(zettel (meta (back "00001004010000 00001004101000") (backward "00001004010000 00001004101000") (box-number "1") (created "20211204182643") (forward "00000000000005") (modified "20240221134619") (published "20240221134619") (role "manual") (syntax "zmk") (tags "#configuration #manual #zettelstore") (title "List of supported logging levels")) (rights 4) (encoding "") (content "Zettelstore supports various levels of logging output.\nThis allows you to see the inner workings of Zettelstore, or to avoid it.\n\nEach level has an associated name and number.\nA lower number signals more logging output.\n\n|= Name | Number :| Description\n| Trace | 1 | Show most of the inner workings\n| Debug | 2 | Show many internal values that might be interesting for a [[Zettelstore developer|00000000000005]].\n| Info | 3 | Display information about an event. In most cases, there is no required action expected from you.\n| Error | 4 | Notify about an error, which was handled automatically. Something is broken. User intervention may be required, some important functionality may be disabled. Monitor the application.\n| Mandatory | 5 | Important message will be shown, e.g. the Zettelstore version at startup time.\n| Disabled | 6 | No messages will be shown\n\nIf you set the logging level to a certain value, only messages with the same or higher numerical value will be shown.\nE.g. if you set the logging level to \"\"error\"\", no \"\"trace\"\", \"\"debug\"\", and \"\"info\"\" messages are shown, but \"\"error\"\" and \"\"mandatory\"\" messages."))