Query Expression manual manual search zettelstore zmk 00001006020000 00001007000000 00001007031100 00001007031140 00001007040310 00001010070200 00001012051200 00001012051400 00001012931600 00001006020000 00001007000000 00001007031100 00001007031140 00001007040310 00001007702000 00001007790000 00001010070200 00001012051200 00001012051400 00001012931600 1 (c) 2020-present by Detlef Stern 20220805150154 00001006050000 00001007701000 00001007702000 00001007705000 00001007706000 00001007710000 00001007720000 00001007720300 00001007720600 00001007720900 00001007721200 00001007770000 00001007780000 00001007790000 en EUPL-1.2-or-later 20230731161954 20230731161954 public A query expression allows you to search for specific zettel and to perform some actions on them. You may select zettel based on a list of zettel identifier, based on a query directive, based on a full-text search, based on specific metadata values, or some or all of them. A query expression consists of an optional zettel identifier list, zero or more query directives, an optional search expression, and an optional action list. The latter two are separated by a vertical bar character (|, U+007C). A query expression follows a formal syntax. List of zettel identifier Query directives Context directive Ident directive Items directive Unlinked directive Search expression Search term Search operator Search value Action list Here are some examples, which can be used to manage a Zettelstore: Query Expression Meaning role:configuration Zettel that contains some configuration data for the Zettelstore ORDER REVERSE created LIMIT 40 40 recently created zettel ORDER REVERSE published LIMIT 40 40 recently updated zettel PICK 40 40 random zettel, ordered by zettel identifier dead? Zettel with invalid / dead links backward!? precursor!? Zettel that are not referenced by other zettel tags!? Zettel without tags expire? ORDER expire Zettel with an expire date, ordered from the nearest to the latest 00001007700000 CONTEXT Zettel within the context of the given zettel PICK 1 | REDIRECT Redirect to a random zettel