(zettel (meta (backward "00001007700000") (box-number "1") (created "20220810144539") (forward "00001007700000") (modified "20240216003702") (published "20240216003702") (role "manual") (syntax "zmk") (tags "#example #manual #search #zettelstore") (title "Useful query expressions")) (rights 4) (encoding "") (content "|= Query Expression |= Meaning\n| [[query:role:configuration]] | Zettel that contains some configuration data for the Zettelstore\n| [[query:ORDER REVERSE created LIMIT 40]] | 40 recently created zettel\n| [[query:ORDER REVERSE published LIMIT 40]] | 40 recently updated zettel\n| [[query:PICK 40]] | 40 random zettel, ordered by zettel identifier\n| [[query:dead?]] | Zettel with invalid / dead links\n| [[query:backward!? precursor!?]] | Zettel that are not referenced by other zettel\n| [[query:tags!?]] | Zettel without tags\n| [[query:expire? ORDER expire]] | Zettel with an expire date, ordered from the nearest to the latest\n| [[query:00001007700000 CONTEXT]] | Zettel within the context of the [[given zettel|00001007700000]]\n| [[query:PICK 1 | REDIRECT]] | Redirect to a random zettel"))