((p "You can configure a running Zettelstore by modifying the special zettel with the ID " (a (@ (href . "00000000000100")) "00000000000100") "." " " "This zettel is called " (em "configuration zettel") "." " " "The following metadata keys change the appearance / behavior of Zettelstore." " " "Some of them can be overwritten in an " (a (@ (href . "00001010040200")) "user zettel") ", a subset of those may be overwritten in zettel that is currently used." " " "See the full list of " (a (@ (href . "00001004020200")) "metadata that may be overwritten") ".") (dl (dt (a (@ (id . "default-copyright")) (kbd "default-copyright"))) (dd (p "Copyright value to be used when rendering content." " " "Can be overwritten in a zettel with " (a (@ (href . "00001006020000")) "meta key") " " (kbd "copyright") ".") (p "Default: (the empty string).")) (dt (a (@ (id . "default-license")) (kbd "default-license"))) (dd (p "License value to be used when rendering content." " " "Can be overwritten in a zettel with " (a (@ (href . "00001006020000")) "meta key") " " (kbd "license") ".") (p "Default: (the empty string).")) (dt (a (@ (id . "default-visibility")) (kbd "default-visibility"))) (dd (p "Visibility to be used, if zettel does not specify a value for the " (a (@ (href . "00001006020000#visibility")) (kbd "visibility")) " metadata key.") (p "Default: " (@L (@H "“") "login" (@H "”")) ".")) (dt (a (@ (id . "expert-mode")) (kbd "expert-mode"))) (dd (p "If set to a " (a (@ (href . "00001006030500")) "boolean true value") ", all zettel with " (a (@ (href . "00001010070200")) "visibility " (@L (@H "“") "expert" (@H "”"))) " will be shown (to the owner, if " (a (@ (href . "00001010040100")) "authentication is enabled") "; to all, otherwise)." " " "This affects most computed zettel.") (p "Default: " (@L (@H "“") "False" (@H "”")) ".")) (dt (a (@ (id . "footer-zettel")) (kbd "footer-zettel"))) (dd (p "Identifier of a zettel that is rendered as HTML and will be placed as the footer of every zettel in the " (a (@ (href . "00001014000000")) "web user interface") "." " " "Zettel content, delivered via the " (a (@ (href . "00001012000000")) "API") " as symbolic expressions, etc. is not affected." " " "If the zettel identifier is invalid or references a zettel that could not be read (possibly because of a limited " (a (@ (href . "00001010070200")) "visibility setting") "), nothing is written as the footer.") (p "May be " (a (@ (href . "00001004020200")) "overwritten") " in a user zettel.") (p "Default: (an invalid zettel identifier)")) (dt (a (@ (id . "home-zettel")) (kbd "home-zettel"))) (dd (p "Specifies the identifier of the zettel, that should be presented for the default view / home view." " " "If not given or if the identifier does not identify a zettel, the zettel with the identifier " (kbd "00010000000000") " is shown.") (p "May be " (a (@ (href . "00001004020200")) "overwritten") " in a user zettel.")) (dt (a (@ (id . "lang")) (kbd "lang"))) (dd (p "Language to be used when displaying content.") (p "Default: " (@L (@H "“") "en" (@H "”")) ".") (p "This value is used as a default value, if it is not set in an user's zettel or in a zettel." " " "It is also used to specify the language for all non-zettel content, e.g. lists or search results.") (p "Use values according to the language definition of " (a (@ (href . "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5646") (rel . "external")) "RFC-5646") ".")) (dt (a (@ (id . "max-transclusions")) (kbd "max-transclusions"))) (dd (p "Maximum number of indirect transclusion." " " "This is used to avoid an exploding " (@L (@H "“") "transclusion bomb" (@H "”")) ", a form of a " (a (@ (href . "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billion_laughs_attack") (rel . "external")) "billion laughs attack") ".") (p "Default: " (@L (@H "“") "1024" (@H "”")) ".")) (dt (a (@ (id . "show-back-links")) (kbd "show-back-links")) ", " (a (@ (id . "show-folge-links")) (kbd "show-folge-links")) ", " (a (@ (id . "show-sequel-links")) (kbd "show-sequel-links")) ", " (a (@ (id . "show-successor-links")) (kbd "show-successor-links"))) (dd (p "When displaying a zettel in the web user interface, references to other zettel are normally shown below the content of the zettel." " " "This affects the metadata keys " (a (@ (href . "00001006020000#back")) (kbd "back")) ", " (a (@ (href . "00001006020000#folge")) (kbd "folge")) ", " (a (@ (href . "00001006020000#sequel")) (kbd "sequel")) ", and " (a (@ (href . "00001006020000#prequel")) (kbd "prequel")) ".") (p "These configuration keys may be used to show, not to show, or to close the list of referenced zettel.") (p "Allowed values are: " (@L (@H "“") "false" (@H "”")) " (will not show the list), " (@L (@H "“") "close" (@H "”")) " (will show the list closed), and " (@L (@H "“") "open" (@H "”")) " / " (@L (@H "“" "”")) " (will show the list).") (p "Default: " (@L (@H "“" "”")) ".") (p "May be " (a (@ (href . "00001004020200")) "overwritten") " in a user zettel, so that setting will only affect the given user." " " "Alternatively, it may be overwritten in a zettel, so that that the setting will affect only the given zettel.") (p "This zettel is an example of a zettel that sets " (kbd "show-back-links") " to " (@L (@H "“") "false" (@H "”")) ".")) (dt (a (@ (id . "site-name")) (kbd "site-name"))) (dd (p "Name of the Zettelstore instance." " " "Will be used when displaying some lists.") (p "Default: " (@L (@H "“") "Zettelstore" (@H "”")) ".")) (dt (a (@ (id . "yaml-header")) (kbd "yaml-header"))) (dd (p "If " (a (@ (href . "00001006030500")) "true") ", metadata and content will be separated by " (kbd "---\\n") " instead of an empty line (" (kbd "\\n\\n") ").") (p "Default: " (@L (@H "“") "False" (@H "”")) ".") (p "You will probably use this key, if you are working with another software processing " (a (@ (href . "https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/") (rel . "external")) "Markdown") " that uses a subset of " (a (@ (href . "https://yaml.org/") (rel . "external")) "YAML") " to specify metadata.")) (dt (a (@ (id . "zettel-file-syntax")) (kbd "zettel-file-syntax"))) (dd (p "If you create a new zettel with a syntax different to " (@L (@H "“") "zmk" (@H "”")) ", Zettelstore will store the zettel as two files:" " " "one for the metadata (file without a filename extension) and another for the content (file extension based on the syntax value)." " " "If you want to specify alternative syntax values, for which you want new zettel to be stored in one file (file extension " (kbd ".zettel") "), you can use this key." " " "All values are case-insensitive, duplicate values are removed.") (p "For example, you could use this key if you're working with Markdown syntax and you want to store metadata and content in one " (kbd ".zettel") " file.") (p "If " (kbd "yaml-header") " evaluates to true, a zettel is always stored in one " (kbd ".zettel") " file."))))