Reserved zettel identifier

Zettel identifier are typically created by examine the current date and time. By renaming the name of the underlying zettel file, you are able to provide any sequence of 14 digits.

To make things easier, you must not use zettel identifier that begin with four zeroes (0000).

All zettel provided by an empty zettelstore begin with six zeroes1. Zettel identifier of this manual have be chosen to begin with 000010.

However, some external applications may need at least one defined zettel identifier to work properly. Zettel Zettelstore Application Directory (00000999999999) can be used to associate a name to a zettel identifier. For example, if your application is named “app”, you create a metadata key app-zid. Its value is the zettel identifier of the zettel that configures your application.

Reserved Zettel Identifier

0000000000000000000000000000This is an invalid zettel identifier
0000000000000100000999999999Predefined zettel
0000100000000000001099999999This Zettelstore manual
0000110000000000008999999999Reserved, do not use
0000900000000000009999999999Reserved for applications

External Applications

0000900000100000009000001999Zettel Presenter, an application to display zettel as a HTML-based slideshow

  1. Exception: the predefined home zettel 00010000000000. But you can configure another zettel with another identifier as the new home zettel. ↩︎