(BLOCK (PARA (TEXT "A citation key references some external material that is part of a bibliographical collection.")) (PARA (TEXT "Currently, Zettelstore implements this only partially, it is ") (FORMAT-QUOTE () (TEXT "work in progress")) (TEXT ".")) (PARA (TEXT "However, the syntax is: beginning with a left square bracket and followed by an at sign character (") (FORMAT-QUOTE () (LITERAL-INPUT () "@")) (TEXT ", U+0040), a the citation key is given.") (SOFT) (TEXT "The key is typically a sequence of letters and digits.") (SOFT) (TEXT "If a comma character (") (FORMAT-QUOTE () (LITERAL-INPUT () ",")) (TEXT ", U+002C) or a vertical bar character is given, the following is interpreted as ") (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001007040000" (TEXT "inline elements")) (TEXT ".") (SOFT) (TEXT "A right square bracket ends the text and the citation key element.")))