(zettel (meta (back "00001007040300 00001007800000") (backward "00001007040300 00001007800000") (box-number "1") (created "20210810155955") (forward "00000000040001 00001007040310 00001007040322 00001007040324") (modified "20221024173926") (published "20221024173926") (role "manual") (syntax "zmk") (tags "#manual #zettelmarkup #zettelstore") (title "Zettelmarkup: Inline Embedding / Transclusion")) (rights 4) (encoding "") (content "To some degree, an specification for embedded material is conceptually not too far away from a specification for [[linked material|00001007040310]].\nBoth contain a reference specification and optionally some text.\nIn contrast to a link, the specification of embedded material must currently resolve to some kind of real content.\nThis content replaces the embed specification.\n\nAn embed specification begins with two consecutive left curly bracket characters (\"\"''{''\"\", U+007B) and ends with two consecutive right curly bracket characters (\"\"''}''\"\", U+007D).\nThe curly brackets delimits either a reference specification or some text, a vertical bar character and the link specification, similar to a link.\nIf the content starts with more than two left curly bracket characters, all but the last two will be treated as text.\n\nOne difference to a link: if the text was not given, an empty string is assumed.\n\nThe reference must point to some content, either zettel content or URL-referenced content.\nIf the current user is not allowed to read the referenced zettel, the inline transclusion / embedding is ignored.\nIf the referenced zettel does not exist, or is not readable because of other reasons, a [[spinning emoji|00000000040001]] is presented as a visual hint:\n \nExample: ``{{00000000000000}}`` will be rendered as ::{{00000000000000}}::{=example}.\n\nThere are two kind of content:\n# [[image content|00001007040322]],\n# [[textual content|00001007040324]]."))