title: API: Delete a zettel
role: manual
tags: #api #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
back: 00001012000000
backward: 00001012000000 00001012920000
box-number: 1
copyright: (c) 2020-present by Detlef Stern <ds@zettelstore.de>
created: 20210713150005
forward: 00001004010000 00001004011200 00001006050000 00001010040100 00001010070600 00001012920000
lang: en
license: EUPL-1.2-or-later
modified: 20221219154608
published: 20221219154608
visibility: public

Deleting a zettel within the Zettelstore is executed on the first [[box|00001004011200]] that contains that zettel.
Zettel with the same identifier, but in subsequent boxes remain.
If the first box containing the zettel is read-only, deleting that zettel will fail, as well for a Zettelstore in [[read-only mode|00001004010000#read-only-mode]] or if [[authentication is enabled|00001010040100]] and the user has no [[access right|00001010070600]] to do so.

The [[endpoint|00001012920000]] to delete a zettel is ''/z/{ID}'', where ''{ID}'' is a placeholder for the [[zettel identifier|00001006050000]].
You must send a HTTP DELETE request to this endpoint:
# curl -X DELETE
=== HTTP Status codes
; ''204''
: Delete was successful, there is no body in the response.
; ''403''
: You are not allowed to delete the given zettel.
Maybe you do not have enough access rights, or either the box or Zettelstore itself operate in read-only mode.
; ''404''
: Zettel not found.
You probably specified a zettel identifier that is not used in the Zettelstore.