title: Zettelmarkup: Supported Attribute Values for Natural Languages role: manual tags: #manual #reference #zettelmarkup #zettelstore syntax: zmk backward: 00001007040100 00001007050000 box-number: 1 copyright: (c) 2020-present by Detlef Stern created: 20210126175322 forward: 00001007040100 00001007050000 lang: en license: EUPL-1.2-or-later modified: 20220827182130 published: 20220827182130 visibility: public With an [[attribute|00001007050000]] it is possible to specify the natural language of a text region. This is important, if you want to render your markup into an environment, where this is significant. HTML is such an environment. To specify the language within an attribute, you must use the key ''lang''. The language itself is specified according to the language definition of [[RFC-5646|https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5646]]. Examples: * ``{lang=en}`` for the english language * ``{lang=en-us}`` for the english dialect spoken in the United States of America * ``{lang=de}`` for the german language * ``{lang=de-at}`` for the german language dialect spoken in Austria * ``{lang=de-de}`` for the german language dialect spoken in Germany The actual [[typographic quotations marks|00001007040100]] (``""...""``) are derived from the current language. The language of a zettel (meta key ''lang'') can be overwritten by an attribute: ``""...""{lang=fr}``{="zmk"}.