(BLOCK (PARA (TEXT "A transclusion allows to include the content of other zettel into the current zettel.")) (PARA (TEXT "The transclusion specification begins with three consecutive left curly bracket characters (") (FORMAT-QUOTE () (LITERAL-INPUT () "{")) (TEXT ", U+007B) at the first position of a line and ends with three consecutive right curly bracket characters (") (FORMAT-QUOTE () (LITERAL-INPUT () "}")) (TEXT ", U+007D).") (SOFT) (TEXT "The curly brackets delimit either a ") (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001006050000" (TEXT "zettel identifier")) (TEXT " or a searched zettel list.") (SOFT) (TEXT "You can add some ") (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001007050000" (TEXT "attributes")) (TEXT ", although a transclusion does not support the default attribute.") (SOFT) (TEXT "Any other characters in this line will be ignored.")) (PARA (TEXT "This leads to three variants of transclusions:")) (ORDERED (INLINE (TEXT "Transclusion of the content of another zettel into the current zettel.") (SOFT) (TEXT "This is done if you specify a zettel identifier, and is called ") (FORMAT-EMPH () (TEXT "zettel transclusion")) (TEXT ".")) (INLINE (TEXT "Transclusion of the list of zettel references that satisfy a ") (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001007700000" (TEXT "query expression")) (TEXT ".") (SOFT) (TEXT "This is called ") (FORMAT-EMPH () (TEXT "query transclusion")) (TEXT ".")) (INLINE (TEXT "Transclusion of the content of an image, referenced by a ") (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001007040310#link-specifications" (TEXT "hosted or based")) (TEXT " link / URL."))) (PARA (TEXT "The first two variants are described on separate zettel:")) (UNORDERED (INLINE (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001007031110" (TEXT "Zettel transclusion"))) (INLINE (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001007031140" (TEXT "Query transclusion")))))