(zettel (meta (back "00001005090000") (backward "00001005090000") (box-number "2") (created "20241213103100") (lang "en") (published "20241213103100") (role "role") (syntax "zmk") (title "configuration") (visibility "login")) (rights 4) (encoding "") (content "Zettel with role \"\"configuration\"\" are used within Zettelstore to manage and to show the current configuration of the software.\n\nTypically, there are some public zettel that show the license of this software, its dependencies.\nThere is some CSS code to make the default web user interface a litte bit nicer.\nThe default image to signal a broken image can be configured too.\n\nOther zettel are only visible if an user has authenticated itself, or if there is no authentication enabled.\nIn this case, one additional configuration zettel is the zettel containing the version number of this software.\nOther zettel are showing the supported metadata keys and supported syntax values.\nZettel that allow to configure the menu of template to create new zettel are also using the role \"\"configuration\"\".\n\nMost important is the zettel that contains the runtime configuration.\nYou may change its metadata value to change the behaviour of the software.\n\nOne configuration is the \"\"expert mode\"\".\nIf enabled, and if you are authorized to see them, you will discover some more zettel.\nFor example, HTML templates to customize the default web user interface, to show the application log, to see statistics about zettel boxes, to show the host name and it operating system, and many more.\n\nYou are allowed to add your own configuration zettel, for example if you want to customize the look and feel of zettel by placing relevant data into your own zettel.\n\nBy default, user zettel (for authentification) use also the role \"\"configuration\"\".\nHowever, you are allowed to change this."))