(((meta (@ (content . "Zettel identifier") (name . "title"))) (meta (@ (content . "manual") (name . "role"))) (meta (@ (content . "#design #manual #zettelstore") (name . "tags"))) (meta (@ (content . "zmk") (name . "syntax"))) (meta (@ (content . "00001004010000 00001004051400 00001006000000 00001006020000 00001006032000 00001006032500 00001007031100 00001007031110 00001007040310 00001007040324 00001007700000 00001007710000 00001007906000 00001010040100 00001010040200 00001010040400 00001012051200 00001012053200 00001012053300 00001012053400 00001012053500 00001012053600 00001012054200 00001012054600 00001012920000") (name . "back"))) (meta (@ (content . "00001004010000 00001004051400 00001005000000 00001006000000 00001006020000 00001006032000 00001006032500 00001006055000 00001007031100 00001007031110 00001007040310 00001007040324 00001007700000 00001007710000 00001007906000 00001010040100 00001010040200 00001010040400 00001012051200 00001012053200 00001012053300 00001012053400 00001012053500 00001012053600 00001012054200 00001012054600 00001012920000") (name . "backward"))) (meta (@ (content . "1") (name . "box-number"))) (meta (@ (content . "(c) 2020-present by Detlef Stern ") (name . "copyright"))) (meta (@ (content . "20210126175322") (name . "created"))) (meta (@ (content . "00001005000000 00001006055000") (name . "forward"))) (meta (@ (content . "en") (name . "lang"))) (meta (@ (content . "EUPL-1.2-or-later") (name . "license"))) (meta (@ (content . "20241128141443") (name . "modified"))) (meta (@ (content . "20241128141443") (name . "published"))) (meta (@ (content . "public") (name . "visibility")))) (p "Each zettel is given a unique identifier." " " "To some degree, the zettel identifier is part of the metadata." " " "Basically, the identifier is given by the " (a (@ (href . "00001005000000")) "Zettelstore") " software.") (p "Every zettel identifier consists of 14 digits." " " "They resemble a timestamp: the first four digits could represent the year, the" " " "next two represent the month, following by day, hour, minute, and second.") (p "This allows to order zettel chronologically in a canonical way.") (p "In most cases the zettel identifier is the timestamp when the zettel was created.") (p "However, the Zettelstore software just checks for exactly 14 digits." " " "Anybody is free to assign a " (@L (@H "“") "non-timestamp" (@H "”")) " identifier to a zettel, e.g. with" " " "a month part of " (@L (@H "“") "35" (@H "”")) " or with " (@L (@H "“") "99" (@H "”")) " as the last two digits.") (p "Some zettel identifier are " (a (@ (href . "00001006055000")) "reserved") " and should not be used otherwise." " " "All identifiers of zettel initially provided by an empty Zettelstore begin with " (@L (@H "“") "000000" (@H "”")) ", except the home zettel " (kbd "00010000000000") "." " " "Zettel identifier of this manual have be chosen to begin with " (@L (@H "“") "000010" (@H "”")) ".") (p "A zettel can have any identifier that contains 14 digits and that is not in use" " " "by another zettel managed by the same Zettelstore."))