((p "Values of this type denote a (sorted) set of tags.") (p "A set is different to a list, as no duplicate values are allowed.") (h2 (@ (id . "allowed-values")) "Allowed values") (p "Every tag must must begin with the number sign character (" (@L (@H "“") (kbd "#") (@H "”")) ", U+0023), followed by at least one printable character." " " "Tags are separated by space characters.") (p "All characters are mapped to their lower case values.") (h2 (@ (id . "query-comparison")) "Query comparison") (p "All comparisons are done case-sensitive, i.e. " (@L (@H "“") "#hell" (@H "”")) " will not be the prefix of " (@L (@H "“") "#Hello" (@H "”")) ".") (h2 (@ (id . "sorting")) "Sorting") (p "Sorting is done by comparing the " (a (@ (href . "00001006033500")) "String") " values."))