(zettel (meta (back "00001000000000 00001005000000") (backward "00001000000000 00001005000000") (box-number "1") (created "20210126175322") (forward "00001005090000 00001014000000") (modified "20230624171152") (published "20230624171152") (role "manual") (syntax "zmk") (tags "#design #goal #manual #zettelstore") (title "Design goals for the Zettelstore")) (rights 4) (encoding "") (content "Zettelstore supports the following design goals:\n\n; Longevity of stored notes / zettel\n: Every zettel you create should be readable without the help of any tool, even without Zettelstore.\n: It should be not hard to write other software that works with your zettel.\n: Normal zettel should be stored in a single file.\n If this is not possible: at most in two files: one for the metadata, one for the content.\n The only exception are [[predefined zettel|00001005090000]] stored in the Zettelstore executable.\n: There is no additional database.\n; Single user\n: All zettel belong to you, only to you.\n Zettelstore provides its services only to one person: you.\n If the computer running Zettelstore is securely configured, there should be no risk that others are able to read or update your zettel.\n: If you want, you can customize Zettelstore in a way that some specific or all persons are able to read some of your zettel.\n; Ease of installation\n: If you want to use the Zettelstore software, all you need is to copy the executable to an appropriate file directory and start working.\n: Upgrading the software is done just by replacing the executable with a newer one.\n; Ease of operation\n: There is only one executable for Zettelstore and one directory, where your zettel are stored.\n: If you decide to use multiple directories, you are free to configure Zettelstore appropriately.\n; Multiple modes of operation\n: You can use Zettelstore as a standalone software on your device, but you are not restricted to it.\n: You can install the software on a central server, or you can install it on all your devices with no restrictions how to synchronize your zettel.\n; Multiple user interfaces\n: Zettelstore provides a default [[web-based user interface|00001014000000]].\n Anybody can provide alternative user interfaces, e.g. for special purposes.\n; Simple service\n: The purpose of Zettelstore is to safely store your zettel and to provide some initial relations between them.\n: External software can be written to deeply analyze your zettel and the structures they form.\n; Security by default\n: Without any customization, Zettelstore provides its services in a safe and secure manner and does not expose you (or other users) to security risks.\n: If you know what use are doing, Zettelstore allows you to relax some security-related preferences.\n However, even in this case, the more secure way is chosen.\n: The Zettelstore software uses a minimal design and uses other software dependencies only is essential needed.\n: There will be no plugin mechanism, which allows external software to control the inner workings of the Zettelstore software."))