title: API: List all zettel role: manual tags: #api #manual #zettelstore syntax: zmk back: 00001012000000 backward: 00001012000000 00001012920000 box-number: 1 copyright: (c) 2020-present by Detlef Stern created: 20210126175322 folge: 00001012051400 forward: 00001006050000 00001007700000 00001007702000 00001010040100 00001010070200 00001012050200 00001012051400 00001012920000 00001012921200 00001012930500 lang: en license: EUPL-1.2-or-later modified: 20230807170810 published: 20230807170810 visibility: public To list all zettel just send a HTTP GET request to the [[endpoint|00001012920000]] ''/z''[^If [[authentication is enabled|00001010040100]], you must include the a valid [[access token|00001012050200]] in the ''Authorization'' header]. Always use the endpoint ''/z'' to work with a list of zettel. Without further specifications, a plain text document is returned, with one line per zettel. Each line contains in the first 14 characters the [[zettel identifier|00001006050000]]. Separated by a space character, the title of the zettel follows: ```{="sh"} # curl ... 00001012051200 API: List all zettel 00001012050600 API: Provide an access token 00001012050400 API: Renew an access token 00001012050200 API: Authenticate a client ... ``` The list is **not** sorted, even in the these examples where it appears to be sorted. If you want to have it ordered, you must specify it with the help of a [[query expression|00001007700000]] / [[search term|00001007702000]]. See [[Query the list of all zettel|00001012051400]] how to do it. === Data output Alternatively, you may retrieve the zettel list as a parseable object / a [[symbolic expression|00001012930500]] by providing the query parameter ''enc=data'': ```{="sh"} # curl '' (meta-list (query "") (human "") (list (zettel (id "00001012921200") (meta (title "API: Encoding of Zettel Access Rights") (role "manual") (tags "#api #manual #reference #zettelstore") (syntax "zmk") (back "00001012051200 00001012051400 00001012053300 00001012053400 00001012053900 00001012054000") (backward "00001012051200 00001012051400 00001012053300 00001012053400 00001012053900 00001012054000") (box-number "1") (created "00010101000000") (forward "00001003000000 00001006020400 00001010000000 00001010040100 00001010040200 00001010070200 00001010070300") (modified "20220201171959") (published "20220201171959")) (rights 62)) (zettel (id "00001007030100") ... ``` Pretty-printed, this results in: ``` (meta-list (query "") (human "") (list (zettel (id "00001012921200") (meta (title "API: Encoding of Zettel Access Rights") (role "manual") (tags "#api #manual #reference #zettelstore") (syntax "zmk") (back "00001012051200 00001012051400 00001012053300 00001012053400 00001012053900 00001012054000") (backward "00001012051200 00001012051400 00001012053300 00001012053400 00001012053900 00001012054000") (box-number "1") (created "00010101000000") (forward "00001003000000 00001006020400 00001010000000 00001010040100 00001010040200 00001010070200 00001010070300") (modified "20220201171959") (published "20220201171959")) (rights 62)) (zettel (id "00001007030100") ``` * The result is a list, starting with the symbol ''meta-list''. * Then, some key/value pairs are following, also nested. * Keys ''query'' and ''human'' will be explained [[later in this manual|00001012051400]]. * ''list'' starts a list of zettel. * ''zettel'' itself start, well, a zettel. * ''id'' denotes the zettel identifier, encoded as a string. * Nested in ''meta'' are the metadata, each as a key/value pair. * ''rights'' specifies the [[access rights|00001012921200]] the user has for this zettel. === Note This request (and similar others) will always return a list of metadata, provided the request was syntactically correct. There will never be a HTTP status code 403 (Forbidden), even if [[authentication was enabled|00001010040100]] and you did not provide a valid access token. In this case, the resulting list might be quite short (some zettel will have [[public visibility|00001010070200]]) or the list might be empty. With this call, you cannot differentiate between an empty result list (e.g because your search did not found a zettel with the specified term) and an empty list because of missing authorization (e.g. an invalid access token). === HTTP Status codes ; ''200'' : Retrieval was successful, the body contains an appropriate data value. ; ''400'' : Request was not valid.\ There are several reasons for this. Maybe the access bearer token was not valid.