(zettel (meta (back "00001006030000 00001007031140 00001007770000 00001012051400 00001012931200") (backward "00001006030000 00001007031140 00001007770000 00001012051400 00001012931200") (box-number "1") (created "20210212135017") (forward "00001006033500") (modified "20230419175735") (published "20230419175735") (role "manual") (syntax "zmk") (tags "#manual #meta #reference #zettel #zettelstore") (title "Word Key Type")) (rights 4) (encoding "") (content "Values of this type denote a single word.\n\n=== Allowed values\nMust be a non-empty sequence of characters, but without the space character.\n\nAll characters are mapped to their lower case values.\n\n=== Query comparison\nAll comparisons are done case-insensitive, i.e. \"\"hell\"\" will be the prefix of \"\"Hello\"\".\n\n=== Sorting\nSorting is done by comparing the [[String|00001006033500]] values."))