/constbox/zettel.sxn
--- box/constbox/zettel.sxn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-;;; Copyright (c) 2023-present Detlef Stern
-;;; This file is part of Zettelstore.
-;;; Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European
-;;; Union Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and
-;;; obligations under this license.
-;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023-present Detlef Stern
- (header
- (h1 ,heading)
- (div (@ (class "zs-meta"))
- ,@(if (bound? 'edit-url) `((a (@ (href ,edit-url)) "Edit") (@H " · ")))
- ,zid (@H " · ")
- (a (@ (href ,info-url)) "Info") (@H " · ")
- "(" ,@(if (bound? 'role-url) `((a (@ (href ,role-url)) ,meta-role)))
- ,@(if (and (bound? 'folge-role-url) (bound? 'meta-folge-role))
- `((@H " → ") (a (@ (href ,folge-role-url)) ,meta-folge-role)))
- ")"
- ,@(if tag-refs `((@H " · ") ,@tag-refs))
- ,@(ROLE-DEFAULT-actions (current-binding))
- ,@(if superior-refs `((br) "Superior: " ,superior-refs))
- ,@(if predecessor-refs `((br) "Predecessor: " ,predecessor-refs))
- ,@(if precursor-refs `((br) "Precursor: " ,precursor-refs))
- ,@(if prequel-refs `((br) "Prequel: " ,prequel-refs))
- ,@(ROLE-DEFAULT-heading (current-binding))
- )
- )
- ,@content
- ,endnotes
- ,@(if (or folge-links sequel-links back-links successor-links subordinate-links)
- `((nav
- ,@(if subordinate-links `((details (@ (,subordinate-open)) (summary "Subordinates") (ul ,@(map wui-item-link subordinate-links)))))
- ,@(if sequel-links `((details (@ (,sequel-open)) (summary "Sequel") (ul ,@(map wui-item-link sequel-links)))))
- ,@(if folge-links `((details (@ (,folge-open)) (summary "Folgezettel") (ul ,@(map wui-item-link folge-links)))))
- ,@(if successor-links `((details (@ (,successor-open)) (summary "Successors") (ul ,@(map wui-item-link successor-links)))))
- ,@(if back-links `((details (@ (,back-open)) (summary "Incoming") (ul ,@(map wui-item-link back-links)))))
- ))
- )
Index: box/dirbox/dirbox.go
--- box/dirbox/dirbox.go
+++ box/dirbox/dirbox.go
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-present Detlef Stern
// Package dirbox provides a directory-based zettel box.
package dirbox
@@ -23,16 +20,16 @@
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
func init() {
manager.Register("dir", func(u *url.URL, cdata *manager.ConnectData) (box.ManagedBox, error) {
var log *logger.Logger
@@ -90,11 +87,11 @@
func getDirSrvInfo(log *logger.Logger, notifyType string) notifyTypeSpec {
- for range 2 {
+ for count := 0; count < 2; count++ {
switch notifyType {
case kernel.BoxDirTypeNotify:
return dirNotifyFS
case kernel.BoxDirTypeSimple:
return dirNotifySimple
@@ -130,33 +127,15 @@
func (dp *dirBox) Location() string {
return dp.location
-func (dp *dirBox) State() box.StartState {
- if ds := dp.dirSrv; ds != nil {
- switch ds.State() {
- case notify.DsCreated:
- return box.StartStateStopped
- case notify.DsStarting:
- return box.StartStateStarting
- case notify.DsWorking:
- return box.StartStateStarted
- case notify.DsMissing:
- return box.StartStateStarted
- case notify.DsStopping:
- return box.StartStateStopping
- }
- }
- return box.StartStateStopped
func (dp *dirBox) Start(context.Context) error {
defer dp.mxCmds.Unlock()
dp.fCmds = make([]chan fileCmd, 0, dp.fSrvs)
- for i := range dp.fSrvs {
+ for i := uint32(0); i < dp.fSrvs; i++ {
cc := make(chan fileCmd)
go fileService(i, dp.log.Clone().Str("sub", "file").Uint("fn", uint64(i)).Child(), dp.dir, cc)
dp.fCmds = append(dp.fCmds, cc)
@@ -167,16 +146,15 @@
notifier, err = notify.NewSimpleDirNotifier(dp.log.Clone().Str("notify", "simple").Child(), dp.dir)
notifier, err = notify.NewFSDirNotifier(dp.log.Clone().Str("notify", "fs").Child(), dp.dir)
if err != nil {
- dp.log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Unable to create directory supervisor")
+ dp.log.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("Unable to create directory supervisor")
return err
dp.dirSrv = notify.NewDirService(
- dp,
dp.log.Clone().Str("sub", "dirsrv").Child(),
@@ -201,14 +179,14 @@
for _, c := range dp.fCmds {
-func (dp *dirBox) notifyChanged(zid id.Zid, reason box.UpdateReason) {
- if notify := dp.cdata.Notify; notify != nil {
- dp.log.Trace().Zid(zid).Uint("reason", uint64(reason)).Msg("notifyChanged")
- notify(dp, zid, reason)
+func (dp *dirBox) notifyChanged(zid id.Zid) {
+ if chci := dp.cdata.Notify; chci != nil {
+ dp.log.Trace().Zid(zid).Msg("notifyChanged")
+ chci <- box.UpdateInfo{Reason: box.OnZettel, Zid: zid}
func (dp *dirBox) getFileChan(zid id.Zid) chan fileCmd {
// Based on
@@ -224,11 +202,11 @@
func (dp *dirBox) CanCreateZettel(_ context.Context) bool {
return !dp.readonly
-func (dp *dirBox) CreateZettel(ctx context.Context, zettel zettel.Zettel) (id.Zid, error) {
+func (dp *dirBox) CreateZettel(ctx context.Context, zettel domain.Zettel) (id.Zid, error) {
if dp.readonly {
return id.Invalid, box.ErrReadOnly
newZid, err := dp.dirSrv.SetNewDirEntry()
@@ -242,31 +220,44 @@
err = dp.srvSetZettel(ctx, &entry, zettel)
if err == nil {
err = dp.dirSrv.UpdateDirEntry(&entry)
- dp.notifyChanged(meta.Zid, box.OnZettel)
+ dp.notifyChanged(meta.Zid)
return meta.Zid, err
-func (dp *dirBox) GetZettel(ctx context.Context, zid id.Zid) (zettel.Zettel, error) {
+func (dp *dirBox) GetZettel(ctx context.Context, zid id.Zid) (domain.Zettel, error) {
entry := dp.dirSrv.GetDirEntry(zid)
if !entry.IsValid() {
- return zettel.Zettel{}, box.ErrZettelNotFound{Zid: zid}
+ return domain.Zettel{}, box.ErrNotFound
m, c, err := dp.srvGetMetaContent(ctx, entry, zid)
if err != nil {
- return zettel.Zettel{}, err
+ return domain.Zettel{}, err
- zettel := zettel.Zettel{Meta: m, Content: zettel.NewContent(c)}
+ zettel := domain.Zettel{Meta: m, Content: domain.NewContent(c)}
return zettel, nil
-func (dp *dirBox) HasZettel(_ context.Context, zid id.Zid) bool {
- return dp.dirSrv.GetDirEntry(zid).IsValid()
+func (dp *dirBox) GetMeta(ctx context.Context, zid id.Zid) (*meta.Meta, error) {
+ m, err := dp.doGetMeta(ctx, zid)
+ dp.log.Trace().Zid(zid).Err(err).Msg("GetMeta")
+ return m, err
+func (dp *dirBox) doGetMeta(ctx context.Context, zid id.Zid) (*meta.Meta, error) {
+ entry := dp.dirSrv.GetDirEntry(zid)
+ if !entry.IsValid() {
+ return nil, box.ErrNotFound
+ }
+ m, err := dp.srvGetMeta(ctx, entry, zid)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return m, nil
func (dp *dirBox) ApplyZid(_ context.Context, handle box.ZidFunc, constraint query.RetrievePredicate) error {
entries := dp.dirSrv.GetDirEntries(constraint)
dp.log.Trace().Int("entries", int64(len(entries))).Msg("ApplyZid")
@@ -291,23 +282,23 @@
return nil
-func (dp *dirBox) CanUpdateZettel(context.Context, zettel.Zettel) bool {
+func (dp *dirBox) CanUpdateZettel(context.Context, domain.Zettel) bool {
return !dp.readonly
-func (dp *dirBox) UpdateZettel(ctx context.Context, zettel zettel.Zettel) error {
+func (dp *dirBox) UpdateZettel(ctx context.Context, zettel domain.Zettel) error {
if dp.readonly {
return box.ErrReadOnly
meta := zettel.Meta
zid := meta.Zid
if !zid.IsValid() {
- return box.ErrInvalidZid{Zid: zid.String()}
+ return &box.ErrInvalidID{Zid: zid}
entry := dp.dirSrv.GetDirEntry(zid)
if !entry.IsValid() {
// Existing zettel, but new in this box.
entry = ¬ify.DirEntry{Zid: zid}
@@ -314,19 +305,65 @@
dp.updateEntryFromMetaContent(entry, meta, zettel.Content)
err := dp.srvSetZettel(ctx, entry, zettel)
if err == nil {
- dp.notifyChanged(zid, box.OnZettel)
+ dp.notifyChanged(zid)
return err
-func (dp *dirBox) updateEntryFromMetaContent(entry *notify.DirEntry, m *meta.Meta, content zettel.Content) {
+func (dp *dirBox) updateEntryFromMetaContent(entry *notify.DirEntry, m *meta.Meta, content domain.Content) {
entry.SetupFromMetaContent(m, content, dp.cdata.Config.GetZettelFileSyntax)
+func (dp *dirBox) AllowRenameZettel(context.Context, id.Zid) bool {
+ return !dp.readonly
+func (dp *dirBox) RenameZettel(ctx context.Context, curZid, newZid id.Zid) error {
+ if curZid == newZid {
+ return nil
+ }
+ curEntry := dp.dirSrv.GetDirEntry(curZid)
+ if !curEntry.IsValid() {
+ return box.ErrNotFound
+ }
+ if dp.readonly {
+ return box.ErrReadOnly
+ }
+ // Check whether zettel with new ID already exists in this box.
+ if _, err := dp.doGetMeta(ctx, newZid); err == nil {
+ return &box.ErrInvalidID{Zid: newZid}
+ }
+ oldMeta, oldContent, err := dp.srvGetMetaContent(ctx, curEntry, curZid)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ newEntry, err := dp.dirSrv.RenameDirEntry(curEntry, newZid)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ oldMeta.Zid = newZid
+ newZettel := domain.Zettel{Meta: oldMeta, Content: domain.NewContent(oldContent)}
+ if err = dp.srvSetZettel(ctx, &newEntry, newZettel); err != nil {
+ // "Rollback" rename. No error checking...
+ dp.dirSrv.RenameDirEntry(&newEntry, curZid)
+ return err
+ }
+ err = dp.srvDeleteZettel(ctx, curEntry, curZid)
+ if err == nil {
+ dp.notifyChanged(curZid)
+ dp.notifyChanged(newZid)
+ }
+ dp.log.Trace().Zid(curZid).Zid(newZid).Err(err).Msg("RenameZettel")
+ return err
func (dp *dirBox) CanDeleteZettel(_ context.Context, zid id.Zid) bool {
if dp.readonly {
return false
@@ -339,19 +376,19 @@
return box.ErrReadOnly
entry := dp.dirSrv.GetDirEntry(zid)
if !entry.IsValid() {
- return box.ErrZettelNotFound{Zid: zid}
+ return box.ErrNotFound
err := dp.dirSrv.DeleteDirEntry(zid)
if err != nil {
return nil
err = dp.srvDeleteZettel(ctx, entry, zid)
if err == nil {
- dp.notifyChanged(zid, box.OnDelete)
+ dp.notifyChanged(zid)
return err
Index: box/dirbox/dirbox_test.go
--- box/dirbox/dirbox_test.go
+++ box/dirbox/dirbox_test.go
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-present Detlef Stern
package dirbox
import "testing"
@@ -33,11 +30,11 @@
func TestMakePrime(t *testing.T) {
- for i := range uint32(1500) {
+ for i := uint32(0); i < 1500; i++ {
np := makePrime(i)
if np < i {
t.Errorf("makePrime(%d) < %d", i, np)
Index: box/dirbox/service.go
--- box/dirbox/service.go
+++ box/dirbox/service.go
@@ -1,56 +1,52 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-present Detlef Stern
package dirbox
import (
- "fmt"
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
func fileService(i uint32, log *logger.Logger, dirPath string, cmds <-chan fileCmd) {
// Something may panic. Ensure a running service.
defer func() {
- if ri := recover(); ri != nil {
- kernel.Main.LogRecover("FileService", ri)
+ if r := recover(); r != nil {
+ kernel.Main.LogRecover("FileService", r)
go fileService(i, log, dirPath, cmds)
- log.Debug().Uint("i", uint64(i)).Str("dirpath", dirPath).Msg("File service started")
+ log.Trace().Uint("i", uint64(i)).Str("dirpath", dirPath).Msg("File service started")
for cmd := range cmds {
+, dirPath)
- log.Debug().Uint("i", uint64(i)).Str("dirpath", dirPath).Msg("File service stopped")
+ log.Trace().Uint("i", uint64(i)).Str("dirpath", dirPath).Msg("File service stopped")
type fileCmd interface {
- run(string)
+ run(*logger.Logger, string)
const serviceTimeout = 5 * time.Second // must be shorter than the web servers timeout values for reading+writing.
// COMMAND: srvGetMeta ----------------------------------------
@@ -77,22 +73,23 @@
type resGetMeta struct {
meta *meta.Meta
err error
-func (cmd *fileGetMeta) run(dirPath string) {
+func (cmd *fileGetMeta) run(log *logger.Logger, dirPath string) {
var m *meta.Meta
var err error
entry := cmd.entry
zid := entry.Zid
if metaName := entry.MetaName; metaName == "" {
contentName := entry.ContentName
contentExt := entry.ContentExt
if contentName == "" || contentExt == "" {
- err = fmt.Errorf("no meta, no content in getMeta, zid=%v", zid)
- } else if entry.HasMetaInContent() {
+ log.Panic().Zid(zid).Msg("No meta, no content in getMeta")
+ }
+ if entry.HasMetaInContent() {
m, _, err = parseMetaContentFile(zid, filepath.Join(dirPath, contentName))
} else {
m = filebox.CalcDefaultMeta(zid, contentExt)
} else {
@@ -129,11 +126,11 @@
meta *meta.Meta
content []byte
err error
-func (cmd *fileGetMetaContent) run(dirPath string) {
+func (cmd *fileGetMetaContent) run(log *logger.Logger, dirPath string) {
var m *meta.Meta
var content []byte
var err error
entry := cmd.entry
@@ -141,12 +138,13 @@
contentName := entry.ContentName
contentExt := entry.ContentExt
contentPath := filepath.Join(dirPath, contentName)
if metaName := entry.MetaName; metaName == "" {
if contentName == "" || contentExt == "" {
- err = fmt.Errorf("no meta, no content in getMetaContent, zid=%v", zid)
- } else if entry.HasMetaInContent() {
+ log.Panic().Zid(zid).Msg("No meta, no content in getMetaContent")
+ }
+ if entry.HasMetaInContent() {
m, content, err = parseMetaContentFile(zid, contentPath)
} else {
m = filebox.CalcDefaultMeta(zid, contentExt)
content, err = os.ReadFile(contentPath)
@@ -168,11 +166,11 @@
// COMMAND: srvSetZettel ----------------------------------------
// Writes a new or exsting zettel.
-func (dp *dirBox) srvSetZettel(ctx context.Context, entry *notify.DirEntry, zettel zettel.Zettel) error {
+func (dp *dirBox) srvSetZettel(ctx context.Context, entry *notify.DirEntry, zettel domain.Zettel) error {
rc := make(chan resSetZettel, 1)
dp.getFileChan(zettel.Meta.Zid) <- &fileSetZettel{entry, zettel, rc}
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, serviceTimeout)
defer cancel()
select {
@@ -183,40 +181,38 @@
type fileSetZettel struct {
entry *notify.DirEntry
- zettel zettel.Zettel
+ zettel domain.Zettel
rc chan<- resSetZettel
type resSetZettel = error
-func (cmd *fileSetZettel) run(dirPath string) {
- var err error
+func (cmd *fileSetZettel) run(log *logger.Logger, dirPath string) {
entry := cmd.entry
zid := entry.Zid
contentName := entry.ContentName
m := cmd.zettel.Meta
content := cmd.zettel.Content.AsBytes()
metaName := entry.MetaName
if metaName == "" {
if contentName == "" {
- err = fmt.Errorf("no meta, no content in setZettel, zid=%v", zid)
- } else {
- contentPath := filepath.Join(dirPath, contentName)
- if entry.HasMetaInContent() {
- err = writeZettelFile(contentPath, m, content)
- cmd.rc <- err
- return
- }
- err = writeFileContent(contentPath, content)
- }
+ log.Panic().Zid(zid).Msg("No meta, no content in setZettel")
+ }
+ contentPath := filepath.Join(dirPath, contentName)
+ if entry.HasMetaInContent() {
+ err := writeZettelFile(contentPath, m, content)
+ cmd.rc <- err
+ return
+ }
+ err := writeFileContent(contentPath, content)
cmd.rc <- err
- err = writeMetaFile(filepath.Join(dirPath, metaName), m)
+ err := writeMetaFile(filepath.Join(dirPath, metaName), m)
if err == nil && contentName != "" {
err = writeFileContent(filepath.Join(dirPath, contentName), content)
cmd.rc <- err
@@ -239,11 +235,13 @@
func writeZettelFile(contentPath string, m *meta.Meta, content []byte) error {
zettelFile, err := openFileWrite(contentPath)
if err != nil {
return err
- err = writeMetaHeader(zettelFile, m)
+ if err == nil {
+ err = writeMetaHeader(zettelFile, m)
+ }
if err == nil {
_, err = zettelFile.Write(content)
if err1 := zettelFile.Close(); err == nil {
err = err1
@@ -300,22 +298,21 @@
entry *notify.DirEntry
rc chan<- resDeleteZettel
type resDeleteZettel = error
-func (cmd *fileDeleteZettel) run(dirPath string) {
+func (cmd *fileDeleteZettel) run(log *logger.Logger, dirPath string) {
var err error
entry := cmd.entry
contentName := entry.ContentName
contentPath := filepath.Join(dirPath, contentName)
if metaName := entry.MetaName; metaName == "" {
if contentName == "" {
- err = fmt.Errorf("no meta, no content in deleteZettel, zid=%v", entry.Zid)
- } else {
- err = os.Remove(contentPath)
+ log.Panic().Zid(entry.Zid).Msg("No meta, no content in getMetaContent")
+ err = os.Remove(contentPath)
} else {
if contentName != "" {
err = os.Remove(contentPath)
err1 := os.Remove(filepath.Join(dirPath, metaName))
@@ -361,18 +358,12 @@
entry.MetaName != "",
-// fileMode to create a new file: user, group, and all are allowed to read and write.
-// If you want to forbid others or the group to read or to write, you must set
-// umask(1) accordingly.
-const fileMode os.FileMode = 0666 //
func openFileWrite(path string) (*os.File, error) {
- return os.OpenFile(path, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, fileMode)
+ return os.OpenFile(path, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0600)
func writeFileZid(w io.Writer, zid id.Zid) error {
_, err := io.WriteString(w, "id: ")
if err == nil {
Index: box/filebox/filebox.go
--- box/filebox/filebox.go
+++ box/filebox/filebox.go
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-present Detlef Stern
// Package filebox provides boxes that are stored in a file.
package filebox
@@ -18,16 +15,16 @@
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
- ""
- ""
func init() {
manager.Register("file", func(u *url.URL, cdata *manager.ConnectData) (box.ManagedBox, error) {
path := getFilepathFromURL(u)
Index: box/filebox/zipbox.go
--- box/filebox/zipbox.go
+++ box/filebox/zipbox.go
@@ -1,43 +1,39 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-present Detlef Stern
package filebox
import (
- "fmt"
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
type zipBox struct {
log *logger.Logger
number int
name string
enricher box.Enricher
- notify box.UpdateNotifier
+ notify chan<- box.UpdateInfo
dirSrv *notify.DirService
func (zb *zipBox) Location() string {
if strings.HasPrefix(, "/") {
@@ -44,36 +40,18 @@
return "file://" +
return "file:" +
-func (zb *zipBox) State() box.StartState {
- if ds := zb.dirSrv; ds != nil {
- switch ds.State() {
- case notify.DsCreated:
- return box.StartStateStopped
- case notify.DsStarting:
- return box.StartStateStarting
- case notify.DsWorking:
- return box.StartStateStarted
- case notify.DsMissing:
- return box.StartStateStarted
- case notify.DsStopping:
- return box.StartStateStopping
- }
- }
- return box.StartStateStopped
func (zb *zipBox) Start(context.Context) error {
reader, err := zip.OpenReader(
if err != nil {
return err
zipNotifier := notify.NewSimpleZipNotifier(zb.log,
- zb.dirSrv = notify.NewDirService(zb, zb.log, zipNotifier, zb.notify)
+ zb.dirSrv = notify.NewDirService(zb.log, zipNotifier, zb.notify)
return nil
func (zb *zipBox) Refresh(_ context.Context) {
@@ -81,21 +59,28 @@
func (zb *zipBox) Stop(context.Context) {
- zb.dirSrv = nil
+func (*zipBox) CanCreateZettel(context.Context) bool { return false }
+func (zb *zipBox) CreateZettel(context.Context, domain.Zettel) (id.Zid, error) {
+ err := box.ErrReadOnly
+ zb.log.Trace().Err(err).Msg("CreateZettel")
+ return id.Invalid, err
-func (zb *zipBox) GetZettel(_ context.Context, zid id.Zid) (zettel.Zettel, error) {
+func (zb *zipBox) GetZettel(_ context.Context, zid id.Zid) (domain.Zettel, error) {
entry := zb.dirSrv.GetDirEntry(zid)
if !entry.IsValid() {
- return zettel.Zettel{}, box.ErrZettelNotFound{Zid: zid}
+ return domain.Zettel{}, box.ErrNotFound
reader, err := zip.OpenReader(
if err != nil {
- return zettel.Zettel{}, err
+ return domain.Zettel{}, err
defer reader.Close()
var m *meta.Meta
var src []byte
@@ -102,16 +87,15 @@
var inMeta bool
contentName := entry.ContentName
if metaName := entry.MetaName; metaName == "" {
if contentName == "" {
- err = fmt.Errorf("no meta, no content in getZettel, zid=%v", zid)
- return zettel.Zettel{}, err
+ zb.log.Panic().Zid(zid).Msg("No meta, no content in zipBox.GetZettel")
src, err = readZipFileContent(reader, entry.ContentName)
if err != nil {
- return zettel.Zettel{}, err
+ return domain.Zettel{}, err
if entry.HasMetaInContent() {
inp := input.NewInput(src)
m = meta.NewFromInput(zid, inp)
src = src[inp.Pos:]
@@ -119,28 +103,39 @@
m = CalcDefaultMeta(zid, entry.ContentExt)
} else {
m, err = readZipMetaFile(reader, zid, metaName)
if err != nil {
- return zettel.Zettel{}, err
+ return domain.Zettel{}, err
inMeta = true
if contentName != "" {
src, err = readZipFileContent(reader, entry.ContentName)
if err != nil {
- return zettel.Zettel{}, err
+ return domain.Zettel{}, err
CleanupMeta(m, zid, entry.ContentExt, inMeta, entry.UselessFiles)
- return zettel.Zettel{Meta: m, Content: zettel.NewContent(src)}, nil
+ return domain.Zettel{Meta: m, Content: domain.NewContent(src)}, nil
-func (zb *zipBox) HasZettel(_ context.Context, zid id.Zid) bool {
- return zb.dirSrv.GetDirEntry(zid).IsValid()
+func (zb *zipBox) GetMeta(_ context.Context, zid id.Zid) (*meta.Meta, error) {
+ entry := zb.dirSrv.GetDirEntry(zid)
+ if !entry.IsValid() {
+ return nil, box.ErrNotFound
+ }
+ reader, err := zip.OpenReader(
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ defer reader.Close()
+ m, err := zb.readZipMeta(reader, zid, entry)
+ zb.log.Trace().Err(err).Zid(zid).Msg("GetMeta")
+ return m, err
func (zb *zipBox) ApplyZid(_ context.Context, handle box.ZidFunc, constraint query.RetrievePredicate) error {
entries := zb.dirSrv.GetDirEntries(constraint)
zb.log.Trace().Int("entries", int64(len(entries))).Msg("ApplyZid")
@@ -169,18 +164,44 @@
zb.enricher.Enrich(ctx, m, zb.number)
return nil
+func (*zipBox) CanUpdateZettel(context.Context, domain.Zettel) bool { return false }
+func (zb *zipBox) UpdateZettel(context.Context, domain.Zettel) error {
+ err := box.ErrReadOnly
+ zb.log.Trace().Err(err).Msg("UpdateZettel")
+ return err
+func (zb *zipBox) AllowRenameZettel(_ context.Context, zid id.Zid) bool {
+ entry := zb.dirSrv.GetDirEntry(zid)
+ return !entry.IsValid()
+func (zb *zipBox) RenameZettel(_ context.Context, curZid, newZid id.Zid) error {
+ err := box.ErrReadOnly
+ if curZid == newZid {
+ err = nil
+ }
+ curEntry := zb.dirSrv.GetDirEntry(curZid)
+ if !curEntry.IsValid() {
+ err = box.ErrNotFound
+ }
+ zb.log.Trace().Err(err).Msg("RenameZettel")
+ return err
func (*zipBox) CanDeleteZettel(context.Context, id.Zid) bool { return false }
func (zb *zipBox) DeleteZettel(_ context.Context, zid id.Zid) error {
err := box.ErrReadOnly
entry := zb.dirSrv.GetDirEntry(zid)
if !entry.IsValid() {
- err = box.ErrZettelNotFound{Zid: zid}
+ err = box.ErrNotFound
return err
@@ -194,12 +215,13 @@
var inMeta bool
if metaName := entry.MetaName; metaName == "" {
contentName := entry.ContentName
contentExt := entry.ContentExt
if contentName == "" || contentExt == "" {
- err = fmt.Errorf("no meta, no content in getMeta, zid=%v", zid)
- } else if entry.HasMetaInContent() {
+ zb.log.Panic().Zid(zid).Msg("No meta, no content in getMeta")
+ }
+ if entry.HasMetaInContent() {
m, err = readZipMetaFile(reader, zid, contentName)
} else {
m = CalcDefaultMeta(zid, contentExt)
} else {
Index: box/helper.go
--- box/helper.go
+++ box/helper.go
@@ -1,32 +1,27 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-present Detlef Stern
package box
import (
- "net/url"
- "strconv"
- ""
+ ""
// GetNewZid calculates a new and unused zettel identifier, based on the current date and time.
func GetNewZid(testZid func(id.Zid) (bool, error)) (id.Zid, error) {
withSeconds := false
- for range 90 { // Must be completed within 9 seconds (less than web/server.writeTimeout)
+ for i := 0; i < 90; i++ { // Must be completed within 9 seconds (less than web/server.writeTimeout)
zid := id.New(withSeconds)
found, err := testZid(zid)
if err != nil {
return id.Invalid, err
@@ -37,30 +32,5 @@
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
withSeconds = true
return id.Invalid, ErrConflict
-// GetQueryBool is a helper function to extract bool values from a box URI.
-func GetQueryBool(u *url.URL, key string) bool {
- _, ok := u.Query()[key]
- return ok
-// GetQueryInt is a helper function to extract int values of a specified range from a box URI.
-func GetQueryInt(u *url.URL, key string, minVal, defVal, maxVal int) int {
- sVal := u.Query().Get(key)
- if sVal == "" {
- return defVal
- }
- iVal, err := strconv.Atoi(sVal)
- if err != nil {
- return defVal
- }
- if iVal < minVal {
- return minVal
- }
- if iVal > maxVal {
- return maxVal
- }
- return iVal
Index: box/manager/anteroom.go
--- box/manager/anteroom.go
+++ box/manager/anteroom.go
@@ -1,24 +1,21 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-present Detlef Stern
package manager
import (
- ""
+ ""
type arAction int
const (
@@ -26,26 +23,28 @@
type anteroom struct {
+ num uint64
next *anteroom
- waiting *id.Set
+ waiting id.Set
curLoad int
reload bool
-type anteroomQueue struct {
+type anterooms struct {
mx sync.Mutex
+ nextNum uint64
first *anteroom
last *anteroom
maxLoad int
-func newAnteroomQueue(maxLoad int) *anteroomQueue { return &anteroomQueue{maxLoad: maxLoad} }
+func newAnterooms(maxLoad int) *anterooms { return &anterooms{maxLoad: maxLoad} }
-func (ar *anteroomQueue) EnqueueZettel(zid id.Zid) {
+func (ar *anterooms) EnqueueZettel(zid id.Zid) {
if !zid.IsValid() {
@@ -56,57 +55,65 @@
for room := ar.first; room != nil; room = {
if room.reload {
continue // Do not put zettel in reload room
- if room.waiting.Contains(zid) {
+ if _, ok := room.waiting[zid]; ok {
// Zettel is already waiting. Nothing to do.
if room := ar.last; !room.reload && (ar.maxLoad == 0 || room.curLoad < ar.maxLoad) {
- room.waiting.Add(zid)
+ room.waiting.Zid(zid)
room := ar.makeAnteroom(zid) = room
ar.last = room
-func (ar *anteroomQueue) makeAnteroom(zid id.Zid) *anteroom {
+func (ar *anterooms) makeAnteroom(zid id.Zid) *anteroom {
+ ar.nextNum++
if zid == id.Invalid {
- panic(zid)
+ return &anteroom{num: ar.nextNum, next: nil, waiting: nil, curLoad: 0, reload: true}
+ }
+ c := ar.maxLoad
+ if c == 0 {
+ c = 100
- waiting := id.NewSetCap(max(ar.maxLoad, 100), zid)
- return &anteroom{next: nil, waiting: waiting, curLoad: 1, reload: false}
+ waiting := id.NewSetCap(ar.maxLoad, zid)
+ return &anteroom{num: ar.nextNum, next: nil, waiting: waiting, curLoad: 1, reload: false}
-func (ar *anteroomQueue) Reset() {
+func (ar *anterooms) Reset() {
- ar.first = &anteroom{next: nil, waiting: nil, curLoad: 0, reload: true}
+ ar.first = ar.makeAnteroom(id.Invalid)
ar.last = ar.first
-func (ar *anteroomQueue) Reload(allZids *id.Set) {
+func (ar *anterooms) Reload(newZids id.Set) uint64 {
- if !allZids.IsEmpty() {
- ar.first = &anteroom{next: ar.first, waiting: allZids, curLoad: allZids.Length(), reload: true}
+ if ns := len(newZids); ns > 0 {
+ ar.nextNum++
+ ar.first = &anteroom{num: ar.nextNum, next: ar.first, waiting: newZids, curLoad: ns, reload: true}
if == nil {
ar.last = ar.first
- } else {
- ar.first = nil
- ar.last = nil
+ return ar.nextNum
+ ar.first = nil
+ ar.last = nil
+ return 0
-func (ar *anteroomQueue) deleteReloadedRooms() {
+func (ar *anterooms) deleteReloadedRooms() {
room := ar.first
for room != nil && room.reload {
room =
ar.first = room
@@ -113,31 +120,33 @@
if room == nil {
ar.last = nil
-func (ar *anteroomQueue) Dequeue() (arAction, id.Zid, bool) {
+func (ar *anterooms) Dequeue() (arAction, id.Zid, uint64) {
- first := ar.first
- if first != nil {
- if first.waiting == nil && first.reload {
- ar.removeFirst()
- return arReload, id.Invalid, false
- }
- if zid, found := first.waiting.Pop(); found {
- if first.waiting.IsEmpty() {
- ar.removeFirst()
- }
- return arZettel, zid, first.reload
- }
- ar.removeFirst()
- }
- return arNothing, id.Invalid, false
-func (ar *anteroomQueue) removeFirst() {
+ if ar.first == nil {
+ return arNothing, id.Invalid, 0
+ }
+ roomNo := ar.first.num
+ if ar.first.waiting == nil {
+ ar.removeFirst()
+ return arReload, id.Invalid, roomNo
+ }
+ for zid := range ar.first.waiting {
+ delete(ar.first.waiting, zid)
+ if len(ar.first.waiting) == 0 {
+ ar.removeFirst()
+ }
+ return arZettel, zid, roomNo
+ }
+ ar.removeFirst()
+ return arNothing, id.Invalid, 0
+func (ar *anterooms) removeFirst() {
ar.first =
if ar.first == nil {
ar.last = nil
Index: box/manager/anteroom_test.go
--- box/manager/anteroom_test.go
+++ box/manager/anteroom_test.go
@@ -1,33 +1,30 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-present Detlef Stern
package manager
import (
- ""
+ ""
func TestSimple(t *testing.T) {
- ar := newAnteroomQueue(2)
+ ar := newAnterooms(2)
- action, zid, lastReload := ar.Dequeue()
- if zid != id.Zid(1) || action != arZettel || lastReload {
- t.Errorf("Expected arZettel/1/false, but got %v/%v/%v", action, zid, lastReload)
+ action, zid, rno := ar.Dequeue()
+ if zid != id.Zid(1) || action != arZettel || rno != 1 {
+ t.Errorf("Expected arZettel/1/1, but got %v/%v/%v", action, zid, rno)
_, zid, _ = ar.Dequeue()
if zid != id.Invalid {
t.Errorf("Expected invalid Zid, but got %v", zid)
@@ -53,11 +50,11 @@
func TestReset(t *testing.T) {
- ar := newAnteroomQueue(1)
+ ar := newAnterooms(1)
action, zid, _ := ar.Dequeue()
if action != arReload || zid != id.Invalid {
t.Errorf("Expected reload & invalid Zid, but got %v/%v", action, zid)
@@ -86,11 +83,11 @@
action, zid, _ = ar.Dequeue()
if action != arNothing || zid != id.Invalid {
t.Errorf("Expected nothing & invalid Zid, but got %v/%v", action, zid)
- ar = newAnteroomQueue(1)
+ ar = newAnterooms(1)
action, zid, _ = ar.Dequeue()
if zid != id.Zid(6) || action != arZettel {
t.Errorf("Expected 6/arZettel, but got %v/%v", zid, action)
@@ -97,13 +94,13 @@
action, zid, _ = ar.Dequeue()
if action != arNothing || zid != id.Invalid {
t.Errorf("Expected nothing & invalid Zid, but got %v/%v", action, zid)
- ar = newAnteroomQueue(1)
+ ar = newAnterooms(1)
action, zid, _ = ar.Dequeue()
if action != arNothing || zid != id.Invalid {
t.Errorf("Expected nothing & invalid Zid, but got %v/%v", action, zid)
Index: box/manager/box.go
--- box/manager/box.go
+++ box/manager/box.go
@@ -1,200 +1,178 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-present Detlef Stern
package manager
import (
+ "bytes"
- "strings"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
// Conatains all box.Box related functions
// Location returns some information where the box is located.
func (mgr *Manager) Location() string {
if len(mgr.boxes) <= 2 {
return "NONE"
- var sb strings.Builder
- for i := range len(mgr.boxes) - 2 {
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ for i := 0; i < len(mgr.boxes)-2; i++ {
if i > 0 {
- sb.WriteString(", ")
+ buf.WriteString(", ")
- sb.WriteString(mgr.boxes[i].Location())
+ buf.WriteString(mgr.boxes[i].Location())
- return sb.String()
+ return buf.String()
// CanCreateZettel returns true, if box could possibly create a new zettel.
func (mgr *Manager) CanCreateZettel(ctx context.Context) bool {
- if err := mgr.checkContinue(ctx); err != nil {
- return false
- }
defer mgr.mgrMx.RUnlock()
- if box, isWriteBox := mgr.boxes[0].(box.WriteBox); isWriteBox {
- return box.CanCreateZettel(ctx)
- }
- return false
+ return mgr.started && mgr.boxes[0].CanCreateZettel(ctx)
// CreateZettel creates a new zettel.
-func (mgr *Manager) CreateZettel(ctx context.Context, ztl zettel.Zettel) (id.Zid, error) {
+func (mgr *Manager) CreateZettel(ctx context.Context, zettel domain.Zettel) (id.Zid, error) {
- if err := mgr.checkContinue(ctx); err != nil {
- return id.Invalid, err
- }
defer mgr.mgrMx.RUnlock()
- if box, isWriteBox := mgr.boxes[0].(box.WriteBox); isWriteBox {
- ztl.Meta = mgr.cleanMetaProperties(ztl.Meta)
- zid, err := box.CreateZettel(ctx, ztl)
- if err == nil {
- mgr.idxUpdateZettel(ctx, ztl)
- }
- return zid, err
- }
- return id.Invalid, box.ErrReadOnly
+ if !mgr.started {
+ return id.Invalid, box.ErrStopped
+ }
+ return mgr.boxes[0].CreateZettel(ctx, zettel)
// GetZettel retrieves a specific zettel.
-func (mgr *Manager) GetZettel(ctx context.Context, zid id.Zid) (zettel.Zettel, error) {
+func (mgr *Manager) GetZettel(ctx context.Context, zid id.Zid) (domain.Zettel, error) {
- if err := mgr.checkContinue(ctx); err != nil {
- return zettel.Zettel{}, err
- }
defer mgr.mgrMx.RUnlock()
- return mgr.getZettel(ctx, zid)
-func (mgr *Manager) getZettel(ctx context.Context, zid id.Zid) (zettel.Zettel, error) {
+ if !mgr.started {
+ return domain.Zettel{}, box.ErrStopped
+ }
for i, p := range mgr.boxes {
- var errZNF box.ErrZettelNotFound
- if z, err := p.GetZettel(ctx, zid); !errors.As(err, &errZNF) {
+ if z, err := p.GetZettel(ctx, zid); err != box.ErrNotFound {
if err == nil {
mgr.Enrich(ctx, z.Meta, i+1)
return z, err
- return zettel.Zettel{}, box.ErrZettelNotFound{Zid: zid}
+ return domain.Zettel{}, box.ErrNotFound
// GetAllZettel retrieves a specific zettel from all managed boxes.
-func (mgr *Manager) GetAllZettel(ctx context.Context, zid id.Zid) ([]zettel.Zettel, error) {
+func (mgr *Manager) GetAllZettel(ctx context.Context, zid id.Zid) ([]domain.Zettel, error) {
- if err := mgr.checkContinue(ctx); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
defer mgr.mgrMx.RUnlock()
- var result []zettel.Zettel
+ if !mgr.started {
+ return nil, box.ErrStopped
+ }
+ var result []domain.Zettel
for i, p := range mgr.boxes {
if z, err := p.GetZettel(ctx, zid); err == nil {
mgr.Enrich(ctx, z.Meta, i+1)
result = append(result, z)
return result, nil
-// FetchZids returns the set of all zettel identifer managed by the box.
-func (mgr *Manager) FetchZids(ctx context.Context) (*id.Set, error) {
- mgr.mgrLog.Debug().Msg("FetchZids")
- if err := mgr.checkContinue(ctx); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- mgr.mgrMx.RLock()
- defer mgr.mgrMx.RUnlock()
- return mgr.fetchZids(ctx)
-func (mgr *Manager) fetchZids(ctx context.Context) (*id.Set, error) {
- numZettel := 0
- for _, p := range mgr.boxes {
- var mbstats box.ManagedBoxStats
- p.ReadStats(&mbstats)
- numZettel += mbstats.Zettel
- }
- result := id.NewSetCap(numZettel)
- for _, p := range mgr.boxes {
- err := p.ApplyZid(ctx, func(zid id.Zid) { result.Add(zid) }, query.AlwaysIncluded)
+// GetMeta retrieves just the meta data of a specific zettel.
+func (mgr *Manager) GetMeta(ctx context.Context, zid id.Zid) (*meta.Meta, error) {
+ mgr.mgrLog.Debug().Zid(zid).Msg("GetMeta")
+ mgr.mgrMx.RLock()
+ defer mgr.mgrMx.RUnlock()
+ if !mgr.started {
+ return nil, box.ErrStopped
+ }
+ return mgr.doGetMeta(ctx, zid)
+func (mgr *Manager) doGetMeta(ctx context.Context, zid id.Zid) (*meta.Meta, error) {
+ for i, p := range mgr.boxes {
+ if m, err := p.GetMeta(ctx, zid); err != box.ErrNotFound {
+ if err == nil {
+ mgr.Enrich(ctx, m, i+1)
+ }
+ return m, err
+ }
+ }
+ return nil, box.ErrNotFound
+// GetAllMeta retrieves the meta data of a specific zettel from all managed boxes.
+func (mgr *Manager) GetAllMeta(ctx context.Context, zid id.Zid) ([]*meta.Meta, error) {
+ mgr.mgrLog.Debug().Zid(zid).Msg("GetAllMeta")
+ mgr.mgrMx.RLock()
+ defer mgr.mgrMx.RUnlock()
+ if !mgr.started {
+ return nil, box.ErrStopped
+ }
+ var result []*meta.Meta
+ for i, p := range mgr.boxes {
+ if m, err := p.GetMeta(ctx, zid); err == nil {
+ mgr.Enrich(ctx, m, i+1)
+ result = append(result, m)
+ }
+ }
+ return result, nil
+// FetchZids returns the set of all zettel identifer managed by the box.
+func (mgr *Manager) FetchZids(ctx context.Context) (id.Set, error) {
+ mgr.mgrLog.Debug().Msg("FetchZids")
+ mgr.mgrMx.RLock()
+ defer mgr.mgrMx.RUnlock()
+ if !mgr.started {
+ return nil, box.ErrStopped
+ }
+ result := id.Set{}
+ for _, p := range mgr.boxes {
+ err := p.ApplyZid(ctx, func(zid id.Zid) { result.Zid(zid) }, func(id.Zid) bool { return true })
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return result, nil
-func (mgr *Manager) hasZettel(ctx context.Context, zid id.Zid) bool {
- mgr.mgrLog.Debug().Zid(zid).Msg("HasZettel")
- if err := mgr.checkContinue(ctx); err != nil {
- return false
- }
- mgr.mgrMx.RLock()
- defer mgr.mgrMx.RUnlock()
- for _, bx := range mgr.boxes {
- if bx.HasZettel(ctx, zid) {
- return true
- }
- }
- return false
-// GetMeta returns just the metadata of the zettel with the given identifier.
-func (mgr *Manager) GetMeta(ctx context.Context, zid id.Zid) (*meta.Meta, error) {
- mgr.mgrLog.Debug().Zid(zid).Msg("GetMeta")
- if err := mgr.checkContinue(ctx); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- m, err := mgr.idxStore.GetMeta(ctx, zid)
- if err != nil {
- // TODO: Call GetZettel and return just metadata, in case the index is not complete.
- return nil, err
- }
- mgr.Enrich(ctx, m, 0)
- return m, nil
+type metaMap map[id.Zid]*meta.Meta
// SelectMeta returns all zettel meta data that match the selection
// criteria. The result is ordered by descending zettel id.
-func (mgr *Manager) SelectMeta(ctx context.Context, metaSeq []*meta.Meta, q *query.Query) ([]*meta.Meta, error) {
+func (mgr *Manager) SelectMeta(ctx context.Context, q *query.Query) ([]*meta.Meta, error) {
if msg := mgr.mgrLog.Debug(); msg.Enabled() {
msg.Str("query", q.String()).Msg("SelectMeta")
- if err := mgr.checkContinue(ctx); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
defer mgr.mgrMx.RUnlock()
- compSearch := q.RetrieveAndCompile(ctx, mgr, metaSeq)
- if result := compSearch.Result(); result != nil {
- mgr.mgrLog.Trace().Int("count", int64(len(result))).Msg("found without ApplyMeta")
- return result, nil
+ if !mgr.started {
+ return nil, box.ErrStopped
- selected := map[id.Zid]*meta.Meta{}
+ compSearch := q.RetrieveAndCompile(mgr)
+ selected := metaMap{}
for _, term := range compSearch.Terms {
- rejected := id.NewSet()
+ rejected := id.Set{}
handleMeta := func(m *meta.Meta) {
zid := m.Zid
if rejected.Contains(zid) {
@@ -205,70 +183,94 @@
if compSearch.PreMatch(m) && term.Match(m) {
selected[zid] = m
} else {
- rejected.Add(zid)
+ rejected.Zid(zid)
for _, p := range mgr.boxes {
- if err2 := p.ApplyMeta(ctx, handleMeta, term.Retrieve); err2 != nil {
- return nil, err2
+ if err := p.ApplyMeta(ctx, handleMeta, term.Retrieve); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
result := make([]*meta.Meta, 0, len(selected))
for _, m := range selected {
result = append(result, m)
- result = compSearch.AfterSearch(result)
- mgr.mgrLog.Trace().Int("count", int64(len(result))).Msg("found with ApplyMeta")
- return result, nil
+ return q.Sort(result), nil
// CanUpdateZettel returns true, if box could possibly update the given zettel.
-func (mgr *Manager) CanUpdateZettel(ctx context.Context, zettel zettel.Zettel) bool {
- if err := mgr.checkContinue(ctx); err != nil {
- return false
- }
+func (mgr *Manager) CanUpdateZettel(ctx context.Context, zettel domain.Zettel) bool {
defer mgr.mgrMx.RUnlock()
- if box, isWriteBox := mgr.boxes[0].(box.WriteBox); isWriteBox {
- return box.CanUpdateZettel(ctx, zettel)
- }
- return false
+ return mgr.started && mgr.boxes[0].CanUpdateZettel(ctx, zettel)
// UpdateZettel updates an existing zettel.
-func (mgr *Manager) UpdateZettel(ctx context.Context, zettel zettel.Zettel) error {
- mgr.mgrLog.Debug().Zid(zettel.Meta.Zid).Msg("UpdateZettel")
- if err := mgr.checkContinue(ctx); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return mgr.updateZettel(ctx, zettel)
-func (mgr *Manager) updateZettel(ctx context.Context, zettel zettel.Zettel) error {
- if box, isWriteBox := mgr.boxes[0].(box.WriteBox); isWriteBox {
- zettel.Meta = mgr.cleanMetaProperties(zettel.Meta)
- if err := box.UpdateZettel(ctx, zettel); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- mgr.idxUpdateZettel(ctx, zettel)
- return nil
- }
- return box.ErrReadOnly
+func (mgr *Manager) UpdateZettel(ctx context.Context, zettel domain.Zettel) error {
+ mgr.mgrLog.Debug().Zid(zettel.Meta.Zid).Msg("UpdateZettel")
+ mgr.mgrMx.RLock()
+ defer mgr.mgrMx.RUnlock()
+ if !mgr.started {
+ return box.ErrStopped
+ }
+ // Remove all (computed) properties from metadata before storing the zettel.
+ zettel.Meta = zettel.Meta.Clone()
+ for _, p := range zettel.Meta.ComputedPairsRest() {
+ if mgr.propertyKeys.Has(p.Key) {
+ zettel.Meta.Delete(p.Key)
+ }
+ }
+ return mgr.boxes[0].UpdateZettel(ctx, zettel)
+// AllowRenameZettel returns true, if box will not disallow renaming the zettel.
+func (mgr *Manager) AllowRenameZettel(ctx context.Context, zid id.Zid) bool {
+ mgr.mgrMx.RLock()
+ defer mgr.mgrMx.RUnlock()
+ if !mgr.started {
+ return false
+ }
+ for _, p := range mgr.boxes {
+ if !p.AllowRenameZettel(ctx, zid) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+// RenameZettel changes the current zid to a new zid.
+func (mgr *Manager) RenameZettel(ctx context.Context, curZid, newZid id.Zid) error {
+ mgr.mgrLog.Debug().Zid(curZid).Zid(newZid).Msg("RenameZettel")
+ mgr.mgrMx.RLock()
+ defer mgr.mgrMx.RUnlock()
+ if !mgr.started {
+ return box.ErrStopped
+ }
+ for i, p := range mgr.boxes {
+ err := p.RenameZettel(ctx, curZid, newZid)
+ if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, box.ErrNotFound) {
+ for j := 0; j < i; j++ {
+ mgr.boxes[j].RenameZettel(ctx, newZid, curZid)
+ }
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
// CanDeleteZettel returns true, if box could possibly delete the given zettel.
func (mgr *Manager) CanDeleteZettel(ctx context.Context, zid id.Zid) bool {
- if err := mgr.checkContinue(ctx); err != nil {
+ mgr.mgrMx.RLock()
+ defer mgr.mgrMx.RUnlock()
+ if !mgr.started {
return false
- mgr.mgrMx.RLock()
- defer mgr.mgrMx.RUnlock()
for _, p := range mgr.boxes {
if p.CanDeleteZettel(ctx, zid) {
return true
@@ -276,34 +278,21 @@
// DeleteZettel removes the zettel from the box.
func (mgr *Manager) DeleteZettel(ctx context.Context, zid id.Zid) error {
- if err := mgr.checkContinue(ctx); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- mgr.mgrMx.RLock()
- defer mgr.mgrMx.RUnlock()
- for _, p := range mgr.boxes {
- err := p.DeleteZettel(ctx, zid)
- if err == nil {
- mgr.idxDeleteZettel(ctx, zid)
- return err
- }
- var errZNF box.ErrZettelNotFound
- if !errors.As(err, &errZNF) && !errors.Is(err, box.ErrReadOnly) {
- return err
- }
- }
- return box.ErrZettelNotFound{Zid: zid}
-// Remove all (computed) properties from metadata before storing the zettel.
-func (mgr *Manager) cleanMetaProperties(m *meta.Meta) *meta.Meta {
- result := m.Clone()
- for _, p := range result.ComputedPairsRest() {
- if mgr.propertyKeys.Has(p.Key) {
- result.Delete(p.Key)
- }
- }
- return result
+ mgr.mgrMx.RLock()
+ defer mgr.mgrMx.RUnlock()
+ if !mgr.started {
+ return box.ErrStopped
+ }
+ for _, p := range mgr.boxes {
+ err := p.DeleteZettel(ctx, zid)
+ if err == nil {
+ return nil
+ }
+ if !errors.Is(err, box.ErrNotFound) && !errors.Is(err, box.ErrReadOnly) {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ return box.ErrNotFound
Index: box/manager/collect.go
--- box/manager/collect.go
+++ box/manager/collect.go
@@ -1,31 +1,28 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-present Detlef Stern
package manager
import (
+ ""
- ""
type collectData struct {
- refs *id.Set
+ refs id.Set
words store.WordSet
urls store.WordSet
func (data *collectData) initialize() {
@@ -77,8 +74,8 @@
if !ref.IsZettel() {
if zid, err := id.Parse(ref.URL.Path); err == nil {
- data.refs.Add(zid)
+ data.refs.Zid(zid)
Index: box/manager/enrich.go
--- box/manager/enrich.go
+++ box/manager/enrich.go
@@ -1,49 +1,48 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-present Detlef Stern
package manager
import (
- ""
+ ""
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
// Enrich computes additional properties and updates the given metadata.
func (mgr *Manager) Enrich(ctx context.Context, m *meta.Meta, boxNumber int) {
// Calculate computed, but stored values.
- if _, hasCreated := m.Get(api.KeyCreated); !hasCreated {
+ if _, ok := m.Get(api.KeyCreated); !ok {
m.Set(api.KeyCreated, computeCreated(m.Zid))
- if box.DoEnrich(ctx) {
- computePublished(m)
- if boxNumber > 0 {
- m.Set(api.KeyBoxNumber, strconv.Itoa(boxNumber))
- }
- mgr.idxStore.Enrich(ctx, m)
+ if box.DoNotEnrich(ctx) {
+ // Enrich is called indirectly via indexer or enrichment is not requested
+ // because of other reasons -> ignore this call, do not update metadata
+ return
+ computePublished(m)
+ m.Set(api.KeyBoxNumber, strconv.Itoa(boxNumber))
+ mgr.idxStore.Enrich(ctx, m)
func computeCreated(zid id.Zid) string {
if zid <= 10101000000 {
- // A year 0000 is not allowed and therefore an artificial Zid.
+ // A year 0000 is not allowed and therefore an artificaial Zid.
// In the year 0001, the month must be > 0.
// In the month 000101, the day must be > 0.
return "00010101000000"
seconds := zid % 100
Index: box/manager/indexer.go
--- box/manager/indexer.go
+++ box/manager/indexer.go
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-present Detlef Stern
package manager
import (
@@ -19,56 +16,56 @@
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
// SearchEqual returns all zettel that contains the given exact word.
// The word must be normalized through Unicode NKFD, trimmed and not empty.
-func (mgr *Manager) SearchEqual(word string) *id.Set {
+func (mgr *Manager) SearchEqual(word string) id.Set {
found := mgr.idxStore.SearchEqual(word)
- mgr.idxLog.Debug().Str("word", word).Int("found", int64(found.Length())).Msg("SearchEqual")
+ mgr.idxLog.Debug().Str("word", word).Int("found", int64(len(found))).Msg("SearchEqual")
if msg := mgr.idxLog.Trace(); msg.Enabled() {
msg.Str("ids", fmt.Sprint(found)).Msg("IDs")
return found
// SearchPrefix returns all zettel that have a word with the given prefix.
// The prefix must be normalized through Unicode NKFD, trimmed and not empty.
-func (mgr *Manager) SearchPrefix(prefix string) *id.Set {
+func (mgr *Manager) SearchPrefix(prefix string) id.Set {
found := mgr.idxStore.SearchPrefix(prefix)
- mgr.idxLog.Debug().Str("prefix", prefix).Int("found", int64(found.Length())).Msg("SearchPrefix")
+ mgr.idxLog.Debug().Str("prefix", prefix).Int("found", int64(len(found))).Msg("SearchPrefix")
if msg := mgr.idxLog.Trace(); msg.Enabled() {
msg.Str("ids", fmt.Sprint(found)).Msg("IDs")
return found
// SearchSuffix returns all zettel that have a word with the given suffix.
// The suffix must be normalized through Unicode NKFD, trimmed and not empty.
-func (mgr *Manager) SearchSuffix(suffix string) *id.Set {
+func (mgr *Manager) SearchSuffix(suffix string) id.Set {
found := mgr.idxStore.SearchSuffix(suffix)
- mgr.idxLog.Debug().Str("suffix", suffix).Int("found", int64(found.Length())).Msg("SearchSuffix")
+ mgr.idxLog.Debug().Str("suffix", suffix).Int("found", int64(len(found))).Msg("SearchSuffix")
if msg := mgr.idxLog.Trace(); msg.Enabled() {
msg.Str("ids", fmt.Sprint(found)).Msg("IDs")
return found
// SearchContains returns all zettel that contains the given string.
// The string must be normalized through Unicode NKFD, trimmed and not empty.
-func (mgr *Manager) SearchContains(s string) *id.Set {
+func (mgr *Manager) SearchContains(s string) id.Set {
found := mgr.idxStore.SearchContains(s)
- mgr.idxLog.Debug().Str("s", s).Int("found", int64(found.Length())).Msg("SearchContains")
+ mgr.idxLog.Debug().Str("s", s).Int("found", int64(len(found))).Msg("SearchContains")
if msg := mgr.idxLog.Trace(); msg.Enabled() {
msg.Str("ids", fmt.Sprint(found)).Msg("IDs")
return found
@@ -76,39 +73,44 @@
// idxIndexer runs in the background and updates the index data structures.
// This is the main service of the idxIndexer.
func (mgr *Manager) idxIndexer() {
// Something may panic. Ensure a running indexer.
defer func() {
- if ri := recover(); ri != nil {
- kernel.Main.LogRecover("Indexer", ri)
+ if r := recover(); r != nil {
+ kernel.Main.LogRecover("Indexer", r)
go mgr.idxIndexer()
timerDuration := 15 * time.Second
timer := time.NewTimer(timerDuration)
ctx := box.NoEnrichContext(context.Background())
for {
- mgr.idxWorkService(ctx)
+ // Sleep first, so the indexer will wait for boxes to initialize.
if !mgr.idxSleepService(timer, timerDuration) {
+ mgr.idxWorkService(ctx)
func (mgr *Manager) idxWorkService(ctx context.Context) {
+ var roomNum uint64
var start time.Time
for {
- switch action, zid, lastReload := mgr.idxAr.Dequeue(); action {
+ switch action, zid, arRoomNum := mgr.idxAr.Dequeue(); action {
case arNothing:
case arReload:
+ roomNum = 0
zids, err := mgr.FetchZids(ctx)
if err == nil {
start = time.Now()
- mgr.idxAr.Reload(zids)
+ if rno := mgr.idxAr.Reload(zids); rno > 0 {
+ roomNum = rno
+ }
mgr.idxLastReload = time.Now().Local()
mgr.idxSinceReload = 0
@@ -116,21 +118,24 @@
zettel, err := mgr.GetZettel(ctx, zid)
if err != nil {
// Zettel was deleted or is not accessible b/c of other reasons
- mgr.idxDeleteZettel(ctx, zid)
+ mgr.idxMx.Lock()
+ mgr.idxSinceReload++
+ mgr.idxMx.Unlock()
+ mgr.idxDeleteZettel(zid)
- mgr.idxUpdateZettel(ctx, zettel)
- if lastReload {
+ if arRoomNum == roomNum {
mgr.idxDurReload = time.Since(start)
+ mgr.idxUpdateZettel(ctx, zettel)
func (mgr *Manager) idxSleepService(timer *time.Timer, timerDuration time.Duration) bool {
@@ -141,11 +146,10 @@
case _, ok := <-timer.C:
if !ok {
return false
- // mgr.idxStore.Optimize() // TODO: make it less often, for example once per 10 minutes
case <-mgr.done:
if !timer.Stop() {
@@ -152,29 +156,23 @@
return false
return true
-func (mgr *Manager) idxUpdateZettel(ctx context.Context, zettel zettel.Zettel) {
+func (mgr *Manager) idxUpdateZettel(ctx context.Context, zettel domain.Zettel) {
var cData collectData
- if mustIndexZettel(zettel.Meta) {
- collectZettelIndexData(parser.ParseZettel(ctx, zettel, "", mgr.rtConfig), &cData)
- }
+ collectZettelIndexData(parser.ParseZettel(ctx, zettel, "", mgr.rtConfig), &cData)
m := zettel.Meta
- zi := store.NewZettelIndex(m)
+ zi := store.NewZettelIndex(m.Zid)
mgr.idxCollectFromMeta(ctx, m, zi, &cData)
mgr.idxProcessData(ctx, zi, &cData)
toCheck := mgr.idxStore.UpdateReferences(ctx, zi)
-func mustIndexZettel(m *meta.Meta) bool {
- return m.Zid >= id.Zid(999999900)
func (mgr *Manager) idxCollectFromMeta(ctx context.Context, m *meta.Meta, zi *store.ZettelIndex, cData *collectData) {
for _, pair := range m.ComputedPairs() {
descr := meta.GetDescription(pair.Key)
if descr.IsProperty() {
@@ -192,64 +190,50 @@
case meta.TypeURL:
if _, err := url.Parse(pair.Value); err == nil {
- if descr.Type.IsSet {
- for _, val := range meta.ListFromValue(pair.Value) {
- idxCollectMetaValue(cData.words, val)
- }
- } else {
- idxCollectMetaValue(cData.words, pair.Value)
+ for _, word := range strfun.NormalizeWords(pair.Value) {
+ cData.words.Add(word)
-func idxCollectMetaValue(stWords store.WordSet, value string) {
- if words := strfun.NormalizeWords(value); len(words) > 0 {
- for _, word := range words {
- stWords.Add(word)
- }
- } else {
- stWords.Add(value)
- }
func (mgr *Manager) idxProcessData(ctx context.Context, zi *store.ZettelIndex, cData *collectData) {
- cData.refs.ForEach(func(ref id.Zid) {
- if mgr.hasZettel(ctx, ref) {
+ for ref := range cData.refs {
+ if _, err := mgr.GetMeta(ctx, ref); err == nil {
} else {
- })
+ }
func (mgr *Manager) idxUpdateValue(ctx context.Context, inverseKey, value string, zi *store.ZettelIndex) {
zid, err := id.Parse(value)
if err != nil {
- if !mgr.hasZettel(ctx, zid) {
+ if _, err = mgr.GetMeta(ctx, zid); err != nil {
if inverseKey == "" {
- zi.AddInverseRef(inverseKey, zid)
+ zi.AddMetaRef(inverseKey, zid)
-func (mgr *Manager) idxDeleteZettel(ctx context.Context, zid id.Zid) {
- toCheck := mgr.idxStore.DeleteZettel(ctx, zid)
+func (mgr *Manager) idxDeleteZettel(zid id.Zid) {
+ toCheck := mgr.idxStore.DeleteZettel(context.Background(), zid)
-func (mgr *Manager) idxCheckZettel(s *id.Set) {
- s.ForEach(func(zid id.Zid) {
+func (mgr *Manager) idxCheckZettel(s id.Set) {
+ for zid := range s {
- })
+ }
Index: box/manager/manager.go
--- box/manager/manager.go
+++ box/manager/manager.go
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-present Detlef Stern
// Package manager coordinates the various boxes and indexes of a Zettelstore.
package manager
@@ -19,28 +16,29 @@
+ ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
- ""
- ""
// ConnectData contains all administration related values.
type ConnectData struct {
Number int // number of the box, starting with 1.
Config config.Config
Enricher box.Enricher
- Notify box.UpdateNotifier
+ Notify chan<- box.UpdateInfo
// Connect returns a handle to the specified box.
func Connect(u *url.URL, authManager auth.BaseManager, cdata *ConnectData) (box.ManagedBox, error) {
if authManager.IsReadonly() {
@@ -79,16 +77,18 @@
registry[scheme] = create
+// GetSchemes returns all registered scheme, ordered by scheme string.
+func GetSchemes() []string { return maps.Keys(registry) }
// Manager is a coordinating box.
type Manager struct {
mgrLog *logger.Logger
- stateMx sync.RWMutex
- state box.StartState
mgrMx sync.RWMutex
+ started bool
rtConfig config.Config
boxes []box.ManagedBox
observers []box.UpdateFunc
mxObserver sync.RWMutex
done chan struct{}
@@ -96,34 +96,20 @@
propertyKeys strfun.Set // Set of property key names
// Indexer data
idxLog *logger.Logger
idxStore store.Store
- idxAr *anteroomQueue
+ idxAr *anterooms
idxReady chan struct{} // Signal a non-empty anteroom to background task
// Indexer stats data
idxMx sync.RWMutex
idxLastReload time.Time
idxDurReload time.Duration
idxSinceReload uint64
-func (mgr *Manager) setState(newState box.StartState) {
- mgr.stateMx.Lock()
- mgr.state = newState
- mgr.stateMx.Unlock()
-// State returns the box.StartState of the manager.
-func (mgr *Manager) State() box.StartState {
- mgr.stateMx.RLock()
- state := mgr.state
- mgr.stateMx.RUnlock()
- return state
// New creates a new managing box.
func New(boxURIs []*url.URL, authManager auth.BaseManager, rtConfig config.Config) (*Manager, error) {
descrs := meta.GetSortedKeyDescriptions()
propertyKeys := make(strfun.Set, len(descrs))
for _, kd := range descrs {
@@ -137,16 +123,15 @@
rtConfig: rtConfig,
infos: make(chan box.UpdateInfo, len(boxURIs)*10),
propertyKeys: propertyKeys,
idxLog: boxLog.Clone().Str("box", "index").Child(),
- idxStore: createIdxStore(rtConfig),
- idxAr: newAnteroomQueue(1000),
+ idxStore: memstore.New(),
+ idxAr: newAnterooms(1000),
idxReady: make(chan struct{}, 1),
- cdata := ConnectData{Number: 1, Config: rtConfig, Enricher: mgr, Notify: mgr.notifyChanged}
+ cdata := ConnectData{Number: 1, Config: rtConfig, Enricher: mgr, Notify: mgr.infos}
boxes := make([]box.ManagedBox, 0, len(boxURIs)+2)
for _, uri := range boxURIs {
p, err := Connect(uri, authManager, &cdata)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@@ -169,14 +154,10 @@
boxes = append(boxes, constbox, compbox)
mgr.boxes = boxes
return mgr, nil
-func createIdxStore(_ config.Config) store.Store {
- return mapstore.New()
// RegisterObserver registers an observer that will be notified
// if a zettel was found to be changed.
func (mgr *Manager) RegisterObserver(f box.UpdateFunc) {
if f != nil {
@@ -186,12 +167,12 @@
func (mgr *Manager) notifier() {
// The call to notify may panic. Ensure a running notifier.
defer func() {
- if ri := recover(); ri != nil {
- kernel.Main.LogRecover("Notifier", ri)
+ if r := recover(); r != nil {
+ kernel.Main.LogRecover("Notifier", r)
go mgr.notifier()
tsLastEvent := time.Now()
@@ -212,19 +193,15 @@
mgr.mgrLog.Debug().Uint("reason", uint64(reason)).Zid(zid).Msg("notifier")
if ignoreUpdate(cache, now, reason, zid) {
mgr.mgrLog.Trace().Uint("reason", uint64(reason)).Zid(zid).Msg("notifier ignored")
- isStarted := mgr.State() == box.StartStateStarted
mgr.idxEnqueue(reason, zid)
if ci.Box == nil {
ci.Box = mgr
- if isStarted {
- mgr.notifyObserver(&ci)
- }
+ mgr.notifyObserver(&ci)
case <-mgr.done:
@@ -249,20 +226,15 @@
return false
func (mgr *Manager) idxEnqueue(reason box.UpdateReason, zid id.Zid) {
switch reason {
- case box.OnReady:
- return
case box.OnReload:
case box.OnZettel:
- case box.OnDelete:
- mgr.idxAr.EnqueueZettel(zid)
- mgr.mgrLog.Error().Uint("reason", uint64(reason)).Zid(zid).Msg("Unknown notification reason")
select {
case mgr.idxReady <- struct{}{}:
@@ -280,114 +252,74 @@
// Start the box. Now all other functions of the box are allowed.
// Starting an already started box is not allowed.
func (mgr *Manager) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
- defer mgr.mgrMx.Unlock()
- if mgr.State() != box.StartStateStopped {
+ if mgr.started {
+ mgr.mgrMx.Unlock()
return box.ErrStarted
- mgr.setState(box.StartStateStarting)
for i := len(mgr.boxes) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
ssi, ok := mgr.boxes[i].(box.StartStopper)
if !ok {
err := ssi.Start(ctx)
if err == nil {
- mgr.setState(box.StartStateStopping)
for j := i + 1; j < len(mgr.boxes); j++ {
if ssj, ok2 := mgr.boxes[j].(box.StartStopper); ok2 {
- mgr.setState(box.StartStateStopped)
+ mgr.mgrMx.Unlock()
return err
mgr.idxAr.Reset() // Ensure an initial index run
mgr.done = make(chan struct{})
go mgr.notifier()
- mgr.waitBoxesAreStarted()
- mgr.setState(box.StartStateStarted)
- mgr.notifyObserver(&box.UpdateInfo{Box: mgr, Reason: box.OnReady})
go mgr.idxIndexer()
- return nil
-func (mgr *Manager) waitBoxesAreStarted() {
- const waitTime = 10 * time.Millisecond
- const waitLoop = int(1 * time.Second / waitTime)
- for i := 1; !mgr.allBoxesStarted(); i++ {
- if i%waitLoop == 0 {
- if time.Duration(i)*waitTime > time.Minute {
- mgr.mgrLog.Info().Msg("Waiting for more than one minute to start")
- } else {
- mgr.mgrLog.Trace().Msg("Wait for boxes to start")
- }
- }
- time.Sleep(waitTime)
- }
-func (mgr *Manager) allBoxesStarted() bool {
- for _, bx := range mgr.boxes {
- if b, ok := bx.(box.StartStopper); ok && b.State() != box.StartStateStarted {
- return false
- }
- }
- return true
+ mgr.started = true
+ mgr.mgrMx.Unlock()
+ return nil
// Stop the started box. Now only the Start() function is allowed.
func (mgr *Manager) Stop(ctx context.Context) {
defer mgr.mgrMx.Unlock()
- if err := mgr.checkContinue(ctx); err != nil {
+ if !mgr.started {
- mgr.setState(box.StartStateStopping)
for _, p := range mgr.boxes {
if ss, ok := p.(box.StartStopper); ok {
- mgr.setState(box.StartStateStopped)
+ mgr.started = false
// Refresh internal box data.
func (mgr *Manager) Refresh(ctx context.Context) error {
- if err := mgr.checkContinue(ctx); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- mgr.infos <- box.UpdateInfo{Reason: box.OnReload, Zid: id.Invalid}
defer mgr.mgrMx.Unlock()
+ if !mgr.started {
+ return box.ErrStopped
+ }
+ mgr.infos <- box.UpdateInfo{Reason: box.OnReload, Zid: id.Invalid}
for _, bx := range mgr.boxes {
if rb, ok := bx.(box.Refresher); ok {
return nil
-// ReIndex data of the given zettel.
-func (mgr *Manager) ReIndex(ctx context.Context, zid id.Zid) error {
- mgr.mgrLog.Debug().Msg("ReIndex")
- if err := mgr.checkContinue(ctx); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- mgr.infos <- box.UpdateInfo{Box: mgr, Reason: box.OnZettel, Zid: zid}
- return nil
// ReadStats populates st with box statistics.
func (mgr *Manager) ReadStats(st *box.Stats) {
defer mgr.mgrMx.RUnlock()
@@ -423,18 +355,5 @@
// Dump internal data structures to a Writer.
func (mgr *Manager) Dump(w io.Writer) {
-func (mgr *Manager) checkContinue(ctx context.Context) error {
- if mgr.State() != box.StartStateStarted {
- return box.ErrStopped
- }
- return ctx.Err()
-func (mgr *Manager) notifyChanged(bbox box.BaseBox, zid id.Zid, reason box.UpdateReason) {
- if infos := mgr.infos; infos != nil {
- mgr.infos <- box.UpdateInfo{Box: bbox, Reason: reason, Zid: zid}
- }
DELETED box/manager/mapstore/mapstore.go
Index: box/manager/mapstore/mapstore.go
--- box/manager/mapstore/mapstore.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,673 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021-present Detlef Stern
-// This file is part of Zettelstore.
-// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
-// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
-// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-present Detlef Stern
-// Package mapstore stored the index in main memory via a Go map.
-package mapstore
-import (
- "context"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "slices"
- "strings"
- "sync"
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
-type zettelData struct {
- meta *meta.Meta // a local copy of the metadata, without computed keys
- dead *id.Set // set of dead references in this zettel
- forward *id.Set // set of forward references in this zettel
- backward *id.Set // set of zettel that reference with zettel
- otherRefs map[string]bidiRefs
- words []string // list of words of this zettel
- urls []string // list of urls of this zettel
-type bidiRefs struct {
- forward *id.Set
- backward *id.Set
-func (zd *zettelData) optimize() {
- zd.dead.Optimize()
- zd.forward.Optimize()
- zd.backward.Optimize()
- for _, bidi := range zd.otherRefs {
- bidi.forward.Optimize()
- bidi.backward.Optimize()
- }
-type mapStore struct {
- mx sync.RWMutex
- intern map[string]string // map to intern strings
- idx map[id.Zid]*zettelData
- dead map[id.Zid]*id.Set // map dead refs where they occur
- words stringRefs
- urls stringRefs
- // Stats
- mxStats sync.Mutex
- updates uint64
-type stringRefs map[string]*id.Set
-// New returns a new memory-based index store.
-func New() store.Store {
- return &mapStore{
- intern: make(map[string]string, 1024),
- idx: make(map[id.Zid]*zettelData),
- dead: make(map[id.Zid]*id.Set),
- words: make(stringRefs),
- urls: make(stringRefs),
- }
-func (ms *mapStore) GetMeta(_ context.Context, zid id.Zid) (*meta.Meta, error) {
- defer
- if zi, found := ms.idx[zid]; found && zi.meta != nil {
- // zi.meta is nil, if zettel was referenced, but is not indexed yet.
- return zi.meta.Clone(), nil
- }
- return nil, box.ErrZettelNotFound{Zid: zid}
-func (ms *mapStore) Enrich(_ context.Context, m *meta.Meta) {
- if ms.doEnrich(m) {
- ms.mxStats.Lock()
- ms.updates++
- ms.mxStats.Unlock()
- }
-func (ms *mapStore) doEnrich(m *meta.Meta) bool {
- defer
- zi, ok := ms.idx[m.Zid]
- if !ok {
- return false
- }
- var updated bool
- if !zi.dead.IsEmpty() {
- m.Set(api.KeyDead, zi.dead.MetaString())
- updated = true
- }
- back := removeOtherMetaRefs(m, zi.backward.Clone())
- if !zi.backward.IsEmpty() {
- m.Set(api.KeyBackward, zi.backward.MetaString())
- updated = true
- }
- if !zi.forward.IsEmpty() {
- m.Set(api.KeyForward, zi.forward.MetaString())
- back.ISubstract(zi.forward)
- updated = true
- }
- for k, refs := range zi.otherRefs {
- if !refs.backward.IsEmpty() {
- m.Set(k, refs.backward.MetaString())
- back.ISubstract(refs.backward)
- updated = true
- }
- }
- if !back.IsEmpty() {
- m.Set(api.KeyBack, back.MetaString())
- updated = true
- }
- return updated
-// SearchEqual returns all zettel that contains the given exact word.
-// The word must be normalized through Unicode NKFD, trimmed and not empty.
-func (ms *mapStore) SearchEqual(word string) *id.Set {
- defer
- result := id.NewSet()
- if refs, ok := ms.words[word]; ok {
- result = result.IUnion(refs)
- }
- if refs, ok := ms.urls[word]; ok {
- result = result.IUnion(refs)
- }
- zid, err := id.Parse(word)
- if err != nil {
- return result
- }
- zi, ok := ms.idx[zid]
- if !ok {
- return result
- }
- return addBackwardZids(result, zid, zi)
-// SearchPrefix returns all zettel that have a word with the given prefix.
-// The prefix must be normalized through Unicode NKFD, trimmed and not empty.
-func (ms *mapStore) SearchPrefix(prefix string) *id.Set {
- defer
- result := ms.selectWithPred(prefix, strings.HasPrefix)
- l := len(prefix)
- if l > 14 {
- return result
- }
- maxZid, err := id.Parse(prefix + "99999999999999"[:14-l])
- if err != nil {
- return result
- }
- var minZid id.Zid
- if l < 14 && prefix == "0000000000000"[:l] {
- minZid = id.Zid(1)
- } else {
- minZid, err = id.Parse(prefix + "00000000000000"[:14-l])
- if err != nil {
- return result
- }
- }
- for zid, zi := range ms.idx {
- if minZid <= zid && zid <= maxZid {
- result = addBackwardZids(result, zid, zi)
- }
- }
- return result
-// SearchSuffix returns all zettel that have a word with the given suffix.
-// The suffix must be normalized through Unicode NKFD, trimmed and not empty.
-func (ms *mapStore) SearchSuffix(suffix string) *id.Set {
- defer
- result := ms.selectWithPred(suffix, strings.HasSuffix)
- l := len(suffix)
- if l > 14 {
- return result
- }
- val, err := id.ParseUint(suffix)
- if err != nil {
- return result
- }
- modulo := uint64(1)
- for range l {
- modulo *= 10
- }
- for zid, zi := range ms.idx {
- if uint64(zid)%modulo == val {
- result = addBackwardZids(result, zid, zi)
- }
- }
- return result
-// SearchContains returns all zettel that contains the given string.
-// The string must be normalized through Unicode NKFD, trimmed and not empty.
-func (ms *mapStore) SearchContains(s string) *id.Set {
- defer
- result := ms.selectWithPred(s, strings.Contains)
- if len(s) > 14 {
- return result
- }
- if _, err := id.ParseUint(s); err != nil {
- return result
- }
- for zid, zi := range ms.idx {
- if strings.Contains(zid.String(), s) {
- result = addBackwardZids(result, zid, zi)
- }
- }
- return result
-func (ms *mapStore) selectWithPred(s string, pred func(string, string) bool) *id.Set {
- // Must only be called if is read-locked!
- result := id.NewSet()
- for word, refs := range ms.words {
- if !pred(word, s) {
- continue
- }
- result.IUnion(refs)
- }
- for u, refs := range ms.urls {
- if !pred(u, s) {
- continue
- }
- result.IUnion(refs)
- }
- return result
-func addBackwardZids(result *id.Set, zid id.Zid, zi *zettelData) *id.Set {
- // Must only be called if is read-locked!
- result = result.Add(zid)
- result = result.IUnion(zi.backward)
- for _, mref := range zi.otherRefs {
- result = result.IUnion(mref.backward)
- }
- return result
-func removeOtherMetaRefs(m *meta.Meta, back *id.Set) *id.Set {
- for _, p := range m.PairsRest() {
- switch meta.Type(p.Key) {
- case meta.TypeID:
- if zid, err := id.Parse(p.Value); err == nil {
- back = back.Remove(zid)
- }
- case meta.TypeIDSet:
- for _, val := range meta.ListFromValue(p.Value) {
- if zid, err := id.Parse(val); err == nil {
- back = back.Remove(zid)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return back
-func (ms *mapStore) UpdateReferences(_ context.Context, zidx *store.ZettelIndex) *id.Set {
- defer
- m := ms.makeMeta(zidx)
- zi, ziExist := ms.idx[zidx.Zid]
- if !ziExist || zi == nil {
- zi = &zettelData{}
- ziExist = false
- }
- // Is this zettel an old dead reference mentioned in other zettel?
- var toCheck *id.Set
- if refs, ok := ms.dead[zidx.Zid]; ok {
- // These must be checked later again
- toCheck = refs
- delete(ms.dead, zidx.Zid)
- }
- zi.meta = m
- ms.updateDeadReferences(zidx, zi)
- ids := ms.updateForwardBackwardReferences(zidx, zi)
- toCheck = toCheck.IUnion(ids)
- ids = ms.updateMetadataReferences(zidx, zi)
- toCheck = toCheck.IUnion(ids)
- zi.words = updateStrings(zidx.Zid, ms.words, zi.words, zidx.GetWords())
- zi.urls = updateStrings(zidx.Zid, ms.urls, zi.urls, zidx.GetUrls())
- // Check if zi must be inserted into ms.idx
- if !ziExist {
- ms.idx[zidx.Zid] = zi
- }
- zi.optimize()
- return toCheck
-var internableKeys = map[string]bool{
- api.KeyRole: true,
- api.KeySyntax: true,
- api.KeyFolgeRole: true,
- api.KeyLang: true,
- api.KeyReadOnly: true,
-func isInternableValue(key string) bool {
- if internableKeys[key] {
- return true
- }
- return strings.HasSuffix(key, meta.SuffixKeyRole)
-func (ms *mapStore) internString(s string) string {
- if is, found := ms.intern[s]; found {
- return is
- }
- ms.intern[s] = s
- return s
-func (ms *mapStore) makeMeta(zidx *store.ZettelIndex) *meta.Meta {
- origM := zidx.GetMeta()
- copyM := meta.New(origM.Zid)
- for _, p := range origM.Pairs() {
- key := ms.internString(p.Key)
- if isInternableValue(key) {
- copyM.Set(key, ms.internString(p.Value))
- } else if key == api.KeyBoxNumber || !meta.IsComputed(key) {
- copyM.Set(key, p.Value)
- }
- }
- return copyM
-func (ms *mapStore) updateDeadReferences(zidx *store.ZettelIndex, zi *zettelData) {
- // Must only be called if is write-locked!
- drefs := zidx.GetDeadRefs()
- newRefs, remRefs := zi.dead.Diff(drefs)
- zi.dead = drefs
- remRefs.ForEach(func(ref id.Zid) {
- ms.dead[ref] = ms.dead[ref].Remove(zidx.Zid)
- })
- newRefs.ForEach(func(ref id.Zid) {
- ms.dead[ref] = ms.dead[ref].Add(zidx.Zid)
- })
-func (ms *mapStore) updateForwardBackwardReferences(zidx *store.ZettelIndex, zi *zettelData) *id.Set {
- // Must only be called if is write-locked!
- brefs := zidx.GetBackRefs()
- newRefs, remRefs := zi.forward.Diff(brefs)
- zi.forward = brefs
- var toCheck *id.Set
- remRefs.ForEach(func(ref id.Zid) {
- bzi := ms.getOrCreateEntry(ref)
- bzi.backward = bzi.backward.Remove(zidx.Zid)
- if bzi.meta == nil {
- toCheck = toCheck.Add(ref)
- }
- })
- newRefs.ForEach(func(ref id.Zid) {
- bzi := ms.getOrCreateEntry(ref)
- bzi.backward = bzi.backward.Add(zidx.Zid)
- if bzi.meta == nil {
- toCheck = toCheck.Add(ref)
- }
- })
- return toCheck
-func (ms *mapStore) updateMetadataReferences(zidx *store.ZettelIndex, zi *zettelData) *id.Set {
- // Must only be called if is write-locked!
- inverseRefs := zidx.GetInverseRefs()
- for key, mr := range zi.otherRefs {
- if _, ok := inverseRefs[key]; ok {
- continue
- }
- ms.removeInverseMeta(zidx.Zid, key, mr.forward)
- }
- if zi.otherRefs == nil {
- zi.otherRefs = make(map[string]bidiRefs)
- }
- var toCheck *id.Set
- for key, mrefs := range inverseRefs {
- mr := zi.otherRefs[key]
- newRefs, remRefs := mr.forward.Diff(mrefs)
- mr.forward = mrefs
- zi.otherRefs[key] = mr
- newRefs.ForEach(func(ref id.Zid) {
- bzi := ms.getOrCreateEntry(ref)
- if bzi.otherRefs == nil {
- bzi.otherRefs = make(map[string]bidiRefs)
- }
- bmr := bzi.otherRefs[key]
- bmr.backward = bmr.backward.Add(zidx.Zid)
- bzi.otherRefs[key] = bmr
- if bzi.meta == nil {
- toCheck = toCheck.Add(ref)
- }
- })
- ms.removeInverseMeta(zidx.Zid, key, remRefs)
- }
- return toCheck
-func updateStrings(zid id.Zid, srefs stringRefs, prev []string, next store.WordSet) []string {
- newWords, removeWords := next.Diff(prev)
- for _, word := range newWords {
- srefs[word] = srefs[word].Add(zid)
- }
- for _, word := range removeWords {
- refs, ok := srefs[word]
- if !ok {
- continue
- }
- refs = refs.Remove(zid)
- if refs.IsEmpty() {
- delete(srefs, word)
- continue
- }
- srefs[word] = refs
- }
- return next.Words()
-func (ms *mapStore) getOrCreateEntry(zid id.Zid) *zettelData {
- // Must only be called if is write-locked!
- if zi, ok := ms.idx[zid]; ok {
- return zi
- }
- zi := &zettelData{}
- ms.idx[zid] = zi
- return zi
-func (ms *mapStore) DeleteZettel(_ context.Context, zid id.Zid) *id.Set {
- defer
- return ms.doDeleteZettel(zid)
-func (ms *mapStore) doDeleteZettel(zid id.Zid) *id.Set {
- // Must only be called if is write-locked!
- zi, ok := ms.idx[zid]
- if !ok {
- return nil
- }
- ms.deleteDeadSources(zid, zi)
- toCheck := ms.deleteForwardBackward(zid, zi)
- for key, mrefs := range zi.otherRefs {
- ms.removeInverseMeta(zid, key, mrefs.forward)
- }
- deleteStrings(ms.words, zi.words, zid)
- deleteStrings(ms.urls, zi.urls, zid)
- delete(ms.idx, zid)
- return toCheck
-func (ms *mapStore) deleteDeadSources(zid id.Zid, zi *zettelData) {
- // Must only be called if is write-locked!
- zi.dead.ForEach(func(ref id.Zid) {
- if drefs, ok := ms.dead[ref]; ok {
- if drefs = drefs.Remove(zid); drefs.IsEmpty() {
- delete(ms.dead, ref)
- } else {
- ms.dead[ref] = drefs
- }
- }
- })
-func (ms *mapStore) deleteForwardBackward(zid id.Zid, zi *zettelData) *id.Set {
- // Must only be called if is write-locked!
- zi.forward.ForEach(func(ref id.Zid) {
- if fzi, ok := ms.idx[ref]; ok {
- fzi.backward = fzi.backward.Remove(zid)
- }
- })
- var toCheck *id.Set
- zi.backward.ForEach(func(ref id.Zid) {
- if bzi, ok := ms.idx[ref]; ok {
- bzi.forward = bzi.forward.Remove(zid)
- toCheck = toCheck.Add(ref)
- }
- })
- return toCheck
-func (ms *mapStore) removeInverseMeta(zid id.Zid, key string, forward *id.Set) {
- // Must only be called if is write-locked!
- forward.ForEach(func(ref id.Zid) {
- bzi, ok := ms.idx[ref]
- if !ok || bzi.otherRefs == nil {
- return
- }
- bmr, ok := bzi.otherRefs[key]
- if !ok {
- return
- }
- bmr.backward = bmr.backward.Remove(zid)
- if !bmr.backward.IsEmpty() || !bmr.forward.IsEmpty() {
- bzi.otherRefs[key] = bmr
- } else {
- delete(bzi.otherRefs, key)
- if len(bzi.otherRefs) == 0 {
- bzi.otherRefs = nil
- }
- }
- })
-func deleteStrings(msStringMap stringRefs, curStrings []string, zid id.Zid) {
- // Must only be called if is write-locked!
- for _, word := range curStrings {
- refs, ok := msStringMap[word]
- if !ok {
- continue
- }
- refs = refs.Remove(zid)
- if refs.IsEmpty() {
- delete(msStringMap, word)
- continue
- }
- msStringMap[word] = refs
- }
-func (ms *mapStore) Optimize() {
- defer
- // No need to optimize ms.idx: is already done via ms.UpdateReferences
- for _, dead := range ms.dead {
- dead.Optimize()
- }
- for _, s := range ms.words {
- s.Optimize()
- }
- for _, s := range ms.urls {
- s.Optimize()
- }
-func (ms *mapStore) ReadStats(st *store.Stats) {
- st.Zettel = len(ms.idx)
- st.Words = uint64(len(ms.words))
- st.Urls = uint64(len(ms.urls))
- ms.mxStats.Lock()
- st.Updates = ms.updates
- ms.mxStats.Unlock()
-func (ms *mapStore) Dump(w io.Writer) {
- defer
- io.WriteString(w, "=== Dump\n")
- ms.dumpIndex(w)
- ms.dumpDead(w)
- dumpStringRefs(w, "Words", "", "", ms.words)
- dumpStringRefs(w, "URLs", "[[", "]]", ms.urls)
-func (ms *mapStore) dumpIndex(w io.Writer) {
- if len(ms.idx) == 0 {
- return
- }
- io.WriteString(w, "==== Zettel Index\n")
- zids := make(id.Slice, 0, len(ms.idx))
- for id := range ms.idx {
- zids = append(zids, id)
- }
- zids.Sort()
- for _, id := range zids {
- fmt.Fprintln(w, "=====", id)
- zi := ms.idx[id]
- if !zi.dead.IsEmpty() {
- fmt.Fprintln(w, "* Dead:", zi.dead)
- }
- dumpSet(w, "* Forward:", zi.forward)
- dumpSet(w, "* Backward:", zi.backward)
- otherRefs := make([]string, 0, len(zi.otherRefs))
- for k := range zi.otherRefs {
- otherRefs = append(otherRefs, k)
- }
- slices.Sort(otherRefs)
- for _, k := range otherRefs {
- fmt.Fprintln(w, "* Meta", k)
- dumpSet(w, "** Forward:", zi.otherRefs[k].forward)
- dumpSet(w, "** Backward:", zi.otherRefs[k].backward)
- }
- dumpStrings(w, "* Words", "", "", zi.words)
- dumpStrings(w, "* URLs", "[[", "]]", zi.urls)
- }
-func (ms *mapStore) dumpDead(w io.Writer) {
- if len(ms.dead) == 0 {
- return
- }
- fmt.Fprintf(w, "==== Dead References\n")
- zids := make(id.Slice, 0, len(ms.dead))
- for id := range ms.dead {
- zids = append(zids, id)
- }
- zids.Sort()
- for _, id := range zids {
- fmt.Fprintln(w, ";", id)
- fmt.Fprintln(w, ":", ms.dead[id])
- }
-func dumpSet(w io.Writer, prefix string, s *id.Set) {
- if !s.IsEmpty() {
- io.WriteString(w, prefix)
- s.ForEach(func(zid id.Zid) {
- io.WriteString(w, " ")
- w.Write(zid.Bytes())
- })
- fmt.Fprintln(w)
- }
-func dumpStrings(w io.Writer, title, preString, postString string, slice []string) {
- if len(slice) > 0 {
- sl := make([]string, len(slice))
- copy(sl, slice)
- slices.Sort(sl)
- fmt.Fprintln(w, title)
- for _, s := range sl {
- fmt.Fprintf(w, "** %s%s%s\n", preString, s, postString)
- }
- }
-func dumpStringRefs(w io.Writer, title, preString, postString string, srefs stringRefs) {
- if len(srefs) == 0 {
- return
- }
- fmt.Fprintln(w, "====", title)
- for _, s := range maps.Keys(srefs) {
- fmt.Fprintf(w, "; %s%s%s\n", preString, s, postString)
- fmt.Fprintln(w, ":", srefs[s])
- }
ADDED box/manager/memstore/memstore.go
Index: box/manager/memstore/memstore.go
--- /dev/null
+++ box/manager/memstore/memstore.go
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Detlef Stern
+// This file is part of Zettelstore.
+// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
+// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
+// under this license.
+// Package memstore stored the index in main memory.
+package memstore
+import (
+ "context"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "sort"
+ "strings"
+ "sync"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+type metaRefs struct {
+ forward id.Slice
+ backward id.Slice
+type zettelIndex struct {
+ dead id.Slice
+ forward id.Slice
+ backward id.Slice
+ meta map[string]metaRefs
+ words []string
+ urls []string
+func (zi *zettelIndex) isEmpty() bool {
+ if len(zi.forward) > 0 || len(zi.backward) > 0 || len(zi.dead) > 0 || len(zi.words) > 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ return len(zi.meta) == 0
+type stringRefs map[string]id.Slice
+type memStore struct {
+ mx sync.RWMutex
+ idx map[id.Zid]*zettelIndex
+ dead map[id.Zid]id.Slice // map dead refs where they occur
+ words stringRefs
+ urls stringRefs
+ // Stats
+ updates uint64
+// New returns a new memory-based index store.
+func New() store.Store {
+ return &memStore{
+ idx: make(map[id.Zid]*zettelIndex),
+ dead: make(map[id.Zid]id.Slice),
+ words: make(stringRefs),
+ urls: make(stringRefs),
+ }
+func (ms *memStore) Enrich(_ context.Context, m *meta.Meta) {
+ if ms.doEnrich(m) {
+ ms.updates++
+ }
+func (ms *memStore) doEnrich(m *meta.Meta) bool {
+ defer
+ zi, ok := ms.idx[m.Zid]
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ var updated bool
+ if len(zi.dead) > 0 {
+ m.Set(api.KeyDead, zi.dead.String())
+ updated = true
+ }
+ back := removeOtherMetaRefs(m, zi.backward.Copy())
+ if len(zi.backward) > 0 {
+ m.Set(api.KeyBackward, zi.backward.String())
+ updated = true
+ }
+ if len(zi.forward) > 0 {
+ m.Set(api.KeyForward, zi.forward.String())
+ back = remRefs(back, zi.forward)
+ updated = true
+ }
+ for k, refs := range zi.meta {
+ if len(refs.backward) > 0 {
+ m.Set(k, refs.backward.String())
+ back = remRefs(back, refs.backward)
+ updated = true
+ }
+ }
+ if len(back) > 0 {
+ m.Set(api.KeyBack, back.String())
+ updated = true
+ }
+ return updated
+// SearchEqual returns all zettel that contains the given exact word.
+// The word must be normalized through Unicode NKFD, trimmed and not empty.
+func (ms *memStore) SearchEqual(word string) id.Set {
+ defer
+ result := id.NewSet()
+ if refs, ok := ms.words[word]; ok {
+ result.AddSlice(refs)
+ }
+ if refs, ok := ms.urls[word]; ok {
+ result.AddSlice(refs)
+ }
+ zid, err := id.Parse(word)
+ if err != nil {
+ return result
+ }
+ zi, ok := ms.idx[zid]
+ if !ok {
+ return result
+ }
+ addBackwardZids(result, zid, zi)
+ return result
+// SearchPrefix returns all zettel that have a word with the given prefix.
+// The prefix must be normalized through Unicode NKFD, trimmed and not empty.
+func (ms *memStore) SearchPrefix(prefix string) id.Set {
+ defer
+ result := ms.selectWithPred(prefix, strings.HasPrefix)
+ l := len(prefix)
+ if l > 14 {
+ return result
+ }
+ maxZid, err := id.Parse(prefix + "99999999999999"[:14-l])
+ if err != nil {
+ return result
+ }
+ var minZid id.Zid
+ if l < 14 && prefix == "0000000000000"[:l] {
+ minZid = id.Zid(1)
+ } else {
+ minZid, err = id.Parse(prefix + "00000000000000"[:14-l])
+ if err != nil {
+ return result
+ }
+ }
+ for zid, zi := range ms.idx {
+ if minZid <= zid && zid <= maxZid {
+ addBackwardZids(result, zid, zi)
+ }
+ }
+ return result
+// SearchSuffix returns all zettel that have a word with the given suffix.
+// The suffix must be normalized through Unicode NKFD, trimmed and not empty.
+func (ms *memStore) SearchSuffix(suffix string) id.Set {
+ defer
+ result := ms.selectWithPred(suffix, strings.HasSuffix)
+ l := len(suffix)
+ if l > 14 {
+ return result
+ }
+ val, err := id.ParseUint(suffix)
+ if err != nil {
+ return result
+ }
+ modulo := uint64(1)
+ for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
+ modulo *= 10
+ }
+ for zid, zi := range ms.idx {
+ if uint64(zid)%modulo == val {
+ addBackwardZids(result, zid, zi)
+ }
+ }
+ return result
+// SearchContains returns all zettel that contains the given string.
+// The string must be normalized through Unicode NKFD, trimmed and not empty.
+func (ms *memStore) SearchContains(s string) id.Set {
+ defer
+ result := ms.selectWithPred(s, strings.Contains)
+ if len(s) > 14 {
+ return result
+ }
+ if _, err := id.ParseUint(s); err != nil {
+ return result
+ }
+ for zid, zi := range ms.idx {
+ if strings.Contains(zid.String(), s) {
+ addBackwardZids(result, zid, zi)
+ }
+ }
+ return result
+func (ms *memStore) selectWithPred(s string, pred func(string, string) bool) id.Set {
+ // Must only be called if is read-locked!
+ result := id.NewSet()
+ for word, refs := range ms.words {
+ if !pred(word, s) {
+ continue
+ }
+ result.AddSlice(refs)
+ }
+ for u, refs := range ms.urls {
+ if !pred(u, s) {
+ continue
+ }
+ result.AddSlice(refs)
+ }
+ return result
+func addBackwardZids(result id.Set, zid id.Zid, zi *zettelIndex) {
+ // Must only be called if is read-locked!
+ result.Zid(zid)
+ result.AddSlice(zi.backward)
+ for _, mref := range zi.meta {
+ result.AddSlice(mref.backward)
+ }
+func removeOtherMetaRefs(m *meta.Meta, back id.Slice) id.Slice {
+ for _, p := range m.PairsRest() {
+ switch meta.Type(p.Key) {
+ case meta.TypeID:
+ if zid, err := id.Parse(p.Value); err == nil {
+ back = remRef(back, zid)
+ }
+ case meta.TypeIDSet:
+ for _, val := range meta.ListFromValue(p.Value) {
+ if zid, err := id.Parse(val); err == nil {
+ back = remRef(back, zid)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return back
+func (ms *memStore) UpdateReferences(_ context.Context, zidx *store.ZettelIndex) id.Set {
+ defer
+ zi, ziExist := ms.idx[zidx.Zid]
+ if !ziExist || zi == nil {
+ zi = &zettelIndex{}
+ ziExist = false
+ }
+ // Is this zettel an old dead reference mentioned in other zettel?
+ var toCheck id.Set
+ if refs, ok := ms.dead[zidx.Zid]; ok {
+ // These must be checked later again
+ toCheck = id.NewSet(refs...)
+ delete(ms.dead, zidx.Zid)
+ }
+ ms.updateDeadReferences(zidx, zi)
+ ms.updateForwardBackwardReferences(zidx, zi)
+ ms.updateMetadataReferences(zidx, zi)
+ zi.words = updateWordSet(zidx.Zid, ms.words, zi.words, zidx.GetWords())
+ zi.urls = updateWordSet(zidx.Zid, ms.urls, zi.urls, zidx.GetUrls())
+ // Check if zi must be inserted into ms.idx
+ if !ziExist && !zi.isEmpty() {
+ ms.idx[zidx.Zid] = zi
+ }
+ return toCheck
+func (ms *memStore) updateDeadReferences(zidx *store.ZettelIndex, zi *zettelIndex) {
+ // Must only be called if is write-locked!
+ drefs := zidx.GetDeadRefs()
+ newRefs, remRefs := refsDiff(drefs, zi.dead)
+ zi.dead = drefs
+ for _, ref := range remRefs {
+ ms.dead[ref] = remRef(ms.dead[ref], zidx.Zid)
+ }
+ for _, ref := range newRefs {
+ ms.dead[ref] = addRef(ms.dead[ref], zidx.Zid)
+ }
+func (ms *memStore) updateForwardBackwardReferences(zidx *store.ZettelIndex, zi *zettelIndex) {
+ // Must only be called if is write-locked!
+ brefs := zidx.GetBackRefs()
+ newRefs, remRefs := refsDiff(brefs, zi.forward)
+ zi.forward = brefs
+ for _, ref := range remRefs {
+ bzi := ms.getEntry(ref)
+ bzi.backward = remRef(bzi.backward, zidx.Zid)
+ }
+ for _, ref := range newRefs {
+ bzi := ms.getEntry(ref)
+ bzi.backward = addRef(bzi.backward, zidx.Zid)
+ }
+func (ms *memStore) updateMetadataReferences(zidx *store.ZettelIndex, zi *zettelIndex) {
+ // Must only be called if is write-locked!
+ metarefs := zidx.GetMetaRefs()
+ for key, mr := range zi.meta {
+ if _, ok := metarefs[key]; ok {
+ continue
+ }
+ ms.removeInverseMeta(zidx.Zid, key, mr.forward)
+ }
+ if zi.meta == nil {
+ zi.meta = make(map[string]metaRefs)
+ }
+ for key, mrefs := range metarefs {
+ mr := zi.meta[key]
+ newRefs, remRefs := refsDiff(mrefs, mr.forward)
+ mr.forward = mrefs
+ zi.meta[key] = mr
+ for _, ref := range newRefs {
+ bzi := ms.getEntry(ref)
+ if bzi.meta == nil {
+ bzi.meta = make(map[string]metaRefs)
+ }
+ bmr := bzi.meta[key]
+ bmr.backward = addRef(bmr.backward, zidx.Zid)
+ bzi.meta[key] = bmr
+ }
+ ms.removeInverseMeta(zidx.Zid, key, remRefs)
+ }
+func updateWordSet(zid id.Zid, srefs stringRefs, prev []string, next store.WordSet) []string {
+ // Must only be called if is write-locked!
+ newWords, removeWords := next.Diff(prev)
+ for _, word := range newWords {
+ if refs, ok := srefs[word]; ok {
+ srefs[word] = addRef(refs, zid)
+ continue
+ }
+ srefs[word] = id.Slice{zid}
+ }
+ for _, word := range removeWords {
+ refs, ok := srefs[word]
+ if !ok {
+ continue
+ }
+ refs2 := remRef(refs, zid)
+ if len(refs2) == 0 {
+ delete(srefs, word)
+ continue
+ }
+ srefs[word] = refs2
+ }
+ return next.Words()
+func (ms *memStore) getEntry(zid id.Zid) *zettelIndex {
+ // Must only be called if is write-locked!
+ if zi, ok := ms.idx[zid]; ok {
+ return zi
+ }
+ zi := &zettelIndex{}
+ ms.idx[zid] = zi
+ return zi
+func (ms *memStore) DeleteZettel(_ context.Context, zid id.Zid) id.Set {
+ defer
+ zi, ok := ms.idx[zid]
+ if !ok {
+ return nil
+ }
+ ms.deleteDeadSources(zid, zi)
+ toCheck := ms.deleteForwardBackward(zid, zi)
+ if len(zi.meta) > 0 {
+ for key, mrefs := range zi.meta {
+ ms.removeInverseMeta(zid, key, mrefs.forward)
+ }
+ }
+ ms.deleteWords(zid, zi.words)
+ delete(ms.idx, zid)
+ return toCheck
+func (ms *memStore) deleteDeadSources(zid id.Zid, zi *zettelIndex) {
+ // Must only be called if is write-locked!
+ for _, ref := range zi.dead {
+ if drefs, ok := ms.dead[ref]; ok {
+ drefs = remRef(drefs, zid)
+ if len(drefs) > 0 {
+ ms.dead[ref] = drefs
+ } else {
+ delete(ms.dead, ref)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+func (ms *memStore) deleteForwardBackward(zid id.Zid, zi *zettelIndex) id.Set {
+ // Must only be called if is write-locked!
+ var toCheck id.Set
+ for _, ref := range zi.forward {
+ if fzi, ok := ms.idx[ref]; ok {
+ fzi.backward = remRef(fzi.backward, zid)
+ }
+ }
+ for _, ref := range zi.backward {
+ if bzi, ok := ms.idx[ref]; ok {
+ bzi.forward = remRef(bzi.forward, zid)
+ if toCheck == nil {
+ toCheck = id.NewSet()
+ }
+ toCheck.Zid(ref)
+ }
+ }
+ return toCheck
+func (ms *memStore) removeInverseMeta(zid id.Zid, key string, forward id.Slice) {
+ // Must only be called if is write-locked!
+ for _, ref := range forward {
+ bzi, ok := ms.idx[ref]
+ if !ok || bzi.meta == nil {
+ continue
+ }
+ bmr, ok := bzi.meta[key]
+ if !ok {
+ continue
+ }
+ bmr.backward = remRef(bmr.backward, zid)
+ if len(bmr.backward) > 0 || len(bmr.forward) > 0 {
+ bzi.meta[key] = bmr
+ } else {
+ delete(bzi.meta, key)
+ if len(bzi.meta) == 0 {
+ bzi.meta = nil
+ }
+ }
+ }
+func (ms *memStore) deleteWords(zid id.Zid, words []string) {
+ // Must only be called if is write-locked!
+ for _, word := range words {
+ refs, ok := ms.words[word]
+ if !ok {
+ continue
+ }
+ refs2 := remRef(refs, zid)
+ if len(refs2) == 0 {
+ delete(ms.words, word)
+ continue
+ }
+ ms.words[word] = refs2
+ }
+func (ms *memStore) ReadStats(st *store.Stats) {
+ st.Zettel = len(ms.idx)
+ st.Updates = ms.updates
+ st.Words = uint64(len(ms.words))
+ st.Urls = uint64(len(ms.urls))
+func (ms *memStore) Dump(w io.Writer) {
+ defer
+ io.WriteString(w, "=== Dump\n")
+ ms.dumpIndex(w)
+ ms.dumpDead(w)
+ dumpStringRefs(w, "Words", "", "", ms.words)
+ dumpStringRefs(w, "URLs", "[[", "]]", ms.urls)
+func (ms *memStore) dumpIndex(w io.Writer) {
+ if len(ms.idx) == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ io.WriteString(w, "==== Zettel Index\n")
+ zids := make(id.Slice, 0, len(ms.idx))
+ for id := range ms.idx {
+ zids = append(zids, id)
+ }
+ zids.Sort()
+ for _, id := range zids {
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, "=====", id)
+ zi := ms.idx[id]
+ if len(zi.dead) > 0 {
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, "* Dead:", zi.dead)
+ }
+ dumpZids(w, "* Forward:", zi.forward)
+ dumpZids(w, "* Backward:", zi.backward)
+ for k, fb := range zi.meta {
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, "* Meta", k)
+ dumpZids(w, "** Forward:", fb.forward)
+ dumpZids(w, "** Backward:", fb.backward)
+ }
+ dumpStrings(w, "* Words", "", "", zi.words)
+ dumpStrings(w, "* URLs", "[[", "]]", zi.urls)
+ }
+func (ms *memStore) dumpDead(w io.Writer) {
+ if len(ms.dead) == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "==== Dead References\n")
+ zids := make(id.Slice, 0, len(ms.dead))
+ for id := range ms.dead {
+ zids = append(zids, id)
+ }
+ zids.Sort()
+ for _, id := range zids {
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, ";", id)
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, ":", ms.dead[id])
+ }
+func dumpZids(w io.Writer, prefix string, zids id.Slice) {
+ if len(zids) > 0 {
+ io.WriteString(w, prefix)
+ for _, zid := range zids {
+ io.WriteString(w, " ")
+ w.Write(zid.Bytes())
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintln(w)
+ }
+func dumpStrings(w io.Writer, title, preString, postString string, slice []string) {
+ if len(slice) > 0 {
+ sl := make([]string, len(slice))
+ copy(sl, slice)
+ sort.Strings(sl)
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, title)
+ for _, s := range sl {
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "** %s%s%s\n", preString, s, postString)
+ }
+ }
+func dumpStringRefs(w io.Writer, title, preString, postString string, srefs stringRefs) {
+ if len(srefs) == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, "====", title)
+ for _, s := range maps.Keys(srefs) {
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "; %s%s%s\n", preString, s, postString)
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, ":", srefs[s])
+ }
ADDED box/manager/memstore/refs.go
Index: box/manager/memstore/refs.go
--- /dev/null
+++ box/manager/memstore/refs.go
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Detlef Stern
+// This file is part of Zettelstore.
+// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
+// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
+// under this license.
+package memstore
+import ""
+func refsDiff(refsN, refsO id.Slice) (newRefs, remRefs id.Slice) {
+ npos, opos := 0, 0
+ for npos < len(refsN) && opos < len(refsO) {
+ rn, ro := refsN[npos], refsO[opos]
+ if rn == ro {
+ npos++
+ opos++
+ continue
+ }
+ if rn < ro {
+ newRefs = append(newRefs, rn)
+ npos++
+ continue
+ }
+ remRefs = append(remRefs, ro)
+ opos++
+ }
+ if npos < len(refsN) {
+ newRefs = append(newRefs, refsN[npos:]...)
+ }
+ if opos < len(refsO) {
+ remRefs = append(remRefs, refsO[opos:]...)
+ }
+ return newRefs, remRefs
+func addRef(refs id.Slice, ref id.Zid) id.Slice {
+ hi := len(refs)
+ for lo := 0; lo < hi; {
+ m := lo + (hi-lo)/2
+ if r := refs[m]; r == ref {
+ return refs
+ } else if r < ref {
+ lo = m + 1
+ } else {
+ hi = m
+ }
+ }
+ refs = append(refs, id.Invalid)
+ copy(refs[hi+1:], refs[hi:])
+ refs[hi] = ref
+ return refs
+func remRefs(refs, rem id.Slice) id.Slice {
+ if len(refs) == 0 || len(rem) == 0 {
+ return refs
+ }
+ result := make(id.Slice, 0, len(refs))
+ rpos, dpos := 0, 0
+ for rpos < len(refs) && dpos < len(rem) {
+ rr, dr := refs[rpos], rem[dpos]
+ if rr < dr {
+ result = append(result, rr)
+ rpos++
+ continue
+ }
+ if dr < rr {
+ dpos++
+ continue
+ }
+ rpos++
+ dpos++
+ }
+ if rpos < len(refs) {
+ result = append(result, refs[rpos:]...)
+ }
+ return result
+func remRef(refs id.Slice, ref id.Zid) id.Slice {
+ hi := len(refs)
+ for lo := 0; lo < hi; {
+ m := lo + (hi-lo)/2
+ if r := refs[m]; r == ref {
+ copy(refs[m:], refs[m+1:])
+ refs = refs[:len(refs)-1]
+ return refs
+ } else if r < ref {
+ lo = m + 1
+ } else {
+ hi = m
+ }
+ }
+ return refs
ADDED box/manager/memstore/refs_test.go
Index: box/manager/memstore/refs_test.go
--- /dev/null
+++ box/manager/memstore/refs_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Detlef Stern
+// This file is part of Zettelstore.
+// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
+// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
+// under this license.
+package memstore
+import (
+ "testing"
+ ""
+func assertRefs(t *testing.T, i int, got, exp id.Slice) {
+ t.Helper()
+ if got == nil && exp != nil {
+ t.Errorf("%d: got nil, but expected %v", i, exp)
+ return
+ }
+ if got != nil && exp == nil {
+ t.Errorf("%d: expected nil, but got %v", i, got)
+ return
+ }
+ if len(got) != len(exp) {
+ t.Errorf("%d: expected len(%v)==%d, but got len(%v)==%d", i, exp, len(exp), got, len(got))
+ return
+ }
+ for p, n := range exp {
+ if got := got[p]; got != id.Zid(n) {
+ t.Errorf("%d: pos %d: expected %d, but got %d", i, p, n, got)
+ }
+ }
+func TestRefsDiff(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ testcases := []struct {
+ in1, in2 id.Slice
+ exp1, exp2 id.Slice
+ }{
+ {nil, nil, nil, nil},
+ {id.Slice{1}, nil, id.Slice{1}, nil},
+ {nil, id.Slice{1}, nil, id.Slice{1}},
+ {id.Slice{1}, id.Slice{1}, nil, nil},
+ {id.Slice{1, 2}, id.Slice{1}, id.Slice{2}, nil},
+ {id.Slice{1, 2}, id.Slice{1, 3}, id.Slice{2}, id.Slice{3}},
+ {id.Slice{1, 4}, id.Slice{1, 3}, id.Slice{4}, id.Slice{3}},
+ }
+ for i, tc := range testcases {
+ got1, got2 := refsDiff(tc.in1, tc.in2)
+ assertRefs(t, i, got1, tc.exp1)
+ assertRefs(t, i, got2, tc.exp2)
+ }
+func TestAddRef(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ testcases := []struct {
+ ref id.Slice
+ zid uint
+ exp id.Slice
+ }{
+ {nil, 5, id.Slice{5}},
+ {id.Slice{1}, 5, id.Slice{1, 5}},
+ {id.Slice{10}, 5, id.Slice{5, 10}},
+ {id.Slice{5}, 5, id.Slice{5}},
+ {id.Slice{1, 10}, 5, id.Slice{1, 5, 10}},
+ {id.Slice{1, 5, 10}, 5, id.Slice{1, 5, 10}},
+ }
+ for i, tc := range testcases {
+ got := addRef(tc.ref, id.Zid(tc.zid))
+ assertRefs(t, i, got, tc.exp)
+ }
+func TestRemRefs(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ testcases := []struct {
+ in1, in2 id.Slice
+ exp id.Slice
+ }{
+ {nil, nil, nil},
+ {nil, id.Slice{}, nil},
+ {id.Slice{}, nil, id.Slice{}},
+ {id.Slice{}, id.Slice{}, id.Slice{}},
+ {id.Slice{1}, id.Slice{5}, id.Slice{1}},
+ {id.Slice{10}, id.Slice{5}, id.Slice{10}},
+ {id.Slice{1, 5}, id.Slice{5}, id.Slice{1}},
+ {id.Slice{5, 10}, id.Slice{5}, id.Slice{10}},
+ {id.Slice{1, 10}, id.Slice{5}, id.Slice{1, 10}},
+ {id.Slice{1}, id.Slice{2, 5}, id.Slice{1}},
+ {id.Slice{10}, id.Slice{2, 5}, id.Slice{10}},
+ {id.Slice{1, 5}, id.Slice{2, 5}, id.Slice{1}},
+ {id.Slice{5, 10}, id.Slice{2, 5}, id.Slice{10}},
+ {id.Slice{1, 2, 5}, id.Slice{2, 5}, id.Slice{1}},
+ {id.Slice{2, 5, 10}, id.Slice{2, 5}, id.Slice{10}},
+ {id.Slice{1, 10}, id.Slice{2, 5}, id.Slice{1, 10}},
+ {id.Slice{1}, id.Slice{5, 9}, id.Slice{1}},
+ {id.Slice{10}, id.Slice{5, 9}, id.Slice{10}},
+ {id.Slice{1, 5}, id.Slice{5, 9}, id.Slice{1}},
+ {id.Slice{5, 10}, id.Slice{5, 9}, id.Slice{10}},
+ {id.Slice{1, 5, 9}, id.Slice{5, 9}, id.Slice{1}},
+ {id.Slice{5, 9, 10}, id.Slice{5, 9}, id.Slice{10}},
+ {id.Slice{1, 10}, id.Slice{5, 9}, id.Slice{1, 10}},
+ }
+ for i, tc := range testcases {
+ got := remRefs(tc.in1, tc.in2)
+ assertRefs(t, i, got, tc.exp)
+ }
+func TestRemRef(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ testcases := []struct {
+ ref id.Slice
+ zid uint
+ exp id.Slice
+ }{
+ {nil, 5, nil},
+ {id.Slice{}, 5, id.Slice{}},
+ {id.Slice{5}, 5, id.Slice{}},
+ {id.Slice{1}, 5, id.Slice{1}},
+ {id.Slice{10}, 5, id.Slice{10}},
+ {id.Slice{1, 5}, 5, id.Slice{1}},
+ {id.Slice{5, 10}, 5, id.Slice{10}},
+ {id.Slice{1, 5, 10}, 5, id.Slice{1, 10}},
+ }
+ for i, tc := range testcases {
+ got := remRef(tc.ref, id.Zid(tc.zid))
+ assertRefs(t, i, got, tc.exp)
+ }
Index: box/manager/store/store.go
--- box/manager/store/store.go
+++ box/manager/store/store.go
@@ -1,28 +1,25 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-present Detlef Stern
// Package store contains general index data for storing a zettel index.
package store
import (
+ ""
+ ""
- ""
- ""
// Stats records statistics about the store.
type Stats struct {
// Zettel is the number of zettel managed by the indexer.
@@ -41,28 +38,22 @@
// Store all relevant zettel data. There may be multiple implementations, i.e.
// memory-based, file-based, based on SQLite, ...
type Store interface {
- // GetMeta returns the metadata of the zettel with the given identifier.
- GetMeta(context.Context, id.Zid) (*meta.Meta, error)
// Entrich metadata with data from store.
Enrich(ctx context.Context, m *meta.Meta)
// UpdateReferences for a specific zettel.
// Returns set of zettel identifier that must also be checked for changes.
- UpdateReferences(context.Context, *ZettelIndex) *id.Set
+ UpdateReferences(context.Context, *ZettelIndex) id.Set
// DeleteZettel removes index data for given zettel.
// Returns set of zettel identifier that must also be checked for changes.
- DeleteZettel(context.Context, id.Zid) *id.Set
- // Optimize removes unneeded space.
- Optimize()
+ DeleteZettel(context.Context, id.Zid) id.Set
// ReadStats populates st with store statistics.
ReadStats(st *Stats)
// Dump the content to a Writer.
Index: box/manager/store/wordset.go
--- box/manager/store/wordset.go
+++ box/manager/store/wordset.go
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-present Detlef Stern
package store
// WordSet contains the set of all words, with the count of their occurrences.
Index: box/manager/store/wordset_test.go
--- box/manager/store/wordset_test.go
+++ box/manager/store/wordset_test.go
@@ -1,22 +1,19 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-present Detlef Stern
package store_test
import (
- "slices"
+ "sort"
@@ -25,11 +22,11 @@
return false
if len(got) == 0 {
return len(exp) == 0
- slices.Sort(got)
+ sort.Strings(got)
for i, w := range exp {
if w != got[i] {
return false
Index: box/manager/store/zettel.go
--- box/manager/store/zettel.go
+++ box/manager/store/zettel.go
@@ -1,89 +1,84 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-present Detlef Stern
package store
-import (
- ""
- ""
+import ""
// ZettelIndex contains all index data of a zettel.
type ZettelIndex struct {
- Zid id.Zid // zid of the indexed zettel
- meta *meta.Meta // full metadata
- backrefs *id.Set // set of back references
- inverseRefs map[string]*id.Set // references of inverse keys
- deadrefs *id.Set // set of dead references
- words WordSet
- urls WordSet
+ Zid id.Zid // zid of the indexed zettel
+ backrefs id.Set // set of back references
+ metarefs map[string]id.Set // references to inverse keys
+ deadrefs id.Set // set of dead references
+ words WordSet
+ urls WordSet
// NewZettelIndex creates a new zettel index.
-func NewZettelIndex(m *meta.Meta) *ZettelIndex {
+func NewZettelIndex(zid id.Zid) *ZettelIndex {
return &ZettelIndex{
- Zid: m.Zid,
- meta: m,
- backrefs: id.NewSet(),
- inverseRefs: make(map[string]*id.Set),
- deadrefs: id.NewSet(),
+ Zid: zid,
+ backrefs: id.NewSet(),
+ metarefs: make(map[string]id.Set),
+ deadrefs: id.NewSet(),
// AddBackRef adds a reference to a zettel where the current zettel links to
// without any more information.
-func (zi *ZettelIndex) AddBackRef(zid id.Zid) { zi.backrefs.Add(zid) }
+func (zi *ZettelIndex) AddBackRef(zid id.Zid) {
+ zi.backrefs.Zid(zid)
-// AddInverseRef adds a named reference to a zettel. On that zettel, the given
+// AddMetaRef adds a named reference to a zettel. On that zettel, the given
// metadata key should point back to the current zettel.
-func (zi *ZettelIndex) AddInverseRef(key string, zid id.Zid) {
- if zids, ok := zi.inverseRefs[key]; ok {
- zids.Add(zid)
+func (zi *ZettelIndex) AddMetaRef(key string, zid id.Zid) {
+ if zids, ok := zi.metarefs[key]; ok {
+ zids.Zid(zid)
- zi.inverseRefs[key] = id.NewSet(zid)
+ zi.metarefs[key] = id.NewSet(zid)
// AddDeadRef adds a dead reference to a zettel.
func (zi *ZettelIndex) AddDeadRef(zid id.Zid) {
- zi.deadrefs.Add(zid)
+ zi.deadrefs.Zid(zid)
// SetWords sets the words to the given value.
func (zi *ZettelIndex) SetWords(words WordSet) { zi.words = words }
// SetUrls sets the words to the given value.
func (zi *ZettelIndex) SetUrls(urls WordSet) { zi.urls = urls }
// GetDeadRefs returns all dead references as a sorted list.
-func (zi *ZettelIndex) GetDeadRefs() *id.Set { return zi.deadrefs }
-// GetMeta return just the raw metadata.
-func (zi *ZettelIndex) GetMeta() *meta.Meta { return zi.meta }
+func (zi *ZettelIndex) GetDeadRefs() id.Slice {
+ return zi.deadrefs.Sorted()
// GetBackRefs returns all back references as a sorted list.
-func (zi *ZettelIndex) GetBackRefs() *id.Set { return zi.backrefs }
+func (zi *ZettelIndex) GetBackRefs() id.Slice {
+ return zi.backrefs.Sorted()
-// GetInverseRefs returns all inverse meta references as a map of strings to a sorted list of references
-func (zi *ZettelIndex) GetInverseRefs() map[string]*id.Set {
- if len(zi.inverseRefs) == 0 {
+// GetMetaRefs returns all meta references as a map of strings to a sorted list of references
+func (zi *ZettelIndex) GetMetaRefs() map[string]id.Slice {
+ if len(zi.metarefs) == 0 {
return nil
- result := make(map[string]*id.Set, len(zi.inverseRefs))
- for key, refs := range zi.inverseRefs {
- result[key] = refs
+ result := make(map[string]id.Slice, len(zi.metarefs))
+ for key, refs := range zi.metarefs {
+ result[key] = refs.Sorted()
return result
// GetWords returns a reference to the set of words. It must not be modified.
Index: box/membox/membox.go
--- box/membox/membox.go
+++ box/membox/membox.go
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-present Detlef Stern
// Package membox stores zettel volatile in main memory.
package membox
@@ -19,15 +16,16 @@
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
- ""
- ""
func init() {
@@ -48,36 +46,27 @@
u *url.URL
cdata manager.ConnectData
maxZettel int
maxBytes int
mx sync.RWMutex // Protects the following fields
- zettel map[id.Zid]zettel.Zettel
+ zettel map[id.Zid]domain.Zettel
curBytes int
-func (mb *memBox) notifyChanged(zid id.Zid, reason box.UpdateReason) {
- if notify := mb.cdata.Notify; notify != nil {
- notify(mb, zid, reason)
+func (mb *memBox) notifyChanged(zid id.Zid) {
+ if chci := mb.cdata.Notify; chci != nil {
+ chci <- box.UpdateInfo{Reason: box.OnZettel, Zid: zid}
func (mb *memBox) Location() string {
return mb.u.String()
-func (mb *memBox) State() box.StartState {
- defer
- if mb.zettel == nil {
- return box.StartStateStopped
- }
- return box.StartStateStarted
func (mb *memBox) Start(context.Context) error {
- mb.zettel = make(map[id.Zid]zettel.Zettel)
+ mb.zettel = make(map[id.Zid]domain.Zettel)
mb.curBytes = 0
mb.log.Trace().Int("max-zettel", int64(mb.maxZettel)).Int("max-bytes", int64(mb.maxBytes)).Msg("Start Box")
return nil
@@ -92,11 +81,11 @@
return len(mb.zettel) < mb.maxZettel
-func (mb *memBox) CreateZettel(_ context.Context, zettel zettel.Zettel) (id.Zid, error) {
+func (mb *memBox) CreateZettel(_ context.Context, zettel domain.Zettel) (id.Zid, error) {
newBytes := mb.curBytes + zettel.Length()
if mb.maxZettel < len(mb.zettel) || mb.maxBytes < newBytes {
return id.Invalid, box.ErrCapacity
@@ -113,33 +102,36 @@
meta.Zid = zid
zettel.Meta = meta
mb.zettel[zid] = zettel
mb.curBytes = newBytes
- mb.notifyChanged(zid, box.OnZettel)
+ mb.notifyChanged(zid)
return zid, nil
-func (mb *memBox) GetZettel(_ context.Context, zid id.Zid) (zettel.Zettel, error) {
+func (mb *memBox) GetZettel(_ context.Context, zid id.Zid) (domain.Zettel, error) {
+ zettel, ok := mb.zettel[zid]
+ if !ok {
+ return domain.Zettel{}, box.ErrNotFound
+ }
+ zettel.Meta = zettel.Meta.Clone()
+ mb.log.Trace().Msg("GetZettel")
+ return zettel, nil
+func (mb *memBox) GetMeta(_ context.Context, zid id.Zid) (*meta.Meta, error) {
- z, ok := mb.zettel[zid]
+ zettel, ok := mb.zettel[zid]
if !ok {
- return zettel.Zettel{}, box.ErrZettelNotFound{Zid: zid}
- }
- z.Meta = z.Meta.Clone()
- mb.log.Trace().Msg("GetZettel")
- return z, nil
-func (mb *memBox) HasZettel(_ context.Context, zid id.Zid) bool {
- _, found := mb.zettel[zid]
- return found
+ return nil, box.ErrNotFound
+ }
+ mb.log.Trace().Msg("GetMeta")
+ return zettel.Meta.Clone(), nil
func (mb *memBox) ApplyZid(_ context.Context, handle box.ZidFunc, constraint query.RetrievePredicate) error {
@@ -164,11 +156,11 @@
return nil
-func (mb *memBox) CanUpdateZettel(_ context.Context, zettel zettel.Zettel) bool {
+func (mb *memBox) CanUpdateZettel(_ context.Context, zettel domain.Zettel) bool {
zid := zettel.Meta.Zid
if !zid.IsValid() {
return false
@@ -179,14 +171,14 @@
newBytes -= prevZettel.Length()
return newBytes < mb.maxBytes
-func (mb *memBox) UpdateZettel(_ context.Context, zettel zettel.Zettel) error {
+func (mb *memBox) UpdateZettel(_ context.Context, zettel domain.Zettel) error {
m := zettel.Meta.Clone()
if !m.Zid.IsValid() {
- return box.ErrInvalidZid{Zid: m.Zid.String()}
+ return &box.ErrInvalidID{Zid: m.Zid}
newBytes := mb.curBytes + zettel.Length()
if prevZettel, found := mb.zettel[m.Zid]; found {
@@ -199,14 +191,42 @@
zettel.Meta = m
mb.zettel[m.Zid] = zettel
mb.curBytes = newBytes
- mb.notifyChanged(m.Zid, box.OnZettel)
+ mb.notifyChanged(m.Zid)
return nil
+func (*memBox) AllowRenameZettel(context.Context, id.Zid) bool { return true }
+func (mb *memBox) RenameZettel(_ context.Context, curZid, newZid id.Zid) error {
+ zettel, ok := mb.zettel[curZid]
+ if !ok {
+ return box.ErrNotFound
+ }
+ // Check that there is no zettel with newZid
+ if _, ok = mb.zettel[newZid]; ok {
+ return &box.ErrInvalidID{Zid: newZid}
+ }
+ meta := zettel.Meta.Clone()
+ meta.Zid = newZid
+ zettel.Meta = meta
+ mb.zettel[newZid] = zettel
+ delete(mb.zettel, curZid)
+ mb.notifyChanged(curZid)
+ mb.notifyChanged(newZid)
+ mb.log.Trace().Msg("RenameZettel")
+ return nil
func (mb *memBox) CanDeleteZettel(_ context.Context, zid id.Zid) bool {
_, ok := mb.zettel[zid]
@@ -216,16 +236,16 @@
func (mb *memBox) DeleteZettel(_ context.Context, zid id.Zid) error {
oldZettel, found := mb.zettel[zid]
if !found {
- return box.ErrZettelNotFound{Zid: zid}
+ return box.ErrNotFound
delete(mb.zettel, zid)
mb.curBytes -= oldZettel.Length()
- mb.notifyChanged(zid, box.OnDelete)
+ mb.notifyChanged(zid)
return nil
func (mb *memBox) ReadStats(st *box.ManagedBoxStats) {
Index: box/notify/directory.go
--- box/notify/directory.go
+++ box/notify/directory.go
@@ -1,96 +1,83 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-present Detlef Stern
package notify
import (
+ "strings"
+ ""
- ""
type entrySet map[id.Zid]*DirEntry
-// DirServiceState signal the internal state of the service.
+// directoryState signal the internal state of the service.
// The following state transitions are possible:
// --newDirService--> dsCreated
// dsCreated --Start--> dsStarting
// dsStarting --last list notification--> dsWorking
// dsWorking --directory missing--> dsMissing
// dsMissing --last list notification--> dsWorking
// --Stop--> dsStopping
-type DirServiceState uint8
+type directoryState uint8
-// Constants for DirServiceState
const (
- DsCreated DirServiceState = iota
- DsStarting // Reading inital scan
- DsWorking // Initial scan complete, fully operational
- DsMissing // Directory is missing
- DsStopping // Service is shut down
+ dsCreated directoryState = iota
+ dsStarting // Reading inital scan
+ dsWorking // Initial scan complete, fully operational
+ dsMissing // Directory is missing
+ dsStopping // Service is shut down
// DirService specifies a directory service for file based zettel.
type DirService struct {
- box box.ManagedBox
log *logger.Logger
dirPath string
notifier Notifier
- infos box.UpdateNotifier
+ infos chan<- box.UpdateInfo
mx sync.RWMutex // protects status, entries
- state DirServiceState
+ state directoryState
entries entrySet
// ErrNoDirectory signals missing directory data.
var ErrNoDirectory = errors.New("unable to retrieve zettel directory information")
// NewDirService creates a new directory service.
-func NewDirService(box box.ManagedBox, log *logger.Logger, notifier Notifier, notify box.UpdateNotifier) *DirService {
+func NewDirService(log *logger.Logger, notifier Notifier, chci chan<- box.UpdateInfo) *DirService {
return &DirService{
- box: box,
log: log,
notifier: notifier,
- infos: notify,
- state: DsCreated,
- }
-// State the current service state.
-func (ds *DirService) State() DirServiceState {
- state := ds.state
- return state
+ infos: chci,
+ state: dsCreated,
+ }
// Start the directory service.
func (ds *DirService) Start() {
- ds.state = DsStarting
+ ds.state = dsStarting
var newEntries entrySet
go ds.updateEvents(newEntries)
@@ -100,11 +87,11 @@
// Stop the directory service.
func (ds *DirService) Stop() {
- ds.state = DsStopping
+ ds.state = dsStopping
func (ds *DirService) logMissingEntry(action string) error {
@@ -183,10 +170,40 @@
return ds.logMissingEntry("update")
ds.entries[entry.Zid] = &entry
return nil
+// RenameDirEntry replaces an existing directory entry with a new one.
+func (ds *DirService) RenameDirEntry(oldEntry *DirEntry, newZid id.Zid) (DirEntry, error) {
+ defer
+ if ds.entries == nil {
+ return DirEntry{}, ds.logMissingEntry("rename")
+ }
+ if _, found := ds.entries[newZid]; found {
+ return DirEntry{}, &box.ErrInvalidID{Zid: newZid}
+ }
+ oldZid := oldEntry.Zid
+ newEntry := DirEntry{
+ Zid: newZid,
+ MetaName: renameFilename(oldEntry.MetaName, oldZid, newZid),
+ ContentName: renameFilename(oldEntry.ContentName, oldZid, newZid),
+ ContentExt: oldEntry.ContentExt,
+ // Duplicates must not be set, because duplicates will be deleted
+ }
+ delete(ds.entries, oldZid)
+ ds.entries[newZid] = &newEntry
+ return newEntry, nil
+func renameFilename(name string, curID, newID id.Zid) string {
+ if cur := curID.String(); strings.HasPrefix(name, cur) {
+ name = newID.String() + name[len(cur):]
+ }
+ return name
// DeleteDirEntry removes a entry from the directory.
func (ds *DirService) DeleteDirEntry(zid id.Zid) error {
@@ -198,12 +215,12 @@
func (ds *DirService) updateEvents(newEntries entrySet) {
// Something may panic. Ensure a running service.
defer func() {
- if ri := recover(); ri != nil {
- kernel.Main.LogRecover("DirectoryService", ri)
+ if r := recover(); r != nil {
+ kernel.Main.LogRecover("DirectoryService", r)
go ds.updateEvents(newEntries)
for ev := range ds.notifier.Events() {
@@ -220,30 +237,30 @@
if msg := ds.log.Trace(); msg.Enabled() {
msg.Uint("state", uint64(state)).Str("op", ev.Op.String()).Str("name", ev.Name).Msg("notifyEvent")
- if state == DsStopping {
+ if state == dsStopping {
return nil, false
switch ev.Op {
case Error:
newEntries = nil
- if state != DsMissing {
- ds.log.Error().Err(ev.Err).Msg("Notifier confused")
+ if state != dsMissing {
+ ds.log.Warn().Err(ev.Err).Msg("Notifier confused")
case Make:
newEntries = make(entrySet)
case List:
if ev.Name == "" {
zids := getNewZids(newEntries)
- fromMissing := ds.state == DsMissing
+ fromMissing := ds.state == dsMissing
prevEntries := ds.entries
ds.entries = newEntries
- ds.state = DsWorking
+ ds.state = dsWorking
ds.onCreateDirectory(zids, prevEntries)
if fromMissing {
ds.log.Info().Str("path", ds.dirPath).Msg("Zettel directory found")
@@ -259,21 +276,21 @@
case Update:
zid := ds.onUpdateFileEvent(ds.entries, ev.Name)
if zid != id.Invalid {
- ds.notifyChange(zid, box.OnZettel)
+ ds.notifyChange(zid)
case Delete:
zid := ds.onDeleteFileEvent(ds.entries, ev.Name)
if zid != id.Invalid {
- ds.notifyChange(zid, box.OnDelete)
+ ds.notifyChange(zid)
- ds.log.Error().Str("event", fmt.Sprintf("%v", ev)).Msg("Unknown zettel notification event")
+ ds.log.Warn().Str("event", fmt.Sprintf("%v", ev)).Msg("Unknown zettel notification event")
return newEntries, true
func getNewZids(entries entrySet) id.Slice {
@@ -284,29 +301,29 @@
return zids
func (ds *DirService) onCreateDirectory(zids id.Slice, prevEntries entrySet) {
for _, zid := range zids {
- ds.notifyChange(zid, box.OnZettel)
+ ds.notifyChange(zid)
delete(prevEntries, zid)
// These were previously stored, by are not found now.
// Notify system that these were deleted, e.g. for updating the index.
for zid := range prevEntries {
- ds.notifyChange(zid, box.OnDelete)
+ ds.notifyChange(zid)
func (ds *DirService) onDestroyDirectory() {
entries := ds.entries
ds.entries = nil
- ds.state = DsMissing
+ ds.state = dsMissing
for zid := range entries {
- ds.notifyChange(zid, box.OnDelete)
+ ds.notifyChange(zid)
var validFileName = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\d{14})`)
@@ -344,13 +361,13 @@
return id.Invalid
entry := fetchdirEntry(entries, zid)
dupName1, dupName2 := ds.updateEntry(entry, name)
if dupName1 != "" {
- ds.log.Info().Str("name", dupName1).Msg("Duplicate content (is ignored)")
+ ds.log.Warn().Str("name", dupName1).Msg("Duplicate content (is ignored)")
if dupName2 != "" {
- ds.log.Info().Str("name", dupName2).Msg("Duplicate content (is ignored)")
+ ds.log.Warn().Str("name", dupName2).Msg("Duplicate content (is ignored)")
return id.Invalid
return zid
@@ -573,11 +590,11 @@
return newLen < oldLen
return newExt < oldExt
-func (ds *DirService) notifyChange(zid id.Zid, reason box.UpdateReason) {
- if notify := ds.infos; notify != nil {
- ds.log.Trace().Zid(zid).Uint("reason", uint64(reason)).Msg("notifyChange")
- notify(, zid, reason)
+func (ds *DirService) notifyChange(zid id.Zid) {
+ if chci := ds.infos; chci != nil {
+ ds.log.Trace().Zid(zid).Msg("notifyChange")
+ chci <- box.UpdateInfo{Reason: box.OnZettel, Zid: zid}
Index: box/notify/directory_test.go
--- box/notify/directory_test.go
+++ box/notify/directory_test.go
@@ -1,31 +1,28 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2022-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-present Detlef Stern
package notify
import (
+ ""
+ ""
_ "" // Allow to use BLOB parser.
_ "" // Allow to use draw parser.
_ "" // Allow to use markdown parser.
_ "" // Allow to use none parser.
_ "" // Allow to use plain parser.
_ "" // Allow to use zettelmark parser.
- ""
- ""
func TestSeekZid(t *testing.T) {
testcases := []struct {
name string
@@ -52,12 +49,12 @@
func TestNewExtIsBetter(t *testing.T) {
extVals := []string{
// Main Formats
meta.SyntaxZmk, meta.SyntaxDraw, meta.SyntaxMarkdown, meta.SyntaxMD,
// Other supported text formats
- meta.SyntaxCSS, meta.SyntaxSxn, meta.SyntaxTxt, meta.SyntaxHTML,
- meta.SyntaxText, meta.SyntaxPlain,
+ meta.SyntaxCSS, meta.SyntaxTxt, meta.SyntaxHTML,
+ meta.SyntaxMustache, meta.SyntaxText, meta.SyntaxPlain,
// Supported text graphics formats
// Supported binary graphic formats
meta.SyntaxGif, meta.SyntaxPNG, meta.SyntaxJPEG, meta.SyntaxWebp, meta.SyntaxJPG,
Index: box/notify/entry.go
--- box/notify/entry.go
+++ box/notify/entry.go
@@ -1,28 +1,25 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-present Detlef Stern
package notify
import (
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
const (
extZettel = "zettel" // file contains metadata and content
extBin = "bin" // file contains binary content
@@ -49,11 +46,11 @@
func (e *DirEntry) HasMetaInContent() bool {
return e.IsValid() && extIsMetaAndContent(e.ContentExt)
// SetupFromMetaContent fills entry data based on metadata and zettel content.
-func (e *DirEntry) SetupFromMetaContent(m *meta.Meta, content zettel.Content, getZettelFileSyntax func() []string) {
+func (e *DirEntry) SetupFromMetaContent(m *meta.Meta, content domain.Content, getZettelFileSyntax func() []string) {
if e.Zid != m.Zid {
panic("Zid differ")
if contentName := e.ContentName; contentName != "" {
if !extIsMetaAndContent(e.ContentExt) && e.MetaName == "" {
@@ -60,11 +57,11 @@
e.MetaName = e.calcBaseName(contentName)
- syntax := m.GetDefault(api.KeySyntax, meta.DefaultSyntax)
+ syntax := m.GetDefault(api.KeySyntax, "")
ext := calcContentExt(syntax, m.YamlSep, getZettelFileSyntax)
metaName := e.MetaName
eimc := extIsMetaAndContent(ext)
if eimc {
if metaName != "" {
@@ -81,11 +78,11 @@
e.MetaName = e.calcBaseName(e.ContentName)
-func contentExtWithMeta(syntax string, content zettel.Content) string {
+func contentExtWithMeta(syntax string, content domain.Content) string {
p := parser.Get(syntax)
if content.IsBinary() {
if p.IsImageFormat {
return syntax
Index: box/notify/fsdir.go
--- box/notify/fsdir.go
+++ box/notify/fsdir.go
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-present Detlef Stern
package notify
import (
@@ -56,17 +53,18 @@
Str("path", absPath).Err(err).
Msg("Unable to access Zettel directory and its parent directory")
return nil, err
- log.Info().Str("parentDir", absParentDir).Err(errParent).
+ log.Warn().
+ Str("parentDir", absParentDir).Err(errParent).
Msg("Parent of Zettel directory cannot be supervised")
- log.Info().Str("path", absPath).
+ log.Warn().Str("path", absPath).
Msg("Zettelstore might not detect a deletion or movement of the Zettel directory")
} else if err != nil {
// Not a problem, if container is not available. It might become available later.
- log.Info().Err(err).Str("path", absPath).Msg("Zettel directory currently not available")
+ log.Warn().Err(err).Str("path", absPath).Msg("Zettel directory not available")
fsdn := &fsdirNotifier{
log: log,
events: make(chan Event),
@@ -94,11 +92,10 @@
defer close(
defer close(fsdn.refresh)
if !listDirElements(fsdn.log, fsdn.fetcher,, fsdn.done) {
for fsdn.readAndProcessEvent() {
func (fsdn *fsdirNotifier) readAndProcessEvent() bool {
@@ -167,11 +164,11 @@
if ev.Has(fsnotify.Create) {
err := fsdn.base.Add(fsdn.path)
if err != nil {
- fsdn.log.Error().Err(err).Str("name", fsdn.path).Msg("Unable to add directory")
+ fsdn.log.IfErr(err).Str("name", fsdn.path).Msg("Unable to add directory")
select {
case <- Event{Op: Error, Err: err}:
case <-fsdn.done:
fsdn.log.Trace().Int("i", 2).Msg("done dir event processing")
return false
Index: box/notify/helper.go
--- box/notify/helper.go
+++ box/notify/helper.go
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-present Detlef Stern
package notify
import (
@@ -17,10 +14,15 @@
+// MakeMetaFilename builds the name of the file containing metadata.
+func MakeMetaFilename(basename string) string {
+ return basename //+ ".meta"
// EntryFetcher return a list of (file) names of an directory.
type EntryFetcher interface {
Fetch() ([]string, error)
Index: box/notify/notify.go
--- box/notify/notify.go
+++ box/notify/notify.go
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-present Detlef Stern
// Package notify provides some notification services to be used by box services.
package notify
Index: box/notify/simpledir.go
--- box/notify/simpledir.go
+++ box/notify/simpledir.go
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-present Detlef Stern
package notify
import (
Index: cmd/cmd_file.go
--- cmd/cmd_file.go
+++ cmd/cmd_file.go
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-present Detlef Stern
package cmd
import (
@@ -18,17 +15,17 @@
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
// ---------- Subcommand: file -----------------------------------------------
func cmdFile(fs *flag.FlagSet) (int, error) {
@@ -37,18 +34,18 @@
if m == nil {
return 2, err
z := parser.ParseZettel(
- zettel.Zettel{
+ domain.Zettel{
Meta: m,
- Content: zettel.NewContent(inp.Src[inp.Pos:]),
+ Content: domain.NewContent(inp.Src[inp.Pos:]),
- m.GetDefault(api.KeySyntax, meta.DefaultSyntax),
+ m.GetDefault(api.KeySyntax, meta.SyntaxZmk),
- encdr := encoder.Create(api.Encoder(enc), &encoder.CreateParameter{Lang: m.GetDefault(api.KeyLang, api.ValueLangEN)})
+ encdr := encoder.Create(api.Encoder(enc))
if encdr == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Unknown format %q\n", enc)
return 2, nil
_, err = encdr.WriteZettel(os.Stdout, z, parser.ParseMetadata)
Index: cmd/cmd_password.go
--- cmd/cmd_password.go
+++ cmd/cmd_password.go
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-present Detlef Stern
package cmd
import (
@@ -18,13 +15,13 @@
- ""
+ ""
- ""
+ ""
// ---------- Subcommand: password -------------------------------------------
func cmdPassword(fs *flag.FlagSet) (int, error) {
Index: cmd/cmd_run.go
--- cmd/cmd_run.go
+++ cmd/cmd_run.go
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-present Detlef Stern
package cmd
import (
@@ -19,16 +16,16 @@
+ ""
- ""
// ---------- Subcommand: run ------------------------------------------------
func flgRun(fs *flag.FlagSet) {
@@ -57,28 +54,27 @@
webLog := kern.GetLogger(kernel.WebService)
var getUser getUserImpl
logAuth := kern.GetLogger(kernel.AuthService)
logUc := kern.GetLogger(kernel.CoreService).WithUser(&getUser)
- ucGetUser := usecase.NewGetUser(authManager, boxManager)
- ucAuthenticate := usecase.NewAuthenticate(logAuth, authManager, &ucGetUser)
+ ucAuthenticate := usecase.NewAuthenticate(logAuth, authManager, authManager, boxManager)
ucIsAuth := usecase.NewIsAuthenticated(logUc, &getUser, authManager)
ucCreateZettel := usecase.NewCreateZettel(logUc, rtConfig, protectedBoxManager)
- ucGetAllZettel := usecase.NewGetAllZettel(protectedBoxManager)
+ ucGetMeta := usecase.NewGetMeta(protectedBoxManager)
+ ucGetAllMeta := usecase.NewGetAllMeta(protectedBoxManager)
ucGetZettel := usecase.NewGetZettel(protectedBoxManager)
ucParseZettel := usecase.NewParseZettel(rtConfig, ucGetZettel)
- ucQuery := usecase.NewQuery(protectedBoxManager)
- ucEvaluate := usecase.NewEvaluate(rtConfig, &ucGetZettel, &ucQuery)
- ucQuery.SetEvaluate(&ucEvaluate)
- ucTagZettel := usecase.NewTagZettel(protectedBoxManager, &ucQuery)
- ucRoleZettel := usecase.NewRoleZettel(protectedBoxManager, &ucQuery)
+ ucListMeta := usecase.NewListMeta(protectedBoxManager)
+ ucEvaluate := usecase.NewEvaluate(rtConfig, ucGetZettel, ucGetMeta, ucListMeta)
ucListSyntax := usecase.NewListSyntax(protectedBoxManager)
ucListRoles := usecase.NewListRoles(protectedBoxManager)
+ ucZettelContext := usecase.NewZettelContext(protectedBoxManager, rtConfig)
ucDelete := usecase.NewDeleteZettel(logUc, protectedBoxManager)
ucUpdate := usecase.NewUpdateZettel(logUc, protectedBoxManager)
+ ucRename := usecase.NewRenameZettel(logUc, protectedBoxManager)
+ ucUnlinkedRefs := usecase.NewUnlinkedReferences(protectedBoxManager, rtConfig)
ucRefresh := usecase.NewRefresh(logUc, protectedBoxManager)
- ucReIndex := usecase.NewReIndex(logUc, protectedBoxManager)
ucVersion := usecase.NewVersion(kernel.Main.GetConfig(kernel.CoreService, kernel.CoreVersion).(string))
a := api.New(
webLog.Clone().Str("adapter", "api").Child(),
webSrv, authManager, authManager, rtConfig, authPolicy)
@@ -93,39 +89,51 @@
webSrv.Handle("/favicon.ico", wui.MakeFaviconHandler(assetDir))
// Web user interface
if !authManager.IsReadonly() {
- webSrv.AddListRoute('c', server.MethodGet, wui.MakeGetZettelFromListHandler(&ucQuery, &ucEvaluate, ucListRoles, ucListSyntax))
+ webSrv.AddZettelRoute('b', server.MethodGet, wui.MakeGetRenameZettelHandler(
+ ucGetMeta, &ucEvaluate))
+ webSrv.AddZettelRoute('b', server.MethodPost, wui.MakePostRenameZettelHandler(&ucRename))
+ webSrv.AddListRoute('c', server.MethodGet, wui.MakeGetZettelFromListHandler(ucListMeta, &ucEvaluate, ucListRoles, ucListSyntax))
webSrv.AddListRoute('c', server.MethodPost, wui.MakePostCreateZettelHandler(&ucCreateZettel))
webSrv.AddZettelRoute('c', server.MethodGet, wui.MakeGetCreateZettelHandler(
ucGetZettel, &ucCreateZettel, ucListRoles, ucListSyntax))
webSrv.AddZettelRoute('c', server.MethodPost, wui.MakePostCreateZettelHandler(&ucCreateZettel))
- webSrv.AddZettelRoute('d', server.MethodGet, wui.MakeGetDeleteZettelHandler(ucGetZettel, ucGetAllZettel))
+ webSrv.AddZettelRoute('d', server.MethodGet, wui.MakeGetDeleteZettelHandler(
+ ucGetMeta, ucGetAllMeta, &ucEvaluate))
webSrv.AddZettelRoute('d', server.MethodPost, wui.MakePostDeleteZettelHandler(&ucDelete))
webSrv.AddZettelRoute('e', server.MethodGet, wui.MakeEditGetZettelHandler(ucGetZettel, ucListRoles, ucListSyntax))
webSrv.AddZettelRoute('e', server.MethodPost, wui.MakeEditSetZettelHandler(&ucUpdate))
webSrv.AddListRoute('g', server.MethodGet, wui.MakeGetGoActionHandler(&ucRefresh))
- webSrv.AddListRoute('h', server.MethodGet, wui.MakeListHTMLMetaHandler(&ucQuery, &ucTagZettel, &ucRoleZettel, &ucReIndex))
- webSrv.AddZettelRoute('h', server.MethodGet, wui.MakeGetHTMLZettelHandler(&ucEvaluate, ucGetZettel))
+ webSrv.AddListRoute('h', server.MethodGet, wui.MakeListHTMLMetaHandler(ucListMeta, &ucEvaluate))
+ webSrv.AddZettelRoute('h', server.MethodGet, wui.MakeGetHTMLZettelHandler(&ucEvaluate, ucGetMeta))
webSrv.AddListRoute('i', server.MethodGet, wui.MakeGetLoginOutHandler())
webSrv.AddListRoute('i', server.MethodPost, wui.MakePostLoginHandler(&ucAuthenticate))
webSrv.AddZettelRoute('i', server.MethodGet, wui.MakeGetInfoHandler(
- ucParseZettel, &ucEvaluate, ucGetZettel, ucGetAllZettel, &ucQuery))
+ ucParseZettel, &ucEvaluate, ucGetMeta, ucGetAllMeta, ucUnlinkedRefs))
+ webSrv.AddZettelRoute('k', server.MethodGet, wui.MakeZettelContextHandler(
+ ucZettelContext, &ucEvaluate))
// API
webSrv.AddListRoute('a', server.MethodPost, a.MakePostLoginHandler(&ucAuthenticate))
webSrv.AddListRoute('a', server.MethodPut, a.MakeRenewAuthHandler())
+ webSrv.AddZettelRoute('o', server.MethodGet, a.MakeGetOrderHandler(
+ usecase.NewZettelOrder(protectedBoxManager, ucEvaluate)))
+ webSrv.AddZettelRoute('u', server.MethodGet, a.MakeListUnlinkedMetaHandler(
+ ucGetMeta, ucUnlinkedRefs, &ucEvaluate))
webSrv.AddListRoute('x', server.MethodGet, a.MakeGetDataHandler(ucVersion))
webSrv.AddListRoute('x', server.MethodPost, a.MakePostCommandHandler(&ucIsAuth, &ucRefresh))
- webSrv.AddListRoute('z', server.MethodGet, a.MakeQueryHandler(&ucQuery, &ucTagZettel, &ucRoleZettel, &ucReIndex))
- webSrv.AddZettelRoute('z', server.MethodGet, a.MakeGetZettelHandler(ucGetZettel, ucParseZettel, ucEvaluate))
+ webSrv.AddZettelRoute('x', server.MethodGet, a.MakeZettelContextHandler(ucZettelContext))
+ webSrv.AddListRoute('z', server.MethodGet, a.MakeQueryHandler(ucListMeta))
+ webSrv.AddZettelRoute('z', server.MethodGet, a.MakeGetZettelHandler(ucGetMeta, ucGetZettel, ucParseZettel, ucEvaluate))
if !authManager.IsReadonly() {
webSrv.AddListRoute('z', server.MethodPost, a.MakePostCreateZettelHandler(&ucCreateZettel))
webSrv.AddZettelRoute('z', server.MethodPut, a.MakeUpdateZettelHandler(&ucUpdate))
webSrv.AddZettelRoute('z', server.MethodDelete, a.MakeDeleteZettelHandler(&ucDelete))
+ webSrv.AddZettelRoute('z', server.MethodMove, a.MakeRenameZettelHandler(&ucRename))
if authManager.WithAuth() {
Index: cmd/command.go
--- cmd/command.go
+++ cmd/command.go
@@ -1,24 +1,21 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-present Detlef Stern
package cmd
import (
- ""
+ ""
// Command stores information about commands / sub-commands.
type Command struct {
Index: cmd/main.go
--- cmd/main.go
+++ cmd/main.go
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-present Detlef Stern
package cmd
import (
@@ -23,23 +20,23 @@
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
- ""
- ""
const strRunSimple = "run-simple"
func init() {
@@ -89,19 +86,19 @@
Name: "password",
Func: cmdPassword,
-func fetchStartupConfiguration(fs *flag.FlagSet) (string, *meta.Meta) {
+func fetchStartupConfiguration(fs *flag.FlagSet) (cfg *meta.Meta) {
if configFlag := fs.Lookup("c"); configFlag != nil {
if filename := configFlag.Value.String(); filename != "" {
content, err := readConfiguration(filename)
- return filename, createConfiguration(content, err)
+ return createConfiguration(content, err)
- filename, content, err := searchAndReadConfiguration()
- return filename, createConfiguration(content, err)
+ content, err := searchAndReadConfiguration()
+ return createConfiguration(content, err)
func createConfiguration(content []byte, err error) *meta.Meta {
if err != nil {
return meta.New(id.Invalid)
@@ -109,21 +106,21 @@
return meta.NewFromInput(id.Invalid, input.NewInput(content))
func readConfiguration(filename string) ([]byte, error) { return os.ReadFile(filename) }
-func searchAndReadConfiguration() (string, []byte, error) {
- for _, filename := range []string{"zettelstore.cfg", "zsconfig.txt", "zscfg.txt", "_zscfg", ".zscfg"} {
+func searchAndReadConfiguration() ([]byte, error) {
+ for _, filename := range []string{"zettelstore.cfg", "zsconfig.txt", "zscfg.txt", "_zscfg"} {
if content, err := readConfiguration(filename); err == nil {
- return filename, content, nil
+ return content, nil
- return "", nil, os.ErrNotExist
+ return readConfiguration(".zscfg")
-func getConfig(fs *flag.FlagSet) (string, *meta.Meta) {
- filename, cfg := fetchStartupConfiguration(fs)
+func getConfig(fs *flag.FlagSet) *meta.Meta {
+ cfg := fetchStartupConfiguration(fs)
fs.Visit(func(flg *flag.Flag) {
switch flg.Name {
case "p":
cfg.Set(keyListenAddr, net.JoinHostPort("", flg.Value.String()))
case "a":
@@ -145,11 +142,11 @@
cfg.Set(keyReadOnly, flg.Value.String())
case "v":
cfg.Set(keyVerbose, flg.Value.String())
- return filename, cfg
+ return cfg
func deleteConfiguredBoxes(cfg *meta.Meta) {
for _, p := range cfg.PairsRest() {
if key := p.Key; strings.HasPrefix(key, kernel.BoxURIs) {
@@ -160,22 +157,21 @@
const (
keyAdminPort = "admin-port"
keyAssetDir = "asset-dir"
keyBaseURL = "base-url"
- keyBoxOneURI = kernel.BoxURIs + "1"
keyDebug = "debug-mode"
keyDefaultDirBoxType = "default-dir-box-type"
keyInsecureCookie = "insecure-cookie"
keyInsecureHTML = "insecure-html"
keyListenAddr = "listen-addr"
keyLogLevel = "log-level"
keyMaxRequestSize = "max-request-size"
keyOwner = "owner"
keyPersistentCookie = "persistent-cookie"
+ keyBoxOneURI = kernel.BoxURIs + "1"
keyReadOnly = "read-only-mode"
- keyRuntimeProfiling = "runtime-profiling"
keyTokenLifetimeHTML = "token-lifetime-html"
keyTokenLifetimeAPI = "token-lifetime-api"
keyURLPrefix = "url-prefix"
keyVerbose = "verbose-mode"
@@ -208,15 +204,13 @@
err = setConfigValue(err, kernel.BoxService, key, val)
- err = setConfigValue(
- err, kernel.ConfigService, kernel.ConfigInsecureHTML, cfg.GetDefault(keyInsecureHTML, kernel.ConfigSecureHTML))
+ err = setConfigValue(err, kernel.ConfigService, kernel.ConfigInsecureHTML, cfg.GetDefault(keyInsecureHTML, kernel.ConfigSecureHTML))
- err = setConfigValue(
- err, kernel.WebService, kernel.WebListenAddress, cfg.GetDefault(keyListenAddr, ""))
+ err = setConfigValue(err, kernel.WebService, kernel.WebListenAddress, cfg.GetDefault(keyListenAddr, ""))
if val, found := cfg.Get(keyBaseURL); found {
err = setConfigValue(err, kernel.WebService, kernel.WebBaseURL, val)
if val, found := cfg.Get(keyURLPrefix); found {
err = setConfigValue(err, kernel.WebService, kernel.WebURLPrefix, val)
@@ -228,11 +222,10 @@
err = setConfigValue(
err, kernel.WebService, kernel.WebTokenLifetimeAPI, cfg.GetDefault(keyTokenLifetimeAPI, ""))
err = setConfigValue(
err, kernel.WebService, kernel.WebTokenLifetimeHTML, cfg.GetDefault(keyTokenLifetimeHTML, ""))
- err = setConfigValue(err, kernel.WebService, kernel.WebProfiling, debugMode || cfg.GetBool(keyRuntimeProfiling))
if val, found := cfg.Get(keyAssetDir); found {
err = setConfigValue(err, kernel.WebService, kernel.WebAssetDir, val)
return err == nil
@@ -239,11 +232,11 @@
func setConfigValue(err error, subsys kernel.Service, key string, val any) error {
if err == nil {
err = kernel.Main.SetConfig(subsys, key, fmt.Sprint(val))
if err != nil {
- kernel.Main.GetKernelLogger().Error().Str("key", key).Str("value", fmt.Sprint(val)).Err(err).Msg("Unable to set configuration")
+ kernel.Main.GetKernelLogger().Fatal().Str("key", key).Str("value", fmt.Sprint(val)).Err(err).Msg("Unable to set configuration")
return err
@@ -256,11 +249,11 @@
fs := command.GetFlags()
if err := fs.Parse(args); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: unable to parse flags: %v %v\n", name, args, err)
return 1
- filename, cfg := getConfig(fs)
+ cfg := getConfig(fs)
if !setServiceConfig(cfg) {
return 2
@@ -295,11 +288,11 @@
if command.Simple {
kern.SetConfig(kernel.ConfigService, kernel.ConfigSimpleMode, "true")
- kern.Start(command.Header, command.LineServer, filename)
+ kern.Start(command.Header, command.LineServer)
exitCode, err := command.Func(fs)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: %v\n", name, err)
@@ -307,11 +300,11 @@
// runSimple is called, when the user just starts the software via a double click
// or via a simple call “./zettelstore“ on the command line.
func runSimple() int {
- if _, _, err := searchAndReadConfiguration(); err == nil {
+ if _, err := searchAndReadConfiguration(); err == nil {
return executeCommand(strRunSimple)
dir := "./zettel"
if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0750); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Unable to create zettel directory %q (%s)\n", dir, err)
Index: cmd/register.go
--- cmd/register.go
+++ cmd/register.go
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-present Detlef Stern
// Package cmd provides command generic functions.
package cmd
@@ -21,17 +18,17 @@
_ "" // Allow to use directory box.
_ "" // Allow to use file box.
_ "" // Allow to use in-memory box.
_ "" // Allow to use HTML encoder.
_ "" // Allow to use markdown encoder.
- _ "" // Allow to use SHTML encoder.
- _ "" // Allow to use Sz encoder.
+ _ "" // Allow to use sexpr encoder.
_ "" // Allow to use text encoder.
+ _ "" // Allow to use ZJSON encoder.
_ "" // Allow to use zmk encoder.
_ "" // Allow kernel implementation to create itself
_ "" // Allow to use BLOB parser.
_ "" // Allow to use draw parser.
_ "" // Allow to use markdown parser.
_ "" // Allow to use none parser.
_ "" // Allow to use plain parser.
_ "" // Allow to use zettelmark parser.
Index: cmd/zettelstore/main.go
--- cmd/zettelstore/main.go
+++ cmd/zettelstore/main.go
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-present Detlef Stern
// Package main is the starting point for the zettelstore command.
package main
@@ -19,11 +16,11 @@
// Version variable. Will be filled by build process.
-var version string
+var version string = ""
func main() {
exitCode := cmd.Main("Zettelstore", version)
Index: collect/collect.go
--- collect/collect.go
+++ collect/collect.go
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-present Detlef Stern
// Package collect provides functions to collect items from a syntax tree.
package collect
Index: collect/collect_test.go
--- collect/collect_test.go
+++ collect/collect_test.go
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-present Detlef Stern
// Package collect_test provides some unit test for collectors.
package collect_test
Index: collect/order.go
--- collect/order.go
+++ collect/order.go
@@ -1,69 +1,69 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-present Detlef Stern
// Package collect provides functions to collect items from a syntax tree.
package collect
import ""
-// Order of internal links within the given zettel.
-func Order(zn *ast.ZettelNode) (result []*ast.LinkNode) {
+// Order of internal reference within the given zettel.
+func Order(zn *ast.ZettelNode) (result []*ast.Reference) {
for _, bn := range zn.Ast {
ln, ok := bn.(*ast.NestedListNode)
if !ok {
switch ln.Kind {
case ast.NestedListOrdered, ast.NestedListUnordered:
for _, is := range ln.Items {
- if ln := firstItemZettelLink(is); ln != nil {
- result = append(result, ln)
+ if ref := firstItemZettelReference(is); ref != nil {
+ result = append(result, ref)
return result
-func firstItemZettelLink(is ast.ItemSlice) *ast.LinkNode {
+func firstItemZettelReference(is ast.ItemSlice) *ast.Reference {
for _, in := range is {
if pn, ok := in.(*ast.ParaNode); ok {
- if ln := firstInlineZettelLink(pn.Inlines); ln != nil {
- return ln
+ if ref := firstInlineZettelReference(pn.Inlines); ref != nil {
+ return ref
return nil
-func firstInlineZettelLink(is ast.InlineSlice) (result *ast.LinkNode) {
+func firstInlineZettelReference(is ast.InlineSlice) (result *ast.Reference) {
for _, inl := range is {
switch in := inl.(type) {
case *ast.LinkNode:
- return in
+ if ref := in.Ref; ref.IsZettel() {
+ return ref
+ }
+ result = firstInlineZettelReference(in.Inlines)
case *ast.EmbedRefNode:
- result = firstInlineZettelLink(in.Inlines)
+ result = firstInlineZettelReference(in.Inlines)
case *ast.EmbedBLOBNode:
- result = firstInlineZettelLink(in.Inlines)
+ result = firstInlineZettelReference(in.Inlines)
case *ast.CiteNode:
- result = firstInlineZettelLink(in.Inlines)
+ result = firstInlineZettelReference(in.Inlines)
case *ast.FootnoteNode:
// Ignore references in footnotes
case *ast.FormatNode:
- result = firstInlineZettelLink(in.Inlines)
+ result = firstInlineZettelReference(in.Inlines)
if result != nil {
return result
ADDED collect/split.go
Index: collect/split.go
--- /dev/null
+++ collect/split.go
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Detlef Stern
+// This file is part of Zettelstore.
+// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
+// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
+// under this license.
+// Package collect provides functions to collect items from a syntax tree.
+package collect
+import (
+ ""
+ ""
+// DivideReferences divides the given list of rederences into zettel, local, and external References.
+func DivideReferences(all []*ast.Reference) (zettel, local, external []*ast.Reference) {
+ if len(all) == 0 {
+ return nil, nil, nil
+ }
+ mapZettel := make(strfun.Set)
+ mapLocal := make(strfun.Set)
+ mapExternal := make(strfun.Set)
+ for _, ref := range all {
+ if ref.State == ast.RefStateSelf {
+ continue
+ }
+ if ref.IsZettel() {
+ zettel = appendRefToList(zettel, mapZettel, ref)
+ } else if ref.IsExternal() {
+ external = appendRefToList(external, mapExternal, ref)
+ } else {
+ local = appendRefToList(local, mapLocal, ref)
+ }
+ }
+ return zettel, local, external
+func appendRefToList(reflist []*ast.Reference, refSet strfun.Set, ref *ast.Reference) []*ast.Reference {
+ s := ref.String()
+ if !refSet.Has(s) {
+ reflist = append(reflist, ref)
+ refSet.Set(s)
+ }
+ return reflist
Index: config/config.go
--- config/config.go
+++ config/config.go
@@ -1,37 +1,30 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020-present Detlef Stern
+// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Detlef Stern
// This file is part of Zettelstore.
// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-present Detlef Stern
// Package config provides functions to retrieve runtime configuration data.
package config
import (
- ""
+ ""
// Key values that are supported by Config.Get
const (
- KeyFooterZettel = "footer-zettel"
- KeyHomeZettel = "home-zettel"
- KeyShowBackLinks = "show-back-links"
- KeyShowFolgeLinks = "show-folge-links"
- KeyShowSequelLinks = "show-sequel-links"
- KeyShowSubordinateLinks = "show-subordinate-links"
- KeyShowSuccessorLinks = "show-successor-links"
+ KeyFooterZettel = "footer-zettel"
+ KeyHomeZettel = "home-zettel"
// api.KeyLang
+ KeyMarkerExternal = "marker-external"
// Config allows to retrieve all defined configuration values that can be changed during runtime.
type Config interface {
Index: docs/development/00010000000000.zettel
--- docs/development/00010000000000.zettel
+++ docs/development/00010000000000.zettel
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
id: 00010000000000
title: Developments Notes
role: zettel
syntax: zmk
created: 00010101000000
-modified: 20231218182020
+modified: 20221026184905
* [[Required Software|20210916193200]]
* [[Fuzzing tests|20221026184300]]
* [[Checklist for Release|20210916194900]]
-* [[Development tools|20231218181900]]
Index: docs/development/20210916193200.zettel
--- docs/development/20210916193200.zettel
+++ docs/development/20210916193200.zettel
@@ -1,29 +1,22 @@
id: 20210916193200
title: Required Software
role: zettel
syntax: zmk
created: 20210916193200
-modified: 20241213124936
+modified: 20230109121417
The following software must be installed:
* A current, supported [[release of Go|]],
+* [[shadow|]] via ``go install``,
+* [[staticcheck|]] via ``go install``,
+* [[unparam|]][^[[GitHub|]]] via ``go install``,
* [[Fossil|]],
* [[Git|]] (most dependencies are accessible via Git only).
Make sure that the software is in your path, e.g. via:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin
-The internal build tool needs the following software tools.
-They can be installed / updated via the build tool itself: ``go run tools/devtools/devtools.go``.
-Otherwise you can install the software by hand:
-* [[shadow|]] via ``go install``,
-* [[staticcheck|]] via ``go install``,
-* [[unparam|]][^[[GitHub|]]] via ``go install``,
-* [[revive|]] via ``go install``,
-* [[govulncheck|]] via ``go install``,
Index: docs/development/20210916194900.zettel
--- docs/development/20210916194900.zettel
+++ docs/development/20210916194900.zettel
@@ -1,58 +1,57 @@
id: 20210916194900
title: Checklist for Release
role: zettel
syntax: zmk
-created: 20210916194900
-modified: 20241213125640
+modified: 20220309105459
-# Sync with the official repository:
+# Sync with the official repository
#* ``fossil sync -u``
-# Make sure that there is no workspace defined:
+# Make sure that there is no workspace defined.
#* ``ls ..`` must not have a file '''', in no parent folder.
-# Make sure that all dependencies are up-to-date:
+# Make sure that all dependencies are up-to-date.
#* ``cat go.mod``
# Clean up your Go workspace:
-#* ``go run tools/clean/clean.go`` (alternatively: ``make clean``)
+#* ``go run tools/build.go clean`` (alternatively: ``make clean``).
# All internal tests must succeed:
-#* ``go run tools/check/check.go -r`` (alternatively: ``make relcheck``)
+#* ``go run tools/build.go relcheck`` (alternatively: ``make relcheck``).
# The API tests must succeed on every development platform:
-#* ``go run tools/testapi/testapi.go`` (alternatively: ``make api``)
+#* ``go run tools/build.go testapi`` (alternatively: ``make api``).
# Run [[linkchecker|]] with the manual:
#* ``go run -race cmd/zettelstore/main.go run -d docs/manual``
#* ``linkchecker 2>&1 | tee lc.txt``
#* Check all ""Error: 404 Not Found""
-#* Check all ""Error: 403 Forbidden"": allowed for endpoint ''/z'' for those zettel that are accessible only in ''expert-mode''
+#* Check all ""Error: 403 Forbidden"": allowed for endpoint ''/p'' with encoding ''html'' for those zettel that are accessible only in ''expert-mode''.
#* Try to resolve other error messages and warnings
#* Warnings about empty content can be ignored
# On every development platform, the box with 10.000 zettel must run, with ''-race'' enabled:
-#* ``go run -race cmd/zettelstore/main.go run -d DIR``
+#* ``go run -race cmd/zettelstore/main.go run -d DIR``.
# Create a development release:
-#* ``go run tools/build.go release`` (alternatively: ``make release``)
+#* ``go run tools/build.go release`` (alternatively: ``make release``).
# On every platform (esp. macOS), the box with 10.000 zettel must run properly:
#* ``./zettelstore -d DIR``
-# Update files in directory ''www'':
-#* ''''
-#* ''''
-#* ''''
-#* ''''
+# Update files in directory ''www''
# Set file ''VERSION'' to the new release version.
- It **must** consists of three numbers: ''MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH'', even if ''PATCH'' is zero.
+ It _must_ consist of three digits: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, even if PATCH is zero
# Disable Fossil autosync mode:
#* ``fossil setting autosync off``
# Commit the new release version:
#* ``fossil commit --tag release --tag vVERSION -m "Version VERSION"``
#* **Important:** the tag must follow the given pattern, e.g. ''v0.0.15''.
- Otherwise client software will not be able to import ''''.
+ Otherwise client will not be able to import ''''.
# Clean up your Go workspace:
-#* ``go run tools/clean/clean.go`` (alternatively: ``make clean``)
+#* ``go run tools/build.go clean`` (alternatively: ``make clean``).
# Create the release:
-#* ``go run tools/build/build.go release`` (alternatively: ``make release``)
+#* ``go run tools/build.go release`` (alternatively: ``make release``).
# Remove previous executables:
#* ``fossil uv remove --glob '*-PREVVERSION*'``
# Add executables for release:
-#* ``cd releases``
+#* ``cd release``
#* ``fossil uv add *.zip``
#* ``cd ..``
#* Synchronize with main repository:
#* ``fossil sync -u``
# Enable autosync:
DELETED docs/development/20231218181900.zettel
Index: docs/development/20231218181900.zettel
--- docs/development/20231218181900.zettel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-id: 20231218181900
-title: Development tools
-role: zettel
-syntax: zmk
-created: 20231218181956
-modified: 20231218184500
-The source code contains some tools to assist the development of Zettelstore.
-These are located in the ''tools'' directory.
-Most tool support the generic option ``-v``, which log internal activities.
-Some of the tools can be called easier by using ``make``, that reads in a provided ''Makefile''.
-=== Check
-The ""check"" tool automates some testing activities.
-It is called via the command line:
-# go run tools/check/check.go
-There is an additional option ``-r`` to check in advance of a release.
-The following checks are executed:
-* Execution of unit tests, like ``go test ./...``
-* Analyze the source code for general problems, as in ``go vet ./...``
-* Tries to find shadowed variable, via ``shadow ./...``
-* Performs some additional checks on the source code, via ``staticcheck ./...``
-* Checks the usage of function parameters and usage of return values, via ``unparam ./...``.
- In case the option ''-r'' is set, the check includes exported functions and internal tests.
-* In case option ''-r'' is set, the source code is checked against the vulnerability database, via ``govulncheck ./...``
-Please note, that most of the tools above are not automatically installed in a standard Go distribution.
-Use the command ""devtools"" to install them.
-=== Devtools
-The following command installs all needed tools:
-# go run tooles/devtools/devtools.go
-It will also automatically update these tools.
-=== TestAPI
-The following command will perform some high-level tests:
-# go run tools/testapi/testapi.go
-Basically, a Zettelstore will be started and then API calls will be made to simulate some typical activities with the Zettelstore.
-If a Zettelstore is already running on port 23123, this Zettelstore will be used instead.
-Even if the API test should clean up later, some zettel might stay created if a test fails.
-This feature is used, if you want to have more control on the running Zettelstore.
-You should start it with the following command:
-# go run -race cmd/zettelstore/main.go run -c testdata/testbox/19700101000000.zettel
-This allows you to debug failing API tests.
-=== HTMLlint
-The following command will check the generated HTML code for validity:
-# go run tools/htmllint/htmllint.go
-In addition, you might specify the URL od a running Zettelstore.
-Otherwise ''http://localhost:23123'' is used.
-This command fetches first the list of all zettel.
-This list is used to check the generated HTML code (''ZID'' is the paceholder for the zettel identification):
-* Check all zettel HTML encodings, via the path ''/z/ZID?enc=html&part=zettel''
-* Check all zettel web views, via the path ''/h/ZID''
-* The info page of all zettel is checked, via path ''/i/ZID''
-* A subset of max. 100 zettel will be checked for the validity of their edit page, via ''/e/ZID''
-* 10 random zettel are checked for a valid create form, via ''/c/ZID''
-* A maximum of 200 random zettel are checked for a valid delete dialog, via ''/d/ZID''
-Depending on the selected Zettelstore, the command might take a long time.
-You can shorten the time, if you disable any zettel query in the footer.
-=== Build
-The ""build"" tool allows to build the software, either for tests or for a release.
-The following command will create a Zettelstore executable for the architecture of the current computer:
-# go tools/build/build.go build
-You will find the executable in the ''bin'' directory.
-A full release will be build in the directory ''releases'', containing ZIP files for the computer architectures ""Linux/amd64"", ""Linux/arm"", ""MacOS/arm64"", ""MacOS/amd64"", and ""Windows/amd64"".
-In addition, the manual is also build as a ZIP file:
-# go run tools/build/build.go release
-If you just want the ZIP file with the manual, please use:
-# go run tools/build/build.go manual
-In case you want to check the version of the Zettelstore to be build, use:
-# go run tools/build/build.go version
-=== Clean
-To remove the directories ''bin'' and ''releases'', as well as all cached Go libraries used by Zettelstore, execute:
-# go run tools/clean/clean.go
-Internally, the following commands are executed
-# rm -rf bin releases
-# go clean ./...
-# go clean -cache -modcache -testcache
Index: docs/manual/00000000000100.zettel
--- docs/manual/00000000000100.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00000000000100.zettel
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
id: 00000000000100
title: Zettelstore Runtime Configuration
role: configuration
syntax: none
-created: 20210126175322
-default-copyright: (c) 2020-present by Detlef Stern
+created: 00010101000000
+default-copyright: (c) 2020-2022 by Detlef Stern
default-license: EUPL-1.2-or-later
default-visibility: public
footer-zettel: 00001000000100
home-zettel: 00001000000000
modified: 20221205173642
Index: docs/manual/00001000000000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001000000000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001000000000.zettel
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
id: 00001000000000
title: Zettelstore Manual
role: manual
tags: #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
-created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20241128141924
-show-back-links: false
+modified: 20220803183647
* [[Introduction|00001001000000]]
* [[Design goals|00001002000000]]
* [[Installation|00001003000000]]
* [[Configuration|00001004000000]]
@@ -20,8 +18,6 @@
* [[Web user interface|00001014000000]]
* [[Tips and Tricks|00001017000000]]
* [[Troubleshooting|00001018000000]]
* Frequently asked questions
-Version: {{00001000000001}}
Licensed under the EUPL-1.2-or-later.
DELETED docs/manual/00001000000001.zettel
Index: docs/manual/00001000000001.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001000000001.zettel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-id: 00001000000001
-title: Manual Version
-role: configuration
-syntax: zmk
-created: 20231002142915
-modified: 20231002142948
-To be set by build tool.
DELETED docs/manual/00001000000002.zettel
Index: docs/manual/00001000000002.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001000000002.zettel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-id: 00001000000002
-title: manual
-role: role
-syntax: zmk
-created: 20231128184200
-Zettel with the role ""manual"" contain the manual of the zettelstore.
Index: docs/manual/00001001000000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001001000000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001001000000.zettel
@@ -1,17 +1,25 @@
id: 00001001000000
title: Introduction to the Zettelstore
role: manual
tags: #introduction #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
-created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102181246
-[[Personal knowledge management|]] involves collecting, classifying, storing, searching, retrieving, assessing, evaluating, and sharing knowledge as a daily activity.
-It's done by most individuals, not necessarily as part of their main business.
-It's essential for knowledge workers, such as students, researchers, lecturers, software developers, scientists, engineers, architects, etc.
-Many hobbyists build up a significant amount of knowledge, even if they do not need to think for a living.
-Personal knowledge management can be seen as a prerequisite for many kinds of collaboration.
-Zettelstore is software that collects and relates your notes (""zettel"") to represent and enhance your knowledge, supporting the ""[[Zettelkasten method|]]"".
-The method is based on creating many individual notes, each containing one idea or piece of information, which are related to each other.
-Since knowledge is typically built up gradually, one major focus is a long-term store of these notes, hence the name ""Zettelstore"".
+[[Personal knowledge
+management|]] is
+about collecting, classifying, storing, searching, retrieving, assessing,
+evaluating, and sharing knowledge as a daily activity. Personal knowledge
+management is done by most people, not necessarily as part of their main
+business. It is essential for knowledge workers, like students, researchers,
+lecturers, software developers, scientists, engineers, architects, to name
+a few. Many hobbyists build up a significant amount of knowledge, even if the
+do not need to think for a living. Personal knowledge management can be seen as
+a prerequisite for many kinds of collaboration.
+Zettelstore is a software that collects and relates your notes (""zettel"")
+to represent and enhance your knowledge. It helps with many tasks of personal
+knowledge management by explicitly supporting the ""[[Zettelkasten
+method|]]"". The method is based on
+creating many individual notes, each with one idea or information, that are
+related to each other. Since knowledge is typically build up gradually, one
+major focus is a long-term store of these notes, hence the name
Index: docs/manual/00001002000000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001002000000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001002000000.zettel
@@ -2,21 +2,17 @@
title: Design goals for the Zettelstore
role: manual
tags: #design #goal #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102191434
+modified: 20221018105415
Zettelstore supports the following design goals:
; Longevity of stored notes / zettel
: Every zettel you create should be readable without the help of any tool, even without Zettelstore.
-: It should not hard to write other software that works with your zettel.
-: Normal zettel should be stored in a single file.
- If this is not possible: at most in two files: one for the metadata, one for the content.
- The only exceptions are [[predefined zettel|00001005090000]] stored in the Zettelstore executable.
-: There is no additional database.
+: It should be not hard to write other software that works with your zettel.
; Single user
: All zettel belong to you, only to you.
Zettelstore provides its services only to one person: you.
If the computer running Zettelstore is securely configured, there should be no risk that others are able to read or update your zettel.
: If you want, you can customize Zettelstore in a way that some specific or all persons are able to read some of your zettel.
@@ -26,18 +22,16 @@
; Ease of operation
: There is only one executable for Zettelstore and one directory, where your zettel are stored.
: If you decide to use multiple directories, you are free to configure Zettelstore appropriately.
; Multiple modes of operation
: You can use Zettelstore as a standalone software on your device, but you are not restricted to it.
-: You can install the software on a central server, or you can install it on all your devices with no restrictions on how to synchronize your zettel.
+: You can install the software on a central server, or you can install it on all your devices with no restrictions how to synchronize your zettel.
; Multiple user interfaces
: Zettelstore provides a default [[web-based user interface|00001014000000]].
- Anyone can provide alternative user interfaces, e.g. for special purposes.
+ Anybody can provide alternative user interfaces, e.g. for special purposes.
; Simple service
: The purpose of Zettelstore is to safely store your zettel and to provide some initial relations between them.
: External software can be written to deeply analyze your zettel and the structures they form.
; Security by default
: Without any customization, Zettelstore provides its services in a safe and secure manner and does not expose you (or other users) to security risks.
-: If you know what you are doing, Zettelstore allows you to relax some security-related preferences.
+: If you know what use are doing, Zettelstore allows you to relax some security-related preferences.
However, even in this case, the more secure way is chosen.
-: The Zettelstore software uses a minimal design and uses other software dependencies only is essential needed.
-: There will be no plugin mechanism, which allows external software to control the inner workings of the Zettelstore software.
Index: docs/manual/00001003000000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001003000000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001003000000.zettel
@@ -1,29 +1,27 @@
id: 00001003000000
title: Installation of the Zettelstore software
role: manual
tags: #installation #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
-created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102185359
+modified: 20220119145756
=== The curious user
You just want to check out the Zettelstore software
-* Grab the appropriate executable and copy it to any directory
-* Start the Zettelstore software, e.g. with a double click[^On Windows and macOS, the operating system tries to protect you from possible malicious software.
- If you encounter a problem, please refer to the [[Troubleshooting|00001018000000]]Â page.]
+* Grab the appropriate executable and copy it into any directory
+* Start the Zettelstore software, e.g. with a double click[^On Windows and macOS, the operating system tries to protect you from possible malicious software. If you encounter problem, please take a look on the [[Troubleshooting|00001018000000]]Â page.]
* A sub-directory ""zettel"" will be created in the directory where you put the executable.
It will contain your future zettel.
* Open the URI [[http://localhost:23123]] with your web browser.
- A mostly empty Zettelstore is presented.
+ It will present you a mostly empty Zettelstore.
There will be a zettel titled ""[[Home|00010000000000]]"" that contains some helpful information.
* Please read the instructions for the [[web-based user interface|00001014000000]] and learn about the various ways to write zettel.
* If you restart your device, please make sure to start your Zettelstore again.
=== The intermediate user
-You have already tried the Zettelstore software and now you want to use it permanently.
+You already tried the Zettelstore software and now you want to use it permanently.
Zettelstore should start automatically when you log into your computer.
Please follow [[these instructions|00001003300000]].
=== The server administrator
Index: docs/manual/00001003300000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001003300000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001003300000.zettel
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
id: 00001003300000
title: Zettelstore installation for the intermediate user
role: manual
tags: #installation #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
-created: 20211125191727
-modified: 20250102190221
+modified: 20220114175754
-You have already tried the Zettelstore software and now you want to use it permanently.
+You already tried the Zettelstore software and now you want to use it permanently.
Zettelstore should start automatically when you log into your computer.
* Grab the appropriate executable and copy it into the appropriate directory
* If you want to place your zettel into another directory, or if you want more than one [[Zettelstore box|00001004011200]], or if you want to [[enable authentication|00001010040100]], or if you want to tweak your Zettelstore in some other way, create an appropriate [[startup configuration file|00001004010000]].
* If you created a startup configuration file, you need to test it:
@@ -17,11 +16,11 @@
In most cases, this is done by the command ``cd DIR``, where ''DIR'' denotes the directory, where you placed the executable.
** Start the Zettelstore:
*** On Windows execute the command ``zettelstore.exe run -c CONFIG_FILE``
*** On macOS execute the command ``./zettelstore run -c CONFIG_FILE``
*** On Linux execute the command ``./zettelstore run -c CONFIG_FILE``
-** In all cases ''CONFIG_FILE'' must be replaced with the file name where you wrote the startup configuration.
+** In all cases ''CONFIG_FILE'' must be substituted by file name where you wrote the startup configuration.
** If you encounter some error messages, update the startup configuration, and try again.
* Depending on your operating system, there are different ways to register Zettelstore to start automatically:
** [[Windows|00001003305000]]
** [[macOS|00001003310000]]
** [[Linux|00001003315000]]
Index: docs/manual/00001003305000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001003305000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001003305000.zettel
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
id: 00001003305000
title: Enable Zettelstore to start automatically on Windows
role: manual
tags: #installation #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
-created: 20211125191727
-modified: 20241213103259
+modified: 20220218125541
Windows is a complicated beast. There are several ways to automatically start Zettelstore.
=== Startup folder
@@ -33,11 +32,11 @@
The Windows Task scheduler allows you to start Zettelstore as an background task.
This is both an advantage and a disadvantage.
-On the plus side, Zettelstore runs in the background, and it does not disturb you.
+On the plus side, Zettelstore runs in the background, and it does not disturbs you.
All you have to do is to open your web browser, enter the appropriate URL, and there you go.
On the negative side, you will not be notified when you enter the wrong data in the Task scheduler and Zettelstore fails to start.
This can be mitigated by first using the command line prompt to start Zettelstore with the appropriate options.
Once everything works, you can register Zettelstore to be automatically started by the task scheduler.
@@ -70,11 +69,11 @@
The next steps are the trickiest.
-If you did not create a startup configuration file, then create an action that starts a program.
+If you did not created a startup configuration file, then create an action that starts a program.
Enter the file path where you placed the Zettelstore executable.
The ""Browse ..."" button helps you with that.[^I store my Zettelstore executable in the sub-directory ''bin'' of my home directory.]
It is essential that you also enter a directory, which serves as the environment for your zettelstore.
The (sub-) directory ''zettel'', which will contain your zettel, will be placed in this directory.
Index: docs/manual/00001003310000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001003310000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001003310000.zettel
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
id: 00001003310000
title: Enable Zettelstore to start automatically on macOS
role: manual
tags: #installation #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
-created: 20220114181521
modified: 20220119124635
There are several ways to automatically start Zettelstore.
* [[Login Items|#login-items]]
Index: docs/manual/00001003315000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001003315000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001003315000.zettel
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
id: 00001003315000
title: Enable Zettelstore to start automatically on Linux
role: manual
tags: #installation #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
-created: 20220114181521
-modified: 20250102221716
+modified: 20220307104944
Since there is no such thing as the one Linux, there are too many different ways to automatically start Zettelstore.
* One way is to interpret your Linux desktop system as a server and use the [[recipe to install Zettelstore on a server|00001003600000]].
** See below for a lighter alternative.
@@ -17,11 +16,11 @@
* [[LXDE|]] uses [[LXSession Edit|]] to allow users to specify autostart applications.
If you use a different desktop environment, it often helps to to provide its name and the string ""autostart"" to google for it with the search engine of your choice.
Yet another way is to make use of the middleware that is provided.
-Many Linux distributions make use of [[systemd|]], which allows to start processes on behalf of a user.
+Many Linux distributions make use of [[systemd|]], which allows to start processes on behalf of an user.
On the command line, adapt the following script to your own needs and execute it:
# mkdir -p "$HOME/.config/systemd/user"
# cd "$HOME/.config/systemd/user"
# cat <<__EOF__ > zettelstore.service
Index: docs/manual/00001003600000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001003600000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001003600000.zettel
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
id: 00001003600000
title: Installation of Zettelstore on a server
role: manual
tags: #installation #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
-created: 20211125191727
modified: 20211125185833
You want to provide a shared Zettelstore that can be used from your various devices.
Installing Zettelstore as a Linux service is not that hard.
Index: docs/manual/00001004000000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001004000000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001004000000.zettel
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
id: 00001004000000
title: Configuration of Zettelstore
role: manual
tags: #configuration #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
-created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102181034
+modified: 20210510153233
-There are several levels to change the behavior and/or the appearance of Zettelstore.
+There are some levels to change the behavior and/or the appearance of Zettelstore.
# The first level is the way to start Zettelstore services and to manage it via command line (and, in part, via a graphical user interface).
#* [[Command line parameters|00001004050000]]
# As an intermediate user, you usually want to have more control over how Zettelstore is started.
This may include the URI under which your Zettelstore is accessible, or the directories in which your Zettel are stored.
Index: docs/manual/00001004010000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001004010000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001004010000.zettel
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title: Zettelstore startup configuration
role: manual
tags: #configuration #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102180346
+modified: 20221128155143
-The configuration file, specified by the ''-c CONFIGFILE'' [[command line option|00001004051000]], allows you to specify some startup options.
-These cannot be stored in a [[configuration zettel|00001004020000]] because they are needed before Zettelstore can start or because of security reasons.
-For example, Zettelstore needs to know in advance on which network address it must listen or where zettel are stored.
+The configuration file, as specified by the ''-c CONFIGFILE'' [[command line option|00001004051000]], allows you to specify some startup options.
+These options cannot be stored in a [[configuration zettel|00001004020000]] because either they are needed before Zettelstore can start or because of security reasons.
+For example, Zettelstore need to know in advance, on which network address is must listen or where zettel are stored.
An attacker that is able to change the owner can do anything.
-Therefore, only the owner of the computer on which Zettelstore runs can change this information.
+Therefore only the owner of the computer on which Zettelstore runs can change this information.
The file for startup configuration must be created via a text editor in advance.
The syntax of the configuration file is the same as for any zettel metadata.
The following keys are supported:
; [!admin-port|''admin-port'']
: Specifies the TCP port through which you can reach the [[administrator console|00001004100000]].
- A value of ""0"" (the default) disables it.
+ A value of ""0"" (the default) disables the administrator console.
The administrator console will only be enabled if Zettelstore is started with the [[''run'' sub-command|00001004051000]].
On most operating systems, the value must be greater than ""1024"" unless you start Zettelstore with the full privileges of a system administrator (which is not recommended).
Default: ""0""
; [!asset-dir|''asset-dir'']
-: Allows to specify a directory whose files are allowed to be transferred directly with the help of the web server.
+: Allows to specify a directory whose files are allowed be transferred directly with the help of the web server.
The URL prefix for these files is ''/assets/''.
- You can use this if you want to transfer files that are too large for a zettel, such as presentation, PDF, music or video files.
+ You can use this if you want to transfer files that are too large for a note to users.
+ Examples would be presentation files, PDF files, music files or video files.
- Files within the given directory will not be managed by Zettelstore.[^They will be managed by Zettelstore just in the very special case that the directory is one of the configured [[boxes|#box-uri-x]].]
+ Files within the given directory will not be managed by Zettelstore.[^They will be managed by Zettelstore just in the case that the directory is one of the configured [[boxes|#box-uri-x]].]
- If you specify only the URL prefix in your web client, the contents of the directory are listed.
+ If you specify only the URL prefix, then the contents of the directory are listed to the user.
To avoid this, create an empty file in the directory named ""index.html"".
Default: """", no asset directory is set, the URL prefix ''/assets/'' is invalid.
; [!base-url|''base-url'']
: Sets the absolute base URL for the service.
@@ -42,31 +43,31 @@
Note: [[''url-prefix''|#url-prefix]] must be the suffix of ''base-url'', otherwise the web service will not start.
Default: """".
; [!box-uri-x|''box-uri-X''], where __X__ is a number greater or equal to one
: Specifies a [[box|00001004011200]] where zettel are stored.
- During startup, __X__ is incremented, starting with one, until no key is found.
- This allows to configuring than one box.
+ During startup __X__ is counted up, starting with one, until no key is found.
+ This allows to configure more than one box.
If no ''box-uri-1'' key is given, the overall effect will be the same as if only ''box-uri-1'' was specified with the value ""dir://.zettel"".
In this case, even a key ''box-uri-2'' will be ignored.
; [!debug-mode|''debug-mode'']
-: If set to [[true|00001006030500]], allows to debug the Zettelstore software (mostly used by Zettelstore developers).
+: Allows to debug the Zettelstore software (mostly used by the developers) if set to [[true|00001006030500]]
Disables any timeout values of the internal web server and does not send some security-related data.
Sets [[''log-level''|#log-level]] to ""debug"".
- Enables [[''runtime-profiling''|#runtime-profiling]].
Do not enable it for a production server.
Default: ""false""
; [!default-dir-box-type|''default-dir-box-type'']
-: Specifies the default value for the (sub-)type of [[directory boxes|00001004011400#type]], in which Zettel are typically stored.
+: Specifies the default value for the (sub-) type of [[directory boxes|00001004011400#type]].
+ Zettel are typically stored in such boxes.
Default: ""notify""
; [!insecure-cookie|''insecure-cookie'']
-: Must be set to [[true|00001006030500]] if authentication is enabled and Zettelstore is not accessible via HTTPS (but via HTTP).
- Otherwise web browsers are free to ignore the authentication cookie.
+: Must be set to [[true|00001006030500]], if authentication is enabled and Zettelstore is not accessible not via HTTPS (but via HTTP).
+ Otherwise web browser are free to ignore the authentication cookie.
Default: ""false""
; [!insecure-html|''insecure-html'']
: Allows to use HTML, e.g. within supported markup languages, even if this might introduce security-related problems.
However, HTML containing the ``