((p "Evaluation blocks are used to enter text that could be evaluated by either Zettelstore or external software." " " "They begin with at least three tilde characters (" (@L (@H "“") (kbd "~") (@H "”")) ", U+007E) at the first position of a line.") (p "You can add some " (a (@ (href . "00001007050000")) "attributes") " on the beginning line of a verbatim block, following the initiating characters." " " "The evaluation block supports the default attribute" (sup (@ (id . "fnref:1")) (a (@ (class . "zs-noteref") (href . "#fn:1") (role . "doc-noteref")) "1")) ": when given, all spaces in the text are rendered in HTML as open box characters (U+2423)." " " "If you want to give only one attribute and this attribute is the generic attribute, you can omit the most of the attribute syntax and just specify the value." " " "It will be interpreted as a " (a (@ (href . "00001008000000")) "syntax") " value to evaluate its content." " " "Not all syntax values are supported by Zettelstore." (sup (@ (id . "fnref:2")) (a (@ (class . "zs-noteref") (href . "#fn:2") (role . "doc-noteref")) "2")) " " "The main reason for an evaluation block is to be used with external software via the " (a (@ (href . "00001012920516")) "sz encoding") ".") (p "Any other character in this line will be ignored") (p "Text following the beginning line will not be interpreted, until a line begins with at least the same number of the same characters given at the beginning line." " " "This allows to enter some tilde characters in the text that should not be interpreted.") (p "For example:") (pre (code (@ (class . "language-zmk")) "~~~~\n~~~\n~~~~")) (p "will be rendered in HTML as:") (div (@ (class . "example")) (pre (code (@ (class . "zs-eval")) "~~~"))) (pre (code (@ (class . "language-zmk")) "~~~{-}\nThis is some\ntext with no \n real sense.\n~~~~")) (p "will be rendered as:") (div (@ (class . "example")) (pre (code (@ (class . "zs-eval")) "This is some\ntext with no \n real sense."))) (pre (code (@ (class . "language-zmk")) "~~~draw\n+---+ +---+\n| A | --> | B |\n+---+ +---+\n~~~")) (p "will be rendered as:") (div (@ (class . "example")) (p (@H "AB"))))