(zettel (meta (back "00001004000000 00001004011200") (backward "00001004000000 00001004011200 00001004059900") (box-number "1") (created "20210126175322") (forward "00001004010000 00001004050200 00001004050400 00001004051000 00001004051100 00001004051200 00001004051400 00001004059900 00001010040200") (modified "20221128161932") (published "20221128161932") (role "manual") (syntax "zmk") (tags "#command #configuration #manual #zettelstore") (title "Command line parameters")) (rights 4) (encoding "") (content "Zettelstore is not just a service that provides services of a zettelkasten.\nIt allows to some tasks to be executed at the command line.\nTypically, the task (\"\"sub-command\"\") will be given at the command line as the first parameter.\n\nIf no parameter is given, the Zettelstore is called as\n```\nzettelstore\n```\nThis is equivalent to call it this way:\n```sh\nmkdir -p ./zettel\nzettelstore run -d ./zettel -c ./.zscfg\n```\nTypically this is done by starting Zettelstore via a graphical user interface by double-clicking to its file icon.\n=== Sub-commands\n* [[``zettelstore help``|00001004050200]] lists all available sub-commands.\n* [[``zettelstore version``|00001004050400]] to display version information of Zettelstore.\n* [[``zettelstore run``|00001004051000]] to start the Zettelstore service.\n* [[``zettelstore run-simple``|00001004051100]] is typically called, when you start Zettelstore by a double.click in your GUI.\n* [[``zettelstore file``|00001004051200]] to render files manually without activated/running Zettelstore services.\n* [[``zettelstore password``|00001004051400]] to calculate data for [[user authentication|00001010040200]].\n\nEvery sub-command allows the following command line options:\n; [!h|''-h''] (or ''--help'')\n: Does not execute the sub-command, but shows allowed command line options (except ''-h'' / ''--help'').\n; [!l|''-l LOGSPEC'']\n: Makes the given logging level specification effective for this command.\n Details, including syntax, can be found in the description for the [[''log-level''|00001004010000#log-level]] key of the startup configuration.\n\nTo measure potential bottlenecks within the software Zettelstore, there are some [[command line flags for profiling the application|00001004059900]]."))