Supported Key Types manual manual meta reference zettel zettelstore zmk 00001005090000 00001006000000 00001007705000 00001012931200 00001005090000 00001006000000 00001006020000 00001007705000 00001012931200 1 (c) 2020-present by Detlef Stern 20210126175322 00001006020000 00001006031000 00001006031500 00001006032000 00001006032500 00001006033000 00001006033500 00001006034000 00001006034500 00001006035000 00001006035500 00001006036500 00001007706000 en EUPL-1.2-or-later 20240219161909 20240219161909 public All supported metadata keys conform to a type. User-defined metadata keys conform also to a type, based on the suffix of the key. Suffix Type -date Timestamp -number Number -role Word -time Timestamp -title Zettelmarkup -url URL -zettel Identifier -zid Identifier -zids IdentifierSet any other suffix EString The name of the metadata key is bound to the key type Every key type has an associated validation rule to check values of the given type. There is also a rule how values are matched, e.g. against a search value when selecting some zettel. And there is a rule how values compare for sorting. Credential EString Identifier IdentifierSet Number String TagSet Timestamp URL Word Zettelmarkup