title: Zettelmarkup: Comment Blocks role: manual tags: #manual #zettelmarkup #zettelstore syntax: zmk back: 00001007030000 00001007800000 00001012920513 backward: 00001007030000 00001007800000 00001012920513 box-number: 1 copyright: (c) 2020-present by Detlef Stern created: 20210126175322 forward: 00001007030500 00001007050000 lang: en license: EUPL-1.2-or-later modified: 20230807170858 published: 20230807170858 visibility: public Comment blocks are quite similar to [[verbatim blocks|00001007030500]]: both are used to enter text that should not be interpreted. While the text entered inside a verbatim block will be processed somehow, text inside a comment block will be ignored[^Well, not completely ignored: text is read, but it will typically not rendered visible.]. Comment blocks are typically used to give some internal comments, e.g. the license of a text or some internal remarks. Comment blocks begin with at least three percent sign characters (""''%''"", U+0025) at the first position of a line. You can add some [[attributes|00001007050000]] on the beginning line of a comment block, following the initiating characters. The comment block supports the default attribute: when given, the text will be rendered, e.g. as an HTML comment. When rendered to a symbolic expression, the comment block will not be ignored but it will output some text. Same for other renderer. Any other character in this line will be ignored Text following the beginning line will not be interpreted, until a line begins with at least the same number of the same characters given at the beginning line. This allows to enter some percent sign characters in the text that should not be interpreted. For example: ```{="zmk"} %%% Comment Block %%% ``` will be completely ignored, while ```{="zmk"} %%%{-} Will be rendered %%% ``` will be rendered as some kind of comment[^This cannot be shown here, because a HTML comment will not be rendered visible; it will be in the HTML text.].