(BLOCK (PARA (TEXT "To enable authentication, you must create a zettel that stores ") (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001010040200" (TEXT "authentication data")) (TEXT " for the owner.") (SOFT) (TEXT "Then you must reference this zettel within the ") (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001004010000#owner" (TEXT "startup configuration")) (TEXT " under the key ") (LITERAL-INPUT () "owner") (TEXT ".") (SOFT) (TEXT "Once the startup configuration contains a valid ") (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001006050000" (TEXT "zettel identifier")) (TEXT " under that key, authentication is enabled.")) (PARA (TEXT "Please note that you must also set key ") (LITERAL-INPUT () "secret") (TEXT " of the ") (LINK-ZETTEL () "00001004010000#secret" (TEXT "startup configuration")) (TEXT " to some random string data (minimum length is 16 bytes) to secure the data exchanged with a client system.")))