(((meta (@ (content . "List of supported commands of the administrator console") (name . "title"))) (meta (@ (content . "manual") (name . "role"))) (meta (@ (content . "#configuration #manual #zettelstore") (name . "tags"))) (meta (@ (content . "zmk") (name . "syntax"))) (meta (@ (content . "00001004010000 00001004100000 00001018000000") (name . "back"))) (meta (@ (content . "00001004010000 00001004100000 00001018000000") (name . "backward"))) (meta (@ (content . "1") (name . "box-number"))) (meta (@ (content . "(c) 2020-present by Detlef Stern ") (name . "copyright"))) (meta (@ (content . "20210510141304") (name . "created"))) (meta (@ (content . "00001004059700") (name . "forward"))) (meta (@ (content . "en") (name . "lang"))) (meta (@ (content . "EUPL-1.2-or-later") (name . "license"))) (meta (@ (content . "20220823194553") (name . "modified"))) (meta (@ (content . "20220823194553") (name . "published"))) (meta (@ (content . "public") (name . "visibility")))) (dl (dt (a (@ (id . "bye")) (kbd "bye"))) (dd (p "Closes the connection to the administrator console.")) (dt (a (@ (id . "config")) (kbd "config SERVICE"))) (dd (p "Displays all valid configuration keys for the given service.") (p "If a key ends with the hyphen-minus character (" (@L (@H "“") (kbd "-") (@H "”")) ", U+002D), the key denotes a list value." " " "Keys of list elements are specified by appending a number greater than zero to the key.")) (dt (a (@ (id . "crlf")) (kbd "crlf"))) (dd (p "Toggles CRLF mode for console output." " " "Changes end of line sequences between Windows mode (" (samp "\\r\\n") ") and non-Windows mode (" (samp "\\n") ", initial value)." " " "Often used on Windows telnet clients that otherwise scramble the output of commands.")) (dt (a (@ (id . "dump-index")) (kbd "dump-index"))) (dd (p "Displays the content of the internal search index.")) (dt (a (@ (id . "dump-recover")) (kbd "dump-recover RECOVER"))) (dd (p "Displays data about the last given recovered internal activity.") (p "The value for " (kbd "RECOVER") " can be obtained via the command " (code "stat core") ", which lists all overview data about all recoveries.")) (dt (a (@ (id . "echo")) (kbd "echo"))) (dd (p "Toggles the echo mode, where each command is printed before execution.")) (dt (a (@ (id . "end-profile")) (kbd "end-profile"))) (dd (p "Stops profiling the application.")) (dt (a (@ (id . "env")) (kbd "env"))) (dd (p "Display environment values.")) (dt (a (@ (id . "help")) (kbd "help"))) (dd (p "Displays a list of all available commands.")) (dt (a (@ (id . "get-config")) (kbd "get-config"))) (dd (p "Displays current configuration data.") (p (code "get-config") " shows all current configuration data.") (p (code "get-config SERVICE") " shows only the current configuration data of the given service.") (p (code "get-config SERVICE KEY") " shows the current configuration data for the given service and key.")) (dt (a (@ (id . "header")) (kbd "header"))) (dd (p "Toggles the header mode, where each table is show with a header nor not.")) (dt (a (@ (id . "log-level")) (kbd "log-level"))) (dd (p "Displays or sets the " (a (@ (href . "00001004059700")) "logging level") " for the kernel or a service.") (p (code "log-level") " shows all known log level.") (p (code "log-level NAME") " shows log level for the given service or for the kernel.") (p (code "log-level NAME VALUE") " sets the log level for the given service or for the kernel." " " (kbd "VALUE") " is either the name of the log level or its numerical value.")) (dt (a (@ (id . "metrics")) (kbd "metrics"))) (dd (p "Displays some values that reflect the inner workings of Zettelstore." " " "See " (a (@ (href . "https://golang.org/pkg/runtime/metrics/") (rel . "external")) "here") " for a technical description of these values.")) (dt (a (@ (id . "next-config")) (kbd "next-config"))) (dd (p "Displays next configuration data." " " "It will be the current configuration, if the corresponding services is restarted.") (p (code "next-config") " shows all next configuration data.") (p (code "next-config SERVICE") " shows only the next configuration data of the given service.") (p (code "next-config SERVICE KEY") " shows the next configuration data for the given service and key.")) (dt (a (@ (id . "profile")) (kbd "profile [PROFILE] [FILE]"))) (dd (p "Starts to profile the software with the profile PROFILE and writes profiling data to file FILE." " " "If PROFILE is not given, a value " (kbd "CPU") " is assumed, which specifies to profile CPU usage." " " "If FILE is not given, a value " (kbd "PROFILE.prof") " will be used.") (p "Other values for " (kbd "PROFILE") " are: " (kbd "goroutine") ", " (kbd "heap") ", " (kbd "allocs") ", " (kbd "threadcreate") ", " (kbd "block") ", and " (kbd "mutex") "." " " "In the future, more values may be appropriate." " " "See the " (a (@ (href . "https://pkg.go.dev/runtime/pprof#Profile") (rel . "external")) "Go documentation") " for details.") (p "This feature is dependent on the internal implementation language of Zettelstore, Go." " " "It may be removed without any further notice at any time." " " "In most cases, it is a tool for software developers to optimize Zettelstore's internal workings.")) (dt (a (@ (id . "refresh")) (kbd "refresh"))) (dd (p "Refresh all internal data about zettel.")) (dt (a (@ (id . "restart")) (kbd "restart SERVICE"))) (dd (p "Restart the given service and all other that depend on this.")) (dt (a (@ (id . "services")) (kbd "services"))) (dd (p "Displays s list of all available services and their current status.")) (dt (a (@ (id . "set-config")) (kbd "set-config SERVICE KEY VALUE"))) (dd (p "Sets a single configuration value for the next configuration of a given service." " " "It will become effective if the service is restarted.") (p "If the key specifies a list value, all other list values with a number greater than the given key are deleted." " " "You can use the special number " (@L (@H "“") "0" (@H "”")) " to delete all values." " " "E.g. " (code "set-config box box-uri-0 any_text") " will remove all values of the list " (em "box-uri-") ".")) (dt (a (@ (id . "shutdown")) (kbd "shutdown"))) (dd (p "Terminate the Zettelstore itself (and closes the connection to the administrator console).")) (dt (a (@ (id . "start")) (kbd "start SERVICE"))) (dd (p "Start the given service and all dependent services.")) (dt (a (@ (id . "stat")) (kbd "stat SERVICE"))) (dd (p "Display some statistical values for the given service.")) (dt (a (@ (id . "stop")) (kbd "stop SERVICE"))) (dd (p "Stop the given service and all other that depend on this."))))