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"EUPL-1.2-or-later") (name . "license"))) (meta (@ (content . "20241125182149") (name . "modified"))) (meta (@ (content . "20241125182149") (name . "published"))) (meta (@ (content . "public") (name . "visibility")))) (p "The following table gives an overview about the use of all characters that begin a markup element.") (table (thead (tr (th (@ (class . "center")) "Character") (th (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007030000")) "Blocks")) (th (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007040000")) "Inlines")))) (tbody (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd "!")) (td (@ (class . "left")) "(free)") (td (@ (class . "left")) "(free)")) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd "\"")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007030700")) "Verse block")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007040100")) "Short inline quote"))) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd "#")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007030200")) "Ordered list")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007040100")) "marked / highlighted text"))) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd "$")) (td (@ (class . "left")) "(reserved)") (td (@ (class . "left")) "(reserved)")) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd "%")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007030900")) "Comment block")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007040000")) "Comment"))) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd "&")) (td (@ (class . "left")) "(free)") (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007040000")) "Entity"))) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd "'")) (td (@ (class . "left")) "(free)") (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007040200")) "Computer input"))) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd "(")) (td (@ (class . "left")) "(free)") (td (@ (class . "left")) "(free)")) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd ")")) (td (@ (class . "left")) "(free)") (td (@ (class . "left")) "(free)")) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd "*")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007030200")) "Unordered list")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007040100")) "strongly emphasized text"))) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd "+")) (td (@ (class . "left")) "(reserved)") (td (@ (class . "left")) "(reserved)")) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd ",")) (td (@ (class . "left")) "(free)") (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007040100")) "Sub-scripted text"))) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd "-")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007030400")) "Horizontal rule")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (@L (@H "“") (a (@ (href . "00001007040000")) "en-dash") (@H "”")))) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd ".")) (td (@ (class . "left")) "(free)") (td (@ (class . "left")) "(free)")) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd "/")) (td (@ (class . "left")) "(free)") (td (@ (class . "left")) "(free)")) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd ":")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007030800")) "Region block") " / " (a (@ (href . "00001007030100")) "description text")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007040100")) "Inline region"))) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd ";")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007030100")) "Description term")) (td (@ (class . "left")) "(free)")) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd "<")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007030600")) "Quotation block")) (td (@ (class . "left")) "(free)")) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd "=")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007030300")) "Headings")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007040200")) "Computer output"))) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd ">")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007030200")) "Quotation lists")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007040100")) "Inserted text"))) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd "?")) (td (@ (class . "left")) "(free)") (td (@ (class . "left")) "(free)")) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd "@")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007031200")) "Inline-Zettel block")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007040200#inline-zettel-snippet")) "Inline-zettel snippet"))) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd "[")) (td (@ (class . "left")) "(reserved)") (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007040300")) "Linked material") ", " (a (@ (href . "00001007040300")) "citation key") ", " (a (@ (href . "00001007040300")) "footnote") ", " (a (@ (href . "00001007040300")) "mark"))) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd "\\")) (td (@ (class . "left")) "(blocked by inline meaning)") (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007040000")) "Escape character"))) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd "]")) (td (@ (class . "left")) "(reserved)") (td (@ (class . "left")) "End of " (a (@ (href . "00001007040300")) "link") ", " (a (@ (href . "00001007040300")) "citation key") ", " (a (@ (href . "00001007040300")) "footnote") ", " (a (@ (href . "00001007040300")) "mark"))) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd "^")) (td (@ (class . "left")) "(free)") (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007040100")) "Super-scripted text"))) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd "_")) (td (@ (class . "left")) "(free)") (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007040100")) "Emphasized text"))) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd "`")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007030500")) "Verbatim block")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007040200")) "Literal text"))) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd "{")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007031100")) "Transclusion")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007040300")) "Embedded material") ", " (a (@ (href . "00001007050000")) "Attribute"))) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd "|")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007031000")) "Table row / table cell")) (td (@ (class . "left")) "Separator within link and " (a (@ (href . "00001007040320")) "embed") " formatting")) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd "}")) (td (@ (class . "left")) "End of " (a (@ (href . "00001007031100")) "Transclusion")) (td (@ (class . "left")) "End of embedded material, End of Attribute")) (tr (td (@ (class . "center")) (kbd "~")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007031300")) "Evaluation block")) (td (@ (class . "left")) (a (@ (href . "00001007040100")) "Deleted text"))))))