((h2 (@ (id . "zettelstore-run")) (code "zettelstore run")) (p "This starts the web service.") (pre (code "zettelstore run [-a PORT] [-c CONFIGFILE] [-d DIR] [-debug] [-p PORT] [-r] [-v]")) (dl (dt (a (@ (id . "a")) (kbd "-a PORT"))) (dd (p "Specifies the TCP port through which you can reach the " (a (@ (href . "00001004100000")) "administrator console") "." " " "See the explanation of " (a (@ (href . "00001004010000#admin-port")) (kbd "admin-port")) " for more details.")) (dt (a (@ (id . "c")) (kbd "-c CONFIGFILE"))) (dd (p "Specifies " (kbd "CONFIGFILE") " as a file, where " (a (@ (href . "00001004010000")) "startup configuration data") " is read." " " "It is ignored, when the given file is not available, nor readable.") (p "Default: tries to read the following files in the " (@L (@H "“") "current directory" (@H "”")) ": " (kbd "zettelstore.cfg") ", " (kbd "zsconfig.txt") ", " (kbd "zscfg.txt") ", " (kbd "_zscfg") ", and " (kbd ".zscfg") ".")) (dt (a (@ (id . "d")) (kbd "-d DIR"))) (dd (p "Specifies " (kbd "DIR") " as the directory that contains all zettel.") (p "Default is " (kbd "./zettel") " (" (kbd ".\\zettel") " on Windows), where " (kbd ".") " denotes the " (@L (@H "“") "current directory" (@H "”")) ".")) (dt (a (@ (id . "debug")) (kbd "-debug"))) (dd (p "Allows better debugging of the internal web server by disabling any timeout values." " " "You should specify this only as a developer." " " "Especially do not enable it for a production server.") (p (a (@ (href . "https://blog.cloudflare.com/exposing-go-on-the-internet/#timeouts") (rel . "external")) "https://blog.cloudflare.com/exposing-go-on-the-internet/#timeouts") " contains a good explanation for the usefulness of sensitive timeout values.")) (dt (a (@ (id . "p")) (kbd "-p PORT"))) (dd (p "Specifies the integer value " (kbd "PORT") " as the TCP port, where the Zettelstore web server listens for requests.") (p "Default: 23123.") (p "Zettelstore listens only on " (kbd "") ", e.g. only requests from the current computer will be processed." " " "If you want to listen on network card to process requests from other computer, please use " (a (@ (href . "00001004010000#listen-addr")) (kbd "listen-addr")) " of the configuration file as described below.")) (dt (a (@ (id . "r")) (kbd "-r"))) (dd (p "Puts the Zettelstore in read-only mode." " " "No changes are possible via the " (a (@ (href . "00001014000000")) "web user interface") " / via the " (a (@ (href . "00001012000000")) "API") ".") (p "This allows to publish your content without any risks of unauthorized changes.")) (dt (a (@ (id . "v")) (kbd "-v"))) (dd (p "Be more verbose when writing logs."))) (p "Command line options take precedence over " (a (@ (href . "00001004010000")) "configuration file") " options."))