((p "Zettelstore supports various levels of logging output." " " "This allows you to see the inner workings of Zettelstore, or to avoid it.") (p "Each level has an associated name and number." " " "A lower number signals more logging output.") (table (thead (tr (th "Name") (th (@ (class . "center")) "Number") (th "Description"))) (tbody (tr (td "Trace") (td (@ (class . "center")) "1") (td "Show most of the inner workings")) (tr (td "Debug") (td (@ (class . "center")) "2") (td "Show many internal values that might be interesting for a " (a (@ (href . "00000000000005")) "Zettelstore developer") ".")) (tr (td "Info") (td (@ (class . "center")) "3") (td "Display information about an event. In most cases, there is no required action expected from you.")) (tr (td "Error") (td (@ (class . "center")) "4") (td "Notify about an error, which was handled automatically. Something is broken. User intervention may be required, some important functionality may be disabled. Monitor the application.")) (tr (td "Mandatory") (td (@ (class . "center")) "5") (td "Important message will be shown, e.g. the Zettelstore version at startup time.")) (tr (td "Disabled") (td (@ (class . "center")) "6") (td "No messages will be shown")))) (p "If you set the logging level to a certain value, only messages with the same or higher numerical value will be shown." " " "E.g. if you set the logging level to " (@L (@H "“") "error" (@H "”")) ", no " (@L (@H "“") "trace" (@H "”")) ", " (@L (@H "“") "debug" (@H "”")) ", and " (@L (@H "“") "info" (@H "”")) " messages are shown, but " (@L (@H "“") "error" (@H "”")) " and " (@L (@H "“") "mandatory" (@H "”")) " messages."))