((META (EMPTY-STRING title "Query Directives") (WORD role "manual") (TAG-SET tags ("#manual" "#search" "#zettelstore")) (WORD syntax "zmk") (ZID-SET back ("00001007700000" "00001007770000")) (ZID-SET backward ("00001007700000" "00001007770000")) (NUMBER box-number "1") (STRING copyright "(c) 2020-present by Detlef Stern ") (TIMESTAMP created "20230707203135") (ZID-SET forward ("00001007720300" "00001007720600" "00001007720900" "00001007721200")) (WORD lang "en") (EMPTY-STRING license "EUPL-1.2-or-later") (TIMESTAMP modified "20230731162002") (TIMESTAMP published "20230731162002") (WORD visibility "public")) (BLOCK (PARA (TEXT "A query directive transforms a list of zettel identifier into a list of zettel identifiert.") (SOFT) (TEXT "It is only valid if a list of zettel identifier is specified at the beginning of the query expression.") (SOFT) (TEXT "Otherwise the text of the directive is interpreted as a search expression.") (SOFT) (TEXT "For example, ") (LITERAL-INPUT () "CONTEXT") (TEXT " is interpreted as a full-text search for the word ") (FORMAT-QUOTE () (TEXT "context")) (TEXT ".")) (PARA (TEXT "Every query directive therefore consumes a list of zettel, and it produces a list of zettel according to the specific directive.")) (UNORDERED (INLINE (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001007720300" (TEXT "Context directive"))) (INLINE (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001007720600" (TEXT "Ident directive"))) (INLINE (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001007720900" (TEXT "Items directive"))) (INLINE (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001007721200" (TEXT "Unlinked directive"))))))