@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
Index: ast/ast.go
--- ast/ast.go
+++ ast/ast.go
@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@
package ast
import (
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
// ZettelNode is the root node of the abstract syntax tree.
// It is *not* part of the visitor pattern.
type ZettelNode struct {
Index: ast/block.go
--- ast/block.go
+++ ast/block.go
@@ -78,11 +78,11 @@
// Constants for VerbatimCode
const (
_ VerbatimKind = iota
VerbatimZettel // Zettel content
- VerbatimCode // Program code
+ VerbatimProg // Program code
VerbatimEval // Code to be externally interpreted. Syntax is stored in default attribute.
VerbatimComment // Block comment
VerbatimHTML // Block HTML, e.g. for Markdown
VerbatimMath // Block math mode
@@ -251,11 +251,11 @@
// WalkChildren walks down to the cells.
func (tn *TableNode) WalkChildren(v Visitor) {
if header := tn.Header; header != nil {
for i := range header {
- Walk(v, header[i]) // Otherwise changes will not go back
+ Walk(v, &header[i].Inlines) // Otherwise changes will not go back
if rows := tn.Rows; rows != nil {
for _, row := range rows {
for i := range row {
@@ -263,15 +263,10 @@
-// WalkChildren walks the list of inline elements.
-func (cell *TableCell) WalkChildren(v Visitor) {
- Walk(v, &cell.Inlines) // Otherwise changes will not go back
// TranscludeNode specifies block content from other zettel to embedded in
// current zettel
type TranscludeNode struct {
Index: ast/inline.go
--- ast/inline.go
+++ ast/inline.go
@@ -24,14 +24,12 @@
func (*InlineSlice) inlineNode() { /* Just a marker */ }
// WalkChildren walks down to the list.
func (is *InlineSlice) WalkChildren(v Visitor) {
- if is != nil {
- for _, in := range *is {
- Walk(v, in)
- }
+ for _, in := range *is {
+ Walk(v, in)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -197,16 +195,18 @@
type LiteralKind int
// Constants for LiteralCode
const (
_ LiteralKind = iota
- LiteralCode // Inline program code
+ LiteralZettel // Zettel content
+ LiteralProg // Inline program code
LiteralInput // Computer input, e.g. Keyboard strokes
LiteralOutput // Computer output
LiteralComment // Inline comment
+ LiteralHTML // Inline HTML, e.g. for Markdown
LiteralMath // Inline math mode
func (*LiteralNode) inlineNode() { /* Just a marker */ }
// WalkChildren does nothing.
func (*LiteralNode) WalkChildren(Visitor) { /* No children*/ }
Index: ast/ref.go
--- ast/ref.go
+++ ast/ref.go
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
import (
- ""
+ ""
// QueryPrefix is the prefix that denotes a query expression.
const QueryPrefix = api.QueryPrefix
DELETED ast/sztrans/sztrans.go
Index: ast/sztrans/sztrans.go
--- ast/sztrans/sztrans.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,565 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2025-present Detlef Stern
-// This file is part of Zettelstore.
-// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
-// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
-// under this license.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2025-present Detlef Stern
-// Package sztrans allows to transform a sz representation of text into an
-// abstract syntax tree.
-package sztrans
-import (
- "fmt"
- "log"
- ""
- ""
- ""
-type transformer struct{}
-// GetBlockSlice returns the sz representations as a AST BlockSlice
-func GetBlockSlice(pair *sx.Pair) (ast.BlockSlice, error) {
- if pair == nil {
- return nil, nil
- }
- var t transformer
- if obj := sz.Walk(&t, pair, nil); !obj.IsNil() {
- if sxn, isNode := obj.(sxNode); isNode {
- if bs, ok := sxn.node.(*ast.BlockSlice); ok {
- return *bs, nil
- }
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("no BlockSlice AST: %T/%v for %v", sxn.node, sxn.node, pair)
- }
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("no AST for %v: %v", pair, obj)
- }
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("error walking %v", pair)
-func (t *transformer) VisitBefore(pair *sx.Pair, _ *sx.Pair) (sx.Object, bool) {
- if sym, isSymbol := sx.GetSymbol(pair.Car()); isSymbol {
- switch sym {
- case sz.SymText:
- if p := pair.Tail(); p != nil {
- if s, isString := sx.GetString(p.Car()); isString {
- return sxNode{&ast.TextNode{Text: s.GetValue()}}, true
- }
- }
- case sz.SymSoft:
- return sxNode{&ast.BreakNode{Hard: false}}, true
- case sz.SymHard:
- return sxNode{&ast.BreakNode{Hard: true}}, true
- case sz.SymLiteralCode:
- return handleLiteral(ast.LiteralCode, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymLiteralComment:
- return handleLiteral(ast.LiteralComment, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymLiteralInput:
- return handleLiteral(ast.LiteralInput, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymLiteralMath:
- return handleLiteral(ast.LiteralMath, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymLiteralOutput:
- return handleLiteral(ast.LiteralOutput, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymThematic:
- return sxNode{&ast.HRuleNode{Attrs: sz.GetAttributes(pair.Tail().Head())}}, true
- case sz.SymVerbatimComment:
- return handleVerbatim(ast.VerbatimComment, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymVerbatimEval:
- return handleVerbatim(ast.VerbatimEval, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymVerbatimHTML:
- return handleVerbatim(ast.VerbatimHTML, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymVerbatimMath:
- return handleVerbatim(ast.VerbatimMath, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymVerbatimCode:
- return handleVerbatim(ast.VerbatimCode, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymVerbatimZettel:
- return handleVerbatim(ast.VerbatimZettel, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymTransclude:
- return handleTransclude(pair.Tail())
- }
- }
- return sx.Nil(), false
-func handleLiteral(kind ast.LiteralKind, rest *sx.Pair) (sx.Object, bool) {
- if rest != nil {
- attrs := sz.GetAttributes(rest.Head())
- if curr := rest.Tail(); curr != nil {
- if s, isString := sx.GetString(curr.Car()); isString {
- return sxNode{&ast.LiteralNode{
- Kind: kind,
- Attrs: attrs,
- Content: []byte(s.GetValue())}}, true
- }
- }
- }
- return nil, false
-func handleVerbatim(kind ast.VerbatimKind, rest *sx.Pair) (sx.Object, bool) {
- if rest != nil {
- attrs := sz.GetAttributes(rest.Head())
- if curr := rest.Tail(); curr != nil {
- if s, isString := sx.GetString(curr.Car()); isString {
- return sxNode{&ast.VerbatimNode{
- Kind: kind,
- Attrs: attrs,
- Content: []byte(s.GetValue()),
- }}, true
- }
- }
- }
- return nil, false
-func handleTransclude(rest *sx.Pair) (sx.Object, bool) {
- if rest != nil {
- attrs := sz.GetAttributes(rest.Head())
- if curr := rest.Tail(); curr != nil {
- ref := collectReference(curr.Head())
- return sxNode{&ast.TranscludeNode{
- Attrs: attrs,
- Ref: ref,
- }}, true
- }
- }
- return nil, false
-func (t *transformer) VisitAfter(pair *sx.Pair, _ *sx.Pair) (sx.Object, bool) {
- if sym, isSymbol := sx.GetSymbol(pair.Car()); isSymbol {
- switch sym {
- case sz.SymBlock:
- bns := collectBlocks(pair.Tail())
- return sxNode{&bns}, true
- case sz.SymPara:
- return sxNode{&ast.ParaNode{Inlines: collectInlines(pair.Tail())}}, true
- case sz.SymHeading:
- return handleHeading(pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymListOrdered:
- return sxNode{&ast.NestedListNode{
- Kind: ast.NestedListOrdered,
- Items: collectItemSlices(pair.Tail()),
- Attrs: nil}}, true
- case sz.SymListUnordered:
- return sxNode{&ast.NestedListNode{
- Kind: ast.NestedListUnordered,
- Items: collectItemSlices(pair.Tail()),
- Attrs: nil}}, true
- case sz.SymListQuote:
- return sxNode{&ast.NestedListNode{
- Kind: ast.NestedListQuote,
- Items: collectItemSlices(pair.Tail()),
- Attrs: nil}}, true
- case sz.SymDescription:
- return handleDescription(pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymTable:
- return handleTable(pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymCell:
- return handleCell(ast.AlignDefault, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymCellCenter:
- return handleCell(ast.AlignCenter, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymCellLeft:
- return handleCell(ast.AlignLeft, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymCellRight:
- return handleCell(ast.AlignRight, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymRegionBlock:
- return handleRegion(ast.RegionSpan, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymRegionQuote:
- return handleRegion(ast.RegionQuote, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymRegionVerse:
- return handleRegion(ast.RegionVerse, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymLinkHosted:
- return handleLink(ast.RefStateHosted, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymLinkInvalid:
- return handleLink(ast.RefStateInvalid, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymLinkZettel:
- return handleLink(ast.RefStateZettel, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymLinkSelf:
- return handleLink(ast.RefStateSelf, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymLinkFound:
- return handleLink(ast.RefStateFound, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymLinkBroken:
- return handleLink(ast.RefStateBroken, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymLinkHosted:
- return handleLink(ast.RefStateHosted, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymLinkBased:
- return handleLink(ast.RefStateBased, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymLinkQuery:
- return handleLink(ast.RefStateQuery, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymLinkExternal:
- return handleLink(ast.RefStateExternal, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymEmbed:
- return handleEmbed(pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymCite:
- return handleCite(pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymMark:
- return handleMark(pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymEndnote:
- return handleEndnote(pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymFormatDelete:
- return handleFormat(ast.FormatDelete, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymFormatEmph:
- return handleFormat(ast.FormatEmph, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymFormatInsert:
- return handleFormat(ast.FormatInsert, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymFormatMark:
- return handleFormat(ast.FormatMark, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymFormatQuote:
- return handleFormat(ast.FormatQuote, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymFormatSpan:
- return handleFormat(ast.FormatSpan, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymFormatSub:
- return handleFormat(ast.FormatSub, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymFormatSuper:
- return handleFormat(ast.FormatSuper, pair.Tail())
- case sz.SymFormatStrong:
- return handleFormat(ast.FormatStrong, pair.Tail())
- }
- log.Println("MISS", pair)
- }
- return sxNode{}, false
-func collectBlocks(lst *sx.Pair) (result ast.BlockSlice) {
- for val := range lst.Values() {
- if sxn, isNode := val.(sxNode); isNode {
- if bn, isInline := sxn.node.(ast.BlockNode); isInline {
- result = append(result, bn)
- }
- }
- }
- return result
-func collectInlines(lst *sx.Pair) (result ast.InlineSlice) {
- for val := range lst.Values() {
- if sxn, isNode := val.(sxNode); isNode {
- if in, isInline := sxn.node.(ast.InlineNode); isInline {
- result = append(result, in)
- }
- }
- }
- return result
-func handleHeading(rest *sx.Pair) (sx.Object, bool) {
- if rest != nil {
- if num, isNumber := rest.Car().(sx.Int64); isNumber && num > 0 && num < 6 {
- if curr := rest.Tail(); curr != nil {
- attrs := sz.GetAttributes(curr.Head())
- if curr = curr.Tail(); curr != nil {
- if sSlug, isSlug := sx.GetString(curr.Car()); isSlug {
- if curr = curr.Tail(); curr != nil {
- if sUniq, isUniq := sx.GetString(curr.Car()); isUniq {
- return sxNode{&ast.HeadingNode{
- Level: int(num),
- Attrs: attrs,
- Slug: sSlug.GetValue(),
- Fragment: sUniq.GetValue(),
- Inlines: collectInlines(curr.Tail()),
- }}, true
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- log.Println("HEAD", rest)
- return nil, false
-func collectItemSlices(lst *sx.Pair) (result []ast.ItemSlice) {
- for val := range lst.Values() {
- if sxn, isNode := val.(sxNode); isNode {
- if bns, isBlockSlice := sxn.node.(*ast.BlockSlice); isBlockSlice {
- items := make(ast.ItemSlice, len(*bns))
- for i, bn := range *bns {
- if it, ok := bn.(ast.ItemNode); ok {
- items[i] = it
- }
- }
- result = append(result, items)
- }
- if ins, isInline := sxn.node.(*ast.InlineSlice); isInline {
- items := make(ast.ItemSlice, len(*ins))
- for i, bn := range *ins {
- if it, ok := bn.(ast.ItemNode); ok {
- items[i] = it
- }
- }
- result = append(result, items)
- }
- }
- }
- return result
-func handleDescription(rest *sx.Pair) (sx.Object, bool) {
- var descs []ast.Description
- for curr := rest; curr != nil; {
- term := collectInlines(curr.Head())
- curr = curr.Tail()
- if curr == nil {
- descr := ast.Description{Term: term, Descriptions: nil}
- descs = append(descs, descr)
- break
- }
- sxn, isNode := curr.Car().(sxNode)
- if !isNode {
- descs = nil
- break
- }
- blocks, isBlocks := sxn.node.(*ast.BlockSlice)
- if !isBlocks {
- descs = nil
- break
- }
- descSlice := make([]ast.DescriptionSlice, 0, len(*blocks))
- for _, bn := range *blocks {
- bns, isBns := bn.(*ast.BlockSlice)
- if !isBns {
- continue
- }
- ds := make(ast.DescriptionSlice, 0, len(*bns))
- for _, b := range *bns {
- if defNode, isDef := b.(ast.DescriptionNode); isDef {
- ds = append(ds, defNode)
- }
- }
- descSlice = append(descSlice, ds)
- }
- descr := ast.Description{Term: term, Descriptions: descSlice}
- descs = append(descs, descr)
- curr = curr.Tail()
- }
- if len(descs) > 0 {
- return sxNode{&ast.DescriptionListNode{Descriptions: descs}}, true
- }
- log.Println("DESC", rest)
- return nil, false
-func handleTable(rest *sx.Pair) (sx.Object, bool) {
- if rest != nil {
- header := collectRow(rest.Head())
- cols := len(header)
- var rows []ast.TableRow
- for curr := range rest.Tail().Pairs() {
- row := collectRow(curr.Head())
- rows = append(rows, row)
- cols = max(cols, len(row))
- }
- align := make([]ast.Alignment, cols)
- for i := range cols {
- align[i] = ast.AlignDefault
- }
- return sxNode{&ast.TableNode{
- Header: header,
- Align: align,
- Rows: rows,
- }}, true
- }
- log.Println("TABL", rest)
- return nil, false
-func collectRow(lst *sx.Pair) (row ast.TableRow) {
- for curr := range lst.Values() {
- if sxn, isNode := curr.(sxNode); isNode {
- if cell, isCell := sxn.node.(*ast.TableCell); isCell {
- row = append(row, cell)
- }
- }
- }
- return row
-func handleCell(align ast.Alignment, rest *sx.Pair) (sx.Object, bool) {
- return sxNode{&ast.TableCell{
- Align: align,
- Inlines: collectInlines(rest),
- }}, true
-func handleRegion(kind ast.RegionKind, rest *sx.Pair) (sx.Object, bool) {
- if rest != nil {
- attrs := sz.GetAttributes(rest.Head())
- if curr := rest.Tail(); curr != nil {
- if blockList := curr.Head(); blockList != nil {
- return sxNode{&ast.RegionNode{
- Kind: kind,
- Attrs: attrs,
- Blocks: collectBlocks(blockList),
- Inlines: collectInlines(curr.Tail()),
- }}, true
- }
- }
- }
- log.Println("REGI", rest)
- return nil, false
-func handleLink(state ast.RefState, rest *sx.Pair) (sx.Object, bool) {
- if rest != nil {
- attrs := sz.GetAttributes(rest.Head())
- if curr := rest.Tail(); curr != nil {
- if sref, isString := sx.GetString(curr.Car()); isString {
- ref := ast.ParseReference(sref.GetValue())
- ref.State = state
- ins := collectInlines(curr.Tail())
- return sxNode{&ast.LinkNode{
- Attrs: attrs,
- Ref: ref,
- Inlines: ins,
- }}, true
- }
- }
- }
- log.Println("LINK", state, rest)
- return nil, false
-func handleEmbed(rest *sx.Pair) (sx.Object, bool) {
- if rest != nil {
- attrs := sz.GetAttributes(rest.Head())
- if curr := rest.Tail(); curr != nil {
- if ref := collectReference(curr.Head()); ref != nil {
- return sxNode{&ast.EmbedRefNode{
- Attrs: attrs,
- Ref: ref,
- Syntax: "",
- Inlines: collectInlines(curr.Tail()),
- }}, true
- }
- }
- }
- log.Println("EMBE", rest)
- return nil, false
-func collectReference(pair *sx.Pair) *ast.Reference {
- if pair != nil {
- if sym, isSymbol := sx.GetSymbol(pair.Car()); isSymbol {
- if next := pair.Tail(); next != nil {
- if sRef, isString := sx.GetString(next.Car()); isString {
- ref := ast.ParseReference(sRef.GetValue())
- switch sym {
- case sz.SymRefStateInvalid:
- ref.State = ast.RefStateInvalid
- case sz.SymRefStateZettel:
- ref.State = ast.RefStateZettel
- case sz.SymRefStateSelf:
- ref.State = ast.RefStateSelf
- case sz.SymRefStateFound:
- ref.State = ast.RefStateFound
- case sz.SymRefStateBroken:
- ref.State = ast.RefStateBroken
- case sz.SymRefStateHosted:
- ref.State = ast.RefStateHosted
- case sz.SymRefStateBased:
- ref.State = ast.RefStateBased
- case sz.SymRefStateQuery:
- ref.State = ast.RefStateQuery
- case sz.SymRefStateExternal:
- ref.State = ast.RefStateExternal
- }
- return ref
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return nil
-func handleCite(rest *sx.Pair) (sx.Object, bool) {
- if rest != nil {
- attrs := sz.GetAttributes(rest.Head())
- if curr := rest.Tail(); curr != nil {
- if sKey, isString := sx.GetString(curr.Car()); isString {
- return sxNode{&ast.CiteNode{
- Attrs: attrs,
- Key: sKey.GetValue(),
- Inlines: collectInlines(curr.Tail()),
- }}, true
- }
- }
- }
- log.Println("CITE", rest)
- return nil, false
-func handleMark(rest *sx.Pair) (sx.Object, bool) {
- if rest != nil {
- if sMark, isMarkS := sx.GetString(rest.Car()); isMarkS {
- if curr := rest.Tail(); curr != nil {
- if sSlug, isSlug := sx.GetString(curr.Car()); isSlug {
- if curr = curr.Tail(); curr != nil {
- if sUniq, isUniq := sx.GetString(curr.Car()); isUniq {
- return sxNode{&ast.MarkNode{
- Mark: sMark.GetValue(),
- Slug: sSlug.GetValue(),
- Fragment: sUniq.GetValue(),
- Inlines: collectInlines(curr.Tail()),
- }}, true
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- log.Println("MARK", rest)
- return nil, false
-func handleEndnote(rest *sx.Pair) (sx.Object, bool) {
- if rest != nil {
- attrs := sz.GetAttributes(rest.Head())
- return sxNode{&ast.FootnoteNode{
- Attrs: attrs,
- Inlines: collectInlines(rest.Tail()),
- }}, true
- }
- log.Println("ENDN", rest)
- return nil, false
-func handleFormat(kind ast.FormatKind, rest *sx.Pair) (sx.Object, bool) {
- if rest != nil {
- attrs := sz.GetAttributes(rest.Head())
- return sxNode{&ast.FormatNode{
- Kind: kind,
- Attrs: attrs,
- Inlines: collectInlines(rest.Tail()),
- }}, true
- }
- log.Println("FORM", kind, rest)
- return nil, false
-type sxNode struct {
- node ast.Node
-func (sxNode) IsNil() bool { return false }
-func (sxNode) IsAtom() bool { return true }
-func (n sxNode) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%T/%v", n.node, n.node) }
-func (n sxNode) GoString() string { return n.String() }
-func (n sxNode) IsEqual(other sx.Object) bool {
- return n.String() == other.String()
Index: auth/auth.go
--- auth/auth.go
+++ auth/auth.go
@@ -15,14 +15,14 @@
package auth
import (
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
// BaseManager allows to check some base auth modes.
type BaseManager interface {
// IsReadonly returns true, if the systems is configured to run in read-only-mode.
Index: auth/cred/cred.go
--- auth/cred/cred.go
+++ auth/cred/cred.go
@@ -16,12 +16,11 @@
import (
- ""
+ ""
// HashCredential returns a hashed vesion of the given credential
func HashCredential(zid id.Zid, ident, credential string) (string, error) {
fullCredential := createFullCredential(zid, ident, credential)
Index: auth/impl/impl.go
--- auth/impl/impl.go
+++ auth/impl/impl.go
@@ -19,18 +19,19 @@
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
type myAuth struct {
readonly bool
owner id.Zid
@@ -81,19 +82,19 @@
// ErrNoZid signals that the 'zid' key is missing.
var ErrNoZid = errors.New("auth: missing zettel id")
// GetToken returns a token to be used for authentification.
func (a *myAuth) GetToken(ident *meta.Meta, d time.Duration, kind auth.TokenKind) ([]byte, error) {
- subject, ok := ident.Get(meta.KeyUserID)
+ subject, ok := ident.Get(api.KeyUserID)
if !ok || subject == "" {
return nil, ErrNoIdent
now := time.Now().Round(time.Second)
sClaim := sx.MakeList(
- sx.MakeString(string(subject)),
+ sx.MakeString(subject),
return sign(sClaim, a.secret)
@@ -164,16 +165,16 @@
return meta.UserRoleOwner
if a.IsOwner(user.Zid) {
return meta.UserRoleOwner
- if val, ok := user.Get(meta.KeyUserRole); ok {
- if ur := val.AsUserRole(); ur != meta.UserRoleUnknown {
+ if val, ok := user.Get(api.KeyUserRole); ok {
+ if ur := meta.GetUserRole(val); ur != meta.UserRoleUnknown {
return ur
return meta.UserRoleReader
func (a *myAuth) BoxWithPolicy(unprotectedBox box.Box, rtConfig config.Config) (box.Box, auth.Policy) {
return policy.BoxWithPolicy(a, unprotectedBox, rtConfig)
Index: auth/policy/anon.go
--- auth/policy/anon.go
+++ auth/policy/anon.go
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@
package policy
import (
- ""
+ ""
type anonPolicy struct {
authConfig config.AuthConfig
pre auth.Policy
Index: auth/policy/box.go
--- auth/policy/box.go
+++ auth/policy/box.go
@@ -14,19 +14,18 @@
package policy
import (
- ""
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
// BoxWithPolicy wraps the given box inside a policy box.
func BoxWithPolicy(manager auth.AuthzManager, box box.Box, authConfig config.AuthConfig) (box.Box, auth.Policy) {
pol := newPolicy(manager, authConfig)
@@ -77,11 +76,11 @@
func (pp *polBox) GetAllZettel(ctx context.Context, zid id.Zid) ([]zettel.Zettel, error) {
return, zid)
-func (pp *polBox) FetchZids(ctx context.Context) (*idset.Set, error) {
+func (pp *polBox) FetchZids(ctx context.Context) (*id.Set, error) {
return nil, box.NewErrNotAllowed("fetch-zids", server.GetUser(ctx), id.Invalid)
func (pp *polBox) GetMeta(ctx context.Context, zid id.Zid) (*meta.Meta, error) {
m, err :=, zid)
Index: auth/policy/default.go
--- auth/policy/default.go
+++ auth/policy/default.go
@@ -12,12 +12,13 @@
package policy
import (
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
type defaultPolicy struct {
manager auth.AuthzManager
@@ -30,29 +31,29 @@
func (d *defaultPolicy) CanDelete(user, m *meta.Meta) bool { return d.canChange(user, m) }
func (*defaultPolicy) CanRefresh(user *meta.Meta) bool { return user != nil }
func (d *defaultPolicy) canChange(user, m *meta.Meta) bool {
- metaRo, ok := m.Get(meta.KeyReadOnly)
+ metaRo, ok := m.Get(api.KeyReadOnly)
if !ok {
return true
if user == nil {
// If we are here, there is no authentication.
// See owner.go:CanWrite.
// No authentication: check for owner-like restriction, because the user
// acts as an owner
- return metaRo != meta.ValueUserRoleOwner && !metaRo.AsBool()
+ return metaRo != api.ValueUserRoleOwner && !meta.BoolValue(metaRo)
userRole := d.manager.GetUserRole(user)
switch metaRo {
- case meta.ValueUserRoleReader:
+ case api.ValueUserRoleReader:
return userRole > meta.UserRoleReader
- case meta.ValueUserRoleWriter:
+ case api.ValueUserRoleWriter:
return userRole > meta.UserRoleWriter
- case meta.ValueUserRoleOwner:
+ case api.ValueUserRoleOwner:
return userRole > meta.UserRoleOwner
- return !metaRo.AsBool()
+ return !meta.BoolValue(metaRo)
Index: auth/policy/owner.go
--- auth/policy/owner.go
+++ auth/policy/owner.go
@@ -12,13 +12,14 @@
package policy
import (
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
type ownerPolicy struct {
manager auth.AuthzManager
authConfig config.AuthConfig
@@ -34,11 +35,11 @@
func (o *ownerPolicy) userCanCreate(user, newMeta *meta.Meta) bool {
if o.manager.GetUserRole(user) == meta.UserRoleReader {
return false
- if _, ok := newMeta.Get(meta.KeyUserID); ok {
+ if _, ok := newMeta.Get(api.KeyUserID); ok {
return false
return true
@@ -60,11 +61,11 @@
return true
if user == nil {
return false
- if _, ok := m.Get(meta.KeyUserID); ok {
+ if _, ok := m.Get(api.KeyUserID); ok {
// Only the user can read its own zettel
return user.Zid == m.Zid
switch o.manager.GetUserRole(user) {
case meta.UserRoleReader, meta.UserRoleWriter, meta.UserRoleOwner:
@@ -75,14 +76,14 @@
return false
var noChangeUser = []string{
- meta.KeyID,
- meta.KeyRole,
- meta.KeyUserID,
- meta.KeyUserRole,
+ api.KeyID,
+ api.KeyRole,
+ api.KeyUserID,
+ api.KeyUserRole,
func (o *ownerPolicy) CanWrite(user, oldMeta, newMeta *meta.Meta) bool {
if user == nil || !o.pre.CanWrite(user, oldMeta, newMeta) {
return false
@@ -95,11 +96,11 @@
return true
if !o.userCanRead(user, oldMeta, vis) {
return false
- if _, ok := oldMeta.Get(meta.KeyUserID); ok {
+ if _, ok := oldMeta.Get(api.KeyUserID); ok {
// Here we know, that user.Zid == newMeta.Zid (because of userCanRead) and
// user.Zid == newMeta.Zid (because oldMeta.Zid == newMeta.Zid)
for _, key := range noChangeUser {
if oldMeta.GetDefault(key, "") != newMeta.GetDefault(key, "") {
return false
@@ -146,10 +147,10 @@
return false
if o.manager.IsOwner(user.Zid) {
return true
- if val, ok := user.Get(meta.KeyUserRole); ok && val == meta.ValueUserRoleOwner {
+ if val, ok := user.Get(api.KeyUserRole); ok && val == api.ValueUserRoleOwner {
return true
return false
Index: auth/policy/policy.go
--- auth/policy/policy.go
+++ auth/policy/policy.go
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
// Package policy provides some interfaces and implementation for authorizsation policies.
package policy
import (
- ""
+ ""
// newPolicy creates a policy based on given constraints.
func newPolicy(manager auth.AuthzManager, authConfig config.AuthConfig) auth.Policy {
var pol auth.Policy
Index: auth/policy/policy_test.go
--- auth/policy/policy_test.go
+++ auth/policy/policy_test.go
@@ -15,13 +15,14 @@
import (
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
func TestPolicies(t *testing.T) {
testScene := []struct {
@@ -83,12 +84,12 @@
return meta.UserRoleOwner
if a.IsOwner(user.Zid) {
return meta.UserRoleOwner
- if val, ok := user.Get(meta.KeyUserRole); ok {
- if ur := val.AsUserRole(); ur != meta.UserRoleUnknown {
+ if val, ok := user.Get(api.KeyUserRole); ok {
+ if ur := meta.GetUserRole(val); ur != meta.UserRoleUnknown {
return ur
return meta.UserRoleReader
@@ -97,12 +98,12 @@
func (ac *authConfig) GetSimpleMode() bool { return ac.simple }
func (ac *authConfig) GetExpertMode() bool { return }
func (*authConfig) GetVisibility(m *meta.Meta) meta.Visibility {
- if val, ok := m.Get(meta.KeyVisibility); ok {
- return val.AsVisibility()
+ if vis, ok := m.Get(api.KeyVisibility); ok {
+ return meta.GetVisibility(vis)
return meta.VisibilityLogin
func testCreate(t *testing.T, pol auth.Policy, withAuth, readonly bool) {
@@ -260,11 +261,11 @@
loginZettel := newLoginZettel()
ownerZettel := newOwnerZettel()
expertZettel := newExpertZettel()
userZettel := newUserZettel()
writerNew := writer.Clone()
- writerNew.Set(meta.KeyUserRole, owner.GetDefault(meta.KeyUserRole, ""))
+ writerNew.Set(api.KeyUserRole, owner.GetDefault(api.KeyUserRole, ""))
roFalse := newRoFalseZettel()
roTrue := newRoTrueZettel()
roReader := newRoReaderZettel()
roWriter := newRoWriterZettel()
roOwner := newRoOwnerZettel()
@@ -522,109 +523,109 @@
func newAnon() *meta.Meta { return nil }
func newCreator() *meta.Meta {
user := meta.New(creatorZid)
- user.Set(meta.KeyTitle, "Creator")
- user.Set(meta.KeyUserID, "ceator")
- user.Set(meta.KeyUserRole, meta.ValueUserRoleCreator)
+ user.Set(api.KeyTitle, "Creator")
+ user.Set(api.KeyUserID, "ceator")
+ user.Set(api.KeyUserRole, api.ValueUserRoleCreator)
return user
func newReader() *meta.Meta {
user := meta.New(readerZid)
- user.Set(meta.KeyTitle, "Reader")
- user.Set(meta.KeyUserID, "reader")
- user.Set(meta.KeyUserRole, meta.ValueUserRoleReader)
+ user.Set(api.KeyTitle, "Reader")
+ user.Set(api.KeyUserID, "reader")
+ user.Set(api.KeyUserRole, api.ValueUserRoleReader)
return user
func newWriter() *meta.Meta {
user := meta.New(writerZid)
- user.Set(meta.KeyTitle, "Writer")
- user.Set(meta.KeyUserID, "writer")
- user.Set(meta.KeyUserRole, meta.ValueUserRoleWriter)
+ user.Set(api.KeyTitle, "Writer")
+ user.Set(api.KeyUserID, "writer")
+ user.Set(api.KeyUserRole, api.ValueUserRoleWriter)
return user
func newOwner() *meta.Meta {
user := meta.New(ownerZid)
- user.Set(meta.KeyTitle, "Owner")
- user.Set(meta.KeyUserID, "owner")
- user.Set(meta.KeyUserRole, meta.ValueUserRoleOwner)
+ user.Set(api.KeyTitle, "Owner")
+ user.Set(api.KeyUserID, "owner")
+ user.Set(api.KeyUserRole, api.ValueUserRoleOwner)
return user
func newOwner2() *meta.Meta {
user := meta.New(owner2Zid)
- user.Set(meta.KeyTitle, "Owner 2")
- user.Set(meta.KeyUserID, "owner-2")
- user.Set(meta.KeyUserRole, meta.ValueUserRoleOwner)
+ user.Set(api.KeyTitle, "Owner 2")
+ user.Set(api.KeyUserID, "owner-2")
+ user.Set(api.KeyUserRole, api.ValueUserRoleOwner)
return user
func newZettel() *meta.Meta {
m := meta.New(zettelZid)
- m.Set(meta.KeyTitle, "Any Zettel")
+ m.Set(api.KeyTitle, "Any Zettel")
return m
func newPublicZettel() *meta.Meta {
m := meta.New(visZid)
- m.Set(meta.KeyTitle, "Public Zettel")
- m.Set(meta.KeyVisibility, meta.ValueVisibilityPublic)
+ m.Set(api.KeyTitle, "Public Zettel")
+ m.Set(api.KeyVisibility, api.ValueVisibilityPublic)
return m
func newCreatorZettel() *meta.Meta {
m := meta.New(visZid)
- m.Set(meta.KeyTitle, "Creator Zettel")
- m.Set(meta.KeyVisibility, meta.ValueVisibilityCreator)
+ m.Set(api.KeyTitle, "Creator Zettel")
+ m.Set(api.KeyVisibility, api.ValueVisibilityCreator)
return m
func newLoginZettel() *meta.Meta {
m := meta.New(visZid)
- m.Set(meta.KeyTitle, "Login Zettel")
- m.Set(meta.KeyVisibility, meta.ValueVisibilityLogin)
+ m.Set(api.KeyTitle, "Login Zettel")
+ m.Set(api.KeyVisibility, api.ValueVisibilityLogin)
return m
func newOwnerZettel() *meta.Meta {
m := meta.New(visZid)
- m.Set(meta.KeyTitle, "Owner Zettel")
- m.Set(meta.KeyVisibility, meta.ValueVisibilityOwner)
+ m.Set(api.KeyTitle, "Owner Zettel")
+ m.Set(api.KeyVisibility, api.ValueVisibilityOwner)
return m
func newExpertZettel() *meta.Meta {
m := meta.New(visZid)
- m.Set(meta.KeyTitle, "Expert Zettel")
- m.Set(meta.KeyVisibility, meta.ValueVisibilityExpert)
+ m.Set(api.KeyTitle, "Expert Zettel")
+ m.Set(api.KeyVisibility, api.ValueVisibilityExpert)
return m
func newRoFalseZettel() *meta.Meta {
m := meta.New(zettelZid)
- m.Set(meta.KeyTitle, "No r/o Zettel")
- m.Set(meta.KeyReadOnly, meta.ValueFalse)
+ m.Set(api.KeyTitle, "No r/o Zettel")
+ m.Set(api.KeyReadOnly, api.ValueFalse)
return m
func newRoTrueZettel() *meta.Meta {
m := meta.New(zettelZid)
- m.Set(meta.KeyTitle, "A r/o Zettel")
- m.Set(meta.KeyReadOnly, meta.ValueTrue)
+ m.Set(api.KeyTitle, "A r/o Zettel")
+ m.Set(api.KeyReadOnly, api.ValueTrue)
return m
func newRoReaderZettel() *meta.Meta {
m := meta.New(zettelZid)
- m.Set(meta.KeyTitle, "Reader r/o Zettel")
- m.Set(meta.KeyReadOnly, meta.ValueUserRoleReader)
+ m.Set(api.KeyTitle, "Reader r/o Zettel")
+ m.Set(api.KeyReadOnly, api.ValueUserRoleReader)
return m
func newRoWriterZettel() *meta.Meta {
m := meta.New(zettelZid)
- m.Set(meta.KeyTitle, "Writer r/o Zettel")
- m.Set(meta.KeyReadOnly, meta.ValueUserRoleWriter)
+ m.Set(api.KeyTitle, "Writer r/o Zettel")
+ m.Set(api.KeyReadOnly, api.ValueUserRoleWriter)
return m
func newRoOwnerZettel() *meta.Meta {
m := meta.New(zettelZid)
- m.Set(meta.KeyTitle, "Owner r/o Zettel")
- m.Set(meta.KeyReadOnly, meta.ValueUserRoleOwner)
+ m.Set(api.KeyTitle, "Owner r/o Zettel")
+ m.Set(api.KeyReadOnly, api.ValueUserRoleOwner)
return m
func newUserZettel() *meta.Meta {
m := meta.New(userZid)
- m.Set(meta.KeyTitle, "Any User")
- m.Set(meta.KeyUserID, "any")
+ m.Set(api.KeyTitle, "Any User")
+ m.Set(api.KeyUserID, "any")
return m
Index: auth/policy/readonly.go
--- auth/policy/readonly.go
+++ auth/policy/readonly.go
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-present Detlef Stern
package policy
-import ""
+import ""
type roPolicy struct{}
func (*roPolicy) CanCreate(_, _ *meta.Meta) bool { return false }
func (*roPolicy) CanRead(_, _ *meta.Meta) bool { return true }
Index: box/box.go
--- box/box.go
+++ box/box.go
@@ -19,15 +19,15 @@
- ""
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
// BaseBox is implemented by all Zettel boxes.
type BaseBox interface {
// Location returns some information where the box is located.
@@ -130,11 +130,11 @@
type Box interface {
// FetchZids returns the set of all zettel identifer managed by the box.
- FetchZids(ctx context.Context) (*idset.Set, error)
+ FetchZids(ctx context.Context) (*id.Set, error)
// GetMeta returns the metadata of the zettel with the given identifier.
GetMeta(context.Context, id.Zid) (*meta.Meta, error)
// SelectMeta returns a list of metadata that comply to the given selection criteria.
@@ -288,15 +288,15 @@
return fmt.Sprintf("operation %q not allowed for not authorized user", err.Op)
if err.Zid.IsValid() {
return fmt.Sprintf(
"operation %q on zettel %v not allowed for user %v/%v",
- err.Op, err.Zid, err.User.GetDefault(meta.KeyUserID, "?"), err.User.Zid)
+ err.Op, err.Zid, err.User.GetDefault(api.KeyUserID, "?"), err.User.Zid)
return fmt.Sprintf(
"operation %q not allowed for user %v/%v",
- err.Op, err.User.GetDefault(meta.KeyUserID, "?"), err.User.Zid)
+ err.Op, err.User.GetDefault(api.KeyUserID, "?"), err.User.Zid)
// Is return true, if the error is of type ErrNotAllowed.
func (*ErrNotAllowed) Is(error) bool { return true }
Index: box/compbox/compbox.go
--- box/compbox/compbox.go
+++ box/compbox/compbox.go
@@ -16,18 +16,19 @@
import (
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
func init() {
" comp",
@@ -45,26 +46,26 @@
var myConfig *meta.Meta
var myZettel = map[id.Zid]struct {
meta func(id.Zid) *meta.Meta
content func(context.Context, *compBox) []byte
- id.ZidVersion: {genVersionBuildM, genVersionBuildC},
- id.ZidHost: {genVersionHostM, genVersionHostC},
- id.ZidOperatingSystem: {genVersionOSM, genVersionOSC},
- id.ZidLog: {genLogM, genLogC},
- id.ZidMemory: {genMemoryM, genMemoryC},
- id.ZidSx: {genSxM, genSxC},
- // id.ZidHTTP: {genHttpM, genHttpC},
- // id.ZidAPI: {genApiM, genApiC},
- // id.ZidWebUI: {genWebUiM, genWebUiC},
- // id.ZidConsole: {genConsoleM, genConsoleC},
- id.ZidBoxManager: {genManagerM, genManagerC},
- // id.ZidIndex: {genIndexM, genIndexC},
- // id.ZidQuery: {genQueryM, genQueryC},
- id.ZidMetadataKey: {genKeysM, genKeysC},
- id.ZidParser: {genParserM, genParserC},
- id.ZidStartupConfiguration: {genConfigZettelM, genConfigZettelC},
+ id.MustParse(api.ZidVersion): {genVersionBuildM, genVersionBuildC},
+ id.MustParse(api.ZidHost): {genVersionHostM, genVersionHostC},
+ id.MustParse(api.ZidOperatingSystem): {genVersionOSM, genVersionOSC},
+ id.MustParse(api.ZidLog): {genLogM, genLogC},
+ id.MustParse(api.ZidMemory): {genMemoryM, genMemoryC},
+ id.MustParse(api.ZidSx): {genSxM, genSxC},
+ // id.MustParse(api.ZidHTTP): {genHttpM, genHttpC},
+ // id.MustParse(api.ZidAPI): {genApiM, genApiC},
+ // id.MustParse(api.ZidWebUI): {genWebUiM, genWebUiC},
+ // id.MustParse(api.ZidConsole): {genConsoleM, genConsoleC},
+ id.MustParse(api.ZidBoxManager): {genManagerM, genManagerC},
+ // id.MustParse(api.ZidIndex): {genIndexM, genIndexC},
+ // id.MustParse(api.ZidQuery): {genQueryM, genQueryC},
+ id.MustParse(api.ZidMetadataKey): {genKeysM, genKeysC},
+ id.MustParse(api.ZidParser): {genParserM, genParserC},
+ id.MustParse(api.ZidStartupConfiguration): {genConfigZettelM, genConfigZettelC},
// Get returns the one program box.
func getCompBox(boxNumber int, mf box.Enricher) *compBox {
return &compBox{
@@ -155,23 +156,23 @@
cb.log.Trace().Int("zettel", int64(st.Zettel)).Msg("ReadStats")
func getTitledMeta(zid id.Zid, title string) *meta.Meta {
m := meta.New(zid)
- m.Set(meta.KeyTitle, meta.Value(title))
+ m.Set(api.KeyTitle, title)
return m
func updateMeta(m *meta.Meta) {
- if _, ok := m.Get(meta.KeySyntax); !ok {
- m.Set(meta.KeySyntax, meta.ValueSyntaxZmk)
- }
- m.Set(meta.KeyRole, meta.ValueRoleConfiguration)
- if _, ok := m.Get(meta.KeyCreated); !ok {
- m.Set(meta.KeyCreated, meta.Value(kernel.Main.GetConfig(kernel.CoreService, kernel.CoreStarted).(string)))
- }
- m.Set(meta.KeyLang, meta.ValueLangEN)
- m.Set(meta.KeyReadOnly, meta.ValueTrue)
- if _, ok := m.Get(meta.KeyVisibility); !ok {
- m.Set(meta.KeyVisibility, meta.ValueVisibilityExpert)
+ if _, ok := m.Get(api.KeySyntax); !ok {
+ m.Set(api.KeySyntax, meta.SyntaxZmk)
+ }
+ m.Set(api.KeyRole, api.ValueRoleConfiguration)
+ if _, ok := m.Get(api.KeyCreated); !ok {
+ m.Set(api.KeyCreated, kernel.Main.GetConfig(kernel.CoreService, kernel.CoreStarted).(string))
+ }
+ m.Set(api.KeyLang, api.ValueLangEN)
+ m.Set(api.KeyReadOnly, api.ValueTrue)
+ if _, ok := m.Get(api.KeyVisibility); !ok {
+ m.Set(api.KeyVisibility, api.ValueVisibilityExpert)
Index: box/compbox/config.go
--- box/compbox/config.go
+++ box/compbox/config.go
@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@
import (
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
func genConfigZettelM(zid id.Zid) *meta.Meta {
if myConfig == nil {
return nil
@@ -28,22 +28,20 @@
return getTitledMeta(zid, "Zettelstore Startup Configuration")
func genConfigZettelC(context.Context, *compBox) []byte {
var buf bytes.Buffer
- second := false
- for key, val := range myConfig.All() {
- if second {
+ for i, p := range myConfig.Pairs() {
+ if i > 0 {
- second = true
buf.WriteString("; ''")
- buf.WriteString(key)
+ buf.WriteString(p.Key)
- if val != "" {
+ if p.Value != "" {
buf.WriteString("\n: ``")
- for _, r := range val {
+ for _, r := range p.Value {
if r == '`' {
Index: box/compbox/keys.go
--- box/compbox/keys.go
+++ box/compbox/keys.go
@@ -16,19 +16,20 @@
import (
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
func genKeysM(zid id.Zid) *meta.Meta {
m := getTitledMeta(zid, "Zettelstore Supported Metadata Keys")
- m.Set(meta.KeyCreated, meta.Value(kernel.Main.GetConfig(kernel.CoreService, kernel.CoreVTime).(string)))
- m.Set(meta.KeyVisibility, meta.ValueVisibilityLogin)
+ m.Set(api.KeyCreated, kernel.Main.GetConfig(kernel.CoreService, kernel.CoreVTime).(string))
+ m.Set(api.KeyVisibility, api.ValueVisibilityLogin)
return m
func genKeysC(context.Context, *compBox) []byte {
keys := meta.GetSortedKeyDescriptions()
Index: box/compbox/log.go
--- box/compbox/log.go
+++ box/compbox/log.go
@@ -15,19 +15,20 @@
import (
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
func genLogM(zid id.Zid) *meta.Meta {
m := getTitledMeta(zid, "Zettelstore Log")
- m.Set(meta.KeySyntax, meta.ValueSyntaxText)
- m.Set(meta.KeyModified, meta.Value(kernel.Main.GetLastLogTime().Local().Format(id.TimestampLayout)))
+ m.Set(api.KeySyntax, meta.SyntaxText)
+ m.Set(api.KeyModified, kernel.Main.GetLastLogTime().Local().Format(id.TimestampLayout))
return m
func genLogC(context.Context, *compBox) []byte {
const tsFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999"
Index: box/compbox/manager.go
--- box/compbox/manager.go
+++ box/compbox/manager.go
@@ -16,13 +16,13 @@
import (
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
func genManagerM(zid id.Zid) *meta.Meta {
return getTitledMeta(zid, "Zettelstore Box Manager")
Index: box/compbox/memory.go
--- box/compbox/memory.go
+++ box/compbox/memory.go
@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
func genMemoryM(zid id.Zid) *meta.Meta {
return getTitledMeta(zid, "Zettelstore Memory")
Index: box/compbox/parser.go
--- box/compbox/parser.go
+++ box/compbox/parser.go
@@ -18,20 +18,21 @@
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
func genParserM(zid id.Zid) *meta.Meta {
m := getTitledMeta(zid, "Zettelstore Supported Parser")
- m.Set(meta.KeyCreated, meta.Value(kernel.Main.GetConfig(kernel.CoreService, kernel.CoreVTime).(string)))
- m.Set(meta.KeyVisibility, meta.ValueVisibilityLogin)
+ m.Set(api.KeyCreated, kernel.Main.GetConfig(kernel.CoreService, kernel.CoreVTime).(string))
+ m.Set(api.KeyVisibility, api.ValueVisibilityLogin)
return m
func genParserC(context.Context, *compBox) []byte {
var buf bytes.Buffer
Index: box/compbox/sx.go
--- box/compbox/sx.go
+++ box/compbox/sx.go
@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
func genSxM(zid id.Zid) *meta.Meta {
return getTitledMeta(zid, "Zettelstore Sx Engine")
Index: box/compbox/version.go
--- box/compbox/version.go
+++ box/compbox/version.go
@@ -14,19 +14,20 @@
package compbox
import (
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
func genVersionBuildM(zid id.Zid) *meta.Meta {
m := getTitledMeta(zid, "Zettelstore Version")
- m.Set(meta.KeyCreated, meta.Value(kernel.Main.GetConfig(kernel.CoreService, kernel.CoreVTime).(string)))
- m.Set(meta.KeyVisibility, meta.ValueVisibilityLogin)
+ m.Set(api.KeyCreated, kernel.Main.GetConfig(kernel.CoreService, kernel.CoreVTime).(string))
+ m.Set(api.KeyVisibility, api.ValueVisibilityLogin)
return m
func genVersionBuildC(context.Context, *compBox) []byte {
return []byte(kernel.Main.GetConfig(kernel.CoreService, kernel.CoreVersion).(string))
Index: box/constbox/base.sxn
--- box/constbox/base.sxn
+++ box/constbox/base.sxn
@@ -38,11 +38,13 @@
(div (@ (class "zs-dropdown"))
(button "Lists")
(nav (@ (class "zs-dropdown-content"))
- ,@list-urls
+ (a (@ (href ,list-zettel-url)) "List Zettel")
+ (a (@ (href ,list-roles-url)) "List Roles")
+ (a (@ (href ,list-tags-url)) "List Tags")
,@(if (bound? 'refresh-url) `((a (@ (href ,refresh-url)) "Refresh")))
,@(if new-zettel-links
`((div (@ (class "zs-dropdown"))
(button "New")
Index: box/constbox/constbox.go
--- box/constbox/constbox.go
+++ box/constbox/constbox.go
@@ -17,18 +17,19 @@
import (
_ "embed" // Allow to embed file content
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
func init() {
" const",
@@ -113,321 +114,310 @@
st.Zettel = len(cb.zettel)
cb.log.Trace().Int("zettel", int64(st.Zettel)).Msg("ReadStats")
var constZettelMap = map[id.Zid]constZettel{
- id.ZidConfiguration: {
+ id.ConfigurationZid: {
- meta.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Runtime Configuration",
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleConfiguration,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxNone,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20200804111624",
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityOwner,
+ api.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Runtime Configuration",
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleConfiguration,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxNone,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20200804111624",
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityOwner,
- id.ZidLicense: {
+ id.MustParse(api.ZidLicense): {
- meta.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore License",
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleConfiguration,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxText,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20210504135842",
- meta.KeyLang: meta.ValueLangEN,
- meta.KeyModified: "20220131153422",
- meta.KeyReadOnly: meta.ValueTrue,
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityPublic,
+ api.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore License",
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleConfiguration,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxText,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20210504135842",
+ api.KeyLang: api.ValueLangEN,
+ api.KeyModified: "20220131153422",
+ api.KeyReadOnly: api.ValueTrue,
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityPublic,
- id.ZidAuthors: {
+ id.MustParse(api.ZidAuthors): {
- meta.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Contributors",
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleConfiguration,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxZmk,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20210504135842",
- meta.KeyLang: meta.ValueLangEN,
- meta.KeyReadOnly: meta.ValueTrue,
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityLogin,
+ api.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Contributors",
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleConfiguration,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxZmk,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20210504135842",
+ api.KeyLang: api.ValueLangEN,
+ api.KeyReadOnly: api.ValueTrue,
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityLogin,
- id.ZidDependencies: {
+ id.MustParse(api.ZidDependencies): {
- meta.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Dependencies",
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleConfiguration,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxZmk,
- meta.KeyLang: meta.ValueLangEN,
- meta.KeyReadOnly: meta.ValueTrue,
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityPublic,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20210504135842",
- meta.KeyModified: "20250212202400",
+ api.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Dependencies",
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleConfiguration,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxZmk,
+ api.KeyLang: api.ValueLangEN,
+ api.KeyReadOnly: api.ValueTrue,
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityPublic,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20210504135842",
+ api.KeyModified: "20240418095500",
- id.ZidBaseTemplate: {
+ id.BaseTemplateZid: {
- meta.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Base HTML Template",
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleConfiguration,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxSxn,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20230510155100",
- meta.KeyModified: "20241227212000",
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityExpert,
+ api.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Base HTML Template",
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleConfiguration,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxSxn,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20230510155100",
+ api.KeyModified: "20240219145300",
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityExpert,
- id.ZidLoginTemplate: {
+ id.LoginTemplateZid: {
- meta.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Login Form HTML Template",
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleConfiguration,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxSxn,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20200804111624",
- meta.KeyModified: "20240219145200",
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityExpert,
+ api.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Login Form HTML Template",
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleConfiguration,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxSxn,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20200804111624",
+ api.KeyModified: "20240219145200",
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityExpert,
- id.ZidZettelTemplate: {
+ id.ZettelTemplateZid: {
- meta.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Zettel HTML Template",
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleConfiguration,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxSxn,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20230510155300",
- meta.KeyModified: "20250214153100",
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityExpert,
+ api.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Zettel HTML Template",
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleConfiguration,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxSxn,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20230510155300",
+ api.KeyModified: "20241127170400",
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityExpert,
- id.ZidInfoTemplate: {
+ id.InfoTemplateZid: {
- meta.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Info HTML Template",
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleConfiguration,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxSxn,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20200804111624",
- meta.KeyModified: "20241127170500",
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityExpert,
+ api.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Info HTML Template",
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleConfiguration,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxSxn,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20200804111624",
+ api.KeyModified: "20241127170500",
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityExpert,
- id.ZidFormTemplate: {
+ id.FormTemplateZid: {
- meta.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Form HTML Template",
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleConfiguration,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxSxn,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20200804111624",
- meta.KeyModified: "20240219145200",
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityExpert,
+ api.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Form HTML Template",
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleConfiguration,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxSxn,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20200804111624",
+ api.KeyModified: "20240219145200",
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityExpert,
- id.ZidDeleteTemplate: {
+ id.DeleteTemplateZid: {
- meta.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Delete HTML Template",
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleConfiguration,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxSxn,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20200804111624",
- meta.KeyModified: "20241127170530",
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityExpert,
+ api.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Delete HTML Template",
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleConfiguration,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxSxn,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20200804111624",
+ api.KeyModified: "20241127170530",
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityExpert,
- id.ZidListTemplate: {
+ id.ListTemplateZid: {
- meta.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore List Zettel HTML Template",
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleConfiguration,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxSxn,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20230704122100",
- meta.KeyModified: "20240219145200",
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityExpert,
+ api.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore List Zettel HTML Template",
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleConfiguration,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxSxn,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20230704122100",
+ api.KeyModified: "20240219145200",
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityExpert,
- id.ZidErrorTemplate: {
+ id.ErrorTemplateZid: {
- meta.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Error HTML Template",
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleConfiguration,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxSxn,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20210305133215",
- meta.KeyModified: "20240219145200",
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityExpert,
+ api.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Error HTML Template",
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleConfiguration,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxSxn,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20210305133215",
+ api.KeyModified: "20240219145200",
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityExpert,
- id.ZidSxnStart: {
+ id.StartSxnZid: {
- meta.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Sxn Start Code",
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleConfiguration,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxSxn,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20230824160700",
- meta.KeyModified: "20240219145200",
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityExpert,
- meta.KeyPrecursor: id.ZidSxnBase.String(),
+ api.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Sxn Start Code",
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleConfiguration,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxSxn,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20230824160700",
+ api.KeyModified: "20240219145200",
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityExpert,
+ api.KeyPrecursor: string(api.ZidSxnBase),
- id.ZidSxnBase: {
+ id.BaseSxnZid: {
- meta.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Sxn Base Code",
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleConfiguration,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxSxn,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20230619132800",
- meta.KeyModified: "20241118173500",
- meta.KeyReadOnly: meta.ValueTrue,
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityExpert,
- meta.KeyPrecursor: id.ZidSxnPrelude.String(),
+ api.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Sxn Base Code",
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleConfiguration,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxSxn,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20230619132800",
+ api.KeyModified: "20241118173500",
+ api.KeyReadOnly: api.ValueTrue,
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityExpert,
+ api.KeyPrecursor: string(api.ZidSxnPrelude),
- id.ZidSxnPrelude: {
+ id.PreludeSxnZid: {
- meta.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Sxn Prelude",
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleConfiguration,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxSxn,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20231006181700",
- meta.KeyModified: "20240222121200",
- meta.KeyReadOnly: meta.ValueTrue,
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityExpert,
+ api.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Sxn Prelude",
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleConfiguration,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxSxn,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20231006181700",
+ api.KeyModified: "20240222121200",
+ api.KeyReadOnly: api.ValueTrue,
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityExpert,
- id.ZidBaseCSS: {
+ id.MustParse(api.ZidBaseCSS): {
- meta.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Base CSS",
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleConfiguration,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxCSS,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20200804111624",
- meta.KeyModified: "20240827143500",
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityPublic,
+ api.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Base CSS",
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleConfiguration,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxCSS,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20200804111624",
+ api.KeyModified: "20240827143500",
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityPublic,
- id.ZidUserCSS: {
+ id.MustParse(api.ZidUserCSS): {
- meta.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore User CSS",
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleConfiguration,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxCSS,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20210622110143",
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityPublic,
+ api.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore User CSS",
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleConfiguration,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxCSS,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20210622110143",
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityPublic,
zettel.NewContent([]byte("/* User-defined CSS */"))},
- id.ZidEmoji: {
+ id.EmojiZid: {
- meta.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Generic Emoji",
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleConfiguration,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxGif,
- meta.KeyReadOnly: meta.ValueTrue,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20210504175807",
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityPublic,
+ api.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Generic Emoji",
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleConfiguration,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxGif,
+ api.KeyReadOnly: api.ValueTrue,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20210504175807",
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityPublic,
- id.ZidTOCListsMenu: {
- constHeader{
- meta.KeyTitle: "Lists Menu",
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleConfiguration,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxZmk,
- meta.KeyLang: meta.ValueLangEN,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20241223205400",
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityPublic,
- },
- zettel.NewContent(contentMenuListsZettel)},
- id.ZidTOCNewTemplate: {
- constHeader{
- meta.KeyTitle: "New Menu",
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleConfiguration,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxZmk,
- meta.KeyLang: meta.ValueLangEN,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20210217161829",
- meta.KeyModified: "20231129111800",
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityCreator,
- },
- zettel.NewContent(contentMenuNewZettel)},
- id.ZidTemplateNewZettel: {
- constHeader{
- meta.KeyTitle: "New Zettel",
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleConfiguration,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxZmk,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20201028185209",
- meta.KeyModified: "20230929132900",
- meta.NewPrefix + meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleZettel,
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityCreator,
- },
- zettel.NewContent(nil)},
- id.ZidTemplateNewRole: {
- constHeader{
- meta.KeyTitle: "New Role",
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleConfiguration,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxZmk,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20231129110800",
- meta.NewPrefix + meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleRole,
- meta.NewPrefix + meta.KeyTitle: "",
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityCreator,
- },
- zettel.NewContent(nil)},
- id.ZidTemplateNewTag: {
- constHeader{
- meta.KeyTitle: "New Tag",
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleConfiguration,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxZmk,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20230929132400",
- meta.NewPrefix + meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleTag,
- meta.NewPrefix + meta.KeyTitle: "#",
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityCreator,
- },
- zettel.NewContent(nil)},
- id.ZidTemplateNewUser: {
- constHeader{
- meta.KeyTitle: "New User",
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleConfiguration,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxNone,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20201028185209",
- meta.NewPrefix + meta.KeyCredential: "",
- meta.NewPrefix + meta.KeyUserID: "",
- meta.NewPrefix + meta.KeyUserRole: meta.ValueUserRoleReader,
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityOwner,
- },
- zettel.NewContent(nil)},
- id.ZidRoleZettelZettel: {
- constHeader{
- meta.KeyTitle: meta.ValueRoleZettel,
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleRole,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxZmk,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20231129161400",
- meta.KeyLang: meta.ValueLangEN,
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityLogin,
+ id.TOCNewTemplateZid: {
+ constHeader{
+ api.KeyTitle: "New Menu",
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleConfiguration,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxZmk,
+ api.KeyLang: api.ValueLangEN,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20210217161829",
+ api.KeyModified: "20231129111800",
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityCreator,
+ },
+ zettel.NewContent(contentNewTOCZettel)},
+ id.MustParse(api.ZidTemplateNewZettel): {
+ constHeader{
+ api.KeyTitle: "New Zettel",
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleConfiguration,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxZmk,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20201028185209",
+ api.KeyModified: "20230929132900",
+ meta.NewPrefix + api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleZettel,
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityCreator,
+ },
+ zettel.NewContent(nil)},
+ id.MustParse(api.ZidTemplateNewRole): {
+ constHeader{
+ api.KeyTitle: "New Role",
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleConfiguration,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxZmk,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20231129110800",
+ meta.NewPrefix + api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleRole,
+ meta.NewPrefix + api.KeyTitle: "",
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityCreator,
+ },
+ zettel.NewContent(nil)},
+ id.MustParse(api.ZidTemplateNewTag): {
+ constHeader{
+ api.KeyTitle: "New Tag",
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleConfiguration,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxZmk,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20230929132400",
+ meta.NewPrefix + api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleTag,
+ meta.NewPrefix + api.KeyTitle: "#",
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityCreator,
+ },
+ zettel.NewContent(nil)},
+ id.MustParse(api.ZidTemplateNewUser): {
+ constHeader{
+ api.KeyTitle: "New User",
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleConfiguration,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxNone,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20201028185209",
+ meta.NewPrefix + api.KeyCredential: "",
+ meta.NewPrefix + api.KeyUserID: "",
+ meta.NewPrefix + api.KeyUserRole: api.ValueUserRoleReader,
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityOwner,
+ },
+ zettel.NewContent(nil)},
+ id.MustParse(api.ZidRoleZettelZettel): {
+ constHeader{
+ api.KeyTitle: api.ValueRoleZettel,
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleRole,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxZmk,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20231129161400",
+ api.KeyLang: api.ValueLangEN,
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityLogin,
- id.ZidRoleConfigurationZettel: {
+ id.MustParse(api.ZidRoleConfigurationZettel): {
- meta.KeyTitle: meta.ValueRoleConfiguration,
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleRole,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxZmk,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20241213103100",
- meta.KeyLang: meta.ValueLangEN,
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityLogin,
+ api.KeyTitle: api.ValueRoleConfiguration,
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleRole,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxZmk,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20241213103100",
+ api.KeyLang: api.ValueLangEN,
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityLogin,
- id.ZidRoleRoleZettel: {
+ id.MustParse(api.ZidRoleRoleZettel): {
- meta.KeyTitle: meta.ValueRoleRole,
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleRole,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxZmk,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20231129162900",
- meta.KeyLang: meta.ValueLangEN,
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityLogin,
+ api.KeyTitle: api.ValueRoleRole,
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleRole,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxZmk,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20231129162900",
+ api.KeyLang: api.ValueLangEN,
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityLogin,
- id.ZidRoleTagZettel: {
+ id.MustParse(api.ZidRoleTagZettel): {
- meta.KeyTitle: meta.ValueRoleTag,
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleRole,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxZmk,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20231129162000",
- meta.KeyLang: meta.ValueLangEN,
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityLogin,
+ api.KeyTitle: api.ValueRoleTag,
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleRole,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxZmk,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20231129162000",
+ api.KeyLang: api.ValueLangEN,
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityLogin,
- id.ZidAppDirectory: {
+ id.MustParse(api.ZidAppDirectory): {
- meta.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Application Directory",
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleConfiguration,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxNone,
- meta.KeyLang: meta.ValueLangEN,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20240703235900",
- meta.KeyVisibility: meta.ValueVisibilityLogin,
+ api.KeyTitle: "Zettelstore Application Directory",
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleConfiguration,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxNone,
+ api.KeyLang: api.ValueLangEN,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20240703235900",
+ api.KeyVisibility: api.ValueVisibilityLogin,
- id.ZidDefaultHome: {
+ id.DefaultHomeZid: {
- meta.KeyTitle: "Home",
- meta.KeyRole: meta.ValueRoleZettel,
- meta.KeySyntax: meta.ValueSyntaxZmk,
- meta.KeyLang: meta.ValueLangEN,
- meta.KeyCreated: "20210210190757",
- meta.KeyModified: "20241216105800",
+ api.KeyTitle: "Home",
+ api.KeyRole: api.ValueRoleZettel,
+ api.KeySyntax: meta.SyntaxZmk,
+ api.KeyLang: api.ValueLangEN,
+ api.KeyCreated: "20210210190757",
//go:embed license.txt
@@ -476,15 +466,12 @@
var contentBaseCSS []byte
//go:embed emoji_spin.gif
var contentEmoji []byte
-//go:embed menu_lists.zettel
-var contentMenuListsZettel []byte
-//go:embed menu_new.zettel
-var contentMenuNewZettel []byte
+//go:embed newtoc.zettel
+var contentNewTOCZettel []byte
//go:embed rolezettel.zettel
var contentRoleZettel []byte
//go:embed roleconfiguration.zettel
Index: box/constbox/dependencies.zettel
--- box/constbox/dependencies.zettel
+++ box/constbox/dependencies.zettel
@@ -128,21 +128,19 @@
-=== Sx, SxWebs, Webs, Zero, Zettelstore-Client
+=== Sx, SxWebs, Webs, Zettelstore-Client
These are companion projects, written by the main developer of Zettelstore.
They are published under the same license, [[EUPL v1.2, or later|00000000000004]].
; URL & Source Sx
: [[]]
; URL & Source SxWebs
: [[]]
; URL & Source Webs
: [[]]
-; URL & Source Zero
-: [[]]
; URL & Source Zettelstore-Client
: [[]]
; License:
: European Union Public License, version 1.2 (EUPL v1.2), or later.
Index: box/constbox/home.zettel
--- box/constbox/home.zettel
+++ box/constbox/home.zettel
@@ -1,31 +1,32 @@
=== Thank you for using Zettelstore!
-You will find the latest information about Zettelstore at [[]].
-Check this website regularly for [[updates|]] to the latest version.
-You should consult the [[change log|]] before updating.
-Sometimes, you have to edit some of your Zettelstore-related zettel before updating.
-Since Zettelstore is currently in a development state, every update might fix some of your problems.
+You will find the lastest information about Zettelstore at [[]].
+Check that website regulary for [[upgrades|]] to the latest version.
+You should consult the [[change log|]] before upgrading.
+Sometimes, you have to edit some of your Zettelstore-related zettel before upgrading.
+Since Zettelstore is currently in a development state, every upgrade might fix some of your problems.
-If you have problems concerning Zettelstore, do not hesitate to get in [[contact with the main developer|]].
+If you have problems concerning Zettelstore,
+do not hesitate to get in [[contact with the main developer|]].
=== Reporting errors
If you have encountered an error, please include the content of the following zettel in your mail (if possible):
* [[Zettelstore Version|00000000000001]]: {{00000000000001}}
* [[Zettelstore Operating System|00000000000003]]
* [[Zettelstore Startup Configuration|00000000000096]]
* [[Zettelstore Runtime Configuration|00000000000100]]
-Additionally, you have to describe, what you did before that error occurs
-and what you expected instead.
+Additionally, you have to describe, what you have done before that error occurs
+and what you have expected instead.
Please do not forget to include the error message, if there is one.
Some of above Zettelstore zettel can only be retrieved if you enabled ""expert mode"".
Otherwise, only some zettel are linked.
To enable expert mode, edit the zettel [[Zettelstore Runtime Configuration|00000000000100]]:
please set the metadata value of the key ''expert-mode'' to true.
-To do so, enter the string ''expert-mode:true'' inside the edit view of the metadata.
+To do you, enter the string ''expert-mode:true'' inside the edit view of the metadata.
=== Information about this zettel
This zettel is your home zettel.
It is part of the Zettelstore software itself.
Every time you click on the [[Home|//]] link in the menu bar, you will be redirected to this zettel.
DELETED box/constbox/menu_lists.zettel
Index: box/constbox/menu_lists.zettel
--- box/constbox/menu_lists.zettel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-This zettel lists all entries of the ""Lists"" menu.
-* [[List Zettel|query:]]
-* [[List Roles|query:|role]]
-* [[List Tags|query:|tags]]
-An additional ""Refresh"" menu item is automatically added if appropriate.
DELETED box/constbox/menu_new.zettel
Index: box/constbox/menu_new.zettel
--- box/constbox/menu_new.zettel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-This zettel lists all zettel that should act as a template for new zettel.
-These zettel will be included in the ""New"" menu of the WebUI.
-* [[New Zettel|00000000090001]]
-* [[New Role|00000000090004]]
-* [[New Tag|00000000090003]]
-* [[New User|00000000090002]]
ADDED box/constbox/newtoc.zettel
Index: box/constbox/newtoc.zettel
--- /dev/null
+++ box/constbox/newtoc.zettel
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+This zettel lists all zettel that should act as a template for new zettel.
+These zettel will be included in the ""New"" menu of the WebUI.
+* [[New Zettel|00000000090001]]
+* [[New Role|00000000090004]]
+* [[New Tag|00000000090003]]
+* [[New User|00000000090002]]
Index: box/constbox/zettel.sxn
--- box/constbox/zettel.sxn
+++ box/constbox/zettel.sxn
@@ -22,24 +22,22 @@
,@(if (and (bound? 'folge-role-url) (bound? 'meta-folge-role))
`((@H " → ") (a (@ (href ,folge-role-url)) ,meta-folge-role)))
,@(if tag-refs `((@H " · ") ,@tag-refs))
,@(ROLE-DEFAULT-actions (current-binding))
- ,@(if superior-refs `((br) "Superior: " ,superior-refs))
,@(if predecessor-refs `((br) "Predecessor: " ,predecessor-refs))
- ,@(if prequel-refs `((br) "Prequel: " ,prequel-refs))
,@(if precursor-refs `((br) "Precursor: " ,precursor-refs))
+ ,@(if prequel-refs `((br) "Prequel: " ,prequel-refs))
,@(ROLE-DEFAULT-heading (current-binding))
- ,@(if (or folge-links sequel-links back-links successor-links subordinate-links)
+ ,@(if (or folge-links sequel-links back-links successor-links)
,@(if folge-links `((details (@ (,folge-open)) (summary "Folgezettel") (ul ,@(map wui-item-link folge-links)))))
,@(if sequel-links `((details (@ (,sequel-open)) (summary "Sequel") (ul ,@(map wui-item-link sequel-links)))))
- ,@(if successor-links `((details (@ (,successor-open)) (summary "Successors") (ul ,@(map wui-item-link successor-links)))))
- ,@(if subordinate-links `((details (@ (,subordinate-open)) (summary "Subordinates") (ul ,@(map wui-item-link subordinate-links)))))
,@(if back-links `((details (@ (,back-open)) (summary "Incoming") (ul ,@(map wui-item-link back-links)))))
+ ,@(if successor-links `((details (@ (,successor-open)) (summary "Successors") (ul ,@(map wui-item-link successor-links)))))
Index: box/dirbox/dirbox.go
--- box/dirbox/dirbox.go
+++ box/dirbox/dirbox.go
@@ -20,19 +20,19 @@
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
func init() {
manager.Register("dir", func(u *url.URL, cdata *manager.ConnectData) (box.ManagedBox, error) {
var log *logger.Logger
Index: box/dirbox/service.go
--- box/dirbox/service.go
+++ box/dirbox/service.go
@@ -19,18 +19,18 @@
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
func fileService(i uint32, log *logger.Logger, dirPath string, cmds <-chan fileCmd) {
// Something may panic. Ensure a running service.
defer func() {
Index: box/filebox/filebox.go
--- box/filebox/filebox.go
+++ box/filebox/filebox.go
@@ -18,15 +18,16 @@
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
func init() {
manager.Register("file", func(u *url.URL, cdata *manager.ConnectData) (box.ManagedBox, error) {
path := getFilepathFromURL(u)
@@ -56,41 +57,41 @@
return "/" + fileName
return fileName
-var alternativeSyntax = map[string]meta.Value{
+var alternativeSyntax = map[string]string{
"htm": "html",
-func calculateSyntax(ext string) meta.Value {
+func calculateSyntax(ext string) string {
ext = strings.ToLower(ext)
if syntax, ok := alternativeSyntax[ext]; ok {
return syntax
- return meta.Value(ext)
+ return ext
// CalcDefaultMeta returns metadata with default values for the given entry.
func CalcDefaultMeta(zid id.Zid, ext string) *meta.Meta {
m := meta.New(zid)
- m.Set(meta.KeySyntax, calculateSyntax(ext))
+ m.Set(api.KeySyntax, calculateSyntax(ext))
return m
// CleanupMeta enhances the given metadata.
func CleanupMeta(m *meta.Meta, zid id.Zid, ext string, inMeta bool, uselessFiles []string) {
if inMeta {
- if syntax, ok := m.Get(meta.KeySyntax); !ok || syntax == "" {
+ if syntax, ok := m.Get(api.KeySyntax); !ok || syntax == "" {
dm := CalcDefaultMeta(zid, ext)
- syntax, ok = dm.Get(meta.KeySyntax)
+ syntax, ok = dm.Get(api.KeySyntax)
if !ok {
panic("Default meta must contain syntax")
- m.Set(meta.KeySyntax, syntax)
+ m.Set(api.KeySyntax, syntax)
if len(uselessFiles) > 0 {
- m.Set(meta.KeyUselessFiles, meta.Value(strings.Join(uselessFiles, " ")))
+ m.Set(api.KeyUselessFiles, strings.Join(uselessFiles, " "))
Index: box/filebox/zipbox.go
--- box/filebox/zipbox.go
+++ box/filebox/zipbox.go
@@ -18,18 +18,18 @@
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
type zipBox struct {
log *logger.Logger
number int
Index: box/helper.go
--- box/helper.go
+++ box/helper.go
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
import (
- ""
+ ""
// GetNewZid calculates a new and unused zettel identifier, based on the current date and time.
func GetNewZid(testZid func(id.Zid) (bool, error)) (id.Zid, error) {
withSeconds := false
Index: box/manager/anteroom.go
--- box/manager/anteroom.go
+++ box/manager/anteroom.go
@@ -14,12 +14,11 @@
package manager
import (
- ""
- ""
+ ""
type arAction int
const (
@@ -28,11 +27,11 @@
type anteroom struct {
next *anteroom
- waiting *idset.Set
+ waiting *id.Set
curLoad int
reload bool
type anteroomQueue struct {
@@ -76,11 +75,11 @@
func (ar *anteroomQueue) makeAnteroom(zid id.Zid) *anteroom {
if zid == id.Invalid {
- waiting := idset.NewCap(max(ar.maxLoad, 100), zid)
+ waiting := id.NewSetCap(max(ar.maxLoad, 100), zid)
return &anteroom{next: nil, waiting: waiting, curLoad: 1, reload: false}
func (ar *anteroomQueue) Reset() {
@@ -87,11 +86,11 @@
ar.first = &anteroom{next: nil, waiting: nil, curLoad: 0, reload: true}
ar.last = ar.first
-func (ar *anteroomQueue) Reload(allZids *idset.Set) {
+func (ar *anteroomQueue) Reload(allZids *id.Set) {
if !allZids.IsEmpty() {
Index: box/manager/anteroom_test.go
--- box/manager/anteroom_test.go
+++ box/manager/anteroom_test.go
@@ -14,12 +14,11 @@
package manager
import (
- ""
- ""
+ ""
func TestSimple(t *testing.T) {
ar := newAnteroomQueue(2)
@@ -61,11 +60,11 @@
action, zid, _ := ar.Dequeue()
if action != arReload || zid != id.Invalid {
t.Errorf("Expected reload & invalid Zid, but got %v/%v", action, zid)
- ar.Reload(idset.New(3, 4))
+ ar.Reload(id.NewSet(3, 4))
if ar.first == ar.last || != ar.last /*|| != ar.last*/ {
t.Errorf("Expected 2 rooms")
@@ -88,11 +87,11 @@
if action != arNothing || zid != id.Invalid {
t.Errorf("Expected nothing & invalid Zid, but got %v/%v", action, zid)
ar = newAnteroomQueue(1)
- ar.Reload(idset.New(id.Zid(6)))
+ ar.Reload(id.NewSet(id.Zid(6)))
action, zid, _ = ar.Dequeue()
if zid != id.Zid(6) || action != arZettel {
t.Errorf("Expected 6/arZettel, but got %v/%v", zid, action)
action, zid, _ = ar.Dequeue()
Index: box/manager/box.go
--- box/manager/box.go
+++ box/manager/box.go
@@ -16,16 +16,15 @@
import (
- ""
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
// Conatains all box.Box related functions
// Location returns some information where the box is located.
@@ -64,15 +63,15 @@
defer mgr.mgrMx.RUnlock()
if box, isWriteBox := mgr.boxes[0].(box.WriteBox); isWriteBox {
ztl.Meta = mgr.cleanMetaProperties(ztl.Meta)
- zid, err := box.CreateZettel(ctx, ztl)
+ zidO, err := box.CreateZettel(ctx, ztl)
if err == nil {
mgr.idxUpdateZettel(ctx, ztl)
- return zid, err
+ return zidO, err
return id.Invalid, box.ErrReadOnly
// GetZettel retrieves a specific zettel.
@@ -115,35 +114,41 @@
return result, nil
// FetchZids returns the set of all zettel identifer managed by the box.
-func (mgr *Manager) FetchZids(ctx context.Context) (*idset.Set, error) {
+func (mgr *Manager) FetchZids(ctx context.Context) (*id.Set, error) {
if err := mgr.checkContinue(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
defer mgr.mgrMx.RUnlock()
return mgr.fetchZids(ctx)
-func (mgr *Manager) fetchZids(ctx context.Context) (*idset.Set, error) {
+func (mgr *Manager) fetchZids(ctx context.Context) (*id.Set, error) {
numZettel := 0
for _, p := range mgr.boxes {
var mbstats box.ManagedBoxStats
numZettel += mbstats.Zettel
- result := idset.NewCap(numZettel)
+ result := id.NewSetCap(numZettel)
for _, p := range mgr.boxes {
err := p.ApplyZid(ctx, func(zid id.Zid) { result.Add(zid) }, query.AlwaysIncluded)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return result, nil
+// FetchZidsO returns the set of all old-style zettel identifer managed by the box.
+func (mgr *Manager) FetchZidsO(ctx context.Context) (*id.Set, error) {
+ mgr.mgrLog.Debug().Msg("FetchZidsO")
+ return mgr.fetchZids(ctx)
func (mgr *Manager) hasZettel(ctx context.Context, zid id.Zid) bool {
if err := mgr.checkContinue(ctx); err != nil {
return false
@@ -191,11 +196,11 @@
mgr.mgrLog.Trace().Int("count", int64(len(result))).Msg("found without ApplyMeta")
return result, nil
selected := map[id.Zid]*meta.Meta{}
for _, term := range compSearch.Terms {
- rejected := idset.New()
+ rejected := id.NewSet()
handleMeta := func(m *meta.Meta) {
zid := m.Zid
if rejected.Contains(zid) {
@@ -275,36 +280,36 @@
return false
// DeleteZettel removes the zettel from the box.
-func (mgr *Manager) DeleteZettel(ctx context.Context, zid id.Zid) error {
- mgr.mgrLog.Debug().Zid(zid).Msg("DeleteZettel")
+func (mgr *Manager) DeleteZettel(ctx context.Context, zidO id.Zid) error {
+ mgr.mgrLog.Debug().Zid(zidO).Msg("DeleteZettel")
if err := mgr.checkContinue(ctx); err != nil {
return err
defer mgr.mgrMx.RUnlock()
for _, p := range mgr.boxes {
- err := p.DeleteZettel(ctx, zid)
+ err := p.DeleteZettel(ctx, zidO)
if err == nil {
- mgr.idxDeleteZettel(ctx, zid)
+ mgr.idxDeleteZettel(ctx, zidO)
return err
var errZNF box.ErrZettelNotFound
if !errors.As(err, &errZNF) && !errors.Is(err, box.ErrReadOnly) {
return err
- return box.ErrZettelNotFound{Zid: zid}
+ return box.ErrZettelNotFound{Zid: zidO}
// Remove all (computed) properties from metadata before storing the zettel.
func (mgr *Manager) cleanMetaProperties(m *meta.Meta) *meta.Meta {
result := m.Clone()
- for key := range result.ComputedRest() {
- if mgr.propertyKeys.Contains(key) {
- result.Delete(key)
+ for _, p := range result.ComputedPairsRest() {
+ if mgr.propertyKeys.Has(p.Key) {
+ result.Delete(p.Key)
return result
Index: box/manager/collect.go
--- box/manager/collect.go
+++ box/manager/collect.go
@@ -14,32 +14,35 @@
package manager
import (
- ""
- ""
+ ""
type collectData struct {
- refs *idset.Set
+ refs *id.Set
words store.WordSet
urls store.WordSet
func (data *collectData) initialize() {
- data.refs = idset.New()
+ data.refs = id.NewSet()
data.words = store.NewWordSet()
data.urls = store.NewWordSet()
func collectZettelIndexData(zn *ast.ZettelNode, data *collectData) {
ast.Walk(data, &zn.Ast)
+func collectInlineIndexData(is *ast.InlineSlice, data *collectData) {
+ ast.Walk(data, is)
func (data *collectData) Visit(node ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
switch n := node.(type) {
case *ast.VerbatimNode:
Index: box/manager/enrich.go
--- box/manager/enrich.go
+++ box/manager/enrich.go
@@ -15,32 +15,38 @@
import (
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
// Enrich computes additional properties and updates the given metadata.
func (mgr *Manager) Enrich(ctx context.Context, m *meta.Meta, boxNumber int) {
// Calculate computed, but stored values.
- if _, hasCreated := m.Get(meta.KeyCreated); !hasCreated {
- m.Set(meta.KeyCreated, computeCreated(m.Zid))
+ _, hasCreated := m.Get(api.KeyCreated)
+ if !hasCreated {
+ m.Set(api.KeyCreated, computeCreated(m.Zid))
if box.DoEnrich(ctx) {
if boxNumber > 0 {
- m.Set(meta.KeyBoxNumber, meta.Value(strconv.Itoa(boxNumber)))
+ m.Set(api.KeyBoxNumber, strconv.Itoa(boxNumber))
mgr.idxStore.Enrich(ctx, m)
+ if !hasCreated {
+ m.Set(meta.KeyCreatedMissing, api.ValueTrue)
+ }
-func computeCreated(zid id.Zid) meta.Value {
+func computeCreated(zid id.Zid) string {
if zid <= 10101000000 {
// A year 0000 is not allowed and therefore an artificial Zid.
// In the year 0001, the month must be > 0.
// In the month 000101, the day must be > 0.
return "00010101000000"
@@ -64,11 +70,11 @@
zid /= 100
month := zid % 100
year := zid / 100
month, day = sanitizeMonthDay(year, month, day)
created := ((((year*100+month)*100+day)*100+hours)*100+minutes)*100 + seconds
- return meta.Value(created.String())
+ return created.String()
func sanitizeMonthDay(year, month, day id.Zid) (id.Zid, id.Zid) {
if day < 1 {
day = 1
@@ -102,29 +108,29 @@
return month, day
func computePublished(m *meta.Meta) {
- if _, ok := m.Get(meta.KeyPublished); ok {
+ if _, ok := m.Get(api.KeyPublished); ok {
- if modified, ok := m.Get(meta.KeyModified); ok {
- if _, ok = modified.AsTime(); ok {
- m.Set(meta.KeyPublished, modified)
+ if modified, ok := m.Get(api.KeyModified); ok {
+ if _, ok = meta.TimeValue(modified); ok {
+ m.Set(api.KeyPublished, modified)
- if created, ok := m.Get(meta.KeyCreated); ok {
- if _, ok = created.AsTime(); ok {
- m.Set(meta.KeyPublished, created)
+ if created, ok := m.Get(api.KeyCreated); ok {
+ if _, ok = meta.TimeValue(created); ok {
+ m.Set(api.KeyPublished, created)
- zidValue := meta.Value(m.Zid.String())
- if _, ok := zidValue.AsTime(); ok {
- m.Set(meta.KeyPublished, zidValue)
+ zid := m.Zid.String()
+ if _, ok := meta.TimeValue(zid); ok {
+ m.Set(api.KeyPublished, zid)
// Neither the zettel was modified nor the zettel identifer contains a valid
// timestamp. In this case do not set the "published" property.
Index: box/manager/indexer.go
--- box/manager/indexer.go
+++ box/manager/indexer.go
@@ -17,24 +17,23 @@
- ""
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
// SearchEqual returns all zettel that contains the given exact word.
// The word must be normalized through Unicode NKFD, trimmed and not empty.
-func (mgr *Manager) SearchEqual(word string) *idset.Set {
+func (mgr *Manager) SearchEqual(word string) *id.Set {
found := mgr.idxStore.SearchEqual(word)
mgr.idxLog.Debug().Str("word", word).Int("found", int64(found.Length())).Msg("SearchEqual")
if msg := mgr.idxLog.Trace(); msg.Enabled() {
msg.Str("ids", fmt.Sprint(found)).Msg("IDs")
@@ -41,11 +40,11 @@
return found
// SearchPrefix returns all zettel that have a word with the given prefix.
// The prefix must be normalized through Unicode NKFD, trimmed and not empty.
-func (mgr *Manager) SearchPrefix(prefix string) *idset.Set {
+func (mgr *Manager) SearchPrefix(prefix string) *id.Set {
found := mgr.idxStore.SearchPrefix(prefix)
mgr.idxLog.Debug().Str("prefix", prefix).Int("found", int64(found.Length())).Msg("SearchPrefix")
if msg := mgr.idxLog.Trace(); msg.Enabled() {
msg.Str("ids", fmt.Sprint(found)).Msg("IDs")
@@ -52,11 +51,11 @@
return found
// SearchSuffix returns all zettel that have a word with the given suffix.
// The suffix must be normalized through Unicode NKFD, trimmed and not empty.
-func (mgr *Manager) SearchSuffix(suffix string) *idset.Set {
+func (mgr *Manager) SearchSuffix(suffix string) *id.Set {
found := mgr.idxStore.SearchSuffix(suffix)
mgr.idxLog.Debug().Str("suffix", suffix).Int("found", int64(found.Length())).Msg("SearchSuffix")
if msg := mgr.idxLog.Trace(); msg.Enabled() {
msg.Str("ids", fmt.Sprint(found)).Msg("IDs")
@@ -63,11 +62,11 @@
return found
// SearchContains returns all zettel that contains the given string.
// The string must be normalized through Unicode NKFD, trimmed and not empty.
-func (mgr *Manager) SearchContains(s string) *idset.Set {
+func (mgr *Manager) SearchContains(s string) *id.Set {
found := mgr.idxStore.SearchContains(s)
mgr.idxLog.Debug().Str("s", s).Int("found", int64(found.Length())).Msg("SearchContains")
if msg := mgr.idxLog.Trace(); msg.Enabled() {
msg.Str("ids", fmt.Sprint(found)).Msg("IDs")
@@ -173,33 +172,36 @@
func mustIndexZettel(m *meta.Meta) bool {
return m.Zid >= id.Zid(999999900)
func (mgr *Manager) idxCollectFromMeta(ctx context.Context, m *meta.Meta, zi *store.ZettelIndex, cData *collectData) {
- for key, val := range m.Computed() {
- descr := meta.GetDescription(key)
+ for _, pair := range m.ComputedPairs() {
+ descr := meta.GetDescription(pair.Key)
if descr.IsProperty() {
switch descr.Type {
case meta.TypeID:
- mgr.idxUpdateValue(ctx, descr.Inverse, string(val), zi)
+ mgr.idxUpdateValue(ctx, descr.Inverse, pair.Value, zi)
case meta.TypeIDSet:
- for val := range val.Fields() {
+ for _, val := range meta.ListFromValue(pair.Value) {
mgr.idxUpdateValue(ctx, descr.Inverse, val, zi)
+ case meta.TypeZettelmarkup:
+ is := parser.ParseMetadata(pair.Value)
+ collectInlineIndexData(&is, cData)
case meta.TypeURL:
- if _, err := url.Parse(string(val)); err == nil {
- cData.urls.Add(string(val))
+ if _, err := url.Parse(pair.Value); err == nil {
+ cData.urls.Add(pair.Value)
if descr.Type.IsSet {
- for val := range val.Fields() {
+ for _, val := range meta.ListFromValue(pair.Value) {
idxCollectMetaValue(cData.words, val)
} else {
- idxCollectMetaValue(cData.words, string(val))
+ idxCollectMetaValue(cData.words, pair.Value)
@@ -244,10 +246,10 @@
func (mgr *Manager) idxDeleteZettel(ctx context.Context, zid id.Zid) {
toCheck := mgr.idxStore.DeleteZettel(ctx, zid)
-func (mgr *Manager) idxCheckZettel(s *idset.Set) {
+func (mgr *Manager) idxCheckZettel(s *id.Set) {
s.ForEach(func(zid id.Zid) {
Index: box/manager/manager.go
--- box/manager/manager.go
+++ box/manager/manager.go
@@ -19,20 +19,20 @@
- ""
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
// ConnectData contains all administration related values.
type ConnectData struct {
Number int // number of the box, starting with 1.
@@ -91,11 +91,11 @@
boxes []box.ManagedBox
observers []box.UpdateFunc
mxObserver sync.RWMutex
done chan struct{}
infos chan box.UpdateInfo
- propertyKeys *set.Set[string] // Set of property key names
+ propertyKeys strfun.Set // Set of property key names
// Indexer data
idxLog *logger.Logger
idxStore store.Store
idxAr *anteroomQueue
@@ -123,14 +123,14 @@
// New creates a new managing box.
func New(boxURIs []*url.URL, authManager auth.BaseManager, rtConfig config.Config) (*Manager, error) {
descrs := meta.GetSortedKeyDescriptions()
- propertyKeys := set.New[string]()
+ propertyKeys := make(strfun.Set, len(descrs))
for _, kd := range descrs {
if kd.IsProperty() {
- propertyKeys.Add(kd.Name)
+ propertyKeys.Set(kd.Name)
boxLog := kernel.Main.GetLogger(kernel.BoxService)
mgr := &Manager{
mgrLog: boxLog.Clone().Str("box", "manager").Child(),
@@ -247,22 +247,22 @@
reason: reason,
return false
-func (mgr *Manager) idxEnqueue(reason box.UpdateReason, zid id.Zid) {
+func (mgr *Manager) idxEnqueue(reason box.UpdateReason, zidO id.Zid) {
switch reason {
case box.OnReady:
case box.OnReload:
case box.OnZettel:
- mgr.idxAr.EnqueueZettel(zid)
+ mgr.idxAr.EnqueueZettel(zidO)
case box.OnDelete:
- mgr.idxAr.EnqueueZettel(zid)
+ mgr.idxAr.EnqueueZettel(zidO)
- mgr.mgrLog.Error().Uint("reason", uint64(reason)).Zid(zid).Msg("Unknown notification reason")
+ mgr.mgrLog.Error().Uint("reason", uint64(reason)).Zid(zidO).Msg("Unknown notification reason")
select {
case mgr.idxReady <- struct{}{}:
Index: box/manager/mapstore/mapstore.go
--- box/manager/mapstore/mapstore.go
+++ box/manager/mapstore/mapstore.go
@@ -16,35 +16,35 @@
import (
- "maps"
- ""
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
type zettelData struct {
meta *meta.Meta // a local copy of the metadata, without computed keys
- dead *idset.Set // set of dead references in this zettel
- forward *idset.Set // set of forward references in this zettel
- backward *idset.Set // set of zettel that reference with zettel
+ dead *id.Set // set of dead references in this zettel
+ forward *id.Set // set of forward references in this zettel
+ backward *id.Set // set of zettel that reference with zettel
otherRefs map[string]bidiRefs
words []string // list of words of this zettel
urls []string // list of urls of this zettel
type bidiRefs struct {
- forward *idset.Set
- backward *idset.Set
+ forward *id.Set
+ backward *id.Set
func (zd *zettelData) optimize() {
@@ -57,26 +57,26 @@
type mapStore struct {
mx sync.RWMutex
intern map[string]string // map to intern strings
idx map[id.Zid]*zettelData
- dead map[id.Zid]*idset.Set // map dead refs where they occur
+ dead map[id.Zid]*id.Set // map dead refs where they occur
words stringRefs
urls stringRefs
// Stats
mxStats sync.Mutex
updates uint64
-type stringRefs map[string]*idset.Set
+type stringRefs map[string]*id.Set
// New returns a new memory-based index store.
func New() store.Store {
return &mapStore{
intern: make(map[string]string, 1024),
idx: make(map[id.Zid]*zettelData),
- dead: make(map[id.Zid]*idset.Set),
+ dead: make(map[id.Zid]*id.Set),
words: make(stringRefs),
urls: make(stringRefs),
@@ -105,43 +105,43 @@
if !ok {
return false
var updated bool
if !zi.dead.IsEmpty() {
- m.Set(meta.KeyDead, zi.dead.MetaValue())
+ m.Set(api.KeyDead, zi.dead.MetaString())
updated = true
back := removeOtherMetaRefs(m, zi.backward.Clone())
if !zi.backward.IsEmpty() {
- m.Set(meta.KeyBackward, zi.backward.MetaValue())
+ m.Set(api.KeyBackward, zi.backward.MetaString())
updated = true
if !zi.forward.IsEmpty() {
- m.Set(meta.KeyForward, zi.forward.MetaValue())
+ m.Set(api.KeyForward, zi.forward.MetaString())
updated = true
for k, refs := range zi.otherRefs {
if !refs.backward.IsEmpty() {
- m.Set(k, refs.backward.MetaValue())
+ m.Set(k, refs.backward.MetaString())
updated = true
if !back.IsEmpty() {
- m.Set(meta.KeyBack, back.MetaValue())
+ m.Set(api.KeyBack, back.MetaString())
updated = true
return updated
// SearchEqual returns all zettel that contains the given exact word.
// The word must be normalized through Unicode NKFD, trimmed and not empty.
-func (ms *mapStore) SearchEqual(word string) *idset.Set {
+func (ms *mapStore) SearchEqual(word string) *id.Set {
- result := idset.New()
+ result := id.NewSet()
if refs, ok := ms.words[word]; ok {
result = result.IUnion(refs)
if refs, ok := ms.urls[word]; ok {
result = result.IUnion(refs)
@@ -158,11 +158,11 @@
return addBackwardZids(result, zid, zi)
// SearchPrefix returns all zettel that have a word with the given prefix.
// The prefix must be normalized through Unicode NKFD, trimmed and not empty.
-func (ms *mapStore) SearchPrefix(prefix string) *idset.Set {
+func (ms *mapStore) SearchPrefix(prefix string) *id.Set {
result := ms.selectWithPred(prefix, strings.HasPrefix)
l := len(prefix)
if l > 14 {
@@ -189,11 +189,11 @@
return result
// SearchSuffix returns all zettel that have a word with the given suffix.
// The suffix must be normalized through Unicode NKFD, trimmed and not empty.
-func (ms *mapStore) SearchSuffix(suffix string) *idset.Set {
+func (ms *mapStore) SearchSuffix(suffix string) *id.Set {
result := ms.selectWithPred(suffix, strings.HasSuffix)
l := len(suffix)
if l > 14 {
@@ -215,11 +215,11 @@
return result
// SearchContains returns all zettel that contains the given string.
// The string must be normalized through Unicode NKFD, trimmed and not empty.
-func (ms *mapStore) SearchContains(s string) *idset.Set {
+func (ms *mapStore) SearchContains(s string) *id.Set {
result := ms.selectWithPred(s, strings.Contains)
if len(s) > 14 {
return result
@@ -233,13 +233,13 @@
return result
-func (ms *mapStore) selectWithPred(s string, pred func(string, string) bool) *idset.Set {
+func (ms *mapStore) selectWithPred(s string, pred func(string, string) bool) *id.Set {
// Must only be called if is read-locked!
- result := idset.New()
+ result := id.NewSet()
for word, refs := range ms.words {
if !pred(word, s) {
@@ -251,39 +251,39 @@
return result
-func addBackwardZids(result *idset.Set, zid id.Zid, zi *zettelData) *idset.Set {
+func addBackwardZids(result *id.Set, zid id.Zid, zi *zettelData) *id.Set {
// Must only be called if is read-locked!
result = result.Add(zid)
result = result.IUnion(zi.backward)
for _, mref := range zi.otherRefs {
result = result.IUnion(mref.backward)
return result
-func removeOtherMetaRefs(m *meta.Meta, back *idset.Set) *idset.Set {
- for key, val := range m.Rest() {
- switch meta.Type(key) {
+func removeOtherMetaRefs(m *meta.Meta, back *id.Set) *id.Set {
+ for _, p := range m.PairsRest() {
+ switch meta.Type(p.Key) {
case meta.TypeID:
- if zid, err := id.Parse(string(val)); err == nil {
+ if zid, err := id.Parse(p.Value); err == nil {
back = back.Remove(zid)
case meta.TypeIDSet:
- for val := range val.Fields() {
+ for _, val := range meta.ListFromValue(p.Value) {
if zid, err := id.Parse(val); err == nil {
back = back.Remove(zid)
return back
-func (ms *mapStore) UpdateReferences(_ context.Context, zidx *store.ZettelIndex) *idset.Set {
+func (ms *mapStore) UpdateReferences(_ context.Context, zidx *store.ZettelIndex) *id.Set {
m := ms.makeMeta(zidx)
zi, ziExist := ms.idx[zidx.Zid]
if !ziExist || zi == nil {
@@ -290,11 +290,11 @@
zi = &zettelData{}
ziExist = false
// Is this zettel an old dead reference mentioned in other zettel?
- var toCheck *idset.Set
+ var toCheck *id.Set
if refs, ok := ms.dead[zidx.Zid]; ok {
// These must be checked later again
toCheck = refs
delete(ms.dead, zidx.Zid)
@@ -315,15 +315,15 @@
return toCheck
var internableKeys = map[string]bool{
- meta.KeyRole: true,
- meta.KeySyntax: true,
- meta.KeyFolgeRole: true,
- meta.KeyLang: true,
- meta.KeyReadOnly: true,
+ api.KeyRole: true,
+ api.KeySyntax: true,
+ api.KeyFolgeRole: true,
+ api.KeyLang: true,
+ api.KeyReadOnly: true,
func isInternableValue(key string) bool {
if internableKeys[key] {
return true
@@ -340,16 +340,16 @@
func (ms *mapStore) makeMeta(zidx *store.ZettelIndex) *meta.Meta {
origM := zidx.GetMeta()
copyM := meta.New(origM.Zid)
- for key, val := range origM.All() {
- key = ms.internString(key)
+ for _, p := range origM.Pairs() {
+ key := ms.internString(p.Key)
if isInternableValue(key) {
- copyM.Set(key, meta.Value(ms.internString(string(val))))
- } else if key == meta.KeyBoxNumber || !meta.IsComputed(key) {
- copyM.Set(key, val)
+ copyM.Set(key, ms.internString(p.Value))
+ } else if key == api.KeyBoxNumber || !meta.IsComputed(key) {
+ copyM.Set(key, p.Value)
return copyM
@@ -364,17 +364,17 @@
newRefs.ForEach(func(ref id.Zid) {
ms.dead[ref] = ms.dead[ref].Add(zidx.Zid)
-func (ms *mapStore) updateForwardBackwardReferences(zidx *store.ZettelIndex, zi *zettelData) *idset.Set {
+func (ms *mapStore) updateForwardBackwardReferences(zidx *store.ZettelIndex, zi *zettelData) *id.Set {
// Must only be called if is write-locked!
brefs := zidx.GetBackRefs()
newRefs, remRefs := zi.forward.Diff(brefs)
zi.forward = brefs
- var toCheck *idset.Set
+ var toCheck *id.Set
remRefs.ForEach(func(ref id.Zid) {
bzi := ms.getOrCreateEntry(ref)
bzi.backward = bzi.backward.Remove(zidx.Zid)
if bzi.meta == nil {
toCheck = toCheck.Add(ref)
@@ -388,11 +388,11 @@
return toCheck
-func (ms *mapStore) updateMetadataReferences(zidx *store.ZettelIndex, zi *zettelData) *idset.Set {
+func (ms *mapStore) updateMetadataReferences(zidx *store.ZettelIndex, zi *zettelData) *id.Set {
// Must only be called if is write-locked!
inverseRefs := zidx.GetInverseRefs()
for key, mr := range zi.otherRefs {
if _, ok := inverseRefs[key]; ok {
@@ -400,11 +400,11 @@
ms.removeInverseMeta(zidx.Zid, key, mr.forward)
if zi.otherRefs == nil {
zi.otherRefs = make(map[string]bidiRefs)
- var toCheck *idset.Set
+ var toCheck *id.Set
for key, mrefs := range inverseRefs {
mr := zi.otherRefs[key]
newRefs, remRefs := mr.forward.Diff(mrefs)
mr.forward = mrefs
zi.otherRefs[key] = mr
@@ -455,17 +455,17 @@
zi := &zettelData{}
ms.idx[zid] = zi
return zi
-func (ms *mapStore) DeleteZettel(_ context.Context, zid id.Zid) *idset.Set {
+func (ms *mapStore) DeleteZettel(_ context.Context, zid id.Zid) *id.Set {
return ms.doDeleteZettel(zid)
-func (ms *mapStore) doDeleteZettel(zid id.Zid) *idset.Set {
+func (ms *mapStore) doDeleteZettel(zid id.Zid) *id.Set {
// Must only be called if is write-locked!
zi, ok := ms.idx[zid]
if !ok {
return nil
@@ -492,29 +492,29 @@
-func (ms *mapStore) deleteForwardBackward(zid id.Zid, zi *zettelData) *idset.Set {
+func (ms *mapStore) deleteForwardBackward(zid id.Zid, zi *zettelData) *id.Set {
// Must only be called if is write-locked!
zi.forward.ForEach(func(ref id.Zid) {
if fzi, ok := ms.idx[ref]; ok {
fzi.backward = fzi.backward.Remove(zid)
- var toCheck *idset.Set
+ var toCheck *id.Set
zi.backward.ForEach(func(ref id.Zid) {
if bzi, ok := ms.idx[ref]; ok {
bzi.forward = bzi.forward.Remove(zid)
toCheck = toCheck.Add(ref)
return toCheck
-func (ms *mapStore) removeInverseMeta(zid id.Zid, key string, forward *idset.Set) {
+func (ms *mapStore) removeInverseMeta(zid id.Zid, key string, forward *id.Set) {
// Must only be called if is write-locked!
forward.ForEach(func(ref id.Zid) {
bzi, ok := ms.idx[ref]
if !ok || bzi.otherRefs == nil {
@@ -592,15 +592,15 @@
func (ms *mapStore) dumpIndex(w io.Writer) {
if len(ms.idx) == 0 {
io.WriteString(w, "==== Zettel Index\n")
- zids := make([]id.Zid, 0, len(ms.idx))
+ zids := make(id.Slice, 0, len(ms.idx))
for id := range ms.idx {
zids = append(zids, id)
- slices.Sort(zids)
+ zids.Sort()
for _, id := range zids {
fmt.Fprintln(w, "=====", id)
zi := ms.idx[id]
if !zi.dead.IsEmpty() {
fmt.Fprintln(w, "* Dead:", zi.dead)
@@ -626,22 +626,22 @@
func (ms *mapStore) dumpDead(w io.Writer) {
if len(ms.dead) == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "==== Dead References\n")
- zids := make([]id.Zid, 0, len(ms.dead))
+ zids := make(id.Slice, 0, len(ms.dead))
for id := range ms.dead {
zids = append(zids, id)
- slices.Sort(zids)
+ zids.Sort()
for _, id := range zids {
fmt.Fprintln(w, ";", id)
fmt.Fprintln(w, ":", ms.dead[id])
-func dumpSet(w io.Writer, prefix string, s *idset.Set) {
+func dumpSet(w io.Writer, prefix string, s *id.Set) {
if !s.IsEmpty() {
io.WriteString(w, prefix)
s.ForEach(func(zid id.Zid) {
io.WriteString(w, " ")
@@ -664,10 +664,10 @@
func dumpStringRefs(w io.Writer, title, preString, postString string, srefs stringRefs) {
if len(srefs) == 0 {
fmt.Fprintln(w, "====", title)
- for _, s := range slices.Sorted(maps.Keys(srefs)) {
+ for _, s := range maps.Keys(srefs) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "; %s%s%s\n", preString, s, postString)
fmt.Fprintln(w, ":", srefs[s])
Index: box/manager/store/store.go
--- box/manager/store/store.go
+++ box/manager/store/store.go
@@ -16,14 +16,13 @@
import (
- ""
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
// Stats records statistics about the store.
type Stats struct {
// Zettel is the number of zettel managed by the indexer.
@@ -50,15 +49,15 @@
// Entrich metadata with data from store.
Enrich(ctx context.Context, m *meta.Meta)
// UpdateReferences for a specific zettel.
// Returns set of zettel identifier that must also be checked for changes.
- UpdateReferences(context.Context, *ZettelIndex) *idset.Set
+ UpdateReferences(context.Context, *ZettelIndex) *id.Set
// DeleteZettel removes index data for given zettel.
// Returns set of zettel identifier that must also be checked for changes.
- DeleteZettel(context.Context, id.Zid) *idset.Set
+ DeleteZettel(context.Context, id.Zid) *id.Set
// Optimize removes unneeded space.
// ReadStats populates st with store statistics.
Index: box/manager/store/zettel.go
--- box/manager/store/zettel.go
+++ box/manager/store/zettel.go
@@ -12,34 +12,33 @@
package store
import (
- ""
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
// ZettelIndex contains all index data of a zettel.
type ZettelIndex struct {
- Zid id.Zid // zid of the indexed zettel
- meta *meta.Meta // full metadata
- backrefs *idset.Set // set of back references
- inverseRefs map[string]*idset.Set // references of inverse keys
- deadrefs *idset.Set // set of dead references
+ Zid id.Zid // zid of the indexed zettel
+ meta *meta.Meta // full metadata
+ backrefs *id.Set // set of back references
+ inverseRefs map[string]*id.Set // references of inverse keys
+ deadrefs *id.Set // set of dead references
words WordSet
urls WordSet
// NewZettelIndex creates a new zettel index.
func NewZettelIndex(m *meta.Meta) *ZettelIndex {
return &ZettelIndex{
Zid: m.Zid,
meta: m,
- backrefs: idset.New(),
- inverseRefs: make(map[string]*idset.Set),
- deadrefs: idset.New(),
+ backrefs: id.NewSet(),
+ inverseRefs: make(map[string]*id.Set),
+ deadrefs: id.NewSet(),
// AddBackRef adds a reference to a zettel where the current zettel links to
// without any more information.
@@ -50,11 +49,11 @@
func (zi *ZettelIndex) AddInverseRef(key string, zid id.Zid) {
if zids, ok := zi.inverseRefs[key]; ok {
- zi.inverseRefs[key] = idset.New(zid)
+ zi.inverseRefs[key] = id.NewSet(zid)
// AddDeadRef adds a dead reference to a zettel.
func (zi *ZettelIndex) AddDeadRef(zid id.Zid) {
@@ -65,24 +64,24 @@
// SetUrls sets the words to the given value.
func (zi *ZettelIndex) SetUrls(urls WordSet) { zi.urls = urls }
// GetDeadRefs returns all dead references as a sorted list.
-func (zi *ZettelIndex) GetDeadRefs() *idset.Set { return zi.deadrefs }
+func (zi *ZettelIndex) GetDeadRefs() *id.Set { return zi.deadrefs }
// GetMeta return just the raw metadata.
func (zi *ZettelIndex) GetMeta() *meta.Meta { return zi.meta }
// GetBackRefs returns all back references as a sorted list.
-func (zi *ZettelIndex) GetBackRefs() *idset.Set { return zi.backrefs }
+func (zi *ZettelIndex) GetBackRefs() *id.Set { return zi.backrefs }
// GetInverseRefs returns all inverse meta references as a map of strings to a sorted list of references
-func (zi *ZettelIndex) GetInverseRefs() map[string]*idset.Set {
+func (zi *ZettelIndex) GetInverseRefs() map[string]*id.Set {
if len(zi.inverseRefs) == 0 {
return nil
- result := make(map[string]*idset.Set, len(zi.inverseRefs))
+ result := make(map[string]*id.Set, len(zi.inverseRefs))
for key, refs := range zi.inverseRefs {
result[key] = refs
return result
Index: box/membox/membox.go
--- box/membox/membox.go
+++ box/membox/membox.go
@@ -17,17 +17,17 @@
import (
- ""
+ ""
func init() {
@@ -94,11 +94,11 @@
return len(mb.zettel) < mb.maxZettel
func (mb *memBox) CreateZettel(_ context.Context, zettel zettel.Zettel) (id.Zid, error) {
- newBytes := mb.curBytes + zettel.ByteSize()
+ newBytes := mb.curBytes + zettel.Length()
if mb.maxZettel < len(mb.zettel) || mb.maxBytes < newBytes {
return id.Invalid, box.ErrCapacity
zid, err := box.GetNewZid(func(zid id.Zid) (bool, error) {
@@ -172,13 +172,13 @@
zid := zettel.Meta.Zid
if !zid.IsValid() {
return false
- newBytes := mb.curBytes + zettel.ByteSize()
+ newBytes := mb.curBytes + zettel.Length()
if prevZettel, found := mb.zettel[zid]; found {
- newBytes -= prevZettel.ByteSize()
+ newBytes -= prevZettel.Length()
return newBytes < mb.maxBytes
func (mb *memBox) UpdateZettel(_ context.Context, zettel zettel.Zettel) error {
@@ -186,13 +186,13 @@
if !m.Zid.IsValid() {
return box.ErrInvalidZid{Zid: m.Zid.String()}
- newBytes := mb.curBytes + zettel.ByteSize()
+ newBytes := mb.curBytes + zettel.Length()
if prevZettel, found := mb.zettel[m.Zid]; found {
- newBytes -= prevZettel.ByteSize()
+ newBytes -= prevZettel.Length()
if mb.maxBytes < newBytes {
return box.ErrCapacity
@@ -219,11 +219,11 @@
if !found {
return box.ErrZettelNotFound{Zid: zid}
delete(mb.zettel, zid)
- mb.curBytes -= oldZettel.ByteSize()
+ mb.curBytes -= oldZettel.Length()
mb.notifyChanged(zid, box.OnDelete)
return nil
Index: box/notify/directory.go
--- box/notify/directory.go
+++ box/notify/directory.go
@@ -18,17 +18,17 @@
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
type entrySet map[id.Zid]*DirEntry
// DirServiceState signal the internal state of the service.
@@ -274,19 +274,19 @@
ds.log.Error().Str("event", fmt.Sprintf("%v", ev)).Msg("Unknown zettel notification event")
return newEntries, true
-func getNewZids(entries entrySet) []id.Zid {
- zids := make([]id.Zid, 0, len(entries))
+func getNewZids(entries entrySet) id.Slice {
+ zids := make(id.Slice, 0, len(entries))
for zid := range entries {
zids = append(zids, zid)
return zids
-func (ds *DirService) onCreateDirectory(zids []id.Zid, prevEntries entrySet) {
+func (ds *DirService) onCreateDirectory(zids id.Slice, prevEntries entrySet) {
for _, zid := range zids {
ds.notifyChange(zid, box.OnZettel)
delete(prevEntries, zid)
@@ -525,25 +525,25 @@
return false
return oldName > newName
-var supportedSyntax, primarySyntax *set.Set[string]
+var supportedSyntax, primarySyntax strfun.Set
func init() {
syntaxList := parser.GetSyntaxes()
- supportedSyntax = set.New(syntaxList...)
- primarySyntax = set.New[string]()
+ supportedSyntax = strfun.NewSet(syntaxList...)
+ primarySyntax = make(map[string]struct{}, len(syntaxList))
for _, syntax := range syntaxList {
if parser.Get(syntax).Name == syntax {
- primarySyntax.Add(syntax)
+ primarySyntax.Set(syntax)
func newExtIsBetter(oldExt, newExt string) bool {
- oldSyntax := supportedSyntax.Contains(oldExt)
- if oldSyntax != supportedSyntax.Contains(newExt) {
+ oldSyntax := supportedSyntax.Has(oldExt)
+ if oldSyntax != supportedSyntax.Has(newExt) {
return !oldSyntax
if oldSyntax {
if oldExt == "zmk" {
return false
@@ -560,11 +560,11 @@
return !oldTextFormat
if oldImageFormat := oldInfo.IsImageFormat; oldImageFormat != newInfo.IsImageFormat {
return oldImageFormat
- if oldPrimary := primarySyntax.Contains(oldExt); oldPrimary != primarySyntax.Contains(newExt) {
+ if oldPrimary := primarySyntax.Has(oldExt); oldPrimary != primarySyntax.Has(newExt) {
return !oldPrimary
oldLen := len(oldExt)
Index: box/notify/directory_test.go
--- box/notify/directory_test.go
+++ box/notify/directory_test.go
@@ -14,18 +14,18 @@
package notify
import (
- ""
- ""
_ "" // Allow to use BLOB parser.
_ "" // Allow to use draw parser.
_ "" // Allow to use markdown parser.
_ "" // Allow to use none parser.
_ "" // Allow to use plain parser.
_ "" // Allow to use zettelmark parser.
+ ""
+ ""
func TestSeekZid(t *testing.T) {
testcases := []struct {
name string
@@ -50,19 +50,19 @@
func TestNewExtIsBetter(t *testing.T) {
extVals := []string{
// Main Formats
- meta.ValueSyntaxZmk, meta.ValueSyntaxDraw, meta.ValueSyntaxMarkdown, meta.ValueSyntaxMD,
+ meta.SyntaxZmk, meta.SyntaxDraw, meta.SyntaxMarkdown, meta.SyntaxMD,
// Other supported text formats
- meta.ValueSyntaxCSS, meta.ValueSyntaxSxn, meta.ValueSyntaxTxt, meta.ValueSyntaxHTML,
- meta.ValueSyntaxText, meta.ValueSyntaxPlain,
+ meta.SyntaxCSS, meta.SyntaxSxn, meta.SyntaxTxt, meta.SyntaxHTML,
+ meta.SyntaxText, meta.SyntaxPlain,
// Supported text graphics formats
- meta.ValueSyntaxSVG,
- meta.ValueSyntaxNone,
+ meta.SyntaxSVG,
+ meta.SyntaxNone,
// Supported binary graphic formats
- meta.ValueSyntaxGif, meta.ValueSyntaxPNG, meta.ValueSyntaxJPEG, meta.ValueSyntaxWebp, meta.ValueSyntaxJPG,
+ meta.SyntaxGif, meta.SyntaxPNG, meta.SyntaxJPEG, meta.SyntaxWebp, meta.SyntaxJPG,
// Unsupported syntax values
"gz", "cpp", "tar", "cppc",
for oldI, oldExt := range extVals {
Index: box/notify/entry.go
--- box/notify/entry.go
+++ box/notify/entry.go
@@ -14,14 +14,15 @@
package notify
import (
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
const (
extZettel = "zettel" // file contains metadata and content
extBin = "bin" // file contains binary content
@@ -48,11 +49,11 @@
func (e *DirEntry) HasMetaInContent() bool {
return e.IsValid() && extIsMetaAndContent(e.ContentExt)
// SetupFromMetaContent fills entry data based on metadata and zettel content.
-func (e *DirEntry) SetupFromMetaContent(m *meta.Meta, content zettel.Content, getZettelFileSyntax func() []meta.Value) {
+func (e *DirEntry) SetupFromMetaContent(m *meta.Meta, content zettel.Content, getZettelFileSyntax func() []string) {
if e.Zid != m.Zid {
panic("Zid differ")
if contentName := e.ContentName; contentName != "" {
if !extIsMetaAndContent(e.ContentExt) && e.MetaName == "" {
@@ -59,11 +60,11 @@
e.MetaName = e.calcBaseName(contentName)
- syntax := m.GetDefault(meta.KeySyntax, meta.DefaultSyntax)
+ syntax := m.GetDefault(api.KeySyntax, meta.DefaultSyntax)
ext := calcContentExt(syntax, m.YamlSep, getZettelFileSyntax)
metaName := e.MetaName
eimc := extIsMetaAndContent(ext)
if eimc {
if metaName != "" {
@@ -80,38 +81,38 @@
e.MetaName = e.calcBaseName(e.ContentName)
-func contentExtWithMeta(syntax meta.Value, content zettel.Content) string {
- p := parser.Get(string(syntax))
+func contentExtWithMeta(syntax string, content zettel.Content) string {
+ p := parser.Get(syntax)
if content.IsBinary() {
if p.IsImageFormat {
- return string(syntax)
+ return syntax
return extBin
if p.IsImageFormat {
return extTxt
- return string(syntax)
+ return syntax
-func calcContentExt(syntax meta.Value, yamlSep bool, getZettelFileSyntax func() []meta.Value) string {
+func calcContentExt(syntax string, yamlSep bool, getZettelFileSyntax func() []string) string {
if yamlSep {
return extZettel
switch syntax {
- case meta.ValueSyntaxNone, meta.ValueSyntaxZmk:
+ case meta.SyntaxNone, meta.SyntaxZmk:
return extZettel
for _, s := range getZettelFileSyntax() {
if s == syntax {
return extZettel
- return string(syntax)
+ return syntax
func (e *DirEntry) calcBaseName(name string) string {
if name == "" {
Index: cmd/cmd_file.go
--- cmd/cmd_file.go
+++ cmd/cmd_file.go
@@ -19,16 +19,16 @@
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
// ---------- Subcommand: file -----------------------------------------------
func cmdFile(fs *flag.FlagSet) (int, error) {
@@ -41,21 +41,19 @@
Meta: m,
Content: zettel.NewContent(inp.Src[inp.Pos:]),
- string(m.GetDefault(meta.KeySyntax, meta.DefaultSyntax)),
+ m.GetDefault(api.KeySyntax, meta.DefaultSyntax),
- encdr := encoder.Create(
- api.Encoder(enc),
- &encoder.CreateParameter{Lang: string(m.GetDefault(meta.KeyLang, meta.ValueLangEN))})
+ encdr := encoder.Create(api.Encoder(enc), &encoder.CreateParameter{Lang: m.GetDefault(api.KeyLang, api.ValueLangEN)})
if encdr == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Unknown format %q\n", enc)
return 2, nil
- _, err = encdr.WriteZettel(os.Stdout, z)
+ _, err = encdr.WriteZettel(os.Stdout, z, parser.ParseMetadata)
if err != nil {
return 2, err
Index: cmd/cmd_password.go
--- cmd/cmd_password.go
+++ cmd/cmd_password.go
@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
// ---------- Subcommand: password -------------------------------------------
func cmdPassword(fs *flag.FlagSet) (int, error) {
@@ -61,12 +61,12 @@
hashedPassword, err := cred.HashCredential(zid, ident, password)
if err != nil {
return 2, err
fmt.Printf("%v: %s\n%v: %s\n",
- meta.KeyCredential, hashedPassword,
- meta.KeyUserID, ident,
+ api.KeyCredential, hashedPassword,
+ api.KeyUserID, ident,
return 0, nil
func getPassword(prompt string) (string, error) {
Index: cmd/cmd_run.go
--- cmd/cmd_run.go
+++ cmd/cmd_run.go
@@ -16,19 +16,19 @@
import (
- ""
+ ""
// ---------- Subcommand: run ------------------------------------------------
func flgRun(fs *flag.FlagSet) {
Index: cmd/command.go
--- cmd/command.go
+++ cmd/command.go
@@ -13,13 +13,12 @@
package cmd
import (
- "maps"
- "slices"
+ ""
// Command stores information about commands / sub-commands.
type Command struct {
@@ -65,6 +64,6 @@
cmd, ok := commands[name]
return cmd, ok
// List returns a sorted list of all registered command names.
-func List() []string { return slices.Sorted(maps.Keys(commands)) }
+func List() []string { return maps.Keys(commands) }
Index: cmd/main.go
--- cmd/main.go
+++ cmd/main.go
@@ -24,12 +24,10 @@
- ""
- ""
@@ -36,10 +34,12 @@
+ ""
+ ""
const strRunSimple = "run-simple"
func init() {
@@ -123,38 +123,38 @@
func getConfig(fs *flag.FlagSet) (string, *meta.Meta) {
filename, cfg := fetchStartupConfiguration(fs)
fs.Visit(func(flg *flag.Flag) {
switch flg.Name {
case "p":
- cfg.Set(keyListenAddr, meta.Value(net.JoinHostPort("", flg.Value.String())))
+ cfg.Set(keyListenAddr, net.JoinHostPort("", flg.Value.String()))
case "a":
- cfg.Set(keyAdminPort, meta.Value(flg.Value.String()))
+ cfg.Set(keyAdminPort, flg.Value.String())
case "d":
val := flg.Value.String()
if strings.HasPrefix(val, "/") {
val = "dir://" + val
} else {
val = "dir:" + val
- cfg.Set(keyBoxOneURI, meta.Value(val))
+ cfg.Set(keyBoxOneURI, val)
case "l":
- cfg.Set(keyLogLevel, meta.Value(flg.Value.String()))
+ cfg.Set(keyLogLevel, flg.Value.String())
case "debug":
- cfg.Set(keyDebug, meta.Value(flg.Value.String()))
+ cfg.Set(keyDebug, flg.Value.String())
case "r":
- cfg.Set(keyReadOnly, meta.Value(flg.Value.String()))
+ cfg.Set(keyReadOnly, flg.Value.String())
case "v":
- cfg.Set(keyVerbose, meta.Value(flg.Value.String()))
+ cfg.Set(keyVerbose, flg.Value.String())
return filename, cfg
func deleteConfiguredBoxes(cfg *meta.Meta) {
- for key := range cfg.Rest() {
- if strings.HasPrefix(key, kernel.BoxURIs) {
+ for _, p := range cfg.PairsRest() {
+ if key := p.Key; strings.HasPrefix(key, kernel.BoxURIs) {
@@ -184,11 +184,11 @@
debugMode := cfg.GetBool(keyDebug)
if debugMode && kernel.Main.GetKernelLogger().Level() > logger.DebugLevel {
if logLevel, found := cfg.Get(keyLogLevel); found {
- kernel.Main.SetLogLevel(string(logLevel))
+ kernel.Main.SetLogLevel(logLevel)
err := setConfigValue(nil, kernel.CoreService, kernel.CoreDebug, debugMode)
err = setConfigValue(err, kernel.CoreService, kernel.CoreVerbose, cfg.GetBool(keyVerbose))
if val, found := cfg.Get(keyAdminPort); found {
err = setConfigValue(err, kernel.CoreService, kernel.CorePort, val)
@@ -279,15 +279,15 @@
if len(secret) < 16 && cfg.GetDefault(keyOwner, "") != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "secret must have at least length 16 when authentication is enabled, but is %q\n", secret)
return 2
- secretHash := fmt.Sprintf("%x", sha256.Sum256([]byte(string(secret))))
+ secret = fmt.Sprintf("%x", sha256.Sum256([]byte(secret)))
func(readonly bool, owner id.Zid) (auth.Manager, error) {
- return impl.New(readonly, owner, secretHash), nil
+ return impl.New(readonly, owner, secret), nil
func(srv server.Server, plMgr box.Manager, authMgr auth.Manager, rtConfig config.Config) error {
setupRouting(srv, plMgr, authMgr, rtConfig)
return nil
Index: collect/order.go
--- collect/order.go
+++ collect/order.go
@@ -14,56 +14,59 @@
// Package collect provides functions to collect items from a syntax tree.
package collect
import ""
-// Order of internal links within the given zettel.
-func Order(zn *ast.ZettelNode) (result []*ast.LinkNode) {
+// Order of internal reference within the given zettel.
+func Order(zn *ast.ZettelNode) (result []*ast.Reference) {
for _, bn := range zn.Ast {
ln, ok := bn.(*ast.NestedListNode)
if !ok {
switch ln.Kind {
case ast.NestedListOrdered, ast.NestedListUnordered:
for _, is := range ln.Items {
- if ln := firstItemZettelLink(is); ln != nil {
- result = append(result, ln)
+ if ref := firstItemZettelReference(is); ref != nil {
+ result = append(result, ref)
return result
-func firstItemZettelLink(is ast.ItemSlice) *ast.LinkNode {
+func firstItemZettelReference(is ast.ItemSlice) *ast.Reference {
for _, in := range is {
if pn, ok := in.(*ast.ParaNode); ok {
- if ln := firstInlineZettelLink(pn.Inlines); ln != nil {
- return ln
+ if ref := firstInlineZettelReference(pn.Inlines); ref != nil {
+ return ref
return nil
-func firstInlineZettelLink(is ast.InlineSlice) (result *ast.LinkNode) {
+func firstInlineZettelReference(is ast.InlineSlice) (result *ast.Reference) {
for _, inl := range is {
switch in := inl.(type) {
case *ast.LinkNode:
- return in
+ if ref := in.Ref; ref.IsZettel() {
+ return ref
+ }
+ result = firstInlineZettelReference(in.Inlines)
case *ast.EmbedRefNode:
- result = firstInlineZettelLink(in.Inlines)
+ result = firstInlineZettelReference(in.Inlines)
case *ast.EmbedBLOBNode:
- result = firstInlineZettelLink(in.Inlines)
+ result = firstInlineZettelReference(in.Inlines)
case *ast.CiteNode:
- result = firstInlineZettelLink(in.Inlines)
+ result = firstInlineZettelReference(in.Inlines)
case *ast.FootnoteNode:
// Ignore references in footnotes
case *ast.FormatNode:
- result = firstInlineZettelLink(in.Inlines)
+ result = firstInlineZettelReference(in.Inlines)
if result != nil {
return result
Index: config/config.go
--- config/config.go
+++ config/config.go
@@ -15,23 +15,21 @@
package config
import (
- ""
+ ""
// Key values that are supported by Config.Get
const (
- KeyFooterZettel = "footer-zettel"
- KeyHomeZettel = "home-zettel"
- KeyListsMenuZettel = "lists-menu-zettel"
- KeyShowBackLinks = "show-back-links"
- KeyShowFolgeLinks = "show-folge-links"
- KeyShowSequelLinks = "show-sequel-links"
- KeyShowSubordinateLinks = "show-subordinate-links"
- KeyShowSuccessorLinks = "show-successor-links"
+ KeyFooterZettel = "footer-zettel"
+ KeyHomeZettel = "home-zettel"
+ KeyShowBackLinks = "show-back-links"
+ KeyShowFolgeLinks = "show-folge-links"
+ KeyShowSequelLinks = "show-sequel-links"
+ KeyShowSuccessorLinks = "show-successor-links"
// api.KeyLang
// Config allows to retrieve all defined configuration values that can be changed during runtime.
type Config interface {
@@ -55,11 +53,11 @@
// GetYAMLHeader returns the current value of the "yaml-header" key.
GetYAMLHeader() bool
// GetZettelFileSyntax returns the current value of the "zettel-file-syntax" key.
- GetZettelFileSyntax() []meta.Value
+ GetZettelFileSyntax() []string
// AuthConfig are relevant configuration values for authentication.
type AuthConfig interface {
// GetSimpleMode returns true if system tuns in simple-mode.
@@ -98,15 +96,14 @@
// AllowHTML returns true, if the given HTML insecurity level matches the given syntax value.
func (hi HTMLInsecurity) AllowHTML(syntax string) bool {
switch hi {
case SyntaxHTML:
- return syntax == meta.ValueSyntaxHTML
+ return syntax == meta.SyntaxHTML
case MarkdownHTML:
- return syntax == meta.ValueSyntaxHTML || syntax == meta.ValueSyntaxMarkdown ||
- syntax == meta.ValueSyntaxMD
+ return syntax == meta.SyntaxHTML || syntax == meta.SyntaxMarkdown || syntax == meta.SyntaxMD
case ZettelmarkupHTML:
- return syntax == meta.ValueSyntaxZmk || syntax == meta.ValueSyntaxHTML ||
- syntax == meta.ValueSyntaxMarkdown || syntax == meta.ValueSyntaxMD
+ return syntax == meta.SyntaxZmk || syntax == meta.SyntaxHTML ||
+ syntax == meta.SyntaxMarkdown || syntax == meta.SyntaxMD
return false
Index: docs/manual/00001001000000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001001000000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001001000000.zettel
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
title: Introduction to the Zettelstore
role: manual
tags: #introduction #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102181246
+modified: 20240710184612
[[Personal knowledge management|]] involves collecting, classifying, storing, searching, retrieving, assessing, evaluating, and sharing knowledge as a daily activity.
It's done by most individuals, not necessarily as part of their main business.
It's essential for knowledge workers, such as students, researchers, lecturers, software developers, scientists, engineers, architects, etc.
Many hobbyists build up a significant amount of knowledge, even if they do not need to think for a living.
Personal knowledge management can be seen as a prerequisite for many kinds of collaboration.
Zettelstore is software that collects and relates your notes (""zettel"") to represent and enhance your knowledge, supporting the ""[[Zettelkasten method|]]"".
-The method is based on creating many individual notes, each containing one idea or piece of information, which are related to each other.
+The method is based on creating many individual notes, each with one idea or piece of information, that is related to each other.
Since knowledge is typically built up gradually, one major focus is a long-term store of these notes, hence the name ""Zettelstore"".
Index: docs/manual/00001002000000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001002000000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001002000000.zettel
@@ -2,20 +2,20 @@
title: Design goals for the Zettelstore
role: manual
tags: #design #goal #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102191434
+modified: 20230624171152
Zettelstore supports the following design goals:
; Longevity of stored notes / zettel
: Every zettel you create should be readable without the help of any tool, even without Zettelstore.
-: It should not hard to write other software that works with your zettel.
+: It should be not hard to write other software that works with your zettel.
: Normal zettel should be stored in a single file.
If this is not possible: at most in two files: one for the metadata, one for the content.
- The only exceptions are [[predefined zettel|00001005090000]] stored in the Zettelstore executable.
+ The only exception are [[predefined zettel|00001005090000]] stored in the Zettelstore executable.
: There is no additional database.
; Single user
: All zettel belong to you, only to you.
Zettelstore provides its services only to one person: you.
If the computer running Zettelstore is securely configured, there should be no risk that others are able to read or update your zettel.
@@ -26,18 +26,18 @@
; Ease of operation
: There is only one executable for Zettelstore and one directory, where your zettel are stored.
: If you decide to use multiple directories, you are free to configure Zettelstore appropriately.
; Multiple modes of operation
: You can use Zettelstore as a standalone software on your device, but you are not restricted to it.
-: You can install the software on a central server, or you can install it on all your devices with no restrictions on how to synchronize your zettel.
+: You can install the software on a central server, or you can install it on all your devices with no restrictions how to synchronize your zettel.
; Multiple user interfaces
: Zettelstore provides a default [[web-based user interface|00001014000000]].
- Anyone can provide alternative user interfaces, e.g. for special purposes.
+ Anybody can provide alternative user interfaces, e.g. for special purposes.
; Simple service
: The purpose of Zettelstore is to safely store your zettel and to provide some initial relations between them.
: External software can be written to deeply analyze your zettel and the structures they form.
; Security by default
: Without any customization, Zettelstore provides its services in a safe and secure manner and does not expose you (or other users) to security risks.
-: If you know what you are doing, Zettelstore allows you to relax some security-related preferences.
+: If you know what use are doing, Zettelstore allows you to relax some security-related preferences.
However, even in this case, the more secure way is chosen.
: The Zettelstore software uses a minimal design and uses other software dependencies only is essential needed.
: There will be no plugin mechanism, which allows external software to control the inner workings of the Zettelstore software.
Index: docs/manual/00001003000000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001003000000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001003000000.zettel
@@ -2,28 +2,28 @@
title: Installation of the Zettelstore software
role: manual
tags: #installation #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102185359
+modified: 20241213101917
=== The curious user
You just want to check out the Zettelstore software
-* Grab the appropriate executable and copy it to any directory
+* Grab the appropriate executable and copy it into any directory
* Start the Zettelstore software, e.g. with a double click[^On Windows and macOS, the operating system tries to protect you from possible malicious software.
- If you encounter a problem, please refer to the [[Troubleshooting|00001018000000]]Â page.]
+ If you encounter a problem, please take a look on the [[Troubleshooting|00001018000000]]Â page.]
* A sub-directory ""zettel"" will be created in the directory where you put the executable.
It will contain your future zettel.
* Open the URI [[http://localhost:23123]] with your web browser.
- A mostly empty Zettelstore is presented.
+ It will present you a mostly empty Zettelstore.
There will be a zettel titled ""[[Home|00010000000000]]"" that contains some helpful information.
* Please read the instructions for the [[web-based user interface|00001014000000]] and learn about the various ways to write zettel.
* If you restart your device, please make sure to start your Zettelstore again.
=== The intermediate user
-You have already tried the Zettelstore software and now you want to use it permanently.
+You already tried the Zettelstore software and now you want to use it permanently.
Zettelstore should start automatically when you log into your computer.
Please follow [[these instructions|00001003300000]].
=== The server administrator
Index: docs/manual/00001003300000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001003300000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001003300000.zettel
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
title: Zettelstore installation for the intermediate user
role: manual
tags: #installation #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20211125191727
-modified: 20250102190221
+modified: 20220114175754
-You have already tried the Zettelstore software and now you want to use it permanently.
+You already tried the Zettelstore software and now you want to use it permanently.
Zettelstore should start automatically when you log into your computer.
* Grab the appropriate executable and copy it into the appropriate directory
* If you want to place your zettel into another directory, or if you want more than one [[Zettelstore box|00001004011200]], or if you want to [[enable authentication|00001010040100]], or if you want to tweak your Zettelstore in some other way, create an appropriate [[startup configuration file|00001004010000]].
* If you created a startup configuration file, you need to test it:
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
In most cases, this is done by the command ``cd DIR``, where ''DIR'' denotes the directory, where you placed the executable.
** Start the Zettelstore:
*** On Windows execute the command ``zettelstore.exe run -c CONFIG_FILE``
*** On macOS execute the command ``./zettelstore run -c CONFIG_FILE``
*** On Linux execute the command ``./zettelstore run -c CONFIG_FILE``
-** In all cases ''CONFIG_FILE'' must be replaced with the file name where you wrote the startup configuration.
+** In all cases ''CONFIG_FILE'' must be substituted by file name where you wrote the startup configuration.
** If you encounter some error messages, update the startup configuration, and try again.
* Depending on your operating system, there are different ways to register Zettelstore to start automatically:
** [[Windows|00001003305000]]
** [[macOS|00001003310000]]
** [[Linux|00001003315000]]
Index: docs/manual/00001003315000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001003315000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001003315000.zettel
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
title: Enable Zettelstore to start automatically on Linux
role: manual
tags: #installation #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20220114181521
-modified: 20250102221716
+modified: 20220307104944
Since there is no such thing as the one Linux, there are too many different ways to automatically start Zettelstore.
* One way is to interpret your Linux desktop system as a server and use the [[recipe to install Zettelstore on a server|00001003600000]].
** See below for a lighter alternative.
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
* [[LXDE|]] uses [[LXSession Edit|]] to allow users to specify autostart applications.
If you use a different desktop environment, it often helps to to provide its name and the string ""autostart"" to google for it with the search engine of your choice.
Yet another way is to make use of the middleware that is provided.
-Many Linux distributions make use of [[systemd|]], which allows to start processes on behalf of a user.
+Many Linux distributions make use of [[systemd|]], which allows to start processes on behalf of an user.
On the command line, adapt the following script to your own needs and execute it:
# mkdir -p "$HOME/.config/systemd/user"
# cd "$HOME/.config/systemd/user"
# cat <<__EOF__ > zettelstore.service
Index: docs/manual/00001004000000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001004000000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001004000000.zettel
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
title: Configuration of Zettelstore
role: manual
tags: #configuration #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102181034
+modified: 20210510153233
-There are several levels to change the behavior and/or the appearance of Zettelstore.
+There are some levels to change the behavior and/or the appearance of Zettelstore.
# The first level is the way to start Zettelstore services and to manage it via command line (and, in part, via a graphical user interface).
#* [[Command line parameters|00001004050000]]
# As an intermediate user, you usually want to have more control over how Zettelstore is started.
This may include the URI under which your Zettelstore is accessible, or the directories in which your Zettel are stored.
Index: docs/manual/00001004010000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001004010000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001004010000.zettel
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
title: Zettelstore startup configuration
role: manual
tags: #configuration #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102180346
+modified: 20240926144803
The configuration file, specified by the ''-c CONFIGFILE'' [[command line option|00001004051000]], allows you to specify some startup options.
These cannot be stored in a [[configuration zettel|00001004020000]] because they are needed before Zettelstore can start or because of security reasons.
For example, Zettelstore needs to know in advance on which network address it must listen or where zettel are stored.
An attacker that is able to change the owner can do anything.
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
On most operating systems, the value must be greater than ""1024"" unless you start Zettelstore with the full privileges of a system administrator (which is not recommended).
Default: ""0""
; [!asset-dir|''asset-dir'']
-: Allows to specify a directory whose files are allowed to be transferred directly with the help of the web server.
+: Allows to specify a directory whose files are allowed be transferred directly with the help of the web server.
The URL prefix for these files is ''/assets/''.
You can use this if you want to transfer files that are too large for a zettel, such as presentation, PDF, music or video files.
Files within the given directory will not be managed by Zettelstore.[^They will be managed by Zettelstore just in the very special case that the directory is one of the configured [[boxes|#box-uri-x]].]
Index: docs/manual/00001004011200.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001004011200.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001004011200.zettel
@@ -2,17 +2,17 @@
title: Zettelstore boxes
role: manual
tags: #configuration #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102185551
+modified: 20220307121547
A Zettelstore must store its zettel somehow and somewhere.
In most cases you want to store your zettel as files in a directory.
Under certain circumstances you may want to store your zettel elsewhere.
-An example is the [[predefined zettel|00001005090000]] that come with a Zettelstore.
+An example are the [[predefined zettel|00001005090000]] that come with a Zettelstore.
They are stored within the software itself.
In another situation you may want to store your zettel volatile, e.g. if you want to provide a sandbox for experimenting.
To cope with these (and more) situations, you configure Zettelstore to use one or more __boxes__.
This is done via the ''box-uri-X'' keys of the [[startup configuration|00001004010000#box-uri-X]] (X is a number).
Index: docs/manual/00001004011400.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001004011400.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001004011400.zettel
@@ -2,20 +2,20 @@
title: Configure file directory boxes
role: manual
tags: #configuration #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102180416
+modified: 20240710180215
Under certain circumstances, it is preferable to further configure a file directory box.
This is done by appending query parameters after the base box URI ''dir:\//DIR''.
The following parameters are supported:
|= Parameter:|Description|Default value:|
|type|(Sub-) Type of the directory service|(value of ""[[default-dir-box-type|00001004010000#default-dir-box-type]]"")
-|worker|Number of workers that can access the directory in parallel|7
+|worker|Number of worker that can access the directory in parallel|7
|readonly|Allow only operations that do not create or change zettel|n/a
=== Type
On some operating systems, Zettelstore tries to detect changes to zettel files outside of Zettelstore's control[^This includes Linux, Windows, and macOS.].
On other operating systems, this may be not possible, due to technical limitations.
Index: docs/manual/00001004011600.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001004011600.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001004011600.zettel
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
title: Configure memory boxes
role: manual
tags: #configuration #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20220307112918
-modified: 20250102222236
+modified: 20220307122554
Under most circumstances, it is preferable to further configure a memory box.
This is done by appending query parameters after the base box URI ''mem:''.
The following parameters are supported:
@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@
|max-bytes|Maximum number of bytes the box will store|65535|1073741824 (1 GiB)
|max-zettel|Maximum number of zettel|127|65535
The default values are somehow arbitrarily, but applicable for many use cases.
-While the number of zettel should be easily calculable by a user, the number of bytes might be a little more difficult.
+While the number of zettel should be easily calculable by an user, the number of bytes might be a little more difficult.
Metadata consumes 6 bytes for the zettel identifier and for each metadata value one byte for the separator, plus the length of key and data.
Then size of the content is its size in bytes.
For text content, its the number of bytes for its UTF-8 encoding.
If one of the limits are exceeded, Zettelstore will give an error indication, based on the HTTP status code 507.
Index: docs/manual/00001004020000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001004020000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001004020000.zettel
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
id: 00001004020000
-title: Configure a running Zettelstore
+title: Configure the running Zettelstore
role: manual
tags: #configuration #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250131151530
+modified: 20241118175216
show-back-links: false
You can configure a running Zettelstore by modifying the special zettel with the ID [[00000000000100]].
This zettel is called __configuration zettel__.
The following metadata keys change the appearance / behavior of Zettelstore.
@@ -39,40 +39,32 @@
May be [[overwritten|00001004020200]] in a user zettel.
Default: (an invalid zettel identifier)
; [!home-zettel|''home-zettel'']
-: Specifies the identifier of the zettel that should be presented for the default view / home view.
+: Specifies the identifier of the zettel, that should be presented for the default view / home view.
If not given or if the identifier does not identify a zettel, the zettel with the identifier ''00010000000000'' is shown.
May be [[overwritten|00001004020200]] in a user zettel.
; [!lang|''lang'']
: Language to be used when displaying content.
Default: ""en"".
- This value is used as a default value, if it is not set in a user's zettel or in a zettel.
+ This value is used as a default value, if it is not set in an user's zettel or in a zettel.
It is also used to specify the language for all non-zettel content, e.g. lists or search results.
Use values according to the language definition of [[RFC-5646|]].
-; [!lists-menu-zettel|''lists-menu-zettel'']
-: Identifier of the zettel that specifies entries of the ""Lists"" menu (in the [[Web user interface|00001014000000]]).
- Every list item with a [[link|00001007040310]] is translated into a menu entry.
- If not given or if the identifier does not identify a zettel, or the zettel is not accessible for the current user, the zettel with the identifier ''00000000080001'' is used.
- May be [[overwritten|00001004020200]] in a user zettel.
- Default: ""00000000080001"".
; [!max-transclusions|''max-transclusions'']
: Maximum number of indirect transclusion.
This is used to avoid an exploding ""transclusion bomb"", a form of a [[billion laughs attack|]].
Default: ""1024"".
-; [!show-back-links|''show-back-links''], [!show-folge-links|''show-folge-links''], [!show-sequel-links|''show-sequel-links''], [!show-subordinate-links|''show-subordinate-links''], [!show-successor-links|''show-successor-links'']
+; [!show-back-links|''show-back-links''], [!show-folge-links|''show-folge-links''], [!show-sequel-links|''show-sequel-links''], [!show-successor-links|''show-successor-links'']
: When displaying a zettel in the web user interface, references to other zettel are normally shown below the content of the zettel.
- This affects the metadata keys [[''back''|00001006020000#back]], [[''folge''|00001006020000#folge]], [[''sequel''|00001006020000#sequel]], [[''subordinates''|00001006020000#subordinates]], and [[''successors''|00001006020000#successors]].
+ This affects the metadata keys [[''back''|00001006020000#back]], [[''folge''|00001006020000#folge]], [[''sequel''|00001006020000#sequel]], and [[''prequel''|00001006020000#prequel]].
These configuration keys may be used to show, not to show, or to close the list of referenced zettel.
Allowed values are: ""false"" (will not show the list), ""close"" (will show the list closed), and ""open"" / """" (will show the list).
Index: docs/manual/00001004020200.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001004020200.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001004020200.zettel
@@ -2,23 +2,21 @@
title: Runtime configuration data that may be user specific or zettel specific
role: manual
tags: #configuration #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20221205155521
-modified: 20250131151259
+modified: 20241118175124
Some metadata of the [[runtime configuration|00001004020000]] may be overwritten in an [[user zettel|00001010040200]].
-A subset of those may be overwritten in the zettel that is currently used.
+A subset of those may be overwritten in zettel that is currently used.
This allows to specify user specific or zettel specific behavior.
The following metadata keys are supported to provide a more specific behavior:
|[[''lang''|00001004020000#lang]]|Y|Y|Making it user-specific could make zettel for other user less useful
Index: docs/manual/00001004050000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001004050000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001004050000.zettel
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
title: Command line parameters
role: manual
tags: #command #configuration #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102174436
+modified: 20221128161932
Zettelstore is not just a service that provides services of a zettelkasten.
-It allows some tasks to be executed at the command line.
+It allows to some tasks to be executed at the command line.
Typically, the task (""sub-command"") will be given at the command line as the first parameter.
If no parameter is given, the Zettelstore is called as
@@ -17,16 +17,16 @@
This is equivalent to call it this way:
mkdir -p ./zettel
zettelstore run -d ./zettel -c ./.zscfg
-Typically this is done by starting Zettelstore via a graphical user interface by double-clicking its file icon.
+Typically this is done by starting Zettelstore via a graphical user interface by double-clicking to its file icon.
=== Sub-commands
* [[``zettelstore help``|00001004050200]] lists all available sub-commands.
* [[``zettelstore version``|00001004050400]] to display version information of Zettelstore.
* [[``zettelstore run``|00001004051000]] to start the Zettelstore service.
-* [[``zettelstore run-simple``|00001004051100]] is typically called, when you start Zettelstore by double-clicking in your GUI.
+* [[``zettelstore run-simple``|00001004051100]] is typically called, when you start Zettelstore by a in your GUI.
* [[``zettelstore file``|00001004051200]] to render files manually without activated/running Zettelstore services.
* [[``zettelstore password``|00001004051400]] to calculate data for [[user authentication|00001010040200]].
Every sub-command allows the following command line options:
; [!h|''-h''] (or ''--help'')
Index: docs/manual/00001004051100.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001004051100.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001004051100.zettel
@@ -2,23 +2,23 @@
title: The ''run-simple'' sub-command
role: manual
tags: #command #configuration #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102221633
+modified: 20221128161922
=== ``zettelstore run-simple``
-This sub-command is implicitly called, when a user starts Zettelstore by double-clicking on its GUI icon.
-It is a simplified variant of the [[''run'' sub-command|00001004051000]].
+This sub-command is implicitly called, when an user starts Zettelstore by double-clicking on its GUI icon.
+It is s simplified variant of the [[''run'' sub-command|00001004051000]].
First, this sub-command checks if it can read a [[Zettelstore startup configuration|00001004010000]] file by trying the [[default values|00001004051000#c]].
If this is the case, ''run-simple'' just continues as the [[''run'' sub-command|00001004051000]], but ignores any command line options (including ''-d DIR'').[^This allows a [[curious user|00001003000000]] to become an intermediate user.]
If no startup configuration was found, the sub-command allows only to specify a zettel directory.
The directory will be created automatically, if it does not exist.
-This is a difference to the ''run'' sub-command, where the directory must exist.
+This is a difference to the ''run'' sub-command, where the directory must exists.
In contrast to the ''run'' sub-command, other command line parameter are not allowed.
zettelstore run-simple [-d DIR]
Index: docs/manual/00001004051400.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001004051400.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001004051400.zettel
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
title: The ''password'' sub-command
role: manual
tags: #command #configuration #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102221851
+modified: 20210712234305
-This sub-command is used to create a hashed password for users to be authenticated.
+This sub-command is used to create a hashed password for to be authenticated users.
It reads a password from standard input (two times, both must be equal) and writes the hashed password to standard output.
The general usage is:
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
``IDENT`` is the identification for the user that should be authenticated.
``ZETTEL-ID`` is the [[identifier of the zettel|00001006050000]] that later acts as a user zettel.
-See [[Creating a user zettel|00001010040200]] for some background information.
+See [[Creating an user zettel|00001010040200]] for some background information.
An example:
# zettelstore password bob 20200911115600
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
This will produce a hashed password (""credential"") for the new user ""bob"" to be stored in zettel ""20200911115600"".
You should copy the relevant output to the zettel of the user to be secured, especially by setting the meta keys ''credential'' and ''user-id'' to the copied values.
Please note that the generated hashed password is tied to the given user identification (''user-id'') and to the identifier of its zettel.
-Changing one of these will prevent the user from being authenticated with the given password.
+Changing one of those will stop authenticating the user with the given password.
In this case you have to re-run this sub-command.
Index: docs/manual/00001004100000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001004100000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001004100000.zettel
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title: Zettelstore Administrator Console
role: manual
tags: #configuration #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210510141304
-modified: 20250102212543
+modified: 20211103162926
-The administrator console is a service that is accessible only on the same computer on which Zettelstore is running.
+The administrator console is a service accessible only on the same computer on which Zettelstore is running.
It allows an experienced user to monitor and control some of the inner workings of Zettelstore.
You enable the administrator console by specifying a TCP port number greater than zero (better: greater than 1024) for it, either via the [[command-line parameter ''-a''|00001004051000#a]] or via the ''admin-port'' key of the [[startup configuration file|00001004010000#admin-port]].
After you enable the administrator console, you can use tools such as [[PuTTY|]] or other telnet software to connect to the administrator console.
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
Therefore, you can also use tools like [[netcat|]], [[socat|]], etc.
After connecting to the administrator console, there is no further authentication.
It is not needed because you must be logged in on the same computer where Zettelstore is running.
You cannot connect to the administrator console if you are on a different computer.
-Of course, on multi-user systems with untrusted users, you should not enable the administrator console.
+Of course, on multi-user systems with encrusted users, you should not enable the administrator console.
* Enable via [[command line|00001004051000#a]]
* Enable via [[configuration file|00001004010000#admin-port]]
* [[List of supported commands|00001004101000]]
Index: docs/manual/00001004101000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001004101000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001004101000.zettel
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
title: List of supported commands of the administrator console
role: manual
tags: #configuration #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210510141304
-modified: 20250102190201
+modified: 20220823194553
; [!bye|''bye'']
: Closes the connection to the administrator console.
; [!config|''config SERVICE'']
: Displays all valid configuration keys for the given service.
@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@
``get-config SERVICE`` shows only the current configuration data of the given service.
``get-config SERVICE KEY`` shows the current configuration data for the given service and key.
; [!header|''header'']
-: Toggles the header mode, where each table is shown with a header nor not.
+: Toggles the header mode, where each table is show with a header nor not.
; [!log-level|''log-level'']
: Displays or sets the [[logging level|00001004059700]] for the kernel or a service.
``log-level`` shows all known log level.
@@ -77,11 +77,11 @@
; [!refresh|''refresh'']
: Refresh all internal data about zettel.
; [!restart|''restart SERVICE'']
: Restart the given service and all other that depend on this.
; [!services|''services'']
-: Displays a list of all available services and their current status.
+: Displays s list of all available services and their current status.
; [!set-config|''set-config SERVICE KEY VALUE'']
: Sets a single configuration value for the next configuration of a given service.
It will become effective if the service is restarted.
If the key specifies a list value, all other list values with a number greater than the given key are deleted.
Index: docs/manual/00001005000000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001005000000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001005000000.zettel
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title: Structure of Zettelstore
role: manual
tags: #design #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102191502
+modified: 20241213101751
Zettelstore is a software that manages your zettel.
-Since every zettel must be readable without any special tool, most zettel have to be stored as ordinary files within specific directories.
-Typically, file names and file content must comply with specific rules so that Zettelstore can manage them.
+Since every zettel must be readable without any special tool, most zettel has to be stored as ordinary files within specific directories.
+Typically, file names and file content must comply to specific rules so that Zettelstore can manage them.
If you add, delete, or change zettel files with other tools, e.g. a text editor, Zettelstore will monitor these actions.
Zettelstore provides additional services to the user.
-Via the built-in [[web user interface|00001014000000]] you can work with zettel in various ways.
+Via the builtin [[web user interface|00001014000000]] you can work with zettel in various ways.
For example, you are able to list zettel, to create new zettel, to edit them, or to delete them.
You can view zettel details and relations between zettel.
In addition, Zettelstore provides an ""application programming interface"" ([[API|00001012000000]]) that allows other software to communicate with the Zettelstore.
Zettelstore becomes extensible by external software.
@@ -39,28 +39,28 @@
These are ignored by Zettelstore.
Two filename extensions are used by Zettelstore:
# ''.zettel'' is a format that stores metadata and content together in one file,
# the empty file extension is used, when the content must be stored in its own file, e.g. image data;
- in this case, the filename contains just the 14 digits of the zettel identifier, and optional characters except the period ''"."''.
+ in this case, the filename just the 14 digits of the zettel identifier, and optional characters except the period ''"."''.
Other filename extensions are used to determine the ""syntax"" of a zettel.
This allows to use other content within the Zettelstore, e.g. images or HTML templates.
For example, you want to store an important figure in the Zettelstore that is encoded as a ''.png'' file.
-Since each zettel contains some metadata, e.g. the title of the figure, the question arises where these data should be stored.
+Since each zettel contains some metadata, e.g. the title of the figure, the question arises where these data should be stores.
The solution is a meta-file with the same zettel identifier, but without a filename extension.
Zettelstore recognizes this situation and reads in both files for the one zettel containing the figure.
-It maintains this relationship as long as these files exist.
+It maintains this relationship as long as these files exists.
In case of some textual zettel content you do not want to store the metadata and the zettel content in two different files.
-Here the ''.zettel'' extension will signal that the metadata and the zettel content will be stored in the same file, separated by an empty line or a line with three dashes (""''-\-\-''"", also known as ""YAML separator"").
+Here the ''.zettel'' extension will signal that the metadata and the zettel content will be put in the same file, separated by an empty line or a line with three dashes (""''-\-\-''"", also known as ""YAML separator"").
=== Predefined zettel
Zettelstore contains some [[predefined zettel|00001005090000]] to work properly.
The [[configuration zettel|00001004020000]] is one example.
-To render the built-in [[web user interface|00001014000000]], some templates are used, as well as a [[layout specification in CSS|00000000020001]].
+To render the builtin [[web user interface|00001014000000]], some templates are used, as well as a [[layout specification in CSS|00000000020001]].
The icon that visualizes a broken image is a [[predefined GIF image|00000000040001]].
All of these are visible to the Zettelstore as zettel.
One reason for this is to allow you to modify these zettel to adapt Zettelstore to your needs and visual preferences.
@@ -67,11 +67,11 @@
Where are these zettel stored?
They are stored within the Zettelstore software itself, because one [[design goal|00001002000000]] was to have just one executable file to use Zettelstore.
But data stored within an executable program cannot be changed later[^Well, it can, but it is a very bad idea to allow this. Mostly for security reasons.].
To allow changing predefined zettel, both the file store and the internal zettel store are internally chained together.
-If you change a zettel, it will be stored as a file.
+If you change a zettel, it will be always stored as a file.
If a zettel is requested, Zettelstore will first try to read that zettel from a file.
If such a file was not found, the internal zettel store is searched secondly.
Therefore, the file store ""shadows"" the internal zettel store.
If you want to read the original zettel, you have to delete the zettel (which removes it from the file directory).
@@ -78,15 +78,15 @@
Now we have two places where zettel are stored: in the specific directory and within the Zettelstore software.
* [[List of predefined zettel|00001005090000]]
=== Boxes: alternative ways to store zettel
-As described above, a zettel may be stored either as a file inside a directory or within the Zettelstore software itself.
+As described above, a zettel may be stored as a file inside a directory or inside the Zettelstore software itself.
Zettelstore allows other ways to store zettel by providing an abstraction called __box__.[^Formerly, zettel were stored physically in boxes, often made of wood.]
A file directory which stores zettel is called a ""directory box"".
But zettel may be also stored in a ZIP file, which is called ""file box"".
For testing purposes, zettel may be stored in volatile memory (called __RAM__).
This way is called ""memory box"".
Other types of boxes could be added to Zettelstore.
What about a ""remote Zettelstore box""?
Index: docs/manual/00001005090000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001005090000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001005090000.zettel
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
title: List of predefined zettel
role: manual
tags: #manual #reference #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250131151733
+modified: 20241202102358
The following table lists all predefined zettel with their purpose.
The content of most[^To be more exact: zettel with an identifier greater or equal ''00000999999900'' will have their content indexed.] of these zettel will not be indexed by Zettelstore.
You will not find zettel when searched for some content, e.g. ""[[query:european]]"" will not find the [[Zettelstore License|00000000000004]].
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
| [[00000000000005]] | Zettelstore Contributors | Lists all contributors of Zettelstore
| [[00000000000006]] | Zettelstore Dependencies | Lists all licensed content
| [[00000000000007]] | Zettelstore Log | Lists the last 8192 log messages
| [[00000000000008]] | Zettelstore Memory | Some statistics about main memory usage
| [[00000000000009]] | Zettelstore Sx Engine | Statistics about the [[Sx|]] engine, which interprets symbolic expressions
-| [[00000000000020]] | Zettelstore Box Manager | Contains some statistics about zettel boxes and the index process
+| [[00000000000020]] | Zettelstore Box Manager | Contains some statistics about zettel boxes and the the index process
| [[00000000000090]] | Zettelstore Supported Metadata Keys | Contains all supported metadata keys, their [[types|00001006030000]], and more
| [[00000000000092]] | Zettelstore Supported Parser | Lists all supported values for metadata [[syntax|00001006020000#syntax]] that are recognized by Zettelstore
| [[00000000000096]] | Zettelstore Startup Configuration | Contains the effective values of the [[startup configuration|00001004010000]]
| [[00000000000100]] | Zettelstore Runtime Configuration | Allows to [[configure Zettelstore at runtime|00001004020000]]
| [[00000000010100]] | Zettelstore Base HTML Template | Contains the general layout of the HTML view
@@ -39,14 +39,13 @@
| [[00000000019990]] | Zettelstore Sxn Base Code | Base sxn functions to build the templates
| [[00000000020001]] | Zettelstore Base CSS | System-defined CSS file that is included by the [[Base HTML Template|00000000010100]]
| [[00000000025001]] | Zettelstore User CSS | User-defined CSS file that is included by the [[Base HTML Template|00000000010100]]
| [[00000000040001]] | Generic Emoji | Image that is shown if [[original image reference|00001007040322]] is invalid
| [[00000000060010]] | zettel | [[Role zettel|00001012051800]] for the role ""[[zettel|00001006020100#zettel]]""
-| [[00000000060020]] | configuration | [[Role zettel|00001012051800]] for the role ""[[confguration|00001006020100#configuration]]""
+| [[00000000060020]] | confguration | [[Role zettel|00001012051800]] for the role ""[[confguration|00001006020100#confguration]]""
| [[00000000060030]] | role | [[Role zettel|00001012051800]] for the role ""[[role|00001006020100#role]]""
| [[00000000060040]] | tag | [[Role zettel|00001012051800]] for the role ""[[tag|00001006020100#tag]]""
-| [[00000000080001]] | Lists Menu | Default items of the ""Lists"" menu; see [[lists-menu-zettel|00001004020000#lists-menu-zettel]] for customization options
| [[00000000090000]] | New Menu | Contains items that should be in the zettel template menu
| [[00000000090001]] | New Zettel | Template for a new zettel with role ""[[zettel|00001006020100#zettel]]""
| [[00000000090002]] | New User | Template for a new [[user zettel|00001010040200]]
| [[00000000090003]] | New Tag | Template for a new [[tag zettel|00001006020100#tag]]
| [[00000000090004]] | New Role | Template for a new [[role zettel|00001006020100#role]]
@@ -54,6 +53,6 @@
| [[00010000000000]] | Home | Default home zettel, contains some welcome information
If a zettel is not linked, it is not accessible for the current user.
In most cases, you must at least enable [[''expert-mode''|00001004020000#expert-mode]].
-**Important:** All identifiers may change until a stable version of the software is released.
+**Important:** All identifier may change until a stable version of the software is released.
Index: docs/manual/00001006000000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001006000000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001006000000.zettel
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title: Layout of a Zettel
role: manual
tags: #design #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102190828
+modified: 20230403123541
A zettel consists of two parts: the metadata and the zettel content.
Metadata gives some information mostly about the zettel content, how it should be interpreted, how it is sorted within Zettelstore.
The zettel content is, well, the actual content.
In many cases, the content is in plain text form.
@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@
It can be presented in various [[encodings|00001012920500]].[^The [[zmk encoding|00001012920522]] allows you to compare the plain, the parsed, and the evaluated form of a zettel.]
However, a zettel such as this one you are currently reading, is a ""[[evaluated zettel|00001012053500]]"", also retrieved with the [[endpoint|00001012920000]] ''/z/{ID}'' and specifying an encoding.
The biggest difference to a parsed zettel is the inclusion of [[block transclusions|00001007031100]] or [[inline transclusions|00001007040324]] for an evaluated zettel.
It can also be presented in various encoding, including the ""zmk"" encoding.
-Evaluations also applies to metadata of a zettel, when appropriate.
+Evaluations also applies to metadata of a zettel, if appropriate.
Please note, that searching for content is based on parsed zettel.
Transcluded content will only be found in transcluded zettel, but not in the zettel that transcluded the content.
-However, you will easily pick up that zettel by following the [[backward|00001006020000#backward]] metadata key of the transcluded zettel.
+However, you will easily pick up that zettel by follow the [[backward|00001006020000#backward]] metadata key of the transcluded zettel.
Index: docs/manual/00001006020000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001006020000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001006020000.zettel
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title: Supported Metadata Keys
role: manual
tags: #manual #meta #reference #zettel #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250115163835
+modified: 20241118175033
Although you are free to define your own metadata, by using any key (according to the [[syntax|00001006010000]]), some keys have a special meaning that is enforced by Zettelstore.
See the [[computed list of supported metadata keys|00000000000090]] for details.
Most keys conform to a [[type|00001006030000]].
@@ -31,24 +31,30 @@
If you create a zettel with an editor software outside Zettelstore, you should set it manually to an appropriate value.
This is a computed value.
There is no need to set it via Zettelstore.
- If it is not stored within a zettel, it will be computed based on the value of the [[Zettel Identifier|00001006050000]]: if it contains a value >= 19700101000000, it will be coerced to a date/time; otherwise the version time of the running software will be used.
+ If it is not stored within a zettel, it will be computed based on the value of the [[Zettel Identifier|00001006050000]]: if it contains a value >= 19700101000000, it will be coerced to da date/time; otherwise the version time of the running software will be used.
Please note that the value von ''created'' will be different (in most cases) to the value of [[''id''|#id]] / the zettel identifier, because it is exact up to the second.
When calculating a zettel identifier, Zettelstore tries to set the second value to zero, if possible.
+; [!created-missing|''created-missing'']
+: If set to ""true"", the value of [[''created''|#created]] was not stored within a zettel.
+ To allow the migration of [[zettel identifier|00001006050000]] to a new scheme, you should update the value of ''created'' to a reasonable value.
+ Otherwise you might lose that information in future releases.
+ This key will be removed when the migration to a new zettel identifier format has been completed.
; [!credential|''credential'']
: Contains the hashed password, as it was emitted by [[``zettelstore password``|00001004051400]].
It is internally created by hashing the password, the [[zettel identifier|00001006050000]], and the value of the ''ident'' key.
It is only used for zettel with a ''role'' value of ""user"".
; [!dead|''dead'']
: Property that contains all references that does __not__ identify a zettel.
; [!expire|''expire'']
: A user-entered time stamp that document the point in time when the zettel should expire.
- When a zettel expires, Zettelstore does nothing.
+ When a zettel is expires, Zettelstore does nothing.
It is up to you to define required actions.
''expire'' is just a documentation.
You could define a query and execute it regularly, for example [[query:expire? ORDER expire]].
Alternatively, a Zettelstore client software could define some actions when it detects expired zettel.
; [!folge|''folge'']
@@ -83,13 +89,13 @@
: References the zettel that contains a previous version of the content.
In contrast to [[''precursor''|#precurso]] / [[''folge''|#folge]], this is a reference because of technical reasons, not because of content-related reasons.
Basically the inverse of key [[''successors''|#successors]].
; [!prequel|''prequel'']
: Specifies a zettel that is conceptually a prequel zettel.
- This is a zettel that occurred somehow before the current zettel.
+ This is a zettel that occured somehow before the current zettel.
; [!published|''published'']
-: This property contains the timestamp of the last modification / creation of the zettel.
+: This property contains the timestamp of the mast modification / creation of the zettel.
If [[''modified''|#modified]] is set with a valid timestamp, it contains the its value.
Otherwise, if [[''created''|#created]] is set with a valid timestamp, it contains the its value.
Otherwise, if the zettel identifier contains a valid timestamp, the identifier is used.
In all other cases, this property is not set.
@@ -108,23 +114,19 @@
Can be used for selecting zettel.
See [[supported zettel roles|00001006020100]].
If not given, it is ignored.
; [!sequel|''sequel'']
: Is a property that contains identifier of all zettel that reference this zettel through the [[''prequel''|#prequel]] value.
-; [!subordinates|''subordinates'']
-: Is a property that contains identifier of all zettel that reference this zettel through the [[''superior''|#superior]] value.
; [!successors|''successors'']
: Is a property that contains identifier of all zettel that reference this zettel through the [[''predecessor''|#predecessor]] value.
Therefore, it references all zettel that contain a new version of the content and/or metadata.
In contrast to [[''folge''|#folge]], these are references because of technical reasons, not because of content-related reasons.
In most cases, zettel referencing the current zettel should be updated to reference a successor zettel.
The [[query reference|00001007040310]] [[query:backward? successors?]] lists all such zettel.
; [!summary|''summary'']
-: Summarizes the content of the zettel using plain text.
-; [!superior|''superior'']
-: Specifies a zettel that is conceptually a superior zettel.
- This might be a more abstract zettel, or a zettel that should be higher in a hierarchy.
+: Summarizes the content of the zettel.
+ You may use all [[inline-structued elements|00001007040000]] of Zettelmarkup.
; [!syntax|''syntax'']
: Specifies the syntax that should be used for interpreting the zettel.
The zettel about [[other markup languages|00001008000000]] defines supported values.
If it is not given, it defaults to ''plain''.
; [!tags|''tags'']
@@ -132,11 +134,11 @@
Each Tag must begin with the number sign character (""''#''"", U+0023).
; [!title|''title'']
: Specifies the title of the zettel.
If not given, the value of [[''id''|#id]] will be used.
; [!url|''url'']
-: Defines a URL / URI for this zettel that possibly references external material.
+: Defines an URL / URI for this zettel that possibly references external material.
One use case is to specify the document that the current zettel comments on.
The URL will be rendered special in the [[web user interface|00001014000000]] if you use the default template.
; [!useless-files|''useless-files'']
: Contains the file names that are rejected to serve the content of a zettel.
Is used for [[directory boxes|00001004011400]] and [[file boxes|00001004011200#file]].
Index: docs/manual/00001006020100.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001006020100.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001006020100.zettel
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
title: Supported Zettel Roles
role: manual
tags: #manual #meta #reference #zettel #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102175032
+modified: 20231129173620
The [[''role'' key|00001006020000#role]] defines what kind of zettel you are writing.
You are free to define your own roles.
It is allowed to set an empty value or to omit the role.
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@
; [!manual|''manual'']
: All zettel that document the inner workings of the Zettelstore software.
This role is only used in this specific Zettelstore.
; [!role|''role'']
: A zettel with the role ""role"" and a title, which names a [[role|00001006020000#role]], is treated as a __role zettel__.
- Basically, role zettel describe the role, and form a hierarchy of meta-roles.
+ Basically, role zettel describe the role, and form a hierarchiy of meta-roles.
; [!tag|''tag'']
: A zettel with the role ""tag"" and a title, which names a [[tag|00001006020000#tags]], is treated as a __tag zettel__.
- Basically, tag zettel describe the tag, and form a hierarchy of meta-tags.
+ Basically, tag zettel describe the tag, and form a hierarchiy of meta-tags.
; [!zettel|''zettel'']
: A zettel that contains your own thoughts.
The real reason to use this software.
If you adhere to the process outlined by Niklas Luhmann, a zettel could have one of the following three roles:
Index: docs/manual/00001006020400.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001006020400.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001006020400.zettel
@@ -2,33 +2,41 @@
title: Supported values for metadata key ''read-only''
role: manual
tags: #manual #meta #reference #zettel #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102205707
+modified: 20211124132040
A zettel can be marked as read-only, if it contains a metadata value for key
-If user authentication is [[enabled|00001010040100]], it is possible to allow some users to change the zettel, depending on their [[user role|00001010070300]].
+If user authentication is [[enabled|00001010040100]], it is possible to allow some users to change the zettel,
+depending on their [[user role|00001010070300]].
Otherwise, the read-only mark is just a binary value.
=== No authentication
-If there is no metadata value for key ''read-only'' or if its [[boolean value|00001006030500]] is interpreted as ""false"", anybody can modify the zettel.
+If there is no metadata value for key ''read-only'' or if its [[boolean value|00001006030500]]
+is interpreted as ""false"", anybody can modify the zettel.
-If the metadata value is something else (the value ""true"" is recommended), the user cannot modify the zettel through the [[web user interface|00001014000000]].
-However, if the zettel is stored as a file in a [[directory box|00001004011400]], the zettel could be modified using an external editor.
+If the metadata value is something else (the value ""true"" is recommended),
+the user cannot modify the zettel through the [[web user interface|00001014000000]].
+However, if the zettel is stored as a file in a [[directory box|00001004011400]],
+the zettel could be modified using an external editor.
=== Authentication enabled
-If there is no metadata value for key ''read-only'' or if its [[boolean value|00001006030500]] is interpreted as ""false"", anybody can modify the zettel.
+If there is no metadata value for key ''read-only'' or if its [[boolean value|00001006030500]]
+is interpreted as ""false"", anybody can modify the zettel.
-If the metadata value is the same as an explicit [[user role|00001010070300]], users with that role (or a role with lower rights) are not allowed to modify the zettel.
+If the metadata value is the same as an explicit [[user role|00001010070300]],
+users with that role (or a role with lower rights) are not allowed to modify the zettel.
; ""reader""
: Neither an unauthenticated user nor a user with role ""reader"" is allowed to modify the zettel.
Users with role ""writer"" or the owner itself still can modify the zettel.
; ""writer""
: Neither an unauthenticated user, nor users with roles ""reader"" or ""writer"" are allowed to modify the zettel.
Only the owner of the Zettelstore can modify the zettel.
-If the metadata value is something else (one of the values ""true"" or ""owner"" is recommended), no user is allowed to modify the zettel through the [[web user interface|00001014000000]].
-However, if the zettel is accessible as a file in a [[directory box|00001004011400]], the zettel could be modified using an external editor.
-Typically the owner of a Zettelstore has such access.
+If the metadata value is something else (one of the values ""true"" or ""owner"" is recommended),
+no user is allowed modify the zettel through the [[web user interface|00001014000000]].
+However, if the zettel is accessible as a file in a [[directory box|00001004011400]],
+the zettel could be modified using an external editor.
+Typically the owner of a Zettelstore have such an access.
Index: docs/manual/00001006030000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001006030000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001006030000.zettel
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
title: Supported Key Types
role: manual
tags: #manual #meta #reference #zettel #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250115172354
+modified: 20240219161909
All [[supported metadata keys|00001006020000]] conform to a type.
User-defined metadata keys conform also to a type, based on the suffix of the key.
@@ -13,10 +13,11 @@
| ''-date'' | [[Timestamp|00001006034500]]
| ''-number'' | [[Number|00001006033000]]
| ''-role'' | [[Word|00001006035500]]
| ''-time'' | [[Timestamp|00001006034500]]
+| ''-title'' | [[Zettelmarkup|00001006036500]]
| ''-url'' | [[URL|00001006035000]]
| ''-zettel'' | [[Identifier|00001006032000]]
| ''-zid'' | [[Identifier|00001006032000]]
| ''-zids'' | [[IdentifierSet|00001006032500]]
| any other suffix | [[EString|00001006031500]]
@@ -35,5 +36,6 @@
* [[String|00001006033500]]
* [[TagSet|00001006034000]]
* [[Timestamp|00001006034500]]
* [[URL|00001006035000]]
* [[Word|00001006035500]]
+* [[Zettelmarkup|00001006036500]]
Index: docs/manual/00001006031500.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001006031500.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001006031500.zettel
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
title: EString Key Type
role: manual
tags: #manual #meta #reference #zettel #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210212135017
-modified: 20250102164729
+modified: 20230419175525
-Values of this type are just a sequence of characters, possibly an empty sequence.
+Values of this type are just a sequence of character, possibly an empty sequence.
An EString is the most general metadata key type, as it places no restrictions to the character sequence.[^Well, there are some minor restrictions that follow from the [[metadata syntax|00001006010000]].]
=== Allowed values
All printable characters are allowed.
Index: docs/manual/00001006033000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001006033000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001006033000.zettel
@@ -2,21 +2,21 @@
title: Number Key Type
role: manual
tags: #manual #meta #reference #zettel #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210212135017
-modified: 20250102220057
+modified: 20230612183900
Values of this type denote a numeric integer value.
=== Allowed values
Must be a sequence of digits (""0""--""9""), optionally prefixed with a ""-"" or a ""+"" character.
=== Query comparison
[[Search operators|00001007705000]] for equality (""equal"" or ""not equal"", ""has"" or ""not has""), for lesser values (""less"" or ""not less""), or for greater values (""greater"" or ""not greater"") are executed by converting both the [[search value|00001007706000]] and the metadata value into integer values and then comparing them numerically.
Integer values must be in the range -9223372036854775808 … 9223372036854775807.
-Comparisons with metadata values outside this range always return a negative match.
+Comparisons with metadata values outside this range always returns a negative match.
Comparisons with search values outside this range will be executed as a comparison of the string representation values.
All other comparisons (""match"", ""not match"", ""prefix"", ""not prefix"", ""suffix"", and ""not suffix"") are done on the given string representation of the number.
In this case, the number ""+12"" will be treated as different to the number ""12"".
Index: docs/manual/00001006034000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001006034000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001006034000.zettel
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
title: TagSet Key Type
role: manual
tags: #manual #meta #reference #zettel #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210212135017
-modified: 20250102205826
+modified: 20230419175642
Values of this type denote a (sorted) set of tags.
A set is different to a list, as no duplicate values are allowed.
=== Allowed values
-Every tag must begin with the number sign character (""''#''"", U+0023), followed by at least one printable character.
+Every tag must must begin with the number sign character (""''#''"", U+0023), followed by at least one printable character.
Tags are separated by space characters.
All characters are mapped to their lower case values.
=== Query comparison
Index: docs/manual/00001006035000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001006035000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001006035000.zettel
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
title: URL Key Type
role: manual
tags: #manual #meta #reference #zettel #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210212135017
-modified: 20250102205855
+modified: 20230419175725
-Values of this type denote a URL.
+Values of this type denote an URL.
=== Allowed values
-All characters of a URL / URI are allowed.
+All characters of an URL / URI are allowed.
=== Query comparison
All comparisons are done case-insensitive.
For example, ""hello"" is the suffix of """".
ADDED docs/manual/00001006036500.zettel
Index: docs/manual/00001006036500.zettel
--- /dev/null
+++ docs/manual/00001006036500.zettel
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+id: 00001006036500
+title: Zettelmarkup Key Type
+role: manual
+tags: #manual #meta #reference #zettel #zettelstore
+syntax: zmk
+created: 20210212135017
+modified: 20230419175441
+Values of this type are [[String|00001006033500]] values, interpreted as [[Zettelmarkup|00001007000000]].
+=== Allowed values
+All printable characters are allowed.
+There must be at least one such character.
+=== Query comparison
+Comparison is done similar to the full-text search: both the value to compare and the metadata value are normalized according to Unicode NKFD, ignoring everything except letters and numbers.
+Letters are mapped to the corresponding lower-case value.
+For example, ""Brücke"" will be the prefix of ""(Bruckenpfeiler,"".
+=== Sorting
+To sort two values, the underlying encoding is used to determine which value is less than the other.
+Uppercase letters are typically interpreted as less than their corresponding lowercase letters, i.e. ``A < a``.
+Comparison is done character-wise by finding the first difference in the respective character sequence.
+For example, ``abc > aBc``.
Index: docs/manual/00001006050000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001006050000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001006050000.zettel
@@ -2,26 +2,29 @@
title: Zettel identifier
role: manual
tags: #design #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102165749
+modified: 20241128141443
Each zettel is given a unique identifier.
To some degree, the zettel identifier is part of the metadata.
Basically, the identifier is given by the [[Zettelstore|00001005000000]] software.
Every zettel identifier consists of 14 digits.
-They resemble a timestamp: the first four digits could represent the year, the next two represent the month, followed by day, hour, minute, and second.
+They resemble a timestamp: the first four digits could represent the year, the
+next two represent the month, following by day, hour, minute, and second.
This allows to order zettel chronologically in a canonical way.
In most cases the zettel identifier is the timestamp when the zettel was created.
However, the Zettelstore software just checks for exactly 14 digits.
-Anybody is free to assign a ""non-timestamp"" identifier to a zettel, e.g. with a month part of ""35"" or with ""99"" as the last two digits.
+Anybody is free to assign a ""non-timestamp"" identifier to a zettel, e.g. with
+a month part of ""35"" or with ""99"" as the last two digits.
Some zettel identifier are [[reserved|00001006055000]] and should not be used otherwise.
All identifiers of zettel initially provided by an empty Zettelstore begin with ""000000"", except the home zettel ''00010000000000''.
-Zettel identifier of this manual have been chosen to begin with ""000010"".
+Zettel identifier of this manual have be chosen to begin with ""000010"".
-A zettel can have any identifier that contains 14 digits and that is not in use by another zettel managed by the same Zettelstore.
+A zettel can have any identifier that contains 14 digits and that is not in use
+by another zettel managed by the same Zettelstore.
Index: docs/manual/00001006055000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001006055000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001006055000.zettel
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
title: Reserved zettel identifier
role: manual
tags: #design #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210721105704
-modified: 20250102222416
+modified: 20241202100917
-[[Zettel identifier|00001006050000]] are typically created by examining the current date and time.
+[[Zettel identifier|00001006050000]] are typically created by examine the current date and time.
By renaming the name of the underlying zettel file, you are able to provide any sequence of 14 digits.
To make things easier, you must not use zettel identifier that begin with four zeroes (''0000'').
-All zettel provided by an empty zettelstore begin with six zeroes[^Exception: the predefined home zettel is ''00010000000000''. But you can [[configure|00001004020000#home-zettel]] another zettel with another identifier as the new home zettel.].
+All zettel provided by an empty zettelstore begin with six zeroes[^Exception: the predefined home zettel ''00010000000000''. But you can [[configure|00001004020000#home-zettel]] another zettel with another identifier as the new home zettel.].
Zettel identifier of this manual have be chosen to begin with ''000010''.
However, some external applications may need at least one defined zettel identifier to work properly.
Zettel [[Zettelstore Application Directory|00000999999999]] (''00000999999999'') can be used to associate a name to a zettel identifier.
For example, if your application is named ""app"", you create a metadata key ''app-zid''.
@@ -28,6 +28,6 @@
| 00001100000000 | 00008999999999 | Reserved, do not use
| 00009000000000 | 00009999999999 | Reserved for applications
==== External Applications
|= From | To | Description
-| 00009000001000 | 00009000001999 | [[Zettel Presenter|]], an application to display zettel as an HTML-based slideshow
+| 00009000001000 | 00009000001999 | [[Zettel Presenter|]], an application to display zettel as a HTML-based slideshow
Index: docs/manual/00001007010000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001007010000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001007010000.zettel
@@ -2,31 +2,31 @@
title: Zettelmarkup: General Principles
role: manual
tags: #manual #zettelmarkup #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250106174703
+modified: 20241213101524
-Any document can be thought of as a sequence of paragraphs and other [[block-structured elements|00001007030000]] (""blocks""), such as [[headings|00001007030300]], [[lists|00001007030200]], quotations, and code blocks.
+Any document can be thought as a sequence of paragraphs and other [[block-structured elements|00001007030000]] (""blocks""), such as [[headings|00001007030300]], [[lists|00001007030200]], quotations, and code blocks.
Some of these blocks can contain other blocks, for example lists may contain other lists or paragraphs.
Other blocks contain [[inline-structured elements|00001007040000]] (""inlines""), such as text, [[links|00001007040310]], emphasized text, and images.
With the exception of lists and tables, the markup for blocks always begins at the first position of a line with three or more identical characters.
List blocks also begin at the first position of a line, but may need one or more identical character, plus a space character.
[[Table blocks|00001007031000]] begin at the first position of a line with the character ""``|``"".
Non-list blocks are either fully specified on that line or they span multiple lines and are delimited with the same three or more character.
It depends on the block kind, whether blocks are specified on one line or on at least two lines.
-If a line does not begin with an explicit block element, the line is treated as a (implicit) paragraph block element that contains inline elements.
+If a line does not begin with an explicit block element. the line is treated as a (implicit) paragraph block element that contains inline elements.
This paragraph ends when a block element is detected at the beginning of a next line or when an empty line occurs.
Some blocks may also contain inline elements, e.g. a heading.
-Inline elements mostly begin with two non-space, often identical characters.
+Inline elements mostly begins with two non-space, often identical characters.
With some exceptions, two identical non-space characters begins a formatting range that is ended with the same two characters.
Exceptions are: links, images, edits, comments, and both the ""en-dash"" and the ""horizontal ellipsis"".
-A link is given with ``[[...]]``{=zmk}, an image with ``{{...}}``{=zmk}, and an edit formatting with ``((...))``{=zmk}.
+A link is given with ``[[...]]``{=zmk}, an images with ``{{...}}``{=zmk}, and an edit formatting with ``((...))``{=zmk}.
An inline comment, beginning with the sequence ``%%``{=zmk}, always ends at the end of the line where it begins.
The ""en-dash"" (""--"") is specified as ``--``{=zmk}, the ""horizontal ellipsis"" (""..."") as ``...``{=zmk}[^If put at the end of non-space text.].
Some inline elements do not follow the rule of two identical character, especially to specify [[footnotes|00001007040330]], [[citation keys|00001007040340]], and local marks.
These elements begin with one opening square bracket (""``[``""), use a character for specifying the kind of the inline, typically allow to specify some content, and end with one closing square bracket (""``]``"").
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@
For example, an ""n-dash"" could also be specified as ``–``{==zmk}.
The backslash character (""``\\``"") possibly gives the next character a special meaning.
This allows to resolve some left ambiguities.
For example, a list of depth 2 will begin a line with ``** Item 2.2``{=zmk}.
-An inline element to strongly emphasize some text that begins with a space will be specified as ``** Text**``{=zmk}.
+An inline element to strongly emphasize some text begin with a space will be specified as ``** Text**``{=zmk}.
To force the inline element formatting at the beginning of a line, ``**\\ Text**``{=zmk} should better be specified.
Many block and inline elements can be refined by additional [[attributes|00001007050000]].
Attributes resemble roughly HTML attributes and are put near the corresponding elements by using the syntax ``{...}``{=zmk}.
One example is to make space characters visible inside a inline literal element: ``1 + 2 = 3``{-} was specified by using the default attribute: ``\`\`1 + 2 = 3\`\`{-}``.
@@ -49,13 +49,13 @@
To summarize:
* With some exceptions, block-structural elements begins at the for position of a line with three identical characters.
* The most important exception to this rule is the specification of lists.
* If no block element is found, a paragraph with inline elements is assumed.
-* With some exceptions, inline-structural elements begin with two characters, quite often the same two characters.
+* With some exceptions, inline-structural elements begins with two characters, quite often the same two characters.
* The most important exceptions are links.
* The backslash character can help to resolve possible ambiguities.
* Attributes refine some block and inline elements.
* Block elements have a higher priority than inline elements.
-These principles make automatic recognizing zettelmarkup an (relatively) easy task.
-By looking at the reference implementation, a moderately skilled software developer should be able to create an appropriate software in a different programming language.
+These principles makes automatic recognizing zettelmarkup an (relatively) easy task.
+By looking at the reference implementation, a moderately skilled software developer should be able to create a appropriate software in a different programming language.
Index: docs/manual/00001007030100.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001007030100.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001007030100.zettel
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
title: Zettelmarkup: Description Lists
role: manual
tags: #manual #zettelmarkup #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102180137
+modified: 20220218131155
A description list is a sequence of terms to be described together with the descriptions of each term.
-Every term can be described in multiple ways.
+Every term can described in multiple ways.
A description term (short: __term__) is specified with one semicolon (""'';''"", U+003B) at the first position, followed by a space character and the described term, specified as a sequence of line elements.
If the following lines should also be part of the term, exactly two spaces must be given at the beginning of each following line.
The description of a term is given with one colon (""'':''"", U+003A) at the first position, followed by a space character and the description itself, specified as a sequence of [[inline elements|00001007040000]].
Index: docs/manual/00001007030300.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001007030300.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001007030300.zettel
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
title: Zettelmarkup: Headings
role: manual
tags: #manual #zettelmarkup #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102210039
+modified: 20220218133755
To specify a (sub-) section of a zettel, you should use the headings syntax: at
the beginning of a new line type at least three equal signs (""''=''"", U+003D), plus at least one
space and enter the text of the heading as [[inline elements|00001007040000]].
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@
======== Level 5 Heading
=== Notes
-The heading level is translated to an HTML heading by adding 1 to the level, e.g. ``=== Level 1 Heading``{=zmk} translates to ==
Level 1 Heading
+The heading level is translated to a HTML heading by adding 1 to the level, e.g. ``=== Level 1 Heading``{=zmk} translates to ==
Level 1 Heading
The ==
=={=html} tag is rendered for the zettel title.
This syntax is often used in a similar way in wiki implementation.
However, trailing equal signs are __not__ removed, they are part of the heading text.
Index: docs/manual/00001007030400.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001007030400.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001007030400.zettel
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
title: Zettelmarkup: Horizontal Rules / Thematic Break
role: manual
tags: #manual #zettelmarkup #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102220220
+modified: 20220825185533
To signal a thematic break, you can specify a horizontal rule.
This is done by entering at least three hyphen-minus characters (""''-''"", U+002D) at the first position of a line.
You can add some [[attributes|00001007050000]], although the horizontal rule does not support the default attribute.
Any other characters in this line will be ignored.
-If you do not enter the three hyphen-minus character at the very first position of a line, they are interpreted as [[inline elements|00001007040000]], typically as an ""en-dash"" followed by a hyphen-minus.
+If you do not enter the three hyphen-minus character at the very first position of a line, the are interpreted as [[inline elements|00001007040000]], typically as an ""en-dash" followed by a hyphen-minus.
Index: docs/manual/00001007030800.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001007030800.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001007030800.zettel
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
title: Zettelmarkup: Region Blocks
role: manual
tags: #manual #zettelmarkup #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102180106
+modified: 20220323190829
-Region blocks do not directly have a visual representation.
+Region blocks does not directly have a visual representation.
They just group a range of lines.
You can use region blocks to enter [[attributes|00001007050000]] that apply only to this range of lines.
One example is to enter a multi-line warning that should be visible.
This kind of line-range block begins with at least three colon characters (""'':''"", U+003A) at the first position of a line[^Since a [[description text|00001007030100]] only use exactly one colon character at the first position of a line, there is no possible ambiguity between these elements.].
Index: docs/manual/00001007030900.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001007030900.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001007030900.zettel
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
title: Zettelmarkup: Comment Blocks
role: manual
tags: #manual #zettelmarkup #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102222357
+modified: 20230807170858
Comment blocks are quite similar to [[verbatim blocks|00001007030500]]: both are used to enter text that should not be interpreted.
While the text entered inside a verbatim block will be processed somehow, text inside a comment block will be ignored[^Well, not completely ignored: text is read, but it will typically not rendered visible.].
Comment blocks are typically used to give some internal comments, e.g. the license of a text or some internal remarks.
@@ -32,6 +32,6 @@
Will be rendered
-will be rendered as some kind of comment[^This cannot be shown here, because an HTML comment will not be rendered visible; it will be in the HTML text.].
+will be rendered as some kind of comment[^This cannot be shown here, because a HTML comment will not be rendered visible; it will be in the HTML text.].
Index: docs/manual/00001007031000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001007031000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001007031000.zettel
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
title: Zettelmarkup: Tables
role: manual
tags: #manual #zettelmarkup #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102210107
+modified: 20241212153641
Tables are used to show some data in a two-dimensional fashion.
In zettelmarkup, tables are not specified explicitly, but by entering __table rows__.
Therefore, a table can be seen as a sequence of table rows.
A table row is nothing but a sequence of __table cells__.
@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@
| b1 | b2 | b3
| c1 | c2
=== Header row
-If any cell in the first row of a table contains an equal sign character (""''=''"", U+003D) as the very first character, then this first row will be interpreted as a __table header__ row.
+If any cell in the first row of a table contains an equal sing character (""''=''"", U+003D) as the very first character, then this first row will be interpreted as a __table header__ row.
For example:
| a1 | a2 |= a3|
| b1 | b2 | b3
Index: docs/manual/00001007031110.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001007031110.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001007031110.zettel
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
title: Zettelmarkup: Zettel Transclusion
role: manual
tags: #manual #zettelmarkup #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20220809132350
-modified: 20250102165258
+modified: 20220926183331
A zettel transclusion is specified by the following sequence, starting at the first position in a line: ''{{{zettel-identifier}}}''.
When evaluated, the referenced zettel is read.
If it contains some transclusions itself, these will be expanded, recursively.
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
An error message is also given, if the zettel cannot be read or if too many transclusions are made.
The maximum number of transclusion can be controlled by setting the value [[''max-transclusions''|00001004020000#max-transclusions]] of the runtime configuration zettel.
If everything went well, the referenced, expanded zettel will replace the transclusion element.
-For example, to include the text of the Zettel titled ""Zettel identifier"", just specify its identifier [[''00001006050000''|00001006050000]] in the transclusion element:
+For example, to include the text of the Zettel titled ""Zettel identifier"", just specify its identifier [[''00001006050000''|00001006050000]] in the transclude element:
This will result in:
@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@
To the current user, it seems that there was no transclusion in zettel __z__.
This allows to create a zettel with content that seems to be changed, depending on the authorization of the current user.
Any [[attributes|00001007050000]] added to the transclusion will set/overwrite the appropriate metadata of the included zettel.
-Of course, this applies only to those attributes, which have a valid name for a metadata key.
+Of course, this applies only to thoes attribtues, which have a valid name for a metadata key.
This allows to control the evaluation of the included zettel, especially for zettel containing a diagram description.
=== See also
[[Inline-mode transclusion|00001007040324]] does not work at the paragraph / block level, but is used for [[inline-structured elements|00001007040000]].
Index: docs/manual/00001007031140.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001007031140.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001007031140.zettel
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
title: Zettelmarkup: Query Transclusion
role: manual
tags: #manual #search #zettelmarkup #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20220809132350
-modified: 20241213153229
+modified: 20240219161800
A query transclusion is specified by the following sequence, starting at the first position in a line: ''{{{query:query-expression}}}''.
The line must literally start with the sequence ''{{{query:''.
Everything after this prefix is interpreted as a [[query expression|00001007700000]].
@@ -36,10 +36,19 @@
: Emit only those values with at least __n__ aggregated values.
__n__ must be a positive integer, ''MIN'' must be given in upper-case letters.
; ''MAXn'' (parameter)
: Emit only those values with at most __n__ aggregated values.
__n__ must be a positive integer, ''MAX'' must be given in upper-case letters.
+; ''TITLE'' (parameter)
+: All words following ''TITLE'' are joined together to form a title.
+ It is used for the ''ATOM'' and ''RSS'' action.
+; ''ATOM'' (aggregate)
+: Transform the zettel list into an [[Atom 1.0|]]-conformant document / feed.
+ The document is embedded into the referencing zettel.
+; ''RSS'' (aggregate)
+: Transform the zettel list into a [[RSS 2.0|]]-conformant document / feed.
+ The document is embedded into the referencing zettel.
; ''KEYS'' (aggregate)
: Emit a list of all metadata keys, together with the number of zettel having the key.
; ''REDIRECT'', ''REINDEX'' (aggregate)
: Will be ignored.
These actions may have been copied from an existing [[API query call|00001012051400]] (or from a WebUI query), but are here superfluous (and possibly harmful).
Index: docs/manual/00001007031200.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001007031200.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001007031200.zettel
@@ -2,20 +2,20 @@
title: Zettelmarkup: Inline-Zettel Block
role: manual
tags: #manual #zettelmarkup #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20220201142439
-modified: 20250102183744
+modified: 20221018121251
An inline-zettel block allows to specify some content with another syntax without creating a new zettel.
This is useful, for example, if you want to embed some [[Markdown|00001008010500]] content, because you are too lazy to translate Markdown into Zettelmarkup.
Another example is to specify HTML code to use it for some kind of web front-end framework.
-Like all other [[line-range blocks|00001007030000#line-range-blocks]], an inline-zettel block begins with at least three identical characters, starting at the first position of a line.
+As all other [[line-range blocks|00001007030000#line-range-blocks]], an inline-zettel block begins with at least three identical characters, starting at the first position of a line.
For inline-zettel blocks, the at-sign character (""''@''"", U+0040) is used.
-You can add some [[attributes|00001007050000]] to the beginning line of a verbatim block, following the initiating characters.
+You can add some [[attributes|00001007050000]] on the beginning line of a verbatim block, following the initiating characters.
The inline-zettel block uses the attribute key ""syntax"" to specify the [[syntax|00001008000000]] of the inline-zettel.
Alternatively, you can use the generic attribute to specify the syntax value.
If no value is provided, ""[[text|00001008000000#text]]"" is assumed.
Any other character in this first line will be ignored.
Index: docs/manual/00001007040000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001007040000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001007040000.zettel
@@ -2,24 +2,24 @@
title: Zettelmarkup: Inline-Structured Elements
role: manual
tags: #manual #zettelmarkup #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102182659
+modified: 20220920143243
-Most characters you type are concerned with inline-structured elements.
-The content of a zettel contains in many cases just ordinary text, lightly formatted.
+Most characters you type is concerned with inline-structured elements.
+The content of a zettel contains is many cases just ordinary text, lightly formatted.
Inline-structured elements allow to format your text and add some helpful links or images.
Sometimes, you want to enter characters that have no representation on your keyboard.
; Text formatting
: Every [[text formatting|00001007040100]] element begins with two same characters at the beginning.
It lasts until the same two characters occurred the second time.
Some of these elements explicitly support [[attributes|00001007050000]].
; Literal-like formatting
-: Sometimes, you want to enter the text as it is.
+: Sometime you want to enter the text as it is.
: This is the core motivation of [[literal-like formatting|00001007040200]].
; Reference-like text
: You can reference other zettel and (external) material within one zettel.
This kind of reference may be a link, or an images that is display inline when the zettel is rendered.
@@ -33,21 +33,21 @@
A comment begins with two consecutive percent sign characters (""''%''"", U+0025).
It ends at the end of the line where it begins.
==== Backslash
The backslash character (""''\\''"", U+005C) gives the next character another meaning.
-* If a space character follows, it is converted into a non-breaking space (U+00A0).
+* If a space character follows, it is converted in a non-breaking space (U+00A0).
* If a line ending follows the backslash character, the line break is converted from a __soft break__ into a __hard break__.
* Every other character is taken as itself, but without the interpretation of a Zettelmarkup element.
For example, if you want to enter a ""'']''"" into a [[footnote text|00001007040330]], you should escape it with a backslash.
==== Entities & more
Sometimes it is not easy to enter special characters.
If you know the Unicode code point of that character, or its name according to the [[HTML standard|]], you can enter it by number or by name.
Regardless which method you use, an entity always begins with an ampersand character (""''&''"", U+0026) and ends with a semicolon character (""'';''"", U+003B).
-If you know the HTML name of the character you want to enter, put it between these two characters.
+If you know the HTML name of the character you want to enter, put it between these two character.
Example: ``&`` is rendered as ::&::{=example}.
If you want to enter its numeric code point, a number sign character must follow the ampersand character, followed by digits to base 10.
Example: ``&`` is rendered in HTML as ::&::{=example}.
@@ -55,11 +55,11 @@
Example: ``&`` is rendered in HTML as ::&::{=example}.
According to the [[HTML Standard|]], some numeric code points are not allowed.
These are all code point below the numeric value 32 (decimal) or 0x20 (hex) and all code points for [[noncharacter|]] values.
-Since some Unicode characters are used quite often, a special notation is introduced for them:
+Since some Unicode character are used quite often, a special notation is introduced for them:
* Two consecutive hyphen-minus characters result in an __en-dash__ character.
It is typically used in numeric ranges.
``pages 4--7`` will be rendered in HTML as: ::pages 4--7::{=example}.
Alternative specifications are: ``–``, ``&x8211``, and ``–``.
Index: docs/manual/00001007040100.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001007040100.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001007040100.zettel
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
title: Zettelmarkup: Text Formatting
role: manual
tags: #manual #zettelmarkup #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250106174436
+modified: 20231113191353
Text formatting is the way to make your text visually different.
-Every text formatting element begins with two identical characters.
+Every text formatting element begins with two same characters.
It ends when these two same characters occur the second time.
It is possible that some [[attributes|00001007050000]] follow immediately, without any separating character.
Text formatting can be nested, up to a reasonable limit.
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@
** Example: ``abc __def__ ghi`` is rendered in HTML as: ::abc __def__ ghi::{=example}.
* The asterisk character (""''*''"", U+002A) strongly emphasized its enclosed text.
** Example: ``abc **def** ghi`` is rendered in HTML as: ::abc **def** ghi::{=example}.
* The greater-than sign character (""''>''"", U+003E) marks text as inserted.
** Example: ``abc >>def>> ghi`` is rendered in HTML as: ::abc >>def>> ghi::{=example}.
-* Similarly, the tilde character (""''~''"", U+007E) marks deleted text.
+* Similar, the tilde character (""''~''"", U+007E) marks deleted text.
** Example: ``abc ~~def~~ ghi`` is rendered in HTML as: ::abc ~~def~~ ghi::{=example}.
* The circumflex accent character (""''^''"", U+005E) allows to enter super-scripted text.
** Example: ``e=mc^^2^^`` is rendered in HTML as: ::e=mc^^2^^::{=example}.
* The comma character (""'',''"", U+002C) produces sub-scripted text.
** Example: ``H,,2,,O`` is rendered in HTML as: ::H,,2,,O::{=example}.
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
** Example: ``""To be or not""`` is rendered in HTML as: ::""To be or not""::{=example}.
** Example: ``""Sein oder nicht""{lang=de}`` is rendered in HTML as: ::""Sein oder nicht""{lang=de}::{=example}.
* The number sign (""''#''"", U+0023) marks the text visually, where the mark does not belong to the text itself.
It is typically used to highlight some text that is important for you, but was not important for the original author.
** Example: ``abc ##def## ghi`` is rendered in HTML as: ::abc ##def## ghi::{=example}.
-* The colon character (""'':''"", U+003A) marks some text that should belong together. It fills a similar role as [[region blocks|00001007030800]], but just for inline elements.
+* The colon character (""'':''"", U+003A) mark some text that should belong together. It fills a similar role as [[region blocks|00001007030800]], but just for inline elements.
** Example: ``abc ::def::{=example} ghi`` is rendered in HTML as: abc ::def::{=example} ghi.
Index: docs/manual/00001007040200.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001007040200.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001007040200.zettel
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
title: Zettelmarkup: Literal-like formatting
role: manual
tags: #manual #zettelmarkup #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250115180425
+modified: 20220311185110
There are some reasons to mark text that should be rendered as uninterpreted:
* Mark text as literal, sometimes as part of a program.
* Mark text as input you give into a computer via a keyboard.
* Mark text as output from some computer, e.g. shown at the command line.
@@ -45,14 +45,28 @@
* ``==The result is: 42==`` renders in HTML as ::==The result is: 42==::{=example}.
* ``==The result is: 42=={-}`` renders in HTML as ::==The result is: 42=={-}::{=example}.
Attributes can be specified, the default attribute has the same semantic as for literal text.
+=== Inline-zettel snippet
+To specify an inline snippet in a different [[syntax|00001008000000]], delimit your text with two at-sign characters (""''@''"", U+0040) on each side.
+You can add some [[attributes|00001007050000]] immediate after the two closing at-sign characters to specify the syntax to use.
+Either use the attribute key ""syntax"" or use the generic attribute to specify the syntax value.
+If no value is provided, ""[[text|00001008000000#text]]"" is assumed.
+* ``A @@-->@@ B`` renders in HTML as ::A @@-->@@ B::{=example}.
+* ``@@@@{=html}Small@@@@{=html}`` renders in HTML as ::@@@@{=html}Small@@@@{=html}::{=example}.
+To some degree, an inline-zettel snippet is the @@@@{=html}smaller@@@@{=html} sibling of the [[inline-zettel block|00001007031200]].
+For HTML syntax, the same rules apply.
=== Math mode / $$\TeX$$ input
This allows to enter text, that is typically interpreted by $$\TeX$$ or similar software.
The main difference to all other literal-like formatting above is that the backslash character (""''\\''"", U+005C) has no special meaning.
-Therefore it is well suited to enter text with a lot of backslash characters.
+Therefore it is well suited the enter text with a lot of backslash characters.
Math mode text is delimited with two dollar signs (""''$''"", U+0024) on each side.
You can add some [[attributes|00001007050000]] immediate after the two closing at-sign characters to specify the syntax to use.
Either use the attribute key ""syntax"" or use the generic attribute to specify the syntax value.
Index: docs/manual/00001007040310.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001007040310.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001007040310.zettel
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
title: Zettelmarkup: Links
role: manual
tags: #manual #zettelmarkup #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210810155955
-modified: 20250102183944
+modified: 20221024173849
There are two kinds of links, regardless of links to (internal) other zettel or to (external) material.
-Both kinds begin with two consecutive left square bracket characters (""''[''"", U+005B) and end with two consecutive right square bracket characters (""'']''"", U+005D).
+Both kinds begin with two consecutive left square bracket characters (""''[''"", U+005B) and ends with two consecutive right square bracket characters (""'']''"", U+005D).
If the content starts with more than two left square bracket characters, all but the last two will be treated as text.
The first form provides some text plus the link specification, delimited by a vertical bar character (""''|''"", U+007C): ``[[text|linkspecification]]``.
The text is a sequence of [[inline elements|00001007040000]].
However, it should not contain links itself.
@@ -22,17 +22,17 @@
To reference some content within a zettel, you can append a number sign character (""''#''"", U+0023) and the name of the mark to the zettel identifier.
The resulting reference is called ""zettel reference"".
If the link specification begins with the string ''query:'', the text following this string will be interpreted as a [[query expression|00001007700000]].
The resulting reference is called ""query reference"".
-When this type of reference is rendered, it will typically reference a list of all zettel that fulfills the query expression.
+When this type of references is rendered, it will typically reference a list of all zettel that fulfills the query expression.
A link specification starting with one slash character (""''/''"", U+002F), or one or two full stop characters (""''.''"", U+002E) followed by a slash character,
will be interpreted as a local reference, called __hosted reference__.
Such references will be interpreted relative to the web server hosting the Zettelstore.
If a link specification begins with two slash characters (called __based reference__), it will be interpreted relative to the value of [[''url-prefix''|00001004010000#url-prefix]].
-To specify some material outside the Zettelstore, just use a normal Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) as defined by [[RFC\ 3986|]].
+To specify some material outside the Zettelstore, just use an normal Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) as defined by [[RFC\ 3986|]].
=== Other topics
-If the link references another zettel, and this zettel is not readable for the current user, e.g. because of missing access rights, then only the associated text is presented.
+If the link references another zettel, and this zettel is not readable for the current user, because of a missing access rights, then only the associated text is presented.
Index: docs/manual/00001007040320.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001007040320.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001007040320.zettel
@@ -2,22 +2,22 @@
title: Zettelmarkup: Inline Embedding / Transclusion
role: manual
tags: #manual #zettelmarkup #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210810155955
-modified: 20250102210158
+modified: 20221024173926
-To some degree, a specification for embedded material is conceptually not too far away from a specification for [[linked material|00001007040310]].
+To some degree, an specification for embedded material is conceptually not too far away from a specification for [[linked material|00001007040310]].
Both contain a reference specification and optionally some text.
In contrast to a link, the specification of embedded material must currently resolve to some kind of real content.
This content replaces the embed specification.
An embed specification begins with two consecutive left curly bracket characters (""''{''"", U+007B) and ends with two consecutive right curly bracket characters (""''}''"", U+007D).
The curly brackets delimits either a reference specification or some text, a vertical bar character and the link specification, similar to a link.
If the content starts with more than two left curly bracket characters, all but the last two will be treated as text.
-One difference to a link: if the text is not given, an empty string is assumed.
+One difference to a link: if the text was not given, an empty string is assumed.
The reference must point to some content, either zettel content or URL-referenced content.
If the current user is not allowed to read the referenced zettel, the inline transclusion / embedding is ignored.
If the referenced zettel does not exist, or is not readable because of other reasons, a [[spinning emoji|00000000040001]] is presented as a visual hint:
Index: docs/manual/00001007040322.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001007040322.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001007040322.zettel
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
title: Zettelmarkup: Image Embedding
role: manual
tags: #manual #zettelmarkup #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210811154251
-modified: 20250102222115
+modified: 20241202101206
-Image content is assumed, if a URL is used or if the referenced zettel contains an image.
+Image content is assumed, if an URL is used or if the referenced zettel contains an image.
Supported formats are:
* Portable Network Graphics (""PNG""), as defined by [[RFC\ 2083|]].
* Graphics Interchange Format (""GIF"), as defined by [[]].
Index: docs/manual/00001007040324.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001007040324.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001007040324.zettel
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
title: Zettelmarkup: Inline-mode Transclusion
role: manual
tags: #manual #zettelmarkup #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210811154251
-modified: 20250102183508
+modified: 20231222164501
Inline-mode transclusion applies to all zettel that are parsed in a non-trivial way, e.g. as structured textual content.
For example, textual content is assumed if the [[syntax|00001006020000#syntax]] of a zettel is ""zmk"" ([[Zettelmarkup|00001007000000]]), or ""markdown"" / ""md"" ([[Markdown|00001008010000]]).
Since this type of transclusion is at the level of [[inline-structured elements|00001007040000]], the transclude specification must be replaced with some inline-structured elements.
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
When an endless recursion is detected, expansion does not take place.
Instead an error message replaces the transclude specification.
The result of this (indirect) transclusion is searched for inline-structured elements.
-* If only a [[zettel identifier|00001006050000]] was specified, the first top-level [[paragraph|00001007030000#paragraphs]] is used.
+* If only an [[zettel identifier|00001006050000]] was specified, the first top-level [[paragraph|00001007030000#paragraphs]] is used.
Since a paragraph is basically a sequence of inline-structured elements, these elements will replace the transclude specification.
Example: ``{{00010000000000}}`` (see [[00010000000000]]) is rendered as ::{{00010000000000}}::{=example}.
* If a fragment identifier was additionally specified, the element with the given fragment is searched:
@@ -31,19 +31,19 @@
** In case the fragment names a [[mark|00001007040350]], the inline-structured elements after the mark are used.
Initial spaces and line breaks are ignored in this case.
Example: ``{{00001007040322#spin}}`` is rendered as ::{{00001007040322#spin}}::{=example}.
-** Just specifying the fragment identifier will reference something on the current page.
+** Just specifying the fragment identifier will reference something in the current page.
This is not allowed, to prevent a possible endless recursion.
* If the reference is a [[hosted or based|00001007040310#link-specifications]] link / URL to an image, that image will be rendered.
Example: ``{{//z/00000000040001}}{alt=Emoji}`` is rendered as ::{{//z/00000000040001}}{alt=Emoji}::{=example}
If no inline-structured elements are found, the transclude specification is replaced by an error message.
-To avoid an exploding ""transclusion bomb"", a form of [[billion laughs attack|]] (also known as ""XML bomb""), the total number of transclusions / expansions is limited.
+To avoid an exploding ""transclusion bomb"", a form of a [[billion laughs attack|]] (also known as ""XML bomb""), the total number of transclusions / expansions is limited.
The limit can be controlled by setting the value [[''max-transclusions''|00001004020000#max-transclusions]] of the runtime configuration zettel.
=== See also
[[Full transclusion|00001007031100]] does not work inside some text, but is used for [[block-structured elements|00001007030000]].
Index: docs/manual/00001007040340.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001007040340.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001007040340.zettel
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title: Zettelmarkup: Citation Key
role: manual
tags: #manual #zettelmarkup #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210810155955
-modified: 20250102210258
+modified: 20220218133447
A citation key references some external material that is part of a bibliographical collection.
Currently, Zettelstore implements this only partially, it is ""work in progress"".
-However, the syntax is: beginning with a left square bracket and followed by an at sign character (""''@''"", U+0040), the citation key is given.
+However, the syntax is: beginning with a left square bracket and followed by an at sign character (""''@''"", U+0040), a the citation key is given.
The key is typically a sequence of letters and digits.
If a comma character (""'',''"", U+002C) or a vertical bar character is given, the following is interpreted as [[inline elements|00001007040000]].
A right square bracket ends the text and the citation key element.
Index: docs/manual/00001007701000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001007701000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001007701000.zettel
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
title: Query: Search Expression
role: manual
tags: #manual #search #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20230707205043
-modified: 20250102210324
+modified: 20230707210039
-In its simplest form, a search expression just contains a string to be searched for with the help of a full-text search.
+In its simplest form, a search expression just contains a string to be search for with the help of a full-text search.
For example, the string ''syntax'' will search for all zettel containing the word ""syntax"".
If you want to search for all zettel with a title containing the word ""syntax"", you must specify ''title:syntax''.
""title"" denotes the [[metadata key|00001006010000]], in this case the [[supported metadata key ""title""|00001006020000#title]].
The colon character (""'':''"") is a [[search operator|00001007705000]], in this example to specify a match.
Index: docs/manual/00001007702000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001007702000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001007702000.zettel
@@ -2,19 +2,19 @@
title: Search term
role: manual
tags: #manual #search #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20220805150154
-modified: 20250102210348
+modified: 20230925173539
A search term allows you to specify one search restriction.
The result [[search expression|00001007700000]], which contains more than one search term, will be the applications of all restrictions.
A search term can be one of the following (the first three term are collectively called __search literals__):
* A metadata-based search, by specifying the name of a [[metadata key|00001006010000]], followed by a [[search operator|00001007705000]], followed by an optional [[search value|00001007706000]].
- All zettel containing the given metadata key with an allowed value (depending on the search operator) are selected.
+ All zettel containing the given metadata key with a allowed value (depending on the search operator) are selected.
If no search value is given, then all zettel containing the given metadata key are selected (or ignored, for a negated search operator).
* An optional [[search operator|00001007705000]], followed by a [[search value|00001007706000]].
This specifies a full-text search for the given search value.
Index: docs/manual/00001007705000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001007705000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001007705000.zettel
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
title: Search operator
role: manual
tags: #manual #search #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20220805150154
-modified: 20250102210427
+modified: 20230612180539
A search operator specifies how the comparison of a search value and a zettel should be executed.
Every comparison is done case-insensitive, treating all uppercase letters the same as lowercase letters.
The following are allowed search operator characters:
@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@
* The tilde character (""''~''"", U+007E) compares on matching (""match operator"").
* The left square bracket character (""''[''"", U+005B) matches if there is some prefix (""prefix operator"").
* The right square bracket character (""'']''"", U+005D) compares a suffix relationship (""suffix operator"").
* The colon character (""'':''"", U+003A) compares depending on the on the actual [[key type|00001006030000]] (""has operator"").
In most cases, it acts as a equals operator, but for some type it acts as the match operator.
-* The less-than sign character (""''<''"", U+003C) matches if the search value is somehow less than the metadata value (""less operator"").
-* The greater-than sign character (""''>''"", U+003E) matches if the search value is somehow greater than the metadata value (""greater operator"").
+* The less-than sign character (""''<''"", U+003C) matches if the search value is somehow less then the metadata value (""less operator"").
+* The greater-than sign character (""''>''"", U+003E) matches if the search value is somehow greater then the metadata value (""greater operator"").
* The question mark (""''?''"", U+003F) checks for an existing metadata key (""exist operator"").
In this case no [[search value|00001007706000]] must be given.
Since the exclamation mark character can be combined with the other, there are 18 possible combinations:
# ""''!''"": is an abbreviation of the ""''!~''"" operator.
Index: docs/manual/00001007720300.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001007720300.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001007720300.zettel
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
title: Query: Context Directive
role: manual
tags: #manual #search #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20230707204706
-modified: 20250202172633
+modified: 20241118174741
A context directive calculates the __context__ of a list of zettel identifier.
It starts with the keyword ''CONTEXT''.
Optionally you may specify some context details, after the keyword ''CONTEXT'', separated by space characters.
@@ -14,12 +14,10 @@
* ''FULL'': additionally search for zettel with the same tags,
* ''BACKWARD'': search for context only though backward links,
* ''FORWARD'': search for context only through forward links,
* ''COST'': one or more space characters, and a positive integer: set the maximum __cost__ (default: 17),
* ''MAX'': one or more space characters, and a positive integer: set the maximum number of context zettel (default: 200).
-* ''MIN'': one or more space characters, and a positive integer: set the minimum number of context zettel (default: 0).
- Takes precedence over ''COST'' and ''MAX''.
If no ''BACKWARD'' and ''FORWARD'' is specified, a search for context zettel will be done though backward and forward links.
The cost of a context zettel is calculated iteratively:
* Each of the specified zettel hast a cost of one.
Index: docs/manual/00001007780000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001007780000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001007780000.zettel
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
title: Formal syntax of query expressions
role: manual
tags: #manual #reference #search #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20220810144539
-modified: 20250202164337
+modified: 20240219155949
QueryExpression := ZettelList? QueryDirective* SearchExpression ActionExpression?
ZettelList := (ZID (SPACE+ ZID)*).
ZID := '0'+ ('1' .. '9'') DIGIT*
@@ -18,12 +18,11 @@
ContextDirective := "CONTEXT" (SPACE+ ContextDetail)*.
ContextDetail := "FULL"
| "COST" SPACE+ PosInt
- | "MAX" SPACE+ PosInt
- | "MIN" SPACE+ PosInt.
+ | "MAX" SPACE+ PosInt.
IdentDirective := IDENT.
ItemsDirective := ITEMS.
UnlinkedDirective := UNLINKED (SPACE+ PHRASE SPACE+ Word)*.
SearchExpression := SearchTerm (SPACE+ SearchTerm)*.
SearchTerm := SearchOperator? SearchValue
@@ -43,13 +42,16 @@
| '!' '?'.
PosInt := '0'
| ('1' .. '9') DIGIT*.
ActionExpression := '|' (Word (SPACE+ Word)*)?
Action := Word
+ | 'ATOM'
| 'KEYS'
| 'MAX' PosInt
| 'MIN' PosInt
- | 'REINDEX'.
+ | 'RSS'
+ | 'TITLE' (SPACE Word)* .
Index: docs/manual/00001007800000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001007800000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001007800000.zettel
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
title: Zettelmarkup: Summary of Formatting Characters
role: manual
tags: #manual #reference #zettelmarkup #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250115180517
+modified: 20241125182149
The following table gives an overview about the use of all characters that begin a markup element.
|= Character :|= [[Blocks|00001007030000]] <|= [[Inlines|00001007040000]] <
| ''!'' | (free) | (free)
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@
| '';'' | [[Description term|00001007030100]] | (free)
| ''<'' | [[Quotation block|00001007030600]] | (free)
| ''='' | [[Headings|00001007030300]] | [[Computer output|00001007040200]]
| ''>'' | [[Quotation lists|00001007030200]] | [[Inserted text|00001007040100]]
| ''?'' | (free) | (free)
-| ''@'' | [[Inline-Zettel block|00001007031200]] | (reserved)
+| ''@'' | [[Inline-Zettel block|00001007031200]] | [[Inline-zettel snippet|00001007040200#inline-zettel-snippet]]
| ''['' | (reserved) | [[Linked material|00001007040300]], [[citation key|00001007040300]], [[footnote|00001007040300]], [[mark|00001007040300]]
| ''\\'' | (blocked by inline meaning) | [[Escape character|00001007040000]]
| '']'' | (reserved) | End of [[link|00001007040300]], [[citation key|00001007040300]], [[footnote|00001007040300]], [[mark|00001007040300]]
| ''^'' | (free) | [[Super-scripted text|00001007040100]]
| ''_'' | (free) | [[Emphasized text|00001007040100]]
Index: docs/manual/00001007906000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001007906000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001007906000.zettel
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title: Zettelmarkup: Second Steps
role: manual
tags: #manual #tutorial #zettelmarkup #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20220811115501
-modified: 20250102221931
+modified: 20220926183427
After you have [[learned|00001007903000]] the basic concepts and markup of Zettelmarkup (paragraphs, emphasized text, and lists), this zettel introduces you into the concepts of links, thematic breaks, and headings.
=== Links
A Zettelstore is much more useful, if you connect related zettel.
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
* Within these character sequences you specify the [[zettel identifier|00001006050000]] of the zettel you want to reference: ''[[00001007903000]]'' will connect to zettel containing the first steps into Zettelmarkup.
* In addition, you should give the link a more readable description.
This is done by prepending the description before the reference and use the vertical bar character to separate both: ''[[First Steps|00001007903000]]''.
You are not restricted to reference your zettel.
-Alternatively, you might specify a URL of an external website: ''[[Zettelstore|]]''.
+Alternatively, you might specify an URL of an external website: ''[[Zettelstore|]]''.
Of course, if you just want to specify the URL, you are allowed to omit the description: ''[[]]''
|= Zettelmarkup | Rendered output | Remark
| ''[[00001007903000]]'' | [[00001007903000]] | If no description is given, the zettel identifier acts as a description
| ''[[First Steps|00001007903000]]'' | [[First Steps|00001007903000]] | The description should be chosen so that you are not confused later
Index: docs/manual/00001008010500.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001008010500.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001008010500.zettel
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
title: CommonMark
role: manual
tags: #manual #markdown #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20220113183435
-modified: 20250115200458
+modified: 20221018123145
[[CommonMark|]] is a Markdown dialect, an [[attempt|]] to unify all the different, divergent dialects of Markdown by providing an unambiguous syntax specification for Markdown, together with a suite of comprehensive tests to validate implementation.
Time will show, if this attempt is successful.
@@ -14,17 +14,16 @@
However, CommonMark is a well specified Markdown dialect, in contrast to most (if not all) other dialects.
Other software adopts CommonMark somehow, notably [[GitHub Flavored Markdown|]] (GFM).
But they provide proprietary extensions, which makes it harder to change to another CommonMark implementation if needed.
Plus, they sometimes build on an older specification of CommonMark.
-Zettelstore supports the latest CommonMark [[specification version 0.31.2 (2024-01-28)|]].
+Zettelstore supports the latest CommonMark [[specification version 0.30 (2021-06-19)|]].
If possible, Zettelstore will adapt to newer versions when they are available.
To provide CommonMark support, Zettelstore uses currently the [[Goldmark|]] implementation, which passes all validation tests of CommonMark.
-Effectively, Markdown and CommonMark are super-sets of HTML.
-Internally, CommonMark is translated into [[Zettelmarkup|00001007000000]].
-Since Zettelmarkup supports HTML content only at the block level via [[Inline Zettel|00001007031200]], most uses of HTML within a CommonMark zettel are not translated as expected.
-Instead, inline level HTML is translated into [[literal text|00001007040200#literal-text]] with a [[generic attribute|00001007050000]] set to ``html``.
-Therefore, Zettelstore itself will not pass the CommonMark test suite fully.
-However, no CommonMark language element except inline HTML will fail to be encoded as HTML.
-In most cases, the differences are not visible for a user, but only by comparing the generated HTML code.
+Internally, CommonMark is translated into some kind of super-set of [[Zettelmarkup|00001007000000]], which additionally allows to use HTML code.[^Effectively, Markdown and CommonMark are itself super-sets of HTML.]
+This Zettelmarkup super-set is later [[encoded|00001012920500]], often into [[HTML|00001012920510]].
+Because Zettelstore HTML encoding philosophy differs a little bit to that of CommonMark, Zettelstore itself will not pass the CommonMark test suite fully.
+However, no CommonMark language element will fail to be encoded as HTML.
+In most cases, the differences are not visible for an user, but only by comparing the generated HTML code.
+Be aware, depending on the value of the startup configuration key [[''insecure-html''|00001004010000#insecure-html]], HTML code found within a CommonMark document or within the mentioned kind of super-set of Zettelmarkup will typically be ignored for security-related reasons.
Index: docs/manual/00001010000000.zettel
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+++ docs/manual/00001010000000.zettel
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title: Security
role: manual
tags: #configuration #manual #security #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102212014
+modified: 20241213102811
Your zettel may contain sensitive content.
You probably want to ensure that only authorized persons can read and/or modify them.
Zettelstore ensures this in various ways.
@@ -42,27 +42,27 @@
If someone is authenticated as the owner of the Zettelstore (hopefully you), no restrictions apply.
But as an owner, you can create ""user zettel"" to allow others to access your Zettelstore in various ways.
Even if you do not want to share your Zettelstore with other persons, creating user zettel can be useful if you plan to access your Zettelstore via the [[API|00001012000000]].
Additionally, you can specify that a zettel is publicly visible.
-In this case, nobody has to authenticate themselves to see the contents of the note.
+In this case no one has to authenticate itself to see the content of the zettel.
Or you can specify that a zettel is visible only to the owner.
In this case, no authenticated user will be able to read and change that protected zettel.
* [[Visibility rules for zettel|00001010070200]]
-* [[User roles|00001010070300]] define basic rights of a user
+* [[User roles|00001010070300]] define basic rights of an user
* [[Authorization and read-only mode|00001010070400]]
* [[Access rules|00001010070600]] define the policy which user is allowed to do what operation.
=== Encryption
When Zettelstore is accessed remotely, the messages that are sent between Zettelstore and the client must be encrypted.
-Otherwise, an eavesdropper could fetch sensitive data, such as passwords or precious content that is not for the public.
+Otherwise, an eavesdropper could fetch sensible data, such as passwords or precious content that is not for the public.
The Zettelstore itself does not encrypt messages.
But you can put a server in front of it, which is able to handle encryption.
-Most generic web server software allow this.
+Most generic web server software do allow this.
To enforce encryption, [[authenticated sessions|00001010040700]] are marked as secure by default.
If you still want to access the Zettelstore remotely without encryption, you must change the startup configuration.
Otherwise, authentication will not work.
* [[Use a server for encryption|00001010090100]]
Index: docs/manual/00001010040200.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001010040200.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001010040200.zettel
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id: 00001010040200
-title: Creating a user zettel
+title: Creating an user zettel
role: manual
tags: #authentication #configuration #manual #security #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102221859
+modified: 20221205160251
-All data used for authenticating a user is stored in a special zettel called ""user zettel"".
+All data to be used for authenticating a user is store in a special zettel called ""user zettel"".
A user zettel must have set the following two metadata fields:
; ''user-id'' (""user identification"")
: The unique identification to be specified for authentication.
; ''credential''
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@
A user zettel can only be created by the owner of the Zettelstore.
The owner should execute the following steps to create a new user zettel:
# Create a new zettel.
-# Save the zettel to get an [[identifier|00001006050000]] for this zettel.
+# Save the zettel to get a [[identifier|00001006050000]] for this zettel.
# Choose a unique identification for the user.
#* If the identifier is not unique, authentication will not work for this user.
# Execute the [[``zettelstore password``|00001004051400]] command.
#* You have to specify the user identification and the zettel identifier
#* If you should not know the password of the new user, send her/him the user identification and the user zettel identifier, so that the person can create the hashed password herself.
# Edit the user zettel and add the hashed password under the meta key ''credential'' and the user identification under the key ''user-id''.
Index: docs/manual/00001010040400.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001010040400.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001010040400.zettel
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title: Authentication process
role: manual
tags: #authentication #configuration #manual #security #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102222012
+modified: 20211127174943
-When someone tries to authenticate itself with a user identifier / ""user name"" and a password, the following process is executed:
+When someone tries to authenticate itself with an user identifier / ""user name"" and a password, the following process is executed:
# If meta key ''owner'' of the configuration zettel does not have a valid [[zettel identifier|00001006050000]] as value, authentication fails.
# Retrieve all zettel, where the meta key ''user-id'' has the same value as the given user identification. If the list is empty, authentication fails.
# From above list, the zettel with the numerically smallest identifier is selected.
Or in other words: the oldest zettel is selected[^This is done to prevent an attacker from creating a new note with the same user identification].
Index: docs/manual/00001010040700.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001010040700.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001010040700.zettel
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title: Access token
role: manual
tags: #authentication #configuration #manual #security #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102215422
+modified: 20241213101607
-If a user is authenticated, an ""access token"" is created that must be sent with every request to prove the identity of the caller.
+If an user is authenticated, an ""access token"" is created that must be sent with every request to prove the identity of the caller.
Otherwise the user will not be recognized by Zettelstore.
If the user was authenticated via the [[web user interface|00001014000000]], the access token is stored in a [[""session cookie""|]].
When the web browser is closed, these cookies are not saved.
-If you want the web browser to store the cookie for the lifetime of that token, the owner must set ''persistent-cookie'' of the [[startup configuration|00001004010000]] to ''true''.
+If you want web browser to store the cookie as long as lifetime of that token, the owner must set ''persistent-cookie'' of the [[startup configuration|00001004010000]] to ''true''.
If the web browser remains inactive for a period, the user will be automatically logged off, because each access token has a limited lifetime.
The maximum length of this period is specified by the ''token-lifetime-html'' value of the startup configuration.
Every time a web page is displayed, a fresh token is created and stored inside the cookie.
If the user was authenticated via the API, the access token will be returned as the content of the response.
-Typically, the lifetime of this token is shorter, e.g. 10 minutes.
+Typically, the lifetime of this token is more short term, e.g. 10 minutes.
It is specified by the ''token-lifetime-api'' value of the startup configuration.
If you need more time, you can either [[re-authenticate|00001012050200]] the user or use an API call to [[renew the access token|00001012050400]].
-If you remotely access your Zettelstore via HTTP (not via HTTPS, which allows encrypted communication), you must set the ''insecure-cookie'' value in the startup configuration to ''true''.
+If you remotely access your Zettelstore via HTTP (not via HTTPS, which allows encrypted communication), you must set the ''insecure-cookie'' value of the startup configuration to ''true''.
In most cases, such a scenario is not recommended, because user name and password will be transferred as plain text.
-You could use such a scenario if you know all parties that access the local network where you access the Zettelstore.
+You could make use of such scenario if you know all parties that access the local network where you access the Zettelstore.
Index: docs/manual/00001010070200.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001010070200.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001010070200.zettel
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title: Visibility rules for zettel
role: manual
tags: #authorization #configuration #manual #security #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102170611
+modified: 20220923104643
For every zettel you can specify under which condition the zettel is visible to others.
This is controlled with the metadata key [[''visibility''|00001006020000#visibility]].
The following values are supported:
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@
When you install a Zettelstore, only [[some zettel|query:visibility:public]] have visibility ""public"".
One is the zettel that contains [[CSS|00000000020001]] for displaying the [[web user interface|00001014000000]].
This is to ensure that the web interface looks nice even for not authenticated users.
Another is the zettel containing the Zettelstore [[license|00000000000004]].
-The [[default image|00000000040001]], used if an image reference is invalid, is also publicly visible.
+The [[default image|00000000040001]], used if an image reference is invalid, is also public visible.
Please note: if [[authentication is not enabled|00001010040100]], every user has the same rights as the owner of a Zettelstore.
This is also true, if the Zettelstore runs additionally in [[read-only mode|00001004010000#read-only-mode]].
In this case, the [[runtime configuration zettel|00001004020000]] is shown (its visibility is ""owner"").
The [[startup configuration|00001004010000]] is not shown, because the associated computed zettel with identifier ''00000000000096'' is stored with the visibility ""expert"".
Index: docs/manual/00001010070400.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001010070400.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001010070400.zettel
@@ -2,20 +2,20 @@
title: Authorization and read-only mode
role: manual
tags: #authorization #configuration #manual #security #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102212150
+modified: 20211103164251
It is possible to enable both the read-only mode of the Zettelstore __and__ authentication/authorization.
-Both modes are independent of each other.
+Both modes are independent from each other.
This gives four use cases:
; Not read-only, no authorization
: Zettelstore runs on your local computer and you only work with it.
; Not read-only, with authorization
: Zettelstore is accessed remotely.
You need authentication to ensure that only valid users access your Zettelstore.
; With read-only, no authorization
-: Zettelstore presents its full content publicly to everyone.
+: Zettelstore present publicly its full content to everybody.
; With read-only, with authorization
-: Nobody is allowed to change the content of the Zettelstore, and only specific zettel should be presented to the public.
+: Nobody is allowed to change the content of the Zettelstore, but only specific zettel should be presented to the public.
Index: docs/manual/00001012000000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001012000000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001012000000.zettel
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title: API
role: manual
tags: #api #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102222042
+modified: 20240711183736
The API (short for ""**A**pplication **P**rogramming **I**nterface"") is the primary way to communicate with a running Zettelstore.
Most integration with other systems and services is done through the API.
The [[web user interface|00001014000000]] is just an alternative, secondary way of interacting with a Zettelstore.
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
There is an [[overview zettel|00001012920000]] that shows the structure of the endpoints used by the API and gives an indication about its use.
=== Authentication
If [[authentication is enabled|00001010040100]], most API calls must include an [[access token|00001010040700]] that proves the identity of the caller.
-* [[Authenticate a user|00001012050200]] to obtain an access token
+* [[Authenticate an user|00001012050200]] to obtain an access token
* [[Renew an access token|00001012050400]] without costly re-authentication
* [[Provide an access token|00001012050600]] when doing an API call
=== Zettel lists
* [[List all zettel|00001012051200]]
Index: docs/manual/00001012050200.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001012050200.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001012050200.zettel
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
title: API: Authenticate a client
role: manual
tags: #api #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20250102215926
+modified: 20230412150544
Authentication for future API calls is done by sending a [[user identification|00001010040200]] and a password to the Zettelstore to obtain an [[access token|00001010040700]].
This token has to be used for other API calls.
It is valid for a relatively short amount of time, as configured with the key ''token-lifetime-api'' of the [[startup configuration|00001004010000#token-lifetime-api]] (typically 10 minutes).
@@ -26,17 +26,17 @@
# curl -X POST -d 'username=IDENT&password=PASSWORD'
("Bearer" "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJfdGsiOjEsImV4cCI6MTY4MTMwNDA4OCwiaWF0IjoxNjgxMzA0MDI4LCJzdWIiOiJvd25lciIsInppZCI6IjIwMjEwNjI5MTYzMzAwIn0.qIEyOMFXykCApWtBaqbSESwTL96stWl2LRICiRNAXUjcY-mwx_SSl9L5Fj2FvmrI1K1RBvWehjoq8KZUNjhJ9Q" 600)
-In all cases, you will receive a list containing three elements with all [[relevant data|00001012921000]] needed for further API calls.
+In all cases, you will receive a list with three elements that will contain all [[relevant data|00001012921000]] to be used for further API calls.
**Important:** obtaining a token is a time-intensive process.
Zettelstore will delay every request to obtain a token for a certain amount of time.
Please take into account that this request will take approximately 500 milliseconds, under certain circumstances more.
-However, if [[authentication is not enabled|00001010040100]] and you send an authentication request, no user identification/password checking is done and you receive an artificial token immediately, without any delay:
+However, if [[authentication is not enabled|00001010040100]] and you send an authentication request, no user identification/password checking is done and you receive an artificial token immediate, without any delay:
("Bearer" "freeaccess" 316224000)
@@ -45,14 +45,14 @@
=== HTTP Status codes
In all cases of successful authentication, a list is returned, which contains the token as the second element.
A successful authentication is signaled with the HTTP status code 200, as usual.
-Other status codes possibly sent by the Zettelstore:
+Other status codes possibly send by the Zettelstore:
; ''400''
: Unable to process the request.
In most cases the form data was invalid.
; ''401''
: Authentication failed.
Either the user identification is invalid or you provided the wrong password.
; ''403''
: Authentication is not active.
Index: docs/manual/00001012051200.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001012051200.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001012051200.zettel
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title: API: List all zettel
role: manual
tags: #api #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20241216104355
+modified: 20230807170810
-To list all zettel just send a HTTP GET request to the [[endpoint|00001012920000]] ''/z''[^If [[authentication is enabled|00001010040100]], you must include a valid [[access token|00001012050200]] in the ''Authorization'' header].
+To list all zettel just send a HTTP GET request to the [[endpoint|00001012920000]] ''/z''[^If [[authentication is enabled|00001010040100]], you must include the a valid [[access token|00001012050200]] in the ''Authorization'' header].
Always use the endpoint ''/z'' to work with a list of zettel.
Without further specifications, a plain text document is returned, with one line per zettel.
Each line contains in the first 14 characters the [[zettel identifier|00001006050000]].
Separated by a space character, the title of the zettel follows:
Index: docs/manual/00001012051400.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001012051400.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001012051400.zettel
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title: API: Query the list of all zettel
role: manual
tags: #api #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20220912111111
-modified: 20241216104329
+modified: 20240711161320
precursor: 00001012051200
-The [[endpoint|00001012920000]] ''/z'' also allows you to filter the list of all zettel[^If [[authentication is enabled|00001010040100]], you must include a valid [[access token|00001012050200]] in the ''Authorization'' header] and optionally to provide some actions.
+The [[endpoint|00001012920000]] ''/z'' also allows you to filter the list of all zettel[^If [[authentication is enabled|00001010040100]], you must include the a valid [[access token|00001012050200]] in the ''Authorization'' header] and optionally to provide some actions.
A [[query|00001007700000]] is an optional [[search expression|00001007700000#search-expression]], together with an optional [[list of actions|00001007700000#action-list]] (described below).
An empty search expression will select all zettel.
An empty list of action, or no valid action, returns the list of all selected zettel metadata.
Index: docs/manual/00001012053300.zettel
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title: API: Retrieve metadata and content of an existing zettel
role: manual
tags: #api #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20211004093206
-modified: 20241216104429
+modified: 20230807170259
The [[endpoint|00001012920000]] to work with metadata and content of a specific zettel is ''/z/{ID}'', where ''{ID}'' is a placeholder for the [[zettel identifier|00001006050000]].
-For example, to retrieve some data about this zettel you are currently viewing, just send a HTTP GET request to the endpoint ''/z/00001012053300''[^If [[authentication is enabled|00001010040100]], you must include a valid [[access token|00001012050200]] in the ''Authorization'' header].
+For example, to retrieve some data about this zettel you are currently viewing, just send a HTTP GET request to the endpoint ''/z/00001012053300''[^If [[authentication is enabled|00001010040100]], you must include the a valid [[access token|00001012050200]] in the ''Authorization'' header].
# curl ''
The [[endpoint|00001012920000]] to work with metadata and content of a specific zettel is ''/z/{ID}'', where ''{ID}'' is a placeholder for the [[zettel identifier|00001006050000]].
-For example, to retrieve some data about this zettel you are currently viewing, just send a HTTP GET request to the endpoint ''/z/00001012053300''[^If [[authentication is enabled|00001010040100]], you must include a valid [[access token|00001012050200]] in the ''Authorization'' header].
+For example, to retrieve some data about this zettel you are currently viewing, just send a HTTP GET request to the endpoint ''/z/00001012053300''[^If [[authentication is enabled|00001010040100]], you must include the a valid [[access token|00001012050200]] in the ''Authorization'' header].
Index: docs/manual/00001012053400.zettel
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title: API: Retrieve metadata of an existing zettel
role: manual
tags: #api #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210726174524
-modified: 20241216104120
+modified: 20230807170155
-The [[endpoint|00001012920000]] to work with metadata of a specific zettel is ''/z/{ID}'', where ''{ID}'' is a placeholder for the [[zettel identifier|00001006050000]][^If [[authentication is enabled|00001010040100]], you must include a valid [[access token|00001012050200]] in the ''Authorization'' header].
+The [[endpoint|00001012920000]] to work with metadata of a specific zettel is ''/z/{ID}'', where ''{ID}'' is a placeholder for the [[zettel identifier|00001006050000]][^If [[authentication is enabled|00001010040100]], you must include the a valid [[access token|00001012050200]] in the ''Authorization'' header].
To retrieve the plain metadata of a zettel, use the query parameter ''part=meta''
# curl ''
Index: docs/manual/00001012053500.zettel
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title: API: Retrieve evaluated metadata and content of an existing zettel in various encodings
role: manual
tags: #api #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210726174524
-modified: 20241216104145
+modified: 20240620171057
The [[endpoint|00001012920000]] to work with evaluated metadata and content of a specific zettel is ''/z/{ID}'', where ''{ID}'' is a placeholder for the [[zettel identifier|00001006050000]].
-For example, to retrieve some evaluated data about this zettel you are currently viewing in [[Sz encoding|00001012920516]], just send a HTTP GET request to the endpoint ''/z/00001012053500''[^If [[authentication is enabled|00001010040100]], you must include a valid [[access token|00001012050200]] in the ''Authorization'' header] with the query parameter ''enc=sz''.
+For example, to retrieve some evaluated data about this zettel you are currently viewing in [[Sz encoding|00001012920516]], just send a HTTP GET request to the endpoint ''/z/00001012053500''[^If [[authentication is enabled|00001010040100]], you must include the a valid [[access token|00001012050200]] in the ''Authorization'' header] with the query parameter ''enc=sz''.
If successful, the output is a symbolic expression value:
# curl ''
(BLOCK (PARA (TEXT "The ") (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001012920000" (TEXT "endpoint")) (TEXT " to work with parsed metadata and content of a specific zettel is ") (LITERAL-INPUT () "/z/{ID}") (TEXT ", where ") (LITERAL-INPUT () "{ID}") (TEXT " is a placeholder for the ") ...
Index: docs/manual/00001012053600.zettel
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+++ docs/manual/00001012053600.zettel
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title: API: Retrieve parsed metadata and content of an existing zettel in various encodings
role: manual
tags: #api #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20210126175322
-modified: 20241216104306
+modified: 20240620170909
The [[endpoint|00001012920000]] to work with parsed metadata and content of a specific zettel is ''/z/{ID}'', where ''{ID}'' is a placeholder for the [[zettel identifier|00001006050000]].
A __parsed__ zettel is basically an [[unevaluated|00001012053500]] zettel: the zettel is read and analyzed, but its content is not __evaluated__.
By using this endpoint, you are able to retrieve the structure of a zettel before it is evaluated.
-For example, to retrieve some data about this zettel you are currently viewing, just send a HTTP GET request to the endpoint ''/z/00001012053600''[^If [[authentication is enabled|00001010040100]], you must include a valid [[access token|00001012050200]] in the ''Authorization'' header] with the query parameter ''parseonly'' (and other appropriate query parameter).
+For example, to retrieve some data about this zettel you are currently viewing, just send a HTTP GET request to the endpoint ''/z/00001012053600''[^If [[authentication is enabled|00001010040100]], you must include the a valid [[access token|00001012050200]] in the ''Authorization'' header] with the query parameter ''parseonly'' (and other appropriate query parameter).
For example:
# curl ''
(BLOCK (PARA (TEXT "The ") (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001012920000" (TEXT "endpoint")) (TEXT " to work with parsed metadata and content of a specific zettel is ") (LITERAL-INPUT () "/z/{ID}") (TEXT ", where ") ...
Index: docs/manual/00001012080200.zettel
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title: API: Check for authentication
role: manual
tags: #api #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20220103224858
-modified: 20241216104549
+modified: 20220908163156
-API clients typically want to know, whether [[authentication is enabled|00001010040100]] or not.
+API clients typically wants to know, whether [[authentication is enabled|00001010040100]] or not.
If authentication is enabled, they present some form of user interface to get user name and password for the actual authentication.
Then they try to [[obtain an access token|00001012050200]].
If authentication is disabled, these steps are not needed.
To check for enabled authentication, you must send a HTTP POST request to the [[endpoint|00001012920000]] ''/x'' and you must specify the query parameter ''cmd=authenticated''.
Index: docs/manual/00001012080500.zettel
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title: API: Refresh internal data
role: manual
tags: #api #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20211230230441
-modified: 20250102212703
+modified: 20220923104836
Zettelstore maintains some internal data to allow faster operations.
One example is the [[content search|00001012051400]] for a term: Zettelstore does not need to scan all zettel to find all occurrences for the term.
-Instead, all words are stored internally, with a list of zettel where they occur.
+Instead, all word are stored internally, with a list of zettel where they occur.
Another example is the way to determine which zettel are stored in a [[ZIP file|00001004011200]].
Scanning a ZIP file is a lengthy operation, therefore Zettelstore maintains a directory of zettel for each ZIP file.
All these internal data may become stale.
-This should not happen, but when it comes e.g. to file handling, every operating system behaves differently in very subtle ways.
+This should not happen, but when it comes e.g. to file handling, every operating systems behaves differently in very subtle ways.
To avoid stopping and re-starting Zettelstore, you can use the API to force Zettelstore to refresh its internal data if you think it is needed.
To do this, you must send a HTTP POST request to the [[endpoint|00001012920000]] ''/x'' and you must specify the query parameter ''cmd=refresh''.
Index: docs/manual/00001012920516.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001012920516.zettel
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title: Sz Encoding
role: manual
tags: #api #manual #reference #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20220422181104
-modified: 20250102214350
+modified: 20230403161458
A zettel representation that is a [[s-expression|00001012930000]] (also known as symbolic expression).
-It is (relatively) easy to parse and contains all relevant information of metadata, content or the whole zettel.
-For example, take a look at the Sz encoding of this page, which is available on the ""Info"" sub-page of this zettel:
+It is (relatively) easy to parse and contain all relevant information of a zettel, metadata and content.
+For example, take a look at the Sz encoding of this page, which is available via the ""Info"" sub-page of this zettel:
* [[//z/00001012920516?enc=sz&part=zettel]],
* [[//z/00001012920516?enc=sz&part=meta]],
* [[//z/00001012920516?enc=sz&part=content]].
-Some zettel provide a more detailed description of the [[Sz encoding|00001012931000]].
+Some zettel describe the [[Sz encoding|00001012931000]] in a more detailed way.
If transferred via HTTP, the content type will be ''text/plain''.
Index: docs/manual/00001012920525.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001012920525.zettel
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title: SHTML Encoding
role: manual
tags: #api #manual #reference #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20230316181044
-modified: 20250102180003
+modified: 20230403150657
A zettel representation that is a [[s-expression|00001012930000]], syntactically similar to the [[Sz encoding|00001012920516]], but denotes [[HTML|00001012920510]] semantics.
It is derived from a XML encoding in s-expressions, called [[SXML|]].
It is (relatively) easy to parse and contains everything to transform it into real HTML.
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=== Syntax of SHTML
There are only two types of elements: atoms and lists, similar to the Sz encoding.
A list always starts with the left parenthesis (""''(''"", U+0028) and ends with a right parenthesis (""'')''"", U+0029).
A list may contain a possibly empty sequence of elements, i.e. lists and / or atoms.
-Before the last element of a list of at least two elements, a full stop character (""''.''"", U+002E) signal a pair as the last two elements.
+Before the last element of a list of at least to elements, a full stop character (""''.''"", U+002E) signal a pair as the last two elements.
This allows a more space economic storage of data.
An HTML tag like ``< a href="link">Text`` is encoded in SHTML with a list, where the first element is a symbol named a the tag.
The second element is an optional encoding of the tag's attributes.
Further elements are either other tag encodings or a string.
The above tag is encoded as ``(a (@ (href . "link")) "Text")``.
Also possible is to encode the attribute without pairs: ``(a (@ (href "link")) "Text")`` (note the missing full stop character).
Index: docs/manual/00001012930500.zettel
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title: Syntax of Symbolic Expressions
role: manual
tags: #manual #reference #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20230403151127
-modified: 20250102175559
+modified: 20240413160345
=== Syntax of lists
A list always starts with the left parenthesis (""''(''"", U+0028) and ends with a right parenthesis (""'')''"", U+0029).
A list may contain a possibly empty sequence of elements, i.e. lists and / or atoms.
@@ -55,23 +55,23 @@
A number is a non-empty sequence of digits (""0"" ... ""9"").
The smallest number is ``0``, there are no negative numbers.
=== Syntax of symbols (atom)
A symbol is a non-empty sequence of printable characters, except left or right parenthesis.
-Unicode characters of the following categories contain printable characters in the above sense: letter (L), number (N), punctuation (P), symbol (S).
+Unicode characters of the following categories contains printable characters in the above sense: letter (L), number (N), punctuation (P), symbol (S).
Symbols are case-sensitive, i.e. ""''ZETTEL''"" and ""''zettel''"" denote different symbols.
-=== Syntax of strings (atom)
+=== Syntax of string (atom)
A string starts with a quotation mark (""''"''"", U+0022), contains a possibly empty sequence of Unicode characters, and ends with a quotation mark.
-To allow a string to contain a quotation mark, it must be prefixed by one backslash (""''\\''"", U+005C).
+To allow a string to contain a quotations mark, it must be prefixed by one backslash (""''\\''"", U+005C).
To allow a string to contain a backslash, it also must be prefixed by one backslash.
-Unicode characters with a code less than U+FF are encoded by the sequence ""''\\xNM''"", where ''NM'' is the hex encoding of the character.
-Unicode characters with a code less than U+FFFF are encoded by the sequence ""''\\uNMOP''"", where ''NMOP'' is the hex encoding of the character.
-Unicode characters with a code less than U+FFFFFF are encoded by the sequence ""''\\UNMOPQR''"", where ''NMOPQR'' is the hex encoding of the character.
+Unicode characters with a code less than U+FF are encoded by by the sequence ""''\\xNM''"", where ''NM'' is the hex encoding of the character.
+Unicode characters with a code less than U+FFFF are encoded by by the sequence ""''\\uNMOP''"", where ''NMOP'' is the hex encoding of the character.
+Unicode characters with a code less than U+FFFFFF are encoded by by the sequence ""''\\UNMOPQR''"", where ''NMOPQR'' is the hex encoding of the character.
In addition, the sequence ""''\\t''"" encodes a horizontal tab (U+0009), the sequence ""''\\n''"" encodes a line feed (U+000A).
=== See also
* Currently, Zettelstore uses [[Sx|]] (""Symbolic eXpression framework"") to implement symbolic expressions.
The project page might contain additional information about the full syntax.
- Zettelstore only uses lists, numbers, strings, and symbols to represent zettel.
+ Zettelstore only uses lists, numbers, string, and symbols to represent zettel.
Index: docs/manual/00001012931000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001012931000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001012931000.zettel
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title: Encoding of Sz
role: manual
tags: #api #manual #reference #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20230403153903
-modified: 20250102213403
+modified: 20240123120319
Zettel in a [[Sz encoding|00001012920516]] are represented as a [[symbolic expression|00001012930000]].
To process these symbolic expressions, you need to know, how a specific part of a zettel is represented by a symbolic expression.
Basically, each part of a zettel is represented as a list, often a nested list.
-The first element of that list is always a unique symbol, which denotes that part.
+The first element of that list is always an unique symbol, which denotes that part.
The meaning / semantic of all other elements depend on that symbol.
=== Zettel
A full zettel is represented by a list of two elements.
The first elements represents the metadata, the second element represents the zettel content.
Index: docs/manual/00001012931200.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001012931200.zettel
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title: Encoding of Sz Metadata
role: manual
tags: #api #manual #reference #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20230403161618
-modified: 20250115172406
+modified: 20240219161848
A single metadata (""metadatum"") is represented by a triple: a symbol representing the type, a symbol representing the key, and either a string or a list that represent the value.
The symbol depends on the [[metadata key type|00001006030000]].
The value also depends somehow on the key type: a set of values is represented as a list, all other values are represented by a string, even if it is a number.
@@ -22,13 +22,14 @@
| [[String|00001006033500]] | ''STRING'' | string
| [[TagSet|00001006034000]] | ''TAG-SET'' | ListValue
| [[Timestamp|00001006034500]] | ''TIMESTAMP'' | string
| [[URL|00001006035000]] | ''URL'' | string
| [[Word|00001006035500]] | ''WORD'' | string
+| [[Zettelmarkup|00001006036500]] | ''ZETTELMARKUP'' | string
__ListValue__ **=** ''('' String,,1,, String,,2,, … String,,n,, '')''.
* The title of this zettel is represented as: ''(EMPTY-STRING title "Encoding of Sz Metadata")''
* The tags of this zettel are represented as: ''(TAG-SET tags ("#api" "#manual" "#reference" "#zettelstore"))''
Index: docs/manual/00001012931400.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001012931400.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001012931400.zettel
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title: Encoding of Sz Block Elements
role: manual
tags: #api #manual #reference #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20230403161803
-modified: 20241216104739
+modified: 20240123120132
=== ''PARA''
__Paragraph__ **=** ''(PARA'' [[__InlineElement__|00001012931600]] … '')''.
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@
If it is a block, it may contain a nested list.
__Description__ **=** ''(DESCRIPTION'' __DescriptionTerm__ __DescriptionValues__ __DescriptionTerm__ __DescriptionValues__ … '')''.
-A description is a sequence of one or more terms and values.
+A description is a sequence of one ore more terms and values.
__DescriptionTerm__ **=** ''('' [[__InlineElement__|00001012931600]] … '')''.
A description term is just an inline-structured value.
@@ -124,11 +124,11 @@
__VerseRegion__ **=** ''(REGION-VERSE'' [[__Attributes__|00001012931000#attribute]] ''('' [[__BlockElement__|00001012931400]] … '')'' [[__InlineElement__|00001012931600]] … '')''.
A block region just treats the block to contain a verse.
-Soft line breaks are transformed into hard line breaks to save the structure of the verse / poem.
+Soft line break are transformed into hard line breaks to save the structure of the verse / poem.
Attributes may further specify something.
The inline typically describes author / source of the verse.
=== ''VERBATIM-*''
The following lists specifies some literal text of more than one line.
Index: docs/manual/00001012931600.zettel
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title: Encoding of Sz Inline Elements
role: manual
tags: #api #manual #reference #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20230403161845
-modified: 20250102221540
+modified: 20240620170546
=== ''TEXT''
__Text__ **=** ''(TEXT'' String '')''.
@@ -94,11 +94,11 @@
__EmbedBLOB__ **=** ''(EMBED-BLOB'' [[__Attributes__|00001012931000#attribute]] String,,1,, String,,2,, '')''.
If used if some processed image has to be embedded inside some inline material.
The first string specifies the syntax of the image content.
The second string contains the image content.
-If the syntax is ""SVG"", the image content is not encoded further.
+If the syntax is ""SVG"", the image content is not further encoded.
Otherwise a base64 encoding is used.
=== ''CITE''
__CiteBLOB__ **=** ''(CITE'' [[__Attributes__|00001012931000#attribute]] String [[__InlineElement__|00001012931600]] … '')''.
@@ -140,11 +140,11 @@
The inline text should be treated as inserted.
__MarkFormat__ **=** ''(FORMAT-MARK'' [[__Attributes__|00001012931000#attribute]] [[__InlineElement__|00001012931600]] … '')''.
-The inline text should be treated as highlighted for the reader (but was not important to the original author).
+The inline text should be treated as highlighted for the reader (but was not important fto the original author).
__QuoteFormat__ **=** ''(FORMAT-QUOTE'' [[__Attributes__|00001012931000#attribute]] [[__InlineElement__|00001012931600]] … '')''.
The inline text should be treated as quoted text.
@@ -189,21 +189,21 @@
The string contains text that should be treated as HTML code.
__InputLiteral__ **=** ''(LITERAL-INPUT'' [[__Attributes__|00001012931000#attribute]] String '')''.
-The string contains text that should be treated as input entered by a user.
+The string contains text that should be treated as input entered by an user.
__MathLiteral__ **=** ''(LITERAL-MATH'' [[__Attributes__|00001012931000#attribute]] String '')''.
The string contains text that should be treated as special code to be interpreted as mathematical formulas.
__OutputLiteral__ **=** ''(LITERAL-OUTPUT'' [[__Attributes__|00001012931000#attribute]] String '')''.
-The string contains text that should be treated as computer output to be read by a user.
+The string contains text that should be treated as computer output to be read by an user.
__ZettelLiteral__ **=** ''(LITERAL-ZETTEL'' [[__Attributes__|00001012931000#attribute]] String '')''.
The string contains text that should be treated as (nested) zettel content.
Index: docs/manual/00001012931900.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001012931900.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001012931900.zettel
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title: Encoding of Sz Reference Values
role: manual
tags: #api #manual #reference #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20230405123046
-modified: 20250102172048
+modified: 20240122094720
A reference is encoded as the actual reference value, and a symbol describing the state of that actual reference value.
__Reference__ **=** ''('' __ReferenceState__ String '')''.
@@ -28,15 +28,15 @@
: The reference value is a reference to the same zettel, to a specific mark.
; ''FOUND''
: The reference value is a valid reference to an existing zettel.
This value is only possible after evaluating the zettel.
; ''BROKEN''
-: The reference value is a valid reference to a missing zettel.
+: The reference value is a valid reference to an missing zettel.
This value is only possible after evaluating the zettel.
; ''HOSTED''
: The reference value starts with one slash character, denoting an absolute local reference.
; ''BASED''
: The reference value starts with two slash characters, denoting a local reference interpreted relative to the Zettelstore base URL.
; ''QUERY''
: The reference value contains a query expression.
: The reference value contains a full URL, referencing a resource outside of the Zettelstore server.
Index: docs/manual/00001017000000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001017000000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001017000000.zettel
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title: Tips and Tricks
role: manual
tags: #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20220803170112
-modified: 20250102190553
+modified: 20231012154803
=== Welcome Zettel
* **Problem:** You want to put your Zettelstore into the public and need a starting zettel for your users.
In addition, you still want a ""home zettel"", with all your references to internal, non-public zettel.
- Zettelstore only allows specifying one [[''home-zettel''|00001004020000#home-zettel]].
+ Zettelstore only allows to specify one [[''home-zettel''|00001004020000#home-zettel]].
* **Solution 1:**
*# Create a new zettel with all your references to internal, non-public zettel.
Let's assume this zettel receives the zettel identifier ''20220803182600''.
*# Create the zettel that should serve as the starting zettel for your users.
It must have syntax [[Zettelmarkup|00001008000000#zmk]], i.e. the syntax metadata must be set to ''zmk''.
- If needed, set the runtime configuration [[''home-zettel''|00001004020000#home-zettel]] to the value of the identifier of this zettel.
+ If needed, set the runtime configuration [[''home-zettel|00001004020000#home-zettel]] to the value of the identifier of this zettel.
*# At the beginning of the start zettel, add the following [[Zettelmarkup|00001007000000]] text in a separate paragraph: ``{{{20220803182600}}}`` (you have to adapt to the actual value of the zettel identifier for your non-public home zettel).
* **Discussion:** As stated in the description for a [[transclusion|00001007031100]], a transclusion will be ignored, if the transcluded zettel is not visible to the current user.
In effect, the transclusion statement (above paragraph that contained ''{{{...}}}'') is ignored when rendering the zettel.
* **Solution 2:** Set a user-specific value by adding metadata ''home-zettel'' to the [[user zettel|00001010040200]].
* **Discussion:** A value for ''home-zettel'' is first searched in the user zettel of the current authenticated user.
@@ -46,20 +46,20 @@
For example, if you also want the role ""configuration"" to be rendered using that CSS, the code should be something like ``(set! CSS-ROLE-map '(("zettel" . "20220825200100") ("configuration" . "20220825200100")))``.
* **Discussion:** you have to ensure that the CSS zettel is allowed to be read by the intended audience of the zettel with that given role.
For example, if you made zettel with a specific role public visible, the CSS zettel must also have a [[''visibility: public''|00001010070200]] metadata.
=== Zettel synchronization with iCloud (Apple)
-* **Problem:** You use Zettelstore on various macOS computers and you want to use the same set of zettel across all computers.
+* **Problem:** You use Zettelstore on various macOS computers and you want to use the sameset of zettel across all computers.
* **Solution:** Place your zettel in an iCloud folder.
- To configure Zettelstore to use the folder, you must specify its location within your directory structure as [[''box-uri-X''|00001004010000#box-uri-x]] (replace ''X'' with an appropriate number).
+ To configure Zettelstore to use the folder, you must specify its location within you directory structure as [[''box-uri-X''|00001004010000#box-uri-x]] (replace ''X'' with an appropriate number).
Your iCloud folder is typically placed in the folder ''~/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs''.
The ""''~''"" is a shortcut and specifies your home folder.
Unfortunately, Zettelstore does not yet support this shortcut.
Therefore you must replace it with the absolute name of your home folder.
- In addition, a space character is not allowed in a URI.
+ In addition, a space character is not allowed in an URI.
You have to replace it with the sequence ""''%20''"".
Let us assume, that you stored your zettel box inside the folder ""zettel"", which is located top-level in your iCloud folder.
In this case, you must specify the following box URI within the startup configuration: ''box-uri-1: dir:///Users/USERNAME/Library/Mobile%20Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/zettel'', replacing ''USERNAME'' with the username of that specific computer (and assuming you want to use it as the first box).
* **Solution 2:** If you typically start your Zettelstore on the command line, you could use the ''-d DIR'' option for the [[''run''|00001004051000#d]] sub-command.
@@ -67,14 +67,14 @@
''zettelstore run -d ~/Library/Mobile\\ Documents/com\\~apple\\~CloudDocs/zettel''
(The ""''\\''"" is needed by the command line processor to mask the following character to be processed in unintended ways.)
* **Discussion:** Zettel files are synchronized between your computers via iCloud.
- It does not matter, if one of your computers is offline or switched off.
+ Is does not matter, if one of your computer is offline / switched off.
iCloud will synchronize the zettel files if it later comes online.
However, if you use more than one computer simultaneously, you must be aware that synchronization takes some time.
- It might take several seconds, maybe longer, that the new version of a zettel appears on the other computer.
+ It might take several seconds, maybe longer, that new new version of a zettel appears on the other computer.
If you update the same zettel on multiple computers at nearly the same time, iCloud will not be able to synchronize the different versions in a safe manner.
Zettelstore is intentionally not aware of any synchronization within its zettel boxes.
If Zettelstore behaves strangely after a synchronization took place, the page about [[Troubleshooting|00001018000000#working-with-files]] might contain some useful information.
Index: docs/manual/00001018000000.zettel
--- docs/manual/00001018000000.zettel
+++ docs/manual/00001018000000.zettel
@@ -2,38 +2,38 @@
title: Troubleshooting
role: manual
tags: #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
created: 20211027105921
-modified: 20250106180049
+modified: 20241212153148
This page lists some problems and their solutions that may occur when using your Zettelstore.
=== Installation
* **Problem:** When you double-click on the Zettelstore executable icon, macOS complains that Zettelstore is an application from an unknown developer.
Therefore, it will not start Zettelstore.
** **Solution:** Press the ''Ctrl'' key while opening the context menu of the Zettelstore executable with a right-click.
A dialog is then opened where you can acknowledge that you understand the possible risks when you start Zettelstore.
- This dialog is only presented once for a given Zettelstore executable.
+ This dialog is only resented once for a given Zettelstore executable.
* **Problem:** When you double-click on the Zettelstore executable icon, Windows complains that Zettelstore is an application from an unknown developer.
** **Solution:** Windows displays a dialog where you can acknowledge possible risks and allow to start Zettelstore.
=== Authentication
* **Problem:** [[Authentication is enabled|00001010040100]] for a local running Zettelstore and there is a valid [[user zettel|00001010040200]] for the owner.
But entering user name and password at the [[web user interface|00001014000000]] seems to be ignored, while entering a wrong password will result in an error message.
** **Explanation:** A local running Zettelstore typically means, that you are accessing the Zettelstore using an URL with schema ''http://'', and not ''https://'', for example ''http://localhost:23123''.
The difference between these two is the missing encryption of user name / password and for the answer of the Zettelstore if you use the ''http://'' schema.
To be secure by default, the Zettelstore will not work in an insecure environment.
-** **Solution 1:** If you are sure that your communication medium is safe, even if you use the ''http:/\/'' schema (for example, you are running the Zettelstore on the same computer you are working on, or if the Zettelstore is running on a computer in your protected local network), then you could add the entry ''insecure-cookie: true'' in your [[startup configuration|00001004010000#insecure-cookie]] file.
+** **Solution 1:** If you are sure that your communication medium is safe, even if you use the ''http:/\/'' schema (for example, you are running the Zettelstore on the same computer you are working on, or if the Zettelstore is running on a computer in your protected local network), then you could add the entry ''insecure-cookie: true'' in you [[startup configuration|00001004010000#insecure-cookie]] file.
** **Solution 2:** If you are not sure about the security of your communication medium (for example, if unknown persons might use your local network), then you should run an [[external server|00001010090100]] in front of your Zettelstore to enable the use of the ''https://'' schema.
=== Working with Zettel Files
-* **Problem:** When you delete a zettel file by removing it from the ""disk"", e.g. by dropping it into the trash folder, by dragging into another folder, or by removing it from the command line, Zettelstore sometimes does not detect the change.
+* **Problem:** When you delete a zettel file by removing it from the ""disk"", e.g. by dropping it into the trash folder, by dragging into another folder, or by removing it from the command line, Zettelstore sometimes did not detect that change.
If you access the zettel via Zettelstore, an error is reported.
** **Explanation:** Sometimes, the operating system does not tell Zettelstore about the removed zettel.
This occurs mostly under MacOS.
-** **Solution 1:** If you are running Zettelstore in [[""simple-mode""|00001004051100]] or if you have enabled [[''expert-mode''|00001004020000#expert-mode]], you are allowed to refresh the internal data by selecting ""Refresh"" in the Web User Interface (you can find in the menu ""Lists"").
+** **Solution 1:** If you are running Zettelstore in [[""simple-mode""|00001004051100]] or if you have enabled [[''expert-mode''|00001004020000#expert-mode]], you are allowed to refresh the internal data by selecting ""Refresh"" in the Web User Interface (you find it in the menu ""Lists"").
** **Solution 2:** There is an [[API|00001012080500]] call to make Zettelstore aware of this change.
** **Solution 3:** If you have an enabled [[Administrator Console|00001004100000]] you can use the command [[''refresh''|00001004101000#refresh]] to make your changes visible.
** **Solution 4:** You configure the zettel box as [[""simple""|00001004011400]].
=== HTML content is not shown
Index: encoder/encoder.go
--- encoder/encoder.go
+++ encoder/encoder.go
@@ -19,22 +19,26 @@
- ""
+ ""
// Encoder is an interface that allows to encode different parts of a zettel.
type Encoder interface {
- WriteZettel(io.Writer, *ast.ZettelNode) (int, error)
- WriteMeta(io.Writer, *meta.Meta) (int, error)
+ WriteZettel(io.Writer, *ast.ZettelNode, EvalMetaFunc) (int, error)
+ WriteMeta(io.Writer, *meta.Meta, EvalMetaFunc) (int, error)
WriteContent(io.Writer, *ast.ZettelNode) (int, error)
WriteBlocks(io.Writer, *ast.BlockSlice) (int, error)
WriteInlines(io.Writer, *ast.InlineSlice) (int, error)
+// EvalMetaFunc is a function that takes a string of metadata and returns
+// a list of syntax elements.
+type EvalMetaFunc func(string) ast.InlineSlice
// Some errors to signal when encoder methods are not implemented.
var (
ErrNoWriteZettel = errors.New("method WriteZettel is not implemented")
ErrNoWriteMeta = errors.New("method WriteMeta is not implemented")
Index: encoder/encoder_blob_test.go
--- encoder/encoder_blob_test.go
+++ encoder/encoder_blob_test.go
@@ -14,15 +14,16 @@
package encoder_test
import (
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
_ "" // Allow to use BLOB parser.
type blobTestCase struct {
@@ -51,12 +52,12 @@
func TestBlob(t *testing.T) {
m := meta.New(id.Invalid)
- m.Set(meta.KeyTitle, "PNG")
+ m.Set(api.KeyTitle, "PNG")
for testNum, tc := range pngTestCases {
inp := input.NewInput(tc.blob)
- bs := parser.ParseBlocks(inp, m, "png", config.NoHTML)
- checkEncodings(t, testNum, bs, false, tc.descr, tc.expect, "???")
+ pe := &peBlocks{bs: parser.ParseBlocks(inp, m, "png", config.NoHTML)}
+ checkEncodings(t, testNum, pe, tc.descr, tc.expect, "???")
Index: encoder/encoder_inline_test.go
--- encoder/encoder_inline_test.go
+++ encoder/encoder_inline_test.go
@@ -635,10 +635,34 @@
encoderSHTML: `((img (@ (src . "abc"))))`,
encoderText: ``,
encoderZmk: useZmk,
+ {
+ descr: "Inline HTML Zettel",
+ zmk: `@@@@{="html"}`,
+ expect: expectMap{
+ encoderHTML: ``,
+ encoderMD: "",
+ encoderSz: `(INLINE)`,
+ encoderSHTML: `()`,
+ encoderText: ``,
+ encoderZmk: ``,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ descr: "Inline Text Zettel",
+ zmk: `@@@@{="text"}`,
+ expect: expectMap{
+ encoderHTML: ``,
+ encoderMD: "",
+ encoderSz: `(INLINE (LITERAL-ZETTEL (("" . "text")) ""))`,
+ encoderSHTML: `(())`,
+ encoderText: ``,
+ encoderZmk: useZmk,
+ },
+ },
descr: "",
zmk: ``,
expect: expectMap{
encoderHTML: ``,
Index: encoder/encoder_test.go
--- encoder/encoder_test.go
+++ encoder/encoder_test.go
@@ -18,23 +18,24 @@
- ""
+ ""
- _ "" // Allow to use HTML encoder.
- _ "" // Allow to use markdown encoder.
- _ "" // Allow to use SHTML encoder.
- _ "" // Allow to use sz encoder.
- _ "" // Allow to use text encoder.
- _ "" // Allow to use zmk encoder.
+ _ "" // Allow to use HTML encoder.
+ _ "" // Allow to use markdown encoder.
+ _ "" // Allow to use SHTML encoder.
+ _ "" // Allow to use sz encoder.
+ _ "" // Allow to use text encoder.
+ _ "" // Allow to use zmk encoder.
+ ""
_ "" // Allow to use zettelmark parser.
type zmkTestCase struct {
descr string
@@ -63,26 +64,33 @@
func executeTestCases(t *testing.T, testCases []zmkTestCase) {
for testNum, tc := range testCases {
inp := input.NewInput([]byte(tc.zmk))
- bs := parser.ParseBlocks(inp, nil, meta.ValueSyntaxZmk, config.NoHTML)
- checkEncodings(t, testNum, bs, tc.inline, tc.descr, tc.expect, tc.zmk)
- checkSz(t, testNum, bs, tc.inline, tc.descr)
+ var pe parserEncoder
+ if tc.inline {
+ is := parser.ParseInlines(inp, meta.SyntaxZmk)
+ cleaner.CleanInlineSlice(&is)
+ pe = &peInlines{is: is}
+ } else {
+ pe = &peBlocks{bs: parser.ParseBlocks(inp, nil, meta.SyntaxZmk, config.NoHTML)}
+ }
+ checkEncodings(t, testNum, pe, tc.descr, tc.expect, tc.zmk)
+ checkSz(t, testNum, pe, tc.descr)
-func checkEncodings(t *testing.T, testNum int, bs ast.BlockSlice, isInline bool, descr string, expected expectMap, zmkDefault string) {
+func checkEncodings(t *testing.T, testNum int, pe parserEncoder, descr string, expected expectMap, zmkDefault string) {
for enc, exp := range expected {
- encdr := encoder.Create(enc, &encoder.CreateParameter{Lang: meta.ValueLangEN})
- got, err := encode(encdr, bs, isInline)
+ encdr := encoder.Create(enc, &encoder.CreateParameter{Lang: api.ValueLangEN})
+ got, err := pe.encode(encdr)
if err != nil {
prefix := fmt.Sprintf("Test #%d", testNum)
if d := descr; d != "" {
prefix += "\nReason: " + d
- prefix += "\nMode: " + mode(isInline)
+ prefix += "\nMode: " + pe.mode()
t.Errorf("%s\nEncoder: %s\nError: %v", prefix, enc, err)
if enc == api.EncoderZmk && exp == useZmk {
exp = zmkDefault
@@ -90,20 +98,20 @@
if got != exp {
prefix := fmt.Sprintf("Test #%d", testNum)
if d := descr; d != "" {
prefix += "\nReason: " + d
- prefix += "\nMode: " + mode(isInline)
+ prefix += "\nMode: " + pe.mode()
t.Errorf("%s\nEncoder: %s\nExpected: %q\nGot: %q", prefix, enc, exp, got)
-func checkSz(t *testing.T, testNum int, bs ast.BlockSlice, isInline bool, descr string) {
+func checkSz(t *testing.T, testNum int, pe parserEncoder, descr string) {
encdr := encoder.Create(encoderSz, nil)
- exp, err := encode(encdr, bs, isInline)
+ exp, err := pe.encode(encdr)
if err != nil {
val, err := sxreader.MakeReader(strings.NewReader(exp)).Read()
@@ -115,32 +123,42 @@
if exp != got {
prefix := fmt.Sprintf("Test #%d", testNum)
if d := descr; d != "" {
prefix += "\nReason: " + d
- prefix += "\nMode: " + mode(isInline)
+ prefix += "\nMode: " + pe.mode()
t.Errorf("%s\n\nExpected: %q\nGot: %q", prefix, exp, got)
-func encode(e encoder.Encoder, bs ast.BlockSlice, isInline bool) (string, error) {
- var sb strings.Builder
- if !isInline {
- _, err := e.WriteBlocks(&sb, &bs)
- return sb.String(), err
- }
- var is ast.InlineSlice
- if len(bs) > 0 {
- if pn, ok := bs[0].(*ast.ParaNode); ok {
- is = pn.Inlines
- }
- }
- _, err := e.WriteInlines(&sb, &is)
- return sb.String(), err
-func mode(isInline bool) string {
- if isInline {
- return "inline"
- }
- return "block"
+type parserEncoder interface {
+ encode(encoder.Encoder) (string, error)
+ mode() string
+type peInlines struct {
+ is ast.InlineSlice
+func (in peInlines) encode(encdr encoder.Encoder) (string, error) {
+ var sb strings.Builder
+ if _, err := encdr.WriteInlines(&sb, &; err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return sb.String(), nil
+func (peInlines) mode() string { return "inline" }
+type peBlocks struct {
+ bs ast.BlockSlice
+func (bl peBlocks) encode(encdr encoder.Encoder) (string, error) {
+ var sb strings.Builder
+ if _, err := encdr.WriteBlocks(&sb, &; err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return sb.String(), nil
+func (peBlocks) mode() string { return "block" }
Index: encoder/htmlenc/htmlenc.go
--- encoder/htmlenc/htmlenc.go
+++ encoder/htmlenc/htmlenc.go
@@ -19,17 +19,17 @@
- ""
+ ""
func init() {
@@ -56,22 +56,22 @@
lang string
textEnc *textenc.Encoder
// WriteZettel encodes a full zettel as HTML5.
-func (he *Encoder) WriteZettel(w io.Writer, zn *ast.ZettelNode) (int, error) {
+func (he *Encoder) WriteZettel(w io.Writer, zn *ast.ZettelNode, evalMeta encoder.EvalMetaFunc) (int, error) {
env := shtml.MakeEnvironment(he.lang)
- hm, err :=, &env)
+ hm, err :=, evalMeta), &env)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
var isTitle ast.InlineSlice
var htitle *sx.Pair
- plainTitle, hasTitle := zn.InhMeta.Get(meta.KeyTitle)
+ plainTitle, hasTitle := zn.InhMeta.Get(api.KeyTitle)
if hasTitle {
- isTitle = parser.ParseSpacedText(string(plainTitle))
+ isTitle = parser.ParseSpacedText(plainTitle)
xtitle := he.tx.GetSz(&isTitle)
htitle, err =, &env)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
@@ -107,21 +107,21 @@
doc := sx.MakeList(
- sx.MakeList(shtml.SymHTML, head.List(), body.List()),
+ sx.MakeList(shtml.SymHtml, head.List(), body.List()),
gen := sxhtml.NewGenerator().SetNewline()
return gen.WriteHTML(w, doc)
// WriteMeta encodes meta data as HTML5.
-func (he *Encoder) WriteMeta(w io.Writer, m *meta.Meta) (int, error) {
+func (he *Encoder) WriteMeta(w io.Writer, m *meta.Meta, evalMeta encoder.EvalMetaFunc) (int, error) {
env := shtml.MakeEnvironment(he.lang)
- hm, err :=, &env)
+ hm, err :=, evalMeta), &env)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
gen := sxhtml.NewGenerator().SetNewline()
return gen.WriteListHTML(w, hm)
Index: encoder/mdenc/mdenc.go
--- encoder/mdenc/mdenc.go
+++ encoder/mdenc/mdenc.go
@@ -17,14 +17,14 @@
import (
- ""
+ ""
func init() {
@@ -41,13 +41,13 @@
type Encoder struct {
lang string
// WriteZettel writes the encoded zettel to the writer.
-func (me *Encoder) WriteZettel(w io.Writer, zn *ast.ZettelNode) (int, error) {
+func (me *Encoder) WriteZettel(w io.Writer, zn *ast.ZettelNode, evalMeta encoder.EvalMetaFunc) (int, error) {
v := newVisitor(w, me.lang)
- v.acceptMeta(zn.InhMeta)
+ v.acceptMeta(zn.InhMeta, evalMeta)
if zn.InhMeta.YamlSep {
} else {
@@ -55,20 +55,28 @@
length, err := v.b.Flush()
return length, err
// WriteMeta encodes meta data as markdown.
-func (me *Encoder) WriteMeta(w io.Writer, m *meta.Meta) (int, error) {
+func (me *Encoder) WriteMeta(w io.Writer, m *meta.Meta, evalMeta encoder.EvalMetaFunc) (int, error) {
v := newVisitor(w, me.lang)
- v.acceptMeta(m)
+ v.acceptMeta(m, evalMeta)
length, err := v.b.Flush()
return length, err
-func (v *visitor) acceptMeta(m *meta.Meta) {
- for key, val := range m.Computed() {
- v.b.WriteStrings(key, ": ", string(val), "\n")
+func (v *visitor) acceptMeta(m *meta.Meta, evalMeta encoder.EvalMetaFunc) {
+ for _, p := range m.ComputedPairs() {
+ key := p.Key
+ v.b.WriteStrings(key, ": ")
+ if meta.Type(key) == meta.TypeZettelmarkup {
+ is := evalMeta(p.Value)
+ ast.Walk(v, &is)
+ } else {
+ v.b.WriteString(p.Value)
+ }
+ v.b.WriteByte('\n')
// WriteContent encodes the zettel content.
func (me *Encoder) WriteContent(w io.Writer, zn *ast.ZettelNode) (int, error) {
@@ -172,11 +180,11 @@
func (v *visitor) visitVerbatim(vn *ast.VerbatimNode) {
lc := len(vn.Content)
- if vn.Kind != ast.VerbatimCode || lc == 0 {
+ if vn.Kind != ast.VerbatimProg || lc == 0 {
lcm1 := lc - 1
for i := 0; i < lc; i++ {
@@ -389,15 +397,15 @@
func (v *visitor) visitLiteral(ln *ast.LiteralNode) {
switch ln.Kind {
- case ast.LiteralCode, ast.LiteralInput, ast.LiteralOutput:
+ case ast.LiteralProg, ast.LiteralInput, ast.LiteralOutput:
- case ast.LiteralComment: // ignore everything
+ case ast.LiteralComment, ast.LiteralHTML: // ignore everything
Index: encoder/shtmlenc/shtmlenc.go
--- encoder/shtmlenc/shtmlenc.go
+++ encoder/shtmlenc/shtmlenc.go
@@ -17,15 +17,15 @@
import (
- ""
+ ""
func init() {
encoder.Register(api.EncoderSHTML, func(params *encoder.CreateParameter) encoder.Encoder { return Create(params) })
@@ -47,13 +47,13 @@
th *shtml.Evaluator
lang string
// WriteZettel writes the encoded zettel to the writer.
-func (enc *Encoder) WriteZettel(w io.Writer, zn *ast.ZettelNode) (int, error) {
+func (enc *Encoder) WriteZettel(w io.Writer, zn *ast.ZettelNode, evalMeta encoder.EvalMetaFunc) (int, error) {
env := shtml.MakeEnvironment(enc.lang)
- metaSHTML, err :=, &env)
+ metaSHTML, err :=, evalMeta), &env)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
contentSHTML, err :=, &env)
if err != nil {
@@ -62,13 +62,13 @@
result := sx.Cons(metaSHTML, contentSHTML)
return result.Print(w)
// WriteMeta encodes meta data as s-expression.
-func (enc *Encoder) WriteMeta(w io.Writer, m *meta.Meta) (int, error) {
+func (enc *Encoder) WriteMeta(w io.Writer, m *meta.Meta, evalMeta encoder.EvalMetaFunc) (int, error) {
env := shtml.MakeEnvironment(enc.lang)
- metaSHTML, err :=, &env)
+ metaSHTML, err :=, evalMeta), &env)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return sx.Print(w, metaSHTML)
Index: encoder/szenc/szenc.go
--- encoder/szenc/szenc.go
+++ encoder/szenc/szenc.go
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@
import (
- ""
+ ""
func init() {
encoder.Register(api.EncoderSz, func(*encoder.CreateParameter) encoder.Encoder { return Create() })
@@ -39,19 +39,19 @@
type Encoder struct {
trans *Transformer
// WriteZettel writes the encoded zettel to the writer.
-func (enc *Encoder) WriteZettel(w io.Writer, zn *ast.ZettelNode) (int, error) {
+func (enc *Encoder) WriteZettel(w io.Writer, zn *ast.ZettelNode, evalMeta encoder.EvalMetaFunc) (int, error) {
content := enc.trans.GetSz(&zn.Ast)
- meta := enc.trans.GetMeta(zn.InhMeta)
+ meta := enc.trans.GetMeta(zn.InhMeta, evalMeta)
return sx.MakeList(meta, content).Print(w)
// WriteMeta encodes meta data as s-expression.
-func (enc *Encoder) WriteMeta(w io.Writer, m *meta.Meta) (int, error) {
- return enc.trans.GetMeta(m).Print(w)
+func (enc *Encoder) WriteMeta(w io.Writer, m *meta.Meta, evalMeta encoder.EvalMetaFunc) (int, error) {
+ return enc.trans.GetMeta(m, evalMeta).Print(w)
// WriteContent encodes the zettel content.
func (enc *Encoder) WriteContent(w io.Writer, zn *ast.ZettelNode) (int, error) {
return enc.WriteBlocks(w, &zn.Ast)
Index: encoder/szenc/transform.go
--- encoder/szenc/transform.go
+++ encoder/szenc/transform.go
@@ -18,13 +18,14 @@
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
// NewTransformer returns a new transformer to create s-expressions from AST nodes.
func NewTransformer() *Transformer {
t := Transformer{}
@@ -117,11 +118,11 @@
return sx.MakeList(sz.SymUnknown, sx.MakeString(fmt.Sprintf("%T %v", node, node)))
var mapVerbatimKindS = map[ast.VerbatimKind]*sx.Symbol{
ast.VerbatimZettel: sz.SymVerbatimZettel,
- ast.VerbatimCode: sz.SymVerbatimCode,
+ ast.VerbatimProg: sz.SymVerbatimProg,
ast.VerbatimEval: sz.SymVerbatimEval,
ast.VerbatimMath: sz.SymVerbatimMath,
ast.VerbatimComment: sz.SymVerbatimComment,
ast.VerbatimHTML: sz.SymVerbatimHTML,
@@ -137,14 +138,16 @@
ast.FormatMark: sz.SymFormatMark,
ast.FormatSpan: sz.SymFormatSpan,
var mapLiteralKindS = map[ast.LiteralKind]*sx.Symbol{
- ast.LiteralCode: sz.SymLiteralCode,
+ ast.LiteralZettel: sz.SymLiteralZettel,
+ ast.LiteralProg: sz.SymLiteralProg,
ast.LiteralInput: sz.SymLiteralInput,
ast.LiteralOutput: sz.SymLiteralOutput,
ast.LiteralComment: sz.SymLiteralComment,
+ ast.LiteralHTML: sz.SymLiteralHTML,
ast.LiteralMath: sz.SymLiteralMath,
var mapRegionKindS = map[ast.RegionKind]*sx.Symbol{
ast.RegionSpan: sz.SymRegionBlock,
@@ -206,24 +209,25 @@
return true
func (t *Transformer) getDescriptionList(dn *ast.DescriptionListNode) *sx.Pair {
- dlObjs := make(sx.Vector, 2*len(dn.Descriptions))
+ dlObjs := make(sx.Vector, 2*len(dn.Descriptions)+1)
+ dlObjs[0] = sz.SymDescription
for i, def := range dn.Descriptions {
- dlObjs[2*i] = t.getInlineList(def.Term)
+ dlObjs[2*i+1] = t.getInlineList(def.Term)
descObjs := make(sx.Vector, len(def.Descriptions))
for j, b := range def.Descriptions {
dVal := make(sx.Vector, len(b))
for k, dn := range b {
dVal[k] = t.GetSz(dn)
descObjs[j] = sx.MakeList(dVal...).Cons(sz.SymBlock)
- dlObjs[2*i+1] = sx.MakeList(descObjs...).Cons(sz.SymBlock)
+ dlObjs[2*i+2] = sx.MakeList(descObjs...).Cons(sz.SymBlock)
- return sx.MakeList(dlObjs...).Cons(sz.SymDescription)
+ return sx.MakeList(dlObjs...)
func (t *Transformer) getTable(tn *ast.TableNode) *sx.Pair {
tObjs := make(sx.Vector, len(tn.Rows)+2)
tObjs[0] = sz.SymTable
@@ -258,11 +262,11 @@
return t.getInlineList(cell.Inlines).Cons(mapGetS(alignmentSymbolS, cell.Align))
func (t *Transformer) getBLOB(bn *ast.BLOBNode) *sx.Pair {
var lastObj sx.Object
- if bn.Syntax == meta.ValueSyntaxSVG {
+ if bn.Syntax == meta.SyntaxSVG {
lastObj = sx.MakeString(string(bn.Blob))
} else {
lastObj = getBase64String(bn.Blob)
return sx.MakeList(
@@ -292,11 +296,11 @@
Cons(mapGetS(mapRefStateLink, ln.Ref.State))
func (t *Transformer) getEmbedBLOB(en *ast.EmbedBLOBNode) *sx.Pair {
tail := t.getInlineList(en.Inlines)
- if en.Syntax == meta.ValueSyntaxSVG {
+ if en.Syntax == meta.SyntaxSVG {
tail = tail.Cons(sx.MakeString(string(en.Blob)))
} else {
tail = tail.Cons(getBase64String(en.Blob))
return tail.Cons(sx.MakeString(en.Syntax)).Cons(getAttributes(en.Attrs)).Cons(sz.SymEmbedBLOB)
@@ -344,38 +348,44 @@
func getReference(ref *ast.Reference) *sx.Pair {
return sx.MakeList(mapGetS(mapRefStateS, ref.State), sx.MakeString(ref.Value))
var mapMetaTypeS = map[*meta.DescriptionType]*sx.Symbol{
- meta.TypeCredential: sz.SymTypeCredential,
- meta.TypeEmpty: sz.SymTypeEmpty,
- meta.TypeID: sz.SymTypeID,
- meta.TypeIDSet: sz.SymTypeIDSet,
- meta.TypeNumber: sz.SymTypeNumber,
- meta.TypeString: sz.SymTypeString,
- meta.TypeTagSet: sz.SymTypeTagSet,
- meta.TypeTimestamp: sz.SymTypeTimestamp,
- meta.TypeURL: sz.SymTypeURL,
- meta.TypeWord: sz.SymTypeWord,
+ meta.TypeCredential: sz.SymTypeCredential,
+ meta.TypeEmpty: sz.SymTypeEmpty,
+ meta.TypeID: sz.SymTypeID,
+ meta.TypeIDSet: sz.SymTypeIDSet,
+ meta.TypeNumber: sz.SymTypeNumber,
+ meta.TypeString: sz.SymTypeString,
+ meta.TypeTagSet: sz.SymTypeTagSet,
+ meta.TypeTimestamp: sz.SymTypeTimestamp,
+ meta.TypeURL: sz.SymTypeURL,
+ meta.TypeWord: sz.SymTypeWord,
+ meta.TypeZettelmarkup: sz.SymTypeZettelmarkup,
// GetMeta transforms the given metadata into a sx list.
-func (t *Transformer) GetMeta(m *meta.Meta) *sx.Pair {
- objs := sx.Vector{}
- for key, val := range m.Computed() {
+func (t *Transformer) GetMeta(m *meta.Meta, evalMeta encoder.EvalMetaFunc) *sx.Pair {
+ pairs := m.ComputedPairs()
+ objs := make(sx.Vector, 0, len(pairs))
+ for _, p := range pairs {
+ key := p.Key
ty := m.Type(key)
symType := mapGetS(mapMetaTypeS, ty)
var obj sx.Object
if ty.IsSet {
- setList := val.AsSlice()
+ setList := meta.ListFromValue(p.Value)
setObjs := make(sx.Vector, len(setList))
for i, val := range setList {
setObjs[i] = sx.MakeString(val)
obj = sx.MakeList(setObjs...)
+ } else if ty == meta.TypeZettelmarkup {
+ is := evalMeta(p.Value)
+ obj = t.getInlineList(is)
} else {
- obj = sx.MakeString(string(val))
+ obj = sx.MakeString(p.Value)
objs = append(objs, sx.Nil().Cons(obj).Cons(sx.MakeSymbol(key)).Cons(symType))
return sx.MakeList(objs...).Cons(sz.SymMeta)
Index: encoder/textenc/textenc.go
--- encoder/textenc/textenc.go
+++ encoder/textenc/textenc.go
@@ -14,17 +14,16 @@
// Package textenc encodes the abstract syntax tree into its text.
package textenc
import (
- "iter"
- ""
+ ""
func init() {
encoder.Register(api.EncoderText, func(*encoder.CreateParameter) encoder.Encoder { return Create() })
@@ -36,41 +35,43 @@
type Encoder struct{}
var myTE Encoder // Only a singleton is required.
// WriteZettel writes metadata and content.
-func (te *Encoder) WriteZettel(w io.Writer, zn *ast.ZettelNode) (int, error) {
+func (te *Encoder) WriteZettel(w io.Writer, zn *ast.ZettelNode, evalMeta encoder.EvalMetaFunc) (int, error) {
v := newVisitor(w)
- te.WriteMeta(&v.b, zn.InhMeta)
+ te.WriteMeta(&v.b, zn.InhMeta, evalMeta)
length, err := v.b.Flush()
return length, err
// WriteMeta encodes metadata as text.
-func (te *Encoder) WriteMeta(w io.Writer, m *meta.Meta) (int, error) {
+func (te *Encoder) WriteMeta(w io.Writer, m *meta.Meta, evalMeta encoder.EvalMetaFunc) (int, error) {
buf := encoder.NewEncWriter(w)
- for key, val := range m.Computed() {
- if meta.Type(key) == meta.TypeTagSet {
- writeTagSet(&buf, val.Elems())
- } else {
- buf.WriteString(string(val))
+ for _, pair := range m.ComputedPairs() {
+ switch meta.Type(pair.Key) {
+ case meta.TypeTagSet:
+ writeTagSet(&buf, meta.ListFromValue(pair.Value))
+ case meta.TypeZettelmarkup:
+ is := evalMeta(pair.Value)
+ te.WriteInlines(&buf, &is)
+ default:
+ buf.WriteString(pair.Value)
length, err := buf.Flush()
return length, err
-func writeTagSet(buf *encoder.EncWriter, tags iter.Seq[meta.Value]) {
- first := true
- for tag := range tags {
- if !first {
+func writeTagSet(buf *encoder.EncWriter, tags []string) {
+ for i, tag := range tags {
+ if i > 0 {
buf.WriteByte(' ')
- first = false
- buf.WriteString(string(tag.CleanTag()))
+ buf.WriteString(meta.CleanTag(tag))
// WriteContent encodes the zettel content.
Index: encoder/zmkenc/zmkenc.go
--- encoder/zmkenc/zmkenc.go
+++ encoder/zmkenc/zmkenc.go
@@ -17,17 +17,17 @@
import (
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
func init() {
encoder.Register(api.EncoderZmk, func(*encoder.CreateParameter) encoder.Encoder { return Create() })
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@
type Encoder struct{}
var myZE Encoder
// WriteZettel writes the encoded zettel to the writer.
-func (*Encoder) WriteZettel(w io.Writer, zn *ast.ZettelNode) (int, error) {
+func (*Encoder) WriteZettel(w io.Writer, zn *ast.ZettelNode, evalMeta encoder.EvalMetaFunc) (int, error) {
v := newVisitor(w)
- v.acceptMeta(zn.InhMeta)
+ v.acceptMeta(zn.InhMeta, evalMeta)
if zn.InhMeta.YamlSep {
} else {
@@ -53,20 +53,28 @@
length, err := v.b.Flush()
return length, err
// WriteMeta encodes meta data as zmk.
-func (*Encoder) WriteMeta(w io.Writer, m *meta.Meta) (int, error) {
+func (*Encoder) WriteMeta(w io.Writer, m *meta.Meta, evalMeta encoder.EvalMetaFunc) (int, error) {
v := newVisitor(w)
- v.acceptMeta(m)
+ v.acceptMeta(m, evalMeta)
length, err := v.b.Flush()
return length, err
-func (v *visitor) acceptMeta(m *meta.Meta) {
- for key, val := range m.Computed() {
- v.b.WriteStrings(key, ": ", string(val), "\n")
+func (v *visitor) acceptMeta(m *meta.Meta, evalMeta encoder.EvalMetaFunc) {
+ for _, p := range m.ComputedPairs() {
+ key := p.Key
+ v.b.WriteStrings(key, ": ")
+ if meta.Type(key) == meta.TypeZettelmarkup {
+ is := evalMeta(p.Value)
+ ast.Walk(v, &is)
+ } else {
+ v.b.WriteString(p.Value)
+ }
+ v.b.WriteByte('\n')
// WriteContent encodes the zettel content.
func (ze *Encoder) WriteContent(w io.Writer, zn *ast.ZettelNode) (int, error) {
@@ -179,11 +187,11 @@
var mapVerbatimKind = map[ast.VerbatimKind]string{
ast.VerbatimZettel: "@@@",
ast.VerbatimComment: "%%%",
ast.VerbatimHTML: "@@@", // Attribute is set to {="html"}
- ast.VerbatimCode: "```",
+ ast.VerbatimProg: "```",
ast.VerbatimEval: "~~~",
ast.VerbatimMath: "$$$",
func (v *visitor) visitVerbatim(vn *ast.VerbatimNode) {
@@ -337,11 +345,11 @@
ast.Walk(v, &cell.Inlines)
func (v *visitor) visitBLOB(bn *ast.BLOBNode) {
- if bn.Syntax == meta.ValueSyntaxSVG {
+ if bn.Syntax == meta.SyntaxSVG {
v.b.WriteStrings("@@@", bn.Syntax, "\n")
@@ -348,11 +356,11 @@
var sb strings.Builder
v.textEnc.WriteInlines(&sb, &bn.Description)
v.b.WriteStrings("%% Unable to display BLOB with description '", sb.String(), "' and syntax '", bn.Syntax, "'.")
-var escapeSeqs = set.New(
+var escapeSeqs = strfun.NewSet(
"\\", "__", "**", "~~", "^^", ",,", ">>", `""`, "::", "''", "``", "++", "==", "##",
func (v *visitor) visitText(tn *ast.TextNode) {
last := 0
@@ -363,11 +371,11 @@
last = i + 1
if i < len(tn.Text)-1 {
s := tn.Text[i : i+2]
- if escapeSeqs.Contains(s) {
+ if escapeSeqs.Has(s) {
for j := range len(s) {
v.b.WriteBytes('\\', s[j])
@@ -408,11 +416,11 @@
v.b.WriteStrings(en.Ref.String(), "}}")
func (v *visitor) visitEmbedBLOB(en *ast.EmbedBLOBNode) {
- if en.Syntax == meta.ValueSyntaxSVG {
+ if en.Syntax == meta.SyntaxSVG {
v.b.WriteStrings("@@{=", en.Syntax, "}")
@@ -462,11 +470,13 @@
func (v *visitor) visitLiteral(ln *ast.LiteralNode) {
switch ln.Kind {
- case ast.LiteralCode:
+ case ast.LiteralZettel:
+ v.writeLiteral('@', ln.Attrs, ln.Content)
+ case ast.LiteralProg:
v.writeLiteral('`', ln.Attrs, ln.Content)
case ast.LiteralMath:
v.b.WriteStrings("$$", string(ln.Content), "$$")
case ast.LiteralInput:
@@ -479,10 +489,12 @@
v.b.WriteByte(' ')
+ case ast.LiteralHTML:
+ v.writeLiteral('@', syntaxToHTML(ln.Attrs), ln.Content)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown literal kind %v", ln.Kind))
@@ -527,7 +539,7 @@
func syntaxToHTML(a attrs.Attributes) attrs.Attributes {
- return a.Clone().Set("", meta.ValueSyntaxHTML).Remove(meta.KeySyntax)
+ return a.Clone().Set("", meta.SyntaxHTML).Remove(api.KeySyntax)
ADDED encoding/atom/atom.go
Index: encoding/atom/atom.go
--- /dev/null
+++ encoding/atom/atom.go
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2022-present Detlef Stern
+// This file is part of Zettelstore.
+// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
+// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
+// under this license.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-present Detlef Stern
+// Package atom provides an Atom encoding.
+package atom
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+// ContentType specifies the HTTP content type for Atom.
+const ContentType = "application/atom+xml"
+// Configuration contains data to configure the Atom encoding.
+type Configuration struct {
+ Title string
+ Generator string
+ NewURLBuilderAbs func() *api.URLBuilder
+// Setup initializes the Configuration.
+func (c *Configuration) Setup(cfg config.Config) {
+ baseURL := kernel.Main.GetConfig(kernel.WebService, kernel.WebBaseURL).(string)
+ c.Title = cfg.GetSiteName()
+ c.Generator = (kernel.Main.GetConfig(kernel.CoreService, kernel.CoreProgname).(string) +
+ " " +
+ kernel.Main.GetConfig(kernel.CoreService, kernel.CoreVersion).(string))
+ c.NewURLBuilderAbs = func() *api.URLBuilder { return api.NewURLBuilder(baseURL, 'h') }
+// Marshal encodes the result of a query as Atom.
+func (c *Configuration) Marshal(q *query.Query, ml []*meta.Meta) []byte {
+ atomUpdated := encoding.LastUpdated(ml, time.RFC3339)
+ feedLink := c.NewURLBuilderAbs().String()
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ buf.WriteString(`` + "\n")
+ xml.WriteTag(&buf, " ", "title", c.Title)
+ xml.WriteTag(&buf, " ", "id", feedLink)
+ buf.WriteString(` ` + "\n")
+ if atomUpdated != "" {
+ xml.WriteTag(&buf, " ", "updated", atomUpdated)
+ }
+ xml.WriteTag(&buf, " ", "generator", c.Generator)
+ buf.WriteString(" Unknown\n")
+ for _, m := range ml {
+ c.marshalMeta(&buf, m)
+ }
+ buf.WriteString("")
+ return buf.Bytes()
+func (c *Configuration) marshalMeta(buf *bytes.Buffer, m *meta.Meta) {
+ entryUpdated := ""
+ if val, found := m.Get(api.KeyPublished); found {
+ if published, err := time.ParseInLocation(id.TimestampLayout, val, time.Local); err == nil {
+ entryUpdated = published.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
+ }
+ }
+ link := c.NewURLBuilderAbs().SetZid(m.Zid.ZettelID()).String()
+ buf.WriteString(" \n")
+ xml.WriteTag(buf, " ", "title", encoding.TitleAsText(m))
+ xml.WriteTag(buf, " ", "id", link)
+ buf.WriteString(` ` + "\n")
+ buf.WriteString(` ` + "\n")
+ if entryUpdated != "" {
+ xml.WriteTag(buf, " ", "updated", entryUpdated)
+ }
+ marshalTags(buf, m)
+ buf.WriteString(" \n")
+func marshalTags(buf *bytes.Buffer, m *meta.Meta) {
+ if tags, found := m.GetList(api.KeyTags); found && len(tags) > 0 {
+ for _, tag := range tags {
+ for len(tag) > 0 && tag[0] == '#' {
+ tag = tag[1:]
+ }
+ if tag != "" {
+ buf.WriteString(` \n")
+ }
+ }
+ }
ADDED encoding/encoding.go
Index: encoding/encoding.go
--- /dev/null
+++ encoding/encoding.go
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2022-present Detlef Stern
+// This file is part of Zettelstore.
+// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
+// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
+// under this license.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-present Detlef Stern
+// Package encoding provides helper functions for encodings.
+package encoding
+import (
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+// LastUpdated returns the formated time of the zettel which was updated at the latest time.
+func LastUpdated(ml []*meta.Meta, timeFormat string) string {
+ maxPublished := time.Date(1, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local)
+ for _, m := range ml {
+ if val, found := m.Get(api.KeyPublished); found {
+ if published, err := time.ParseInLocation(id.TimestampLayout, val, time.Local); err == nil {
+ if maxPublished.Before(published) {
+ maxPublished = published
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if maxPublished.Year() > 1 {
+ return maxPublished.UTC().Format(timeFormat)
+ }
+ return ""
+// TitleAsText returns the title of a zettel as plain text
+func TitleAsText(m *meta.Meta) string { return parser.NormalizedSpacedText(m.GetTitle()) }
ADDED encoding/rss/rss.go
Index: encoding/rss/rss.go
--- /dev/null
+++ encoding/rss/rss.go
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2022-present Detlef Stern
+// This file is part of Zettelstore.
+// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
+// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
+// under this license.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-present Detlef Stern
+// Package rss provides a RSS encoding.
+package rss
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "context"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+// ContentType specifies the HTTP content type for RSS.
+const ContentType = "application/rss+xml"
+// Configuration contains data to configure the RSS encoding.
+type Configuration struct {
+ Title string
+ Language string
+ Copyright string
+ Generator string
+ NewURLBuilderAbs func() *api.URLBuilder
+// Setup initializes the Configuration.
+func (c *Configuration) Setup(ctx context.Context, cfg config.Config) {
+ baseURL := kernel.Main.GetConfig(kernel.WebService, kernel.WebBaseURL).(string)
+ defVals := cfg.AddDefaultValues(ctx, &meta.Meta{})
+ c.Title = cfg.GetSiteName()
+ c.Language = defVals.GetDefault(api.KeyLang, "")
+ c.Copyright = defVals.GetDefault(api.KeyCopyright, "")
+ c.Generator = (kernel.Main.GetConfig(kernel.CoreService, kernel.CoreProgname).(string) +
+ " " +
+ kernel.Main.GetConfig(kernel.CoreService, kernel.CoreVersion).(string))
+ c.NewURLBuilderAbs = func() *api.URLBuilder { return api.NewURLBuilder(baseURL, 'h') }
+// Marshal encodes the result of a query as Atom.
+func (c *Configuration) Marshal(q *query.Query, ml []*meta.Meta) []byte {
+ rssPublished := encoding.LastUpdated(ml, time.RFC1123Z)
+ atomLink := ""
+ if s := q.String(); s != "" {
+ atomLink = c.NewURLBuilderAbs().AppendQuery(s).String()
+ }
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ buf.WriteString(`` + "\n\n")
+ xml.WriteTag(&buf, " ", "title", c.Title)
+ xml.WriteTag(&buf, " ", "link", c.NewURLBuilderAbs().String())
+ xml.WriteTag(&buf, " ", "description", "")
+ xml.WriteTag(&buf, " ", "language", c.Language)
+ xml.WriteTag(&buf, " ", "copyright", c.Copyright)
+ if rssPublished != "" {
+ xml.WriteTag(&buf, " ", "pubDate", rssPublished)
+ xml.WriteTag(&buf, " ", "lastBuildDate", rssPublished)
+ }
+ xml.WriteTag(&buf, " ", "generator", c.Generator)
+ buf.WriteString("\n")
+ if atomLink != "" {
+ buf.WriteString(` ` + "\n")
+ }
+ for _, m := range ml {
+ c.marshalMeta(&buf, m)
+ }
+ buf.WriteString("\n")
+ return buf.Bytes()
+func (c *Configuration) marshalMeta(buf *bytes.Buffer, m *meta.Meta) {
+ itemPublished := ""
+ if val, found := m.Get(api.KeyPublished); found {
+ if published, err := time.ParseInLocation(id.TimestampLayout, val, time.Local); err == nil {
+ itemPublished = published.UTC().Format(time.RFC1123Z)
+ }
+ }
+ link := c.NewURLBuilderAbs().SetZid(m.Zid.ZettelID()).String()
+ buf.WriteString(" \n")
+ xml.WriteTag(buf, " ", "title", encoding.TitleAsText(m))
+ xml.WriteTag(buf, " ", "link", link)
+ xml.WriteTag(buf, " ", "guid", link)
+ if itemPublished != "" {
+ xml.WriteTag(buf, " ", "pubDate", itemPublished)
+ }
+ marshalTags(buf, m)
+ buf.WriteString(" \n")
+func marshalTags(buf *bytes.Buffer, m *meta.Meta) {
+ if tags, found := m.GetList(api.KeyTags); found && len(tags) > 0 {
+ for _, tag := range tags {
+ for len(tag) > 0 && tag[0] == '#' {
+ tag = tag[1:]
+ }
+ if tag != "" {
+ xml.WriteTag(buf, " ", "category", tag)
+ }
+ }
+ }
ADDED encoding/xml/xml.go
Index: encoding/xml/xml.go
--- /dev/null
+++ encoding/xml/xml.go
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2022-present Detlef Stern
+// This file is part of Zettelstore.
+// Zettelstore is licensed under the latest version of the EUPL (European Union
+// Public License). Please see file LICENSE.txt for your rights and obligations
+// under this license.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-present Detlef Stern
+// Package xml provides helper for a XML-based encoding.
+package xml
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ ""
+// Header contains the string that should start all XML documents.
+const Header = `` + "\n"
+// WriteTag writes a simple XML tag with a given prefix and a specific value.
+func WriteTag(buf *bytes.Buffer, prefix, tag, value string) {
+ buf.WriteString(prefix)
+ buf.WriteByte('<')
+ buf.WriteString(tag)
+ buf.WriteByte('>')
+ strfun.XMLEscape(buf, value)
+ buf.WriteString("")
+ buf.WriteString(tag)
+ buf.WriteString(">\n")
Index: evaluator/evaluator.go
--- evaluator/evaluator.go
+++ evaluator/evaluator.go
@@ -23,21 +23,23 @@
+ ""
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
// Port contains all methods to retrieve zettel (or part of it) to evaluate a zettel.
type Port interface {
GetZettel(context.Context, id.Zid) (zettel.Zettel, error)
@@ -46,14 +48,14 @@
// EvaluateZettel evaluates the given zettel in the given context, with the
// given ports, and the given environment.
func EvaluateZettel(ctx context.Context, port Port, rtConfig config.Config, zn *ast.ZettelNode) {
switch zn.Syntax {
- case meta.ValueSyntaxNone:
+ case meta.SyntaxNone:
// AST is empty, evaluate to a description list of metadata.
zn.Ast = evaluateMetadata(zn.Meta)
- case meta.ValueSyntaxSxn:
+ case meta.SyntaxSxn:
zn.Ast = evaluateSxn(zn.Ast)
EvaluateBlock(ctx, port, rtConfig, &zn.Ast)
@@ -60,20 +62,20 @@
func evaluateSxn(bs ast.BlockSlice) ast.BlockSlice {
// Check for structure made in parser/plain/plain.go:parseSxnBlocks
if len(bs) == 1 {
// If len(bs) > 1 --> an error was found during parsing
- if vn, isVerbatim := bs[0].(*ast.VerbatimNode); isVerbatim && vn.Kind == ast.VerbatimCode {
- if classAttr, hasClass := vn.Attrs.Get(""); hasClass && classAttr == meta.ValueSyntaxSxn {
+ if vn, isVerbatim := bs[0].(*ast.VerbatimNode); isVerbatim && vn.Kind == ast.VerbatimProg {
+ if classAttr, hasClass := vn.Attrs.Get(""); hasClass && classAttr == meta.SyntaxSxn {
rd := sxreader.MakeReader(bytes.NewReader(vn.Content))
if objs, err := rd.ReadAll(); err == nil {
result := make(ast.BlockSlice, len(objs))
for i, obj := range objs {
var buf bytes.Buffer
sxbuiltins.Print(&buf, obj)
result[i] = &ast.VerbatimNode{
- Kind: ast.VerbatimCode,
+ Kind: ast.VerbatimProg,
Attrs: attrs.Attributes{"": classAttr},
Content: buf.Bytes(),
return result
@@ -187,36 +189,36 @@
func (e *evaluator) evalVerbatimNode(vn *ast.VerbatimNode) ast.BlockNode {
switch vn.Kind {
case ast.VerbatimZettel:
return e.evalVerbatimZettel(vn)
case ast.VerbatimEval:
- if syntax, found := vn.Attrs.Get(""); found && syntax == meta.ValueSyntaxDraw {
+ if syntax, found := vn.Attrs.Get(""); found && syntax == meta.SyntaxDraw {
return draw.ParseDrawBlock(vn)
return vn
func (e *evaluator) evalVerbatimZettel(vn *ast.VerbatimNode) ast.BlockNode {
m := meta.New(id.Invalid)
- m.Set(meta.KeySyntax, getSyntax(vn.Attrs, meta.ValueSyntaxText))
+ m.Set(api.KeySyntax, getSyntax(vn.Attrs, meta.SyntaxText))
zettel := zettel.Zettel{
Meta: m,
Content: zettel.NewContent(vn.Content),
zn := e.evaluateEmbeddedZettel(zettel)
return &zn.Ast
-func getSyntax(a attrs.Attributes, defSyntax meta.Value) meta.Value {
+func getSyntax(a attrs.Attributes, defSyntax string) string {
if a != nil {
- if val, ok := a.Get(meta.KeySyntax); ok {
- return meta.Value(val)
+ if val, ok := a.Get(api.KeySyntax); ok {
+ return val
if val, ok := a.Get(""); ok {
- return meta.Value(val)
+ return val
return defSyntax
@@ -292,11 +294,11 @@
if errors.Is(err, &box.ErrNotAllowed{}) {
return nil
return makeBlockNode(createInlineErrorText(nil, "Unable", "to", "search", "zettel"))
- result, _ := QueryAction(e.ctx, q, ml)
+ result, _ := QueryAction(e.ctx, q, ml, e.rtConfig)
if result != nil {
ast.Walk(e, result)
return result
@@ -314,11 +316,11 @@
func makeBlockNode(in ast.InlineNode) ast.BlockNode { return ast.CreateParaNode(in) }
func setMetadataFromAttributes(m *meta.Meta, a attrs.Attributes) {
for aKey, aVal := range a {
if meta.KeyIsValid(aKey) {
- m.Set(aKey, meta.Value(aVal))
+ m.Set(aKey, aVal)
func (e *evaluator) visitInlineSlice(is *ast.InlineSlice) {
@@ -328,10 +330,12 @@
switch n := in.(type) {
case *ast.LinkNode:
(*is)[i] = e.evalLinkNode(n)
case *ast.EmbedRefNode:
i += embedNode(is, i, e.evalEmbedRefNode(n))
+ case *ast.LiteralNode:
+ i += embedNode(is, i, e.evalLiteralNode(n))
func embedNode(is *ast.InlineSlice, i int, in ast.InlineNode) int {
@@ -436,11 +440,11 @@
return createInlineErrorImage(en)
- if syntax := string(zettel.Meta.GetDefault(meta.KeySyntax, meta.DefaultSyntax)); parser.IsImageFormat(syntax) {
+ if syntax := zettel.Meta.GetDefault(api.KeySyntax, meta.DefaultSyntax); parser.IsImageFormat(syntax) {
e.updateImageRefNode(en, zettel.Meta, syntax)
return en
} else if !parser.IsASTParser(syntax) {
// Not embeddable.
@@ -500,16 +504,32 @@
en.Inlines = is
+func (e *evaluator) evalLiteralNode(ln *ast.LiteralNode) ast.InlineNode {
+ if ln.Kind != ast.LiteralZettel {
+ return ln
+ }
+ e.transcludeCount++
+ result := e.evaluateEmbeddedInline(ln.Content, getSyntax(ln.Attrs, meta.SyntaxText))
+ if len(result) == 0 {
+ return &ast.LiteralNode{
+ Kind: ast.LiteralComment,
+ Attrs: map[string]string{"-": ""},
+ Content: []byte("Nothing to transclude"),
+ }
+ }
+ return &result
func createInlineErrorImage(en *ast.EmbedRefNode) *ast.EmbedRefNode {
- errorZid := id.ZidEmoji
+ errorZid := id.EmojiZid
en.Ref = ast.ParseReference(errorZid.String())
if len(en.Inlines) == 0 {
- en.Inlines = ast.InlineSlice{&ast.TextNode{Text: "Error placeholder"}}
+ en.Inlines = parser.ParseMetadata("Error placeholder")
return en
func createInlineErrorText(ref *ast.Reference, msgWords ...string) ast.InlineNode {
@@ -541,13 +561,19 @@
return &ast.EmbedRefNode{
Ref: ref,
Syntax: ext,
+func (e *evaluator) evaluateEmbeddedInline(content []byte, syntax string) ast.InlineSlice {
+ is := parser.ParseInlines(input.NewInput(content), syntax)
+ ast.Walk(e, &is)
+ return is
func (e *evaluator) evaluateEmbeddedZettel(zettel zettel.Zettel) *ast.ZettelNode {
- zn := parser.ParseZettel(e.ctx, zettel, string(zettel.Meta.GetDefault(meta.KeySyntax, meta.DefaultSyntax)), e.rtConfig)
+ zn := parser.ParseZettel(e.ctx, zettel, zettel.Meta.GetDefault(api.KeySyntax, meta.DefaultSyntax), e.rtConfig)
ast.Walk(e, &zn.Ast)
return zn
func findInlineSlice(bs *ast.BlockSlice, fragment string) ast.InlineSlice {
Index: evaluator/list.go
--- evaluator/list.go
+++ evaluator/list.go
@@ -21,33 +21,37 @@
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
// QueryAction transforms a list of metadata according to query actions into a AST nested list.
-func QueryAction(ctx context.Context, q *query.Query, ml []*meta.Meta) (ast.BlockNode, int) {
+func QueryAction(ctx context.Context, q *query.Query, ml []*meta.Meta, rtConfig config.Config) (ast.BlockNode, int) {
ap := actionPara{
ctx: ctx,
q: q,
ml: ml,
kind: ast.NestedListUnordered,
minVal: -1,
maxVal: -1,
+ title: rtConfig.GetSiteName(),
actions := q.Actions()
if len(actions) == 0 {
return ap.createBlockNodeMeta("")
acts := make([]string, 0, len(actions))
- for _, act := range actions {
+ for i, act := range actions {
if strings.HasPrefix(act, api.NumberedAction[0:1]) {
ap.kind = ast.NestedListOrdered
if strings.HasPrefix(act, api.MinAction) {
@@ -59,19 +63,27 @@
if strings.HasPrefix(act, api.MaxAction) {
if num, err := strconv.Atoi(act[3:]); err == nil && num > 0 {
ap.maxVal = num
+ }
+ if act == api.TitleAction && i+1 < len(actions) {
+ ap.title = strings.Join(actions[i+1:], " ")
+ break
if act == api.ReIndexAction {
acts = append(acts, act)
var firstUnknowAct string
for _, act := range acts {
switch act {
+ case api.AtomAction:
+ return ap.createBlockNodeAtom(rtConfig)
+ case api.RSSAction:
+ return ap.createBlockNodeRSS(rtConfig)
case api.KeysAction:
return ap.createBlockNodeMetaKeys()
key := strings.ToLower(act)
switch meta.Type(key) {
@@ -96,10 +108,11 @@
q *query.Query
ml []*meta.Meta
kind ast.NestedListKind
minVal int
maxVal int
+ title string
func (ap *actionPara) createBlockNodeWord(key string) (ast.BlockNode, int) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
ccs, bufLen := ap.prepareCatAction(key, &buf)
@@ -107,15 +120,15 @@
return nil, 0
items := make([]ast.ItemSlice, 0, len(ccs))
for _, cat := range ccs {
- buf.WriteString(string(cat.Name))
+ buf.WriteString(cat.Name)
items = append(items, ast.ItemSlice{ast.CreateParaNode(&ast.LinkNode{
Attrs: nil,
Ref: ast.ParseReference(buf.String()),
- Inlines: ast.InlineSlice{&ast.TextNode{Text: string(cat.Name)}},
+ Inlines: ast.InlineSlice{&ast.TextNode{Text: cat.Name}},
return &ast.NestedListNode{
Kind: ap.kind,
@@ -138,17 +151,17 @@
for i, cat := range ccs {
if i > 0 {
para = append(para, &ast.TextNode{Text: " "})
- buf.WriteString(string(cat.Name))
+ buf.WriteString(cat.Name)
para = append(para,
Attrs: countMap[cat.Count],
Ref: ast.ParseReference(buf.String()),
Inlines: ast.InlineSlice{
- &ast.TextNode{Text: string(cat.Name)},
+ &ast.TextNode{Text: cat.Name},
Kind: ast.FormatSuper,
Attrs: nil,
@@ -196,24 +209,24 @@
var buf bytes.Buffer
bufLen := ap.prepareSimpleQuery(&buf)
items := make([]ast.ItemSlice, 0, len(ccs))
for _, cat := range ccs {
- buf.WriteString(string(cat.Name))
+ buf.WriteString(cat.Name)
q1 := buf.String()
- buf.WriteString(string(cat.Name))
+ buf.WriteString(cat.Name)
q2 := buf.String()
items = append(items, ast.ItemSlice{ast.CreateParaNode(
Attrs: nil,
Ref: ast.ParseReference(q1),
- Inlines: ast.InlineSlice{&ast.TextNode{Text: string(cat.Name)}},
+ Inlines: ast.InlineSlice{&ast.TextNode{Text: cat.Name}},
&ast.TextNode{Text: " "},
&ast.TextNode{Text: "(" + strconv.Itoa(cat.Count) + ", "},
Attrs: nil,
@@ -335,5 +348,31 @@
return result
func calcBudget(total, curSize float64) float64 { return math.Round(total / (fontSizes64 - curSize)) }
+func (ap *actionPara) createBlockNodeRSS(cfg config.Config) (ast.BlockNode, int) {
+ var rssConfig rss.Configuration
+ rssConfig.Setup(ap.ctx, cfg)
+ rssConfig.Title = ap.title
+ data := rssConfig.Marshal(ap.q,
+ return &ast.VerbatimNode{
+ Kind: ast.VerbatimProg,
+ Attrs: attrs.Attributes{"lang": "xml"},
+ Content: data,
+ }, len(
+func (ap *actionPara) createBlockNodeAtom(cfg config.Config) (ast.BlockNode, int) {
+ var atomConfig atom.Configuration
+ atomConfig.Setup(cfg)
+ atomConfig.Title = ap.title
+ data := atomConfig.Marshal(ap.q,
+ return &ast.VerbatimNode{
+ Kind: ast.VerbatimProg,
+ Attrs: attrs.Attributes{"lang": "xml"},
+ Content: data,
+ }, len(
Index: evaluator/metadata.go
--- evaluator/metadata.go
+++ evaluator/metadata.go
@@ -12,40 +12,40 @@
package evaluator
import (
- ""
+ ""
func evaluateMetadata(m *meta.Meta) ast.BlockSlice {
descrlist := &ast.DescriptionListNode{}
- for key, val := range m.All() {
+ for _, p := range m.Pairs() {
descrlist.Descriptions = append(
- descrlist.Descriptions, getMetadataDescription(key, val))
+ descrlist.Descriptions, getMetadataDescription(p.Key, p.Value))
return ast.BlockSlice{descrlist}
-func getMetadataDescription(key string, value meta.Value) ast.Description {
+func getMetadataDescription(key, value string) ast.Description {
is := convertMetavalueToInlineSlice(value, meta.Type(key))
return ast.Description{
Term: ast.InlineSlice{&ast.TextNode{Text: key}},
Descriptions: []ast.DescriptionSlice{{&ast.ParaNode{Inlines: is}}},
-func convertMetavalueToInlineSlice(value meta.Value, dt *meta.DescriptionType) ast.InlineSlice {
+func convertMetavalueToInlineSlice(value string, dt *meta.DescriptionType) ast.InlineSlice {
var sliceData []string
if dt.IsSet {
- sliceData = value.AsSlice()
+ sliceData = meta.ListFromValue(value)
if len(sliceData) == 0 {
return nil
} else {
- sliceData = []string{string(value)}
+ sliceData = []string{value}
makeLink := dt == meta.TypeID || dt == meta.TypeIDSet
result := make(ast.InlineSlice, 0, 2*len(sliceData)-1)
for i, val := range sliceData {
Index: go.mod
--- go.mod
+++ go.mod
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
-go 1.24
+go 1.23
require ( v1.8.0 v1.7.8
- v0.33.0
- v0.29.0
- v0.22.0
- v0.0.0-20250216175334-0d9b4d343d43
- v0.0.0-20250216175901-6b946bd651a6
- v0.0.0-20250213090129-255dd458b5c7
- v0.0.0-20250216180240-0f7af1b4d6d8
+ v0.31.0
+ v0.27.0
+ v0.21.0
+ v0.0.0-20240814083626-4df0ec6454b5
+ v0.0.0-20241031144449-53c3b2ed1a6f
+ v0.0.0-20241213121052-fd15ae683e82
require (
- v0.30.0 // indirect
- v0.0.0-20250213131522-cacd35cfa01a // indirect
+ v0.28.0 // indirect
+ v0.0.0-20241031141359-cd4f76a622cd // indirect
Index: go.sum
--- go.sum
+++ go.sum
@@ -1,22 +1,20 @@ v1.8.0 h1:dAwr6QBTBZIkG8roQaJjGof0pp0EeF+tNV7YBP3F/8M= v1.8.0/go.mod h1:8jBTzvmWwFyi3Pb8djgCCO5IBqzKJ/Jwo8TRcHyHii0= v1.7.8 h1:iERMLn0/QJeHFhxSt3p6PeN9mGnvIKSpG9YYorDMnic= v1.7.8/go.mod h1:uzxRWxtg69N339t3louHJ7+O03ezfj6PlliRlaOzY1E= v0.33.0 h1:IOBPskki6Lysi0lo9qQvbxiQ+FvsCC/YWOecCHAixus= v0.33.0/go.mod h1:bVdXmD7IV/4GdElGPozy6U7lWdRXA4qyRVGJV57uQ5M= v0.30.0 h1:QjkSwP/36a20jFYWkSue1YwXzLmsV5Gfq7Eiy72C1uc= v0.30.0/go.mod h1:/VUhepiaJMQUp4+oa/7Zr1D23ma6VTLIYjOOTFZPUcA= v0.29.0 h1:L6pJp37ocefwRRtYPKSWOWzOtWSxVajvz2ldH/xi3iU= v0.29.0/go.mod h1:6bl4lRlvVuDgSf3179VpIxBF0o10JUpXWOnI7nErv7s= v0.22.0 h1:bofq7m3/HAFvbF51jz3Q9wLg3jkvSPuiZu/pD1XwgtM= v0.22.0/go.mod h1:YRoo4H8PVmsu+E3Ou7cqLVH8oXWIHVoX0jqUWALQhfY= v0.0.0-20250216175334-0d9b4d343d43 h1:l90+6mBm4vUeJ3j6c+NVoTa3wgC5JJB5du7qV3JwRd4= v0.0.0-20250216175334-0d9b4d343d43/go.mod h1:hzg05uSCMk3D/DWaL0pdlowfL2aWQeGIfD1S04vV+Xg= v0.0.0-20250216175901-6b946bd651a6 h1:dJiHadJGPzJJelu3H+hlwpkkaLeGbteD/viFDJUR9Vk= v0.0.0-20250216175901-6b946bd651a6/go.mod h1:BjweG459RDdqOHBhhFWTxABN1w6xtXHgMm/PsmbXOu0= v0.0.0-20250213131522-cacd35cfa01a h1:hZF5UX2+XV8DP63xT1dCQ46lfYfn/0DOS3/yuR7g1cA= v0.0.0-20250213131522-cacd35cfa01a/go.mod h1:zk92hSKB4iWyT290+163seNzu350TA9XLATC9kOldqo= v0.0.0-20250213090129-255dd458b5c7 h1:wBenikZ+ajenn25ZXrZ/xyWlaWD4hFvOw/hGAV182Tw= v0.0.0-20250213090129-255dd458b5c7/go.mod h1:T1vFcHoymUQcr7+vENBkS1yryZRZ3YB8uRtnMy8yRBA= v0.0.0-20250216180240-0f7af1b4d6d8 h1:GeI+faCPzet7dUf0hkTEr6gksnqFTcT7w+IbKvRpvCw= v0.0.0-20250216180240-0f7af1b4d6d8/go.mod h1:9GFjuSx7Y7tRIMF3RN3hWQx6TCOi1dLRkmKtISz3zZA= v0.31.0 h1:ihbySMvVjLAeSH1IbfcRTkD/iNscyz8rGzjF/E5hV6U= v0.31.0/go.mod h1:kDsLvtWBEx7MV9tJOj9bnXsPbxwJQ6csT/x4KIN4Ssk= v0.28.0 h1:Fksou7UEQUWlKvIdsqzJmUmCX3cZuD2+P3XyyzwMhlA= v0.28.0/go.mod h1:/VUhepiaJMQUp4+oa/7Zr1D23ma6VTLIYjOOTFZPUcA= v0.27.0 h1:WP60Sv1nlK1T6SupCHbXzSaN0b9wUmsPoRS9b61A23Q= v0.27.0/go.mod h1:iMsnZpn0cago0GOrHO2+Y7u7JPn5AylBrcoWkElMTSM= v0.21.0 h1:zyQAAkrwaneQ066sspRyJaG9VNi/YJ1NfzcGB3hZ/qo= v0.21.0/go.mod h1:4IBbMaMmOPCJ8SecivzSH54+73PCFmPWxNTLm+vZkEQ= v0.0.0-20240814083626-4df0ec6454b5 h1:ug4hohM6pK28M8Uo0o3+XvjBure2wfEtuCnHVIdqBZY= v0.0.0-20240814083626-4df0ec6454b5/go.mod h1:VRvsWoBErPKvMieDMMk1hsh1tb9sA4ijEQWGw/TbtQ0= v0.0.0-20241031144449-53c3b2ed1a6f h1:VJ4S7YWy9tCJuFz5MckqUjjktPaf0kpnTkNBVRVXpo4= v0.0.0-20241031144449-53c3b2ed1a6f/go.mod h1:IaM+U+LvYTYeuiIS5cwZW6kcEpdwoKBYVCU7LZr4Sgk= v0.0.0-20241031141359-cd4f76a622cd h1:+7cqJonXKDso+uPvsvOPl7BiLkhj8VQT/Has8qC5VIQ= v0.0.0-20241031141359-cd4f76a622cd/go.mod h1:NSoOON8be62MfQZzlCApK27Jt2zhIa6Vrmo9RJ4tOnQ= v0.0.0-20241213121052-fd15ae683e82 h1:Bl3iCW9bHx9CeIyWUMLi9xqRV7mHh/1HS6rBnt5QQQU= v0.0.0-20241213121052-fd15ae683e82/go.mod h1:sQWKzNp0I18aSFnKJjAyhL1zTWITIj1v2acWv4GvuIY=
Index: kernel/impl/auth.go
--- kernel/impl/auth.go
+++ kernel/impl/auth.go
@@ -15,14 +15,14 @@
import (
- ""
+ ""
type authService struct {
mxService sync.RWMutex
Index: kernel/impl/cfg.go
--- kernel/impl/cfg.go
+++ kernel/impl/cfg.go
@@ -19,17 +19,18 @@
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
type configService struct {
mxService sync.RWMutex
@@ -58,11 +59,11 @@
keyDefaultCopyright: {"Default copyright", parseString, true},
keyDefaultLicense: {"Default license", parseString, true},
keyDefaultVisibility: {
"Default zettel visibility",
func(val string) (any, error) {
- vis := meta.Value(val).AsVisibility()
+ vis := meta.GetVisibility(val)
if vis == meta.VisibilityUnknown {
return nil, errUnknownVisibility
return vis, nil
@@ -84,56 +85,52 @@
return config.NoHTML, nil
- meta.KeyLang: {"Language", parseString, true},
+ api.KeyLang: {"Language", parseString, true},
keyMaxTransclusions: {"Maximum transclusions", parseInt64, true},
keySiteName: {"Site name", parseString, true},
keyYAMLHeader: {"YAML header", parseBool, true},
keyZettelFileSyntax: {
"Zettel file syntax",
func(val string) (any, error) { return strings.Fields(val), nil },
- kernel.ConfigSimpleMode: {"Simple mode", cs.noFrozen(parseBool), true},
- config.KeyListsMenuZettel: {"Lists menu", parseZid, true},
- config.KeyShowBackLinks: {"Show back links", parseString, true},
- config.KeyShowFolgeLinks: {"Show folge links", parseString, true},
- config.KeyShowSequelLinks: {"Show sequel links", parseString, true},
- config.KeyShowSubordinateLinks: {"Show subordinate links", parseString, true},
- config.KeyShowSuccessorLinks: {"Show successor links", parseString, true},
+ kernel.ConfigSimpleMode: {"Simple mode", cs.noFrozen(parseBool), true},
+ config.KeyShowBackLinks: {"Show back links", parseString, true},
+ config.KeyShowFolgeLinks: {"Show folge links", parseString, true},
+ config.KeyShowSequelLinks: {"Show sequel links", parseString, true},
+ config.KeyShowSuccessorLinks: {"Show successor links", parseString, true},
} = interfaceMap{
- keyDefaultCopyright: "",
- keyDefaultLicense: "",
- keyDefaultVisibility: meta.VisibilityLogin,
- keyExpertMode: false,
- config.KeyFooterZettel: id.Invalid,
- config.KeyHomeZettel: id.ZidDefaultHome,
- kernel.ConfigInsecureHTML: config.NoHTML,
- meta.KeyLang: meta.ValueLangEN,
- keyMaxTransclusions: int64(1024),
- keySiteName: "Zettelstore",
- keyYAMLHeader: false,
- keyZettelFileSyntax: nil,
- kernel.ConfigSimpleMode: false,
- config.KeyListsMenuZettel: id.ZidTOCListsMenu,
- config.KeyShowBackLinks: "",
- config.KeyShowFolgeLinks: "",
- config.KeyShowSequelLinks: "",
- config.KeyShowSubordinateLinks: "",
- config.KeyShowSuccessorLinks: "",
+ keyDefaultCopyright: "",
+ keyDefaultLicense: "",
+ keyDefaultVisibility: meta.VisibilityLogin,
+ keyExpertMode: false,
+ config.KeyFooterZettel: id.Invalid,
+ config.KeyHomeZettel: id.DefaultHomeZid,
+ kernel.ConfigInsecureHTML: config.NoHTML,
+ api.KeyLang: api.ValueLangEN,
+ keyMaxTransclusions: int64(1024),
+ keySiteName: "Zettelstore",
+ keyYAMLHeader: false,
+ keyZettelFileSyntax: nil,
+ kernel.ConfigSimpleMode: false,
+ config.KeyShowBackLinks: "",
+ config.KeyShowFolgeLinks: "",
+ config.KeyShowSequelLinks: "",
+ config.KeyShowSuccessorLinks: "",
func (cs *configService) GetLogger() *logger.Logger { return cs.logger }
func (cs *configService) Start(*myKernel) error {
cs.logger.Info().Msg("Start Service")
- data := meta.New(id.ZidConfiguration)
+ data := meta.New(id.ConfigurationZid)
for _, kv := range cs.GetNextConfigList() {
- data.Set(kv.Key, meta.Value(kv.Value))
+ data.Set(kv.Key, kv.Value)
cs.orig = data
return nil
@@ -160,35 +157,36 @@
func (cs *configService) setBox(mgr box.Manager) {
cs.manager = mgr
- cs.observe(box.UpdateInfo{Box: mgr, Reason: box.OnZettel, Zid: id.ZidConfiguration})
+ cs.observe(box.UpdateInfo{Box: mgr, Reason: box.OnZettel, Zid: id.ConfigurationZid})
func (cs *configService) doUpdate(p box.BaseBox) error {
- z, err := p.GetZettel(context.Background(), id.ZidConfiguration)
+ z, err := p.GetZettel(context.Background(), id.ConfigurationZid)
cs.logger.Trace().Err(err).Msg("got config meta")
if err != nil {
return err
m := z.Meta
- for key := range cs.orig.All() {
+ for _, pair := range cs.orig.Pairs() {
+ key := pair.Key
if val, ok := m.Get(key); ok {
- cs.SetConfig(key, string(val))
+ cs.SetConfig(key, val)
} else if defVal, defFound := cs.orig.Get(key); defFound {
- cs.SetConfig(key, string(defVal))
+ cs.SetConfig(key, defVal)
cs.SwitchNextToCur() // Poor man's restart
return nil
func (cs *configService) observe(ci box.UpdateInfo) {
- if (ci.Reason != box.OnZettel && ci.Reason != box.OnDelete) || ci.Zid == id.ZidConfiguration {
+ if (ci.Reason != box.OnZettel && ci.Reason != box.OnDelete) || ci.Zid == id.ConfigurationZid {
cs.logger.Debug().Uint("reason", uint64(ci.Reason)).Zid(ci.Zid).Msg("observe")
go func() {
mgr := cs.manager
@@ -204,16 +202,16 @@
// --- config.Config
func (cs *configService) Get(ctx context.Context, m *meta.Meta, key string) string {
if m != nil {
if val, found := m.Get(key); found {
- return string(val)
+ return val
if user := server.GetUser(ctx); user != nil {
if val, found := user.Get(key); found {
- return string(val)
+ return val
result := cs.GetCurConfig(key)
if result == nil {
return ""
@@ -221,13 +219,13 @@
switch val := result.(type) {
case string:
return val
case bool:
if val {
- return meta.ValueTrue
+ return api.ValueTrue
- return meta.ValueFalse
+ return api.ValueFalse
case id.Zid:
return val.String()
case int:
return strconv.Itoa(val)
case []string:
@@ -247,30 +245,30 @@
if cs == nil {
return m
result := m
- if _, found := m.Get(meta.KeyCopyright); !found {
- result = updateMeta(result, m, meta.KeyCopyright, cs.GetCurConfig(keyDefaultCopyright).(string))
- }
- if _, found := m.Get(meta.KeyLang); !found {
- result = updateMeta(result, m, meta.KeyLang, cs.Get(ctx, nil, meta.KeyLang))
- }
- if _, found := m.Get(meta.KeyLicense); !found {
- result = updateMeta(result, m, meta.KeyLicense, cs.GetCurConfig(keyDefaultLicense).(string))
- }
- if _, found := m.Get(meta.KeyVisibility); !found {
- result = updateMeta(result, m, meta.KeyVisibility, cs.GetCurConfig(keyDefaultVisibility).(meta.Visibility).String())
+ if _, found := m.Get(api.KeyCopyright); !found {
+ result = updateMeta(result, m, api.KeyCopyright, cs.GetCurConfig(keyDefaultCopyright).(string))
+ }
+ if _, found := m.Get(api.KeyLang); !found {
+ result = updateMeta(result, m, api.KeyLang, cs.Get(ctx, nil, api.KeyLang))
+ }
+ if _, found := m.Get(api.KeyLicense); !found {
+ result = updateMeta(result, m, api.KeyLicense, cs.GetCurConfig(keyDefaultLicense).(string))
+ }
+ if _, found := m.Get(api.KeyVisibility); !found {
+ result = updateMeta(result, m, api.KeyVisibility, cs.GetCurConfig(keyDefaultVisibility).(meta.Visibility).String())
return result
-func updateMeta(result, m *meta.Meta, key string, val string) *meta.Meta {
+func updateMeta(result, m *meta.Meta, key, val string) *meta.Meta {
if result == m {
result = m.Clone()
- result.Set(key, meta.Value(val))
+ result.Set(key, val)
return result
func (cs *configService) GetHTMLInsecurity() config.HTMLInsecurity {
return cs.GetCurConfig(kernel.ConfigInsecureHTML).(config.HTMLInsecurity)
@@ -286,18 +284,13 @@
// GetYAMLHeader returns the current value of the "yaml-header" key.
func (cs *configService) GetYAMLHeader() bool { return cs.GetCurConfig(keyYAMLHeader).(bool) }
// GetZettelFileSyntax returns the current value of the "zettel-file-syntax" key.
-func (cs *configService) GetZettelFileSyntax() []meta.Value {
+func (cs *configService) GetZettelFileSyntax() []string {
if zfs := cs.GetCurConfig(keyZettelFileSyntax); zfs != nil {
- zfsAS := zfs.([]string)
- result := make([]meta.Value, len(zfsAS))
- for i, fs := range zfsAS {
- result[i] = meta.Value(fs)
- }
- return result
+ return zfs.([]string)
return nil
// --- config.AuthConfig
@@ -308,12 +301,12 @@
// GetExpertMode returns the current value of the "expert-mode" key.
func (cs *configService) GetExpertMode() bool { return cs.GetCurConfig(keyExpertMode).(bool) }
// GetVisibility returns the visibility value, or "login" if none is given.
func (cs *configService) GetVisibility(m *meta.Meta) meta.Visibility {
- if val, ok := m.Get(meta.KeyVisibility); ok {
- if vis := val.AsVisibility(); vis != meta.VisibilityUnknown {
+ if val, ok := m.Get(api.KeyVisibility); ok {
+ if vis := meta.GetVisibility(val); vis != meta.VisibilityUnknown {
return vis
vis := cs.GetCurConfig(keyDefaultVisibility).(meta.Visibility)
@@ -320,9 +313,9 @@
if vis != meta.VisibilityUnknown {
return vis
val, _ := cs.orig.Get(keyDefaultVisibility)
- vis = val.AsVisibility()
+ vis = meta.GetVisibility(val)
return vis
Index: kernel/impl/cmd.go
--- kernel/impl/cmd.go
+++ kernel/impl/cmd.go
@@ -14,17 +14,17 @@
package impl
import (
- "maps"
+ ""
@@ -200,12 +200,13 @@
"stat": {"show service statistics", cmdStat},
"stop": {"stop service", cmdStop},
func cmdHelp(sess *cmdSession, _ string, _ []string) bool {
+ cmds := maps.Keys(commands)
table := [][]string{{"Command", "Description"}}
- for _, cmd := range slices.Sorted(maps.Keys(commands)) {
+ for _, cmd := range cmds {
table = append(table, []string{cmd, commands[cmd].Text})
return true
@@ -553,16 +554,14 @@
return true
-func sortedServiceNames(sess *cmdSession) []string {
- return slices.Sorted(maps.Keys(sess.kern.srvNames))
+func sortedServiceNames(sess *cmdSession) []string { return maps.Keys(sess.kern.srvNames) }
func getService(sess *cmdSession, name string) (serviceData, bool) {
srvD, found := sess.kern.srvNames[name]
if !found {
sess.println("Unknown service", name)
return srvD, found
Index: kernel/impl/config.go
--- kernel/impl/config.go
+++ kernel/impl/config.go
@@ -14,19 +14,19 @@
package impl
import (
- "maps"
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
type parseFunc func(string) (any, error)
type configDescription struct {
text string
@@ -57,11 +57,11 @@
func (cfg *srvConfig) ConfigDescriptions() []serviceConfigDescription {
defer cfg.mxConfig.RUnlock()
- keys := slices.Sorted(maps.Keys(cfg.descr))
+ keys := maps.Keys(cfg.descr)
result := make([]serviceConfigDescription, 0, len(keys))
for _, k := range keys {
text := cfg.descr[k].text
if strings.HasSuffix(k, "-") {
text = text + " (list)"
Index: kernel/impl/core.go
--- kernel/impl/core.go
+++ kernel/impl/core.go
@@ -13,22 +13,21 @@
package impl
import (
- "maps"
- "slices"
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
type coreService struct {
started bool
@@ -105,11 +104,11 @@
func (cs *coreService) GetStatistics() []kernel.KeyValue {
defer cs.mxRecover.RUnlock()
- names := slices.Sorted(maps.Keys(cs.mapRecover))
+ names := maps.Keys(cs.mapRecover)
result := make([]kernel.KeyValue, 0, 3*len(names))
for _, n := range names {
ri := cs.mapRecover[n]
result = append(
Index: kernel/impl/impl.go
--- kernel/impl/impl.go
+++ kernel/impl/impl.go
@@ -28,13 +28,13 @@
- ""
+ ""
// myKernel is the main internal kernel.
type myKernel struct {
logWriter *kernelLogWriter
Index: kernel/kernel.go
--- kernel/kernel.go
+++ kernel/kernel.go
@@ -17,16 +17,16 @@
import (
- ""
+ ""
// Kernel is the main internal service.
type Kernel interface {
// Setup sets the most basic data of a software: its name, its version,
Index: logger/logger.go
--- logger/logger.go
+++ logger/logger.go
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@
- ""
+ ""
// Level defines the possible log levels
type Level uint8
Index: logger/message.go
--- logger/message.go
+++ logger/message.go
@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
// Message presents a message to log.
type Message struct {
logger *Logger
@@ -114,11 +114,11 @@
func (m *Message) User(ctx context.Context) *Message {
if m.Enabled() {
if up := m.logger.uProvider; up != nil {
if user := up.GetUser(ctx); user != nil {
m.buf = append(m.buf, ", user="...)
- if userID, found := user.Get(meta.KeyUserID); found {
+ if userID, found := user.Get(api.KeyUserID); found {
m.buf = append(m.buf, userID...)
} else {
m.buf = append(m.buf, user.Zid.Bytes()...)
Index: parser/blob/blob.go
--- parser/blob/blob.go
+++ parser/blob/blob.go
@@ -13,48 +13,52 @@
// Package blob provides a parser of binary data.
package blob
import (
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
-func init() {
- parser.Register(&parser.Info{
- Name: meta.ValueSyntaxGif,
- AltNames: nil,
- IsASTParser: false,
- IsTextFormat: false,
- IsImageFormat: true,
- ParseBlocks: parseBlocks,
- })
- parser.Register(&parser.Info{
- Name: meta.ValueSyntaxJPEG,
- AltNames: []string{meta.ValueSyntaxJPG},
- IsASTParser: false,
- IsTextFormat: false,
- IsImageFormat: true,
- ParseBlocks: parseBlocks,
- })
- parser.Register(&parser.Info{
- Name: meta.ValueSyntaxPNG,
- AltNames: nil,
- IsASTParser: false,
- IsTextFormat: false,
- IsImageFormat: true,
- ParseBlocks: parseBlocks,
- })
- parser.Register(&parser.Info{
- Name: meta.ValueSyntaxWebp,
- AltNames: nil,
- IsASTParser: false,
- IsTextFormat: false,
- IsImageFormat: true,
- ParseBlocks: parseBlocks,
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+func init() {
+ parser.Register(&parser.Info{
+ Name: meta.SyntaxGif,
+ AltNames: nil,
+ IsASTParser: false,
+ IsTextFormat: false,
+ IsImageFormat: true,
+ ParseBlocks: parseBlocks,
+ ParseInlines: parseInlines,
+ })
+ parser.Register(&parser.Info{
+ Name: meta.SyntaxJPEG,
+ AltNames: []string{meta.SyntaxJPG},
+ IsASTParser: false,
+ IsTextFormat: false,
+ IsImageFormat: true,
+ ParseBlocks: parseBlocks,
+ ParseInlines: parseInlines,
+ })
+ parser.Register(&parser.Info{
+ Name: meta.SyntaxPNG,
+ AltNames: nil,
+ IsASTParser: false,
+ IsTextFormat: false,
+ IsImageFormat: true,
+ ParseBlocks: parseBlocks,
+ ParseInlines: parseInlines,
+ })
+ parser.Register(&parser.Info{
+ Name: meta.SyntaxWebp,
+ AltNames: nil,
+ IsASTParser: false,
+ IsTextFormat: false,
+ IsImageFormat: true,
+ ParseBlocks: parseBlocks,
+ ParseInlines: parseInlines,
func parseBlocks(inp *input.Input, m *meta.Meta, syntax string) ast.BlockSlice {
if p := parser.Get(syntax); p != nil {
@@ -64,5 +68,7 @@
Description: parser.ParseDescription(m),
Syntax: syntax,
Blob: []byte(inp.Src),
+func parseInlines(*input.Input, string) ast.InlineSlice { return nil }
Index: parser/cleaner/cleaner.go
--- parser/cleaner/cleaner.go
+++ parser/cleaner/cleaner.go
@@ -113,10 +113,28 @@
for _, bn := range *is {
ast.Walk(cv, bn)
+ fromPos, toPos := 0, 0
+ for fromPos < len(*is) {
+ (*is)[toPos] = (*is)[fromPos]
+ fromPos++
+ switch in := (*is)[toPos].(type) {
+ case *ast.LiteralNode:
+ if in.Kind != ast.LiteralHTML {
+ toPos++
+ }
+ default:
+ toPos++
+ }
+ }
+ for pos := toPos; pos < len(*is); pos++ {
+ (*is)[pos] = nil // Allow excess nodes to be garbage collected.
+ }
+ *is = (*is)[:toPos:toPos]
func (cv *cleanVisitor) visitHeading(hn *ast.HeadingNode) {
if cv.doMark || hn == nil || len(hn.Inlines) == 0 {
Index: parser/draw/draw.go
--- parser/draw/draw.go
+++ parser/draw/draw.go
@@ -19,24 +19,25 @@
import (
- ""
+ ""
func init() {
- Name: meta.ValueSyntaxDraw,
+ Name: meta.SyntaxDraw,
AltNames: []string{},
IsASTParser: true,
IsTextFormat: true,
IsImageFormat: false,
ParseBlocks: parseBlocks,
+ ParseInlines: parseInlines,
const (
defaultFont = ""
@@ -57,20 +58,37 @@
canvas, err := newCanvas(inp.Src[inp.Pos:])
if err != nil {
return ast.BlockSlice{ast.CreateParaNode(canvasErrMsg(err)...)}
- svg := canvasToSVG(canvas, string(font), int(scaleX), int(scaleY))
+ svg := canvasToSVG(canvas, font, int(scaleX), int(scaleY))
if len(svg) == 0 {
return ast.BlockSlice{ast.CreateParaNode(noSVGErrMsg()...)}
return ast.BlockSlice{&ast.BLOBNode{
Description: parser.ParseDescription(m),
- Syntax: meta.ValueSyntaxSVG,
+ Syntax: meta.SyntaxSVG,
Blob: svg,
+func parseInlines(inp *input.Input, _ string) ast.InlineSlice {
+ canvas, err := newCanvas(inp.Src[inp.Pos:])
+ if err != nil {
+ return canvasErrMsg(err)
+ }
+ svg := canvasToSVG(canvas, defaultFont, defaultScaleX, defaultScaleY)
+ if len(svg) == 0 {
+ return noSVGErrMsg()
+ }
+ return ast.InlineSlice{&ast.EmbedBLOBNode{
+ Attrs: nil,
+ Syntax: meta.SyntaxSVG,
+ Blob: svg,
+ Inlines: nil,
+ }}
// ParseDrawBlock parses the content of an eval verbatim node into an SVG image BLOB.
func ParseDrawBlock(vn *ast.VerbatimNode) ast.BlockNode {
font := defaultFont
if val, found := vn.Attrs.Get("font"); found {
@@ -93,11 +111,11 @@
if len(svg) == 0 {
return ast.CreateParaNode(noSVGErrMsg()...)
return &ast.BLOBNode{
Description: nil, // TODO: look for attribute "summary" / "title"
- Syntax: meta.ValueSyntaxSVG,
+ Syntax: meta.SyntaxSVG,
Blob: svg,
func getScale(a attrs.Attributes, key string, defVal int) int {
Index: parser/draw/draw_test.go
--- parser/draw/draw_test.go
+++ parser/draw/draw_test.go
@@ -14,18 +14,18 @@
package draw_test
import (
- ""
+ ""
func FuzzParseBlocks(f *testing.F) {
f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, src []byte) {
inp := input.NewInput(src)
- parser.ParseBlocks(inp, nil, meta.ValueSyntaxDraw, config.NoHTML)
+ parser.ParseBlocks(inp, nil, meta.SyntaxDraw, config.NoHTML)
Index: parser/markdown/markdown.go
--- parser/markdown/markdown.go
+++ parser/markdown/markdown.go
@@ -23,32 +23,38 @@
gm ""
gmAst ""
gmText ""
- ""
+ ""
func init() {
- Name: meta.ValueSyntaxMarkdown,
- AltNames: []string{meta.ValueSyntaxMD},
+ Name: meta.SyntaxMarkdown,
+ AltNames: []string{meta.SyntaxMD},
IsASTParser: true,
IsTextFormat: true,
IsImageFormat: false,
ParseBlocks: parseBlocks,
+ ParseInlines: parseInlines,
func parseBlocks(inp *input.Input, _ *meta.Meta, _ string) ast.BlockSlice {
p := parseMarkdown(inp)
return p.acceptBlockChildren(p.docNode)
+func parseInlines(inp *input.Input, syntax string) ast.InlineSlice {
+ bs := parseBlocks(inp, nil, syntax)
+ return bs.FirstParagraphInlines()
func parseMarkdown(inp *input.Input) *mdP {
source := []byte(inp.Src[inp.Pos:])
parser := gm.DefaultParser()
node := parser.Parse(gmText.NewReader(source))
@@ -123,11 +129,11 @@
func (p *mdP) acceptCodeBlock(node *gmAst.CodeBlock) *ast.VerbatimNode {
return &ast.VerbatimNode{
- Kind: ast.VerbatimCode,
+ Kind: ast.VerbatimProg,
Attrs: nil, //TODO
Content: p.acceptRawText(node),
@@ -135,11 +141,11 @@
var a attrs.Attributes
if language := node.Language(p.source); len(language) > 0 {
a = a.Set("class", "language-"+cleanText(language, true))
return &ast.VerbatimNode{
- Kind: ast.VerbatimCode,
+ Kind: ast.VerbatimProg,
Attrs: a,
Content: p.acceptRawText(node),
@@ -350,11 +356,11 @@
content = buf.Bytes()
return ast.InlineSlice{
- Kind: ast.LiteralCode,
+ Kind: ast.LiteralProg,
Attrs: nil, //TODO
Content: content,
@@ -437,11 +443,11 @@
segment := node.Segments.At(i)
segs = append(segs, segment.Value(p.source))
return ast.InlineSlice{
- Kind: ast.LiteralCode,
- Attrs: attrs.Attributes{"": "html"},
+ Kind: ast.LiteralHTML,
+ Attrs: nil, // TODO: add HTML as language
Content: bytes.Join(segs, nil),
Index: parser/none/none.go
--- parser/none/none.go
+++ parser/none/none.go
@@ -13,21 +13,29 @@
// Package none provides a none-parser, e.g. for zettel with just metadata.
package none
import (
- ""
+ ""
func init() {
- Name: meta.ValueSyntaxNone,
+ Name: meta.SyntaxNone,
AltNames: []string{},
IsASTParser: false,
IsTextFormat: false,
IsImageFormat: false,
- ParseBlocks: func(*input.Input, *meta.Meta, string) ast.BlockSlice { return nil },
+ ParseBlocks: parseBlocks,
+ ParseInlines: parseInlines,
+func parseBlocks(*input.Input, *meta.Meta, string) ast.BlockSlice { return nil }
+func parseInlines(inp *input.Input, _ string) ast.InlineSlice {
+ inp.SkipToEOL()
+ return nil
Index: parser/parser.go
--- parser/parser.go
+++ parser/parser.go
@@ -17,16 +17,17 @@
import (
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
// Info describes a single parser.
// Before ParseBlocks() or ParseInlines() is called, ensure the input stream to
@@ -37,10 +38,11 @@
AltNames []string
IsASTParser bool
IsTextFormat bool
IsImageFormat bool
ParseBlocks func(*input.Input, *meta.Meta, string) ast.BlockSlice
+ ParseInlines func(*input.Input, string) ast.InlineSlice
var registry = map[string]*Info{}
// Register the parser (info) for later retrieval.
@@ -99,34 +101,47 @@
func ParseBlocks(inp *input.Input, m *meta.Meta, syntax string, hi config.HTMLInsecurity) ast.BlockSlice {
bs := Get(syntax).ParseBlocks(inp, m, syntax)
cleaner.CleanBlockSlice(&bs, hi.AllowHTML(syntax))
return bs
+// ParseInlines parses some input and returns a slice of inline nodes.
+func ParseInlines(inp *input.Input, syntax string) ast.InlineSlice {
+ // Do not clean, because we don't know the context where this function will be called.
+ return Get(syntax).ParseInlines(inp, syntax)
+// ParseMetadata parses a string as Zettelmarkup, resulting in an inline slice.
+// Typically used to parse the title or other metadata of type Zettelmarkup.
+func ParseMetadata(value string) ast.InlineSlice {
+ return ParseInlines(input.NewInput([]byte(value)), meta.SyntaxZmk)
// ParseSpacedText returns an inline slice that consists just of test and space node.
-// No Zettelmarkup parsing is done. It is typically used to transform the zettel
-// description into an inline slice.
+// No Zettelmarkup parsing is done. It is typically used to transform the zettel title into an inline slice.
func ParseSpacedText(s string) ast.InlineSlice {
- return ast.InlineSlice{&ast.TextNode{Text: NormalizedSpacedText(s)}}
+ return ast.InlineSlice{&ast.TextNode{Text: strings.Join(meta.ListFromValue(s), " ")}}
// NormalizedSpacedText returns the given string, but normalize multiple spaces to one space.
-func NormalizedSpacedText(s string) string { return strings.Join(strings.Fields(s), " ") }
+func NormalizedSpacedText(s string) string { return strings.Join(meta.ListFromValue(s), " ") }
// ParseDescription returns a suitable description stored in the metadata as an inline slice.
// This is done for an image in most cases.
func ParseDescription(m *meta.Meta) ast.InlineSlice {
if m == nil {
return nil
- if summary, found := m.Get(meta.KeySummary); found {
- return ParseSpacedText(string(summary))
+ if descr, found := m.Get(api.KeySummary); found {
+ in := ParseMetadata(descr)
+ cleaner.CleanInlineLinks(&in)
+ return in
- if title, found := m.Get(meta.KeyTitle); found {
- return ParseSpacedText(string(title))
+ if title, found := m.Get(api.KeyTitle); found {
+ return ParseSpacedText(title)
- return ast.InlineSlice{&ast.TextNode{Text: "Zettel without title/summary: " + m.Zid.String()}}
+ return ast.InlineSlice{&ast.TextNode{Text: "Zettel without title: " + m.Zid.String()}}
// ParseZettel parses the zettel based on the syntax.
func ParseZettel(ctx context.Context, zettel zettel.Zettel, syntax string, rtConfig config.Config) *ast.ZettelNode {
m := zettel.Meta
@@ -133,14 +148,14 @@
inhMeta := m
if rtConfig != nil {
inhMeta = rtConfig.AddDefaultValues(ctx, inhMeta)
if syntax == "" {
- syntax = string(inhMeta.GetDefault(meta.KeySyntax, meta.DefaultSyntax))
+ syntax = inhMeta.GetDefault(api.KeySyntax, meta.DefaultSyntax)
parseMeta := inhMeta
- if syntax == meta.ValueSyntaxNone {
+ if syntax == meta.SyntaxNone {
parseMeta = m
hi := config.NoHTML
if rtConfig != nil {
Index: parser/parser_test.go
--- parser/parser_test.go
+++ parser/parser_test.go
@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@
package parser_test
import (
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
_ "" // Allow to use BLOB parser.
_ "" // Allow to use draw parser.
_ "" // Allow to use markdown parser.
_ "" // Allow to use none parser.
@@ -27,42 +27,42 @@
_ "" // Allow to use plain parser.
_ "" // Allow to use zettelmark parser.
func TestParserType(t *testing.T) {
- syntaxSet := set.New(parser.GetSyntaxes()...)
+ syntaxSet := strfun.NewSet(parser.GetSyntaxes()...)
testCases := []struct {
syntax string
ast bool
image bool
- {meta.ValueSyntaxHTML, false, false},
- {meta.ValueSyntaxCSS, false, false},
- {meta.ValueSyntaxDraw, true, false},
- {meta.ValueSyntaxGif, false, true},
- {meta.ValueSyntaxJPEG, false, true},
- {meta.ValueSyntaxJPG, false, true},
- {meta.ValueSyntaxMarkdown, true, false},
- {meta.ValueSyntaxMD, true, false},
- {meta.ValueSyntaxNone, false, false},
- {meta.ValueSyntaxPlain, false, false},
- {meta.ValueSyntaxPNG, false, true},
- {meta.ValueSyntaxSVG, false, true},
- {meta.ValueSyntaxSxn, false, false},
- {meta.ValueSyntaxText, false, false},
- {meta.ValueSyntaxTxt, false, false},
- {meta.ValueSyntaxWebp, false, true},
- {meta.ValueSyntaxZmk, true, false},
+ {meta.SyntaxHTML, false, false},
+ {meta.SyntaxCSS, false, false},
+ {meta.SyntaxDraw, true, false},
+ {meta.SyntaxGif, false, true},
+ {meta.SyntaxJPEG, false, true},
+ {meta.SyntaxJPG, false, true},
+ {meta.SyntaxMarkdown, true, false},
+ {meta.SyntaxMD, true, false},
+ {meta.SyntaxNone, false, false},
+ {meta.SyntaxPlain, false, false},
+ {meta.SyntaxPNG, false, true},
+ {meta.SyntaxSVG, false, true},
+ {meta.SyntaxSxn, false, false},
+ {meta.SyntaxText, false, false},
+ {meta.SyntaxTxt, false, false},
+ {meta.SyntaxWebp, false, true},
+ {meta.SyntaxZmk, true, false},
for _, tc := range testCases {
- syntaxSet.Remove(tc.syntax)
+ delete(syntaxSet, tc.syntax)
if got := parser.IsASTParser(tc.syntax); got != tc.ast {
t.Errorf("Syntax %q is AST: %v, but got %v", tc.syntax, tc.ast, got)
if got := parser.IsImageFormat(tc.syntax); got != tc.image {
t.Errorf("Syntax %q is image: %v, but got %v", tc.syntax, tc.image, got)
- for syntax := range syntaxSet.Values() {
+ for syntax := range syntaxSet {
t.Errorf("Forgot to test syntax %q", syntax)
Index: parser/plain/plain.go
--- parser/plain/plain.go
+++ parser/plain/plain.go
@@ -17,61 +17,66 @@
import (
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
-func init() {
- parser.Register(&parser.Info{
- Name: meta.ValueSyntaxTxt,
- AltNames: []string{meta.ValueSyntaxPlain, meta.ValueSyntaxText},
- IsASTParser: false,
- IsTextFormat: true,
- IsImageFormat: false,
- ParseBlocks: parseBlocks,
- })
- parser.Register(&parser.Info{
- Name: meta.ValueSyntaxHTML,
- AltNames: []string{},
- IsASTParser: false,
- IsTextFormat: true,
- IsImageFormat: false,
- ParseBlocks: parseBlocksHTML,
- })
- parser.Register(&parser.Info{
- Name: meta.ValueSyntaxCSS,
- AltNames: []string{},
- IsASTParser: false,
- IsTextFormat: true,
- IsImageFormat: false,
- ParseBlocks: parseBlocks,
- })
- parser.Register(&parser.Info{
- Name: meta.ValueSyntaxSVG,
- AltNames: []string{},
- IsASTParser: false,
- IsTextFormat: true,
- IsImageFormat: true,
- ParseBlocks: parseSVGBlocks,
- })
- parser.Register(&parser.Info{
- Name: meta.ValueSyntaxSxn,
- AltNames: []string{},
- IsASTParser: false,
- IsTextFormat: true,
- IsImageFormat: false,
- ParseBlocks: parseSxnBlocks,
- })
-func parseBlocks(inp *input.Input, _ *meta.Meta, syntax string) ast.BlockSlice {
- return doParseBlocks(inp, syntax, ast.VerbatimCode)
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+func init() {
+ parser.Register(&parser.Info{
+ Name: meta.SyntaxTxt,
+ AltNames: []string{meta.SyntaxPlain, meta.SyntaxText},
+ IsASTParser: false,
+ IsTextFormat: true,
+ IsImageFormat: false,
+ ParseBlocks: parseBlocks,
+ ParseInlines: parseInlines,
+ })
+ parser.Register(&parser.Info{
+ Name: meta.SyntaxHTML,
+ AltNames: []string{},
+ IsASTParser: false,
+ IsTextFormat: true,
+ IsImageFormat: false,
+ ParseBlocks: parseBlocksHTML,
+ ParseInlines: parseInlinesHTML,
+ })
+ parser.Register(&parser.Info{
+ Name: meta.SyntaxCSS,
+ AltNames: []string{},
+ IsASTParser: false,
+ IsTextFormat: true,
+ IsImageFormat: false,
+ ParseBlocks: parseBlocks,
+ ParseInlines: parseInlines,
+ })
+ parser.Register(&parser.Info{
+ Name: meta.SyntaxSVG,
+ AltNames: []string{},
+ IsASTParser: false,
+ IsTextFormat: true,
+ IsImageFormat: true,
+ ParseBlocks: parseSVGBlocks,
+ ParseInlines: parseSVGInlines,
+ })
+ parser.Register(&parser.Info{
+ Name: meta.SyntaxSxn,
+ AltNames: []string{},
+ IsASTParser: false,
+ IsTextFormat: true,
+ IsImageFormat: false,
+ ParseBlocks: parseSxnBlocks,
+ ParseInlines: parseSxnInlines,
+ })
+func parseBlocks(inp *input.Input, _ *meta.Meta, syntax string) ast.BlockSlice {
+ return doParseBlocks(inp, syntax, ast.VerbatimProg)
func parseBlocksHTML(inp *input.Input, _ *meta.Meta, syntax string) ast.BlockSlice {
return doParseBlocks(inp, syntax, ast.VerbatimHTML)
func doParseBlocks(inp *input.Input, syntax string, kind ast.VerbatimKind) ast.BlockSlice {
@@ -81,10 +86,25 @@
Attrs: attrs.Attributes{"": syntax},
Content: inp.ScanLineContent(),
+func parseInlines(inp *input.Input, syntax string) ast.InlineSlice {
+ return doParseInlines(inp, syntax, ast.LiteralProg)
+func parseInlinesHTML(inp *input.Input, syntax string) ast.InlineSlice {
+ return doParseInlines(inp, syntax, ast.LiteralHTML)
+func doParseInlines(inp *input.Input, syntax string, kind ast.LiteralKind) ast.InlineSlice {
+ inp.SkipToEOL()
+ return ast.InlineSlice{&ast.LiteralNode{
+ Kind: kind,
+ Attrs: attrs.Attributes{"": syntax},
+ Content: append([]byte(nil), inp.Src[0:inp.Pos]...),
+ }}
func parseSVGBlocks(inp *input.Input, _ *meta.Meta, syntax string) ast.BlockSlice {
is := parseSVGInlines(inp, syntax)
if len(is) == 0 {
return nil
@@ -120,11 +140,11 @@
func parseSxnBlocks(inp *input.Input, _ *meta.Meta, syntax string) ast.BlockSlice {
rd := sxreader.MakeReader(bytes.NewReader(inp.Src))
_, err := rd.ReadAll()
result := ast.BlockSlice{
- Kind: ast.VerbatimCode,
+ Kind: ast.VerbatimProg,
Attrs: attrs.Attributes{"": syntax},
Content: inp.ScanLineContent(),
if err != nil {
@@ -132,5 +152,14 @@
Text: err.Error(),
return result
+func parseSxnInlines(inp *input.Input, syntax string) ast.InlineSlice {
+ inp.SkipToEOL()
+ return ast.InlineSlice{&ast.LiteralNode{
+ Kind: ast.LiteralProg,
+ Attrs: attrs.Attributes{"": syntax},
+ Content: append([]byte(nil), inp.Src[0:inp.Pos]...),
+ }}
Index: parser/plain/plain_test.go
--- parser/plain/plain_test.go
+++ parser/plain/plain_test.go
@@ -14,36 +14,35 @@
package plain_test
import (
- ""
- ""
+ ""
func TestParseSVG(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
src string
exp string
- {"common", "