(zettel (meta (back "00001000000000 00001012053200 00001012054200 00001012920800") (backward "00001000000000 00001012053200 00001012054200 00001012920800") (box-number "1") (created "20210126175322") (forward "00001006010000 00001006020000 00001006030000 00001006050000 00001007000000 00001007031100 00001007040324 00001008010500 00001012053300 00001012053500 00001012053600 00001012920000 00001012920500 00001012920522") (modified "20230403123541") (published "20230403123541") (role "manual") (syntax "zmk") (tags "#design #manual #zettelstore") (title "Layout of a Zettel")) (rights 4) (encoding "") (content "A zettel consists of two parts: the metadata and the zettel content.\nMetadata gives some information mostly about the zettel content, how it should be interpreted, how it is sorted within Zettelstore.\nThe zettel content is, well, the actual content.\nIn many cases, the content is in plain text form.\nPlain text is long-lasting.\nHowever, content in binary format is also possible.\n\nMetadata has to conform to a [[special syntax|00001006010000]].\nIt is effectively a collection of key/value pairs.\nSome keys have a [[special meaning|00001006020000]] and most of the predefined keys need values of a specific [[type|00001006030000]].\n\nEach zettel is given a unique [[identifier|00001006050000]].\nTo some degree, the zettel identifier is part of the metadata..\n\nThe zettel content is your valuable content.\nZettelstore contains some predefined parsers that interpret the zettel content to the syntax of the zettel.\nThis includes markup languages, like [[Zettelmarkup|00001007000000]] and [[CommonMark|00001008010500]].\nOther text formats are also supported, like CSS and HTML templates.\nPlain text content is always Unicode, encoded as UTF-8.\nOther character encodings are not supported and will never be[^This is not a real problem, since every modern software should support UTF-8 as an encoding.].\nThere is support for a graphical format with a text representation: SVG.\nAnd there is support for some binary image formats, like GIF, PNG, and JPEG.\n\n=== Plain, parsed, and evaluated zettel\nZettelstore may present your zettel in various forms, typically retrieved with the [[endpoint|00001012920000]] ''/z/{ID}''.\nOne way is to present the zettel as it was read by Zettelstore.\nThis is called \"\"[[plain zettel|00001012053300]]\"\".\n\nThe second way is to present the zettel as it was recognized by Zettelstore.\nThis is called \"\"[[parsed zettel|00001012053600]]\"\", also retrieved with the [[endpoint|00001012920000]] ''/z/{ID}'', but with the additional query parameter ''parseonly''.\nSuch a zettel was read and analyzed.\nIt can be presented in various [[encodings|00001012920500]].[^The [[zmk encoding|00001012920522]] allows you to compare the plain, the parsed, and the evaluated form of a zettel.]\n\nHowever, a zettel such as this one you are currently reading, is a \"\"[[evaluated zettel|00001012053500]]\"\", also retrieved with the [[endpoint|00001012920000]] ''/z/{ID}'' and specifying an encoding.\nThe biggest difference to a parsed zettel is the inclusion of [[block transclusions|00001007031100]] or [[inline transclusions|00001007040324]] for an evaluated zettel.\nIt can also be presented in various encoding, including the \"\"zmk\"\" encoding.\nEvaluations also applies to metadata of a zettel, if appropriate.\n\nPlease note, that searching for content is based on parsed zettel.\nTranscluded content will only be found in transcluded zettel, but not in the zettel that transcluded the content.\nHowever, you will easily pick up that zettel by follow the [[backward|00001006020000#backward]] metadata key of the transcluded zettel."))