((p "Text formatting is the way to make your text visually different." " " "Every text formatting element begins with two same characters." " " "It ends when these two same characters occur the second time." " " "It is possible that some " (a (@ (href . "00001007050000")) "attributes") " follow immediately, without any separating character.") (p "Text formatting can be nested, up to a reasonable limit.") (p "The following characters begin a text formatting:") (ul (li (p "The low line character (" (@L (@H "“") (kbd "_") (@H "”")) ", U+005F) emphasizes its text.") (ul (li "Example: " (code "abc __def__ ghi") " is rendered in HTML as: " (span (@ (class . "example")) "abc " (em "def") " ghi") "."))) (li (p "The asterisk character (" (@L (@H "“") (kbd "*") (@H "”")) ", U+002A) strongly emphasized its enclosed text.") (ul (li "Example: " (code "abc **def** ghi") " is rendered in HTML as: " (span (@ (class . "example")) "abc " (strong "def") " ghi") "."))) (li (p "The greater-than sign character (" (@L (@H "“") (kbd ">") (@H "”")) ", U+003E) marks text as inserted.") (ul (li "Example: " (code "abc >>def>> ghi") " is rendered in HTML as: " (span (@ (class . "example")) "abc " (ins "def") " ghi") "."))) (li (p "Similar, the tilde character (" (@L (@H "“") (kbd "~") (@H "”")) ", U+007E) marks deleted text.") (ul (li "Example: " (code "abc ~~def~~ ghi") " is rendered in HTML as: " (span (@ (class . "example")) "abc " (del "def") " ghi") "."))) (li (p "The circumflex accent character (" (@L (@H "“") (kbd "^") (@H "”")) ", U+005E) allows to enter super-scripted text.") (ul (li "Example: " (code "e=mc^^2^^") " is rendered in HTML as: " (span (@ (class . "example")) "e=mc" (sup "2")) "."))) (li (p "The comma character (" (@L (@H "“") (kbd ",") (@H "”")) ", U+002C) produces sub-scripted text.") (ul (li "Example: " (code "H,,2,,O") " is rendered in HTML as: " (span (@ (class . "example")) "H" (sub "2") "O") "."))) (li (p "The quotation mark character (" (@L (@H "“") (kbd "\"") (@H "”")) ", U+0022) marks an inline quotation, according to the " (a (@ (href . "00001007050100")) "specified language") ".") (ul (li "Example: " (code "\"\"To be or not\"\"") " is rendered in HTML as: " (span (@ (class . "example")) (@L (@H "“") "To be or not" (@H "”"))) ".") (li "Example: " (code "\"\"Sein oder nicht\"\"{lang=de}") " is rendered in HTML as: " (span (@ (class . "example")) (span (@ (lang . "de")) (@H "„") "Sein oder nicht" (@H "“"))) "."))) (li (p "The number sign (" (@L (@H "“") (kbd "#") (@H "”")) ", U+0023) marks the text visually, where the mark does not belong to the text itself." " " "It is typically used to highlight some text that is important for you, but was not important for the original author.") (ul (li "Example: " (code "abc ##def## ghi") " is rendered in HTML as: " (span (@ (class . "example")) "abc " (mark "def") " ghi") "."))) (li (p "The colon character (" (@L (@H "“") (kbd ":") (@H "”")) ", U+003A) mark some text that should belong together. It fills a similar role as " (a (@ (href . "00001007030800")) "region blocks") ", but just for inline elements.") (ul (li "Example: " (code "abc ::def::{=example} ghi") " is rendered in HTML as: abc " (span (@ (class . "example")) "def") " ghi.")))))