((h2 (@ (id . "the-curious-user")) "The curious user") (p "You just want to check out the Zettelstore software") (ul (li "Grab the appropriate executable and copy it into any directory") (li "Start the Zettelstore software, e.g. with a double click" (sup (@ (id . "fnref:1")) (a (@ (class . "zs-noteref") (href . "#fn:1") (role . "doc-noteref")) "1"))) (li "A sub-directory " (@L (@H "“") "zettel" (@H "”")) " will be created in the directory where you put the executable." " " "It will contain your future zettel.") (li "Open the URI " (a (@ (href . "http://localhost:23123") (rel . "external")) "http://localhost:23123") " with your web browser." " " "It will present you a mostly empty Zettelstore." " " "There will be a zettel titled " (@L (@H "“") (a (@ (href . "00010000000000")) "Home") (@H "”")) " that contains some helpful information.") (li "Please read the instructions for the " (a (@ (href . "00001014000000")) "web-based user interface") " and learn about the various ways to write zettel.") (li "If you restart your device, please make sure to start your Zettelstore again.")) (h2 (@ (id . "the-intermediate-user")) "The intermediate user") (p "You already tried the Zettelstore software and now you want to use it permanently." " " "Zettelstore should start automatically when you log into your computer.") (p "Please follow " (a (@ (href . "00001003300000")) "these instructions") ".") (h2 (@ (id . "the-server-administrator")) "The server administrator") (p "You want to provide a shared Zettelstore that can be used from your various devices." " " "Installing Zettelstore as a Linux service is not that hard.") (p "Please follow " (a (@ (href . "00001003600000")) "these instructions") "."))