(zettel (meta (back "00001007010000 00001007030000 00001007040324 00001007721200 00001007800000 00001007906000 00001007990000") (backward "00001007010000 00001007030000 00001007040324 00001007721200 00001007800000 00001007906000 00001007990000") (box-number "1") (created "20210126175322") (forward "00001007040000") (modified "20220218133755") (published "20220218133755") (role "manual") (syntax "zmk") (tags "#manual #zettelmarkup #zettelstore") (title "Zettelmarkup: Headings")) (rights 4) (encoding "") (content "To specify a (sub-) section of a zettel, you should use the headings syntax: at\nthe beginning of a new line type at least three equal signs (\"\"''=''\"\", U+003D), plus at least one\nspace and enter the text of the heading as [[inline elements|00001007040000]].\n\n```zmk\n=== Level 1 Heading\n==== Level 2 Heading\n===== Level 3 Heading\n====== Level 4 Heading\n======= Level 5 Heading\n======== Level 5 Heading\n```\nThis renders in HTML as:\n:::example\n=== Level 1 Heading\n==== Level 2 Heading\n===== Level 3 Heading\n====== Level 4 Heading\n======= Level 5 Heading\n======== Level 5 Heading\n:::\n\n=== Notes\n\nThe heading level is translated to a HTML heading by adding 1 to the level, e.g. ``=== Level 1 Heading``{=zmk} translates to ==