The following table gives an overview about the use of all characters that begin a markup element. Character Blocks Inlines ! (free) (free) " Verse block Short inline quote # Ordered list marked / highlighted text $ (reserved) (reserved) % Comment block Comment & (free) Entity ' (free) Computer input ( (free) (free) ) (free) (free) * Unordered list strongly emphasized text + (reserved) (reserved) , (free) Sub-scripted text - Horizontal rule en-dash . (free) (free) / (free) (free) : Region block / description text Inline region ; Description term (free) < Quotation block (free) = Headings Computer output > Quotation lists Inserted text ? (free) (free) @ Inline-Zettel block Inline-zettel snippet [ (reserved) Linked material, citation key, footnote, mark \ (blocked by inline meaning) Escape character ] (reserved) End of link, citation key, footnote, mark ^ (free) Super-scripted text _ (free) Emphasized text ` Verbatim block Literal text { Transclusion Embedded material, Attribute | Table row / table cell Separator within link and embed formatting } End of Transclusion End of embedded material, End of Attribute ~ Evaluation block Deleted text