((META (EMPTY-STRING title "List of predefined zettel") (WORD role "manual") (TAG-SET tags ("#manual" "#reference" "#zettelstore")) (WORD syntax "zmk") (ZID-SET back ("00001002000000" "00001004011200" "00001004050400" "00001005000000" "00001006055000" "00001012054400")) (ZID-SET backward ("00001002000000" "00001004011200" "00001004050400" "00001005000000" "00001006020000" "00001006055000" "00001012054400")) (NUMBER box-number "1") (STRING copyright "(c) 2020-present by Detlef Stern ") (TIMESTAMP created "20210126175322") (ZID-SET forward ("00000000000001" "00000000000002" "00000000000003" "00000000000004" "00000000000005" "00000000000006" "00000000000007" "00000000000008" "00000000000009" "00000000000020" "00000000000090" "00000000000092" "00000000000096" "00000000000100" "00000000000102" "00000000010100" "00000000010200" "00000000010300" "00000000010401" "00000000010402" "00000000010403" "00000000010404" "00000000010405" "00000000010700" "00000000019000" "00000000019990" "00000000020001" "00000000025001" "00000000040001" "00000000060010" "00000000060020" "00000000060030" "00000000060040" "00000000090000" "00000000090001" "00000000090002" "00000000090003" "00000000090004" "00001004010000" "00001004020000" "00001006020000" "00001006020100" "00001006030000" "00001006050000" "00001007040322" "00001010040100" "00001010040200" "00001012051800" "00009999999998" "00010000000000")) (WORD lang "en") (EMPTY-STRING license "EUPL-1.2-or-later") (TIMESTAMP modified "20240709180005") (TIMESTAMP published "20240709180005") (WORD visibility "public")) (BLOCK (PARA (TEXT "The following table lists all predefined zettel with their purpose.") (ENDNOTE () (TEXT "Zettel identifier format will be migrated to a new format after version 0.19."))) (TABLE ((CELL-CENTER (TEXT "Identifier")) (CELL (TEXT "Title")) (CELL (TEXT "Purpose"))) ((CELL-CENTER (LINK-ZETTEL () "00000000000001" (TEXT "00000000000001"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore Version")) (CELL (TEXT "Contains the version string of the running Zettelstore"))) ((CELL-CENTER (FORMAT-SPAN () (TEXT "00000000000002"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore Host")) (CELL (TEXT "Contains the name of the computer running the Zettelstore"))) ((CELL-CENTER (FORMAT-SPAN () (TEXT "00000000000003"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore Operating System")) (CELL (TEXT "Contains the operating system and CPU architecture of the computer running the Zettelstore"))) ((CELL-CENTER (LINK-ZETTEL () "00000000000004" (TEXT "00000000000004"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore License")) (CELL (TEXT "Lists the license of Zettelstore"))) ((CELL-CENTER (LINK-ZETTEL () "00000000000005" (TEXT "00000000000005"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore Contributors")) (CELL (TEXT "Lists all contributors of Zettelstore"))) ((CELL-CENTER (LINK-ZETTEL () "00000000000006" (TEXT "00000000000006"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore Dependencies")) (CELL (TEXT "Lists all licensed content"))) ((CELL-CENTER (FORMAT-SPAN () (TEXT "00000000000007"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore Log")) (CELL (TEXT "Lists the last 8192 log messages"))) ((CELL-CENTER (FORMAT-SPAN () (TEXT "00000000000008"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore Memory")) (CELL (TEXT "Some statistics about main memory usage"))) ((CELL-CENTER (FORMAT-SPAN () (TEXT "00000000000009"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore Sx Engine")) (CELL (TEXT "Statistics about the ") (LINK-EXTERNAL () "https://t73f.de/r/sx" (TEXT "Sx")) (TEXT " engine, which interprets symbolic expressions"))) ((CELL-CENTER (FORMAT-SPAN () (TEXT "00000000000020"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore Box Manager")) (CELL (TEXT "Contains some statistics about zettel boxes and the the index process"))) ((CELL-CENTER (LINK-ZETTEL () "00000000000090" (TEXT "00000000000090"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore Supported Metadata Keys")) (CELL (TEXT "Contains all supported metadata keys, their ") (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001006030000" (TEXT "types")) (TEXT ", and more"))) ((CELL-CENTER (LINK-ZETTEL () "00000000000092" (TEXT "00000000000092"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore Supported Parser")) (CELL (TEXT "Lists all supported values for metadata ") (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001006020000#syntax" (TEXT "syntax")) (TEXT " that are recognized by Zettelstore"))) ((CELL-CENTER (FORMAT-SPAN () (TEXT "00000000000096"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore Startup Configuration")) (CELL (TEXT "Contains the effective values of the ") (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001004010000" (TEXT "startup configuration")))) ((CELL-CENTER (LINK-ZETTEL () "00000000000100" (TEXT "00000000000100"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore Runtime Configuration")) (CELL (TEXT "Allows to ") (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001004020000" (TEXT "configure Zettelstore at runtime")))) ((CELL-CENTER (FORMAT-SPAN () (TEXT "00000000000102"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore Warnings")) (CELL (TEXT "Warnings about potential problematic zettel identifier"))) ((CELL-CENTER (FORMAT-SPAN () (TEXT "00000000010100"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore Base HTML Template")) (CELL (TEXT "Contains the general layout of the HTML view"))) ((CELL-CENTER (FORMAT-SPAN () (TEXT "00000000010200"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore Login Form HTML Template")) (CELL (TEXT "Layout of the login form, when authentication is ") (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001010040100" (TEXT "enabled")))) ((CELL-CENTER (FORMAT-SPAN () (TEXT "00000000010300"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore List Zettel HTML Template")) (CELL (TEXT "Used when displaying a list of zettel"))) ((CELL-CENTER (FORMAT-SPAN () (TEXT "00000000010401"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore Detail HTML Template")) (CELL (TEXT "Layout for the HTML detail view of one zettel"))) ((CELL-CENTER (FORMAT-SPAN () (TEXT "00000000010402"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore Info HTML Template")) (CELL (TEXT "Layout for the information view of a specific zettel"))) ((CELL-CENTER (FORMAT-SPAN () (TEXT "00000000010403"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore Form HTML Template")) (CELL (TEXT "Form that is used to create a new or to change an existing zettel that contains text"))) ((CELL-CENTER (FORMAT-SPAN () (TEXT "00000000010404"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore Rename Form HTML Template")) (CELL (TEXT "View that is displayed to change the ") (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001006050000" (TEXT "zettel identifier")))) ((CELL-CENTER (FORMAT-SPAN () (TEXT "00000000010405"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore Delete HTML Template")) (CELL (TEXT "View to confirm the deletion of a zettel"))) ((CELL-CENTER (FORMAT-SPAN () (TEXT "00000000010700"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore Error HTML Template")) (CELL (TEXT "View to show an error message"))) ((CELL-CENTER (FORMAT-SPAN () (TEXT "00000000019000"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore Sxn Start Code")) (CELL (TEXT "Starting point of sxn functions to build the templates"))) ((CELL-CENTER (FORMAT-SPAN () (TEXT "00000000019990"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore Sxn Base Code")) (CELL (TEXT "Base sxn functions to build the templates"))) ((CELL-CENTER (LINK-ZETTEL () "00000000020001" (TEXT "00000000020001"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore Base CSS")) (CELL (TEXT "System-defined CSS file that is included by the ") (FORMAT-SPAN () (TEXT "Base HTML Template")))) ((CELL-CENTER (LINK-ZETTEL () "00000000025001" (TEXT "00000000025001"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore User CSS")) (CELL (TEXT "User-defined CSS file that is included by the ") (FORMAT-SPAN () (TEXT "Base HTML Template")))) ((CELL-CENTER (LINK-ZETTEL () "00000000040001" (TEXT "00000000040001"))) (CELL (TEXT "Generic Emoji")) (CELL (TEXT "Image that is shown if ") (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001007040322" (TEXT "original image reference")) (TEXT " is invalid"))) ((CELL-CENTER (LINK-ZETTEL () "00000000060010" (TEXT "00000000060010"))) (CELL (TEXT "zettel")) (CELL (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001012051800" (TEXT "Role zettel")) (TEXT " for the role ") (FORMAT-QUOTE () (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001006020100#zettel" (TEXT "zettel"))))) ((CELL-CENTER (LINK-ZETTEL () "00000000060020" (TEXT "00000000060020"))) (CELL (TEXT "confguration")) (CELL (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001012051800" (TEXT "Role zettel")) (TEXT " for the role ") (FORMAT-QUOTE () (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001006020100#confguration" (TEXT "confguration"))))) ((CELL-CENTER (LINK-ZETTEL () "00000000060030" (TEXT "00000000060030"))) (CELL (TEXT "role")) (CELL (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001012051800" (TEXT "Role zettel")) (TEXT " for the role ") (FORMAT-QUOTE () (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001006020100#role" (TEXT "role"))))) ((CELL-CENTER (LINK-ZETTEL () "00000000060040" (TEXT "00000000060040"))) (CELL (TEXT "tag")) (CELL (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001012051800" (TEXT "Role zettel")) (TEXT " for the role ") (FORMAT-QUOTE () (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001006020100#tag" (TEXT "tag"))))) ((CELL-CENTER (LINK-ZETTEL () "00000000090000" (TEXT "00000000090000"))) (CELL (TEXT "New Menu")) (CELL (TEXT "Contains items that should be in the zettel template menu"))) ((CELL-CENTER (LINK-ZETTEL () "00000000090001" (TEXT "00000000090001"))) (CELL (TEXT "New Zettel")) (CELL (TEXT "Template for a new zettel with role ") (FORMAT-QUOTE () (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001006020100#zettel" (TEXT "zettel"))))) ((CELL-CENTER (LINK-ZETTEL () "00000000090002" (TEXT "00000000090002"))) (CELL (TEXT "New User")) (CELL (TEXT "Template for a new ") (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001010040200" (TEXT "user zettel")))) ((CELL-CENTER (LINK-ZETTEL () "00000000090003" (TEXT "00000000090003"))) (CELL (TEXT "New Tag")) (CELL (TEXT "Template for a new ") (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001006020100#tag" (TEXT "tag zettel")))) ((CELL-CENTER (LINK-ZETTEL () "00000000090004" (TEXT "00000000090004"))) (CELL (TEXT "New Role")) (CELL (TEXT "Template for a new ") (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001006020100#role" (TEXT "role zettel")))) ((CELL-CENTER (LINK-ZETTEL () "00009999999998" (TEXT "00009999999998"))) (CELL (TEXT "Zettelstore Application Directory")) (CELL (TEXT "Maps application name to application specific zettel"))) ((CELL-CENTER (LINK-ZETTEL () "00010000000000" (TEXT "00010000000000"))) (CELL (TEXT "Home")) (CELL (TEXT "Default home zettel, contains some welcome information")))) (PARA (TEXT "If a zettel is not linked, it is not accessible for the current user.") (SOFT) (TEXT "In most cases, you must at least enable ") (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001004020000#expert-mode" (LITERAL-INPUT () "expert-mode")) (TEXT ".")) (PARA (FORMAT-STRONG () (TEXT "Important:")) (TEXT " All identifier may change until a stable version of the software is released."))))