title: Zettelstore Administrator Console role: manual tags: #configuration #manual #zettelstore syntax: zmk back: 00001004000000 00001004059900 00001007031000 00001018000000 backward: 00001004000000 00001004010000 00001004051000 00001004059900 00001007031000 00001018000000 box-number: 1 copyright: (c) 2020-present by Detlef Stern created: 20210510141304 forward: 00001004010000 00001004051000 00001004101000 lang: en license: EUPL-1.2-or-later modified: 20211103162926 published: 20211103162926 visibility: public The administrator console is a service accessible only on the same computer on which Zettelstore is running. It allows an experienced user to monitor and control some of the inner workings of Zettelstore. You enable the administrator console by specifying a TCP port number greater than zero (better: greater than 1024) for it, either via the [[command-line parameter ''-a''|00001004051000#a]] or via the ''admin-port'' key of the [[startup configuration file|00001004010000#admin-port]]. After you enable the administrator console, you can use tools such as [[PuTTY|https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/]] or other telnet software to connect to the administrator console. In fact, the administrator console is __not__ a full telnet service. It is merely a simple line-oriented service where each input line is interpreted separately. Therefore, you can also use tools like [[netcat|https://nc110.sourceforge.io/]], [[socat|http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/]], etc. After connecting to the administrator console, there is no further authentication. It is not needed because you must be logged in on the same computer where Zettelstore is running. You cannot connect to the administrator console if you are on a different computer. Of course, on multi-user systems with encrusted users, you should not enable the administrator console. * Enable via [[command line|00001004051000#a]] * Enable via [[configuration file|00001004010000#admin-port]] * [[List of supported commands|00001004101000]]