title: String Key Type role: manual tags: #manual #meta #reference #zettel #zettelstore syntax: zmk back: 00001006030000 00001006030500 00001006032000 00001006032500 00001006034000 00001006035000 00001006035500 00001006036500 00001012931200 backward: 00001006030000 00001006030500 00001006032000 00001006032500 00001006034000 00001006035000 00001006035500 00001006036500 00001012931200 box-number: 1 copyright: (c) 2020-present by Detlef Stern created: 20210212135017 lang: en license: EUPL-1.2-or-later modified: 20230419175633 published: 20230419175633 visibility: public Values of this type are just a sequence of character, but not an empty sequence. === Allowed values All printable characters are allowed. There must be at least one such character. === Query comparison All comparisons are done case-insensitive, i.e. ""hell"" will be the prefix of ""Hello"". === Sorting To sort two values, the underlying encoding is used to determine which value is less than the other. Uppercase letters are typically interpreted as less than their corresponding lowercase letters, i.e. ``A < a``. Comparison is done character-wise by finding the first difference in the respective character sequence. For example, ``abc > aBc``.