Zettelmarkup: Cheat Sheet


This Zettelmarkup cheat sheet provides a quick overview of many Zettelmarkup elements. It can not cover any special case. If you need more information about any of these elements, please refer to the detailed description.

Basic Syntax

Text formatting__italic text__italic text, **bold text**bold text, ""quoted text"" → “quoted text”, ##marked text##marked text
Text editing>>inserted text>>inserted text, ~~deleted text~~deleted text
Text literal formatting''entered text''entered text, ``source code``source code, ==text output==text output
Superscript, subscriptm^^2^^ → m2, H,,2,,O → H2O
Links to other zettel[[Link text|00001007990000]]Link text
Links to external resources[[Zettelstore|https://zettelstore.de]]Zettelstore
Embed an image{{Image text|00000000040001}}Image text
Embed content of first paragraph{{00001007990000}} → This Zettelmarkup cheat sheet provides a quick overview of many Zettelmarkup elements. It can not cover any special case. If you need more information about any of these elements, please refer to the detailed description.
Footnotetext[^footnote] → text1
Special characters / entities→ → →, ℕ → ℕ, ⌛ → ⌛



Unnumbered list:

* First list item
* Second list item
* Third list item

Numbered list:

# Item number 1
# Item number 2
# Item number 3

Description List:

; Term
: Definition
; Other Term
: Definition for other term


|=Header|Because|Equal Sign
|Cell 1.1|Cell 1.2| Cell 1.3
|Cell 2.1|Cell 2.2

  1. footnote ↩︎