Zettel identifier are typically created by examine the current date and time. By renaming a zettel, you are able to provide any sequence of 14 digits. If no other zettel has the same identifier, you are allowed to rename a zettel.

To make things easier, you normally should not use zettel identifier that begin with four zeroes (0000).

All zettel provided by an empty zettelstore begin with six zeroes1. Zettel identifier of this manual have be chosen to begin with 000010.

However, some external applications may need a range of specific zettel identifier to work properly. Identifier that begin with 00009 can be used for such purpose. To request a reservation, please send an email to the maintainer of Zettelstore. The request must include the following data:


Title of you application


A brief description what the application is used for and why you need to reserve some zettel identifier


Specify the amount of zettel identifier you are planning to use. Minimum size is 100. If you need more than 10.000, your justification will contain more words.

Reserved Zettel Identifier

000000000000000000000000000This is an invalid zettel identifier
000000000000010000009999999Predefined zettel
000001000000000000019999999This Zettelstore manual
000002000000000000899999999Reserved for future use
000090000000000000999999999Reserved for applications

This list may change in the future.

External Applications

0000900000100000009000001999Zettel Presenter, an application to display zettel as a HTML-based slideshow
0000900000200000009000002999Zettel Blog, an application to collect and transform zettel into a blog
  1. Exception: the predefined home zettel 00010000000000. But you can configure another zettel with another identifier as the new home zettel. ↩︎