((p "A zettel representation that is a " (a (@ (href . "00001012930000")) "s-expression") " (also known as symbolic expression).") (p "It is (relatively) easy to parse and contain all relevant information of a zettel, metadata and content." " " "For example, take a look at the Sz encoding of this page, which is available via the " (@L (@H "“") "Info" (@H "”")) " sub-page of this zettel:") (ul (li (a (@ (href . "/z/00001012920516?enc=sz&part=zettel")) "/z/00001012920516?enc=sz&part=zettel") ",") (li (a (@ (href . "/z/00001012920516?enc=sz&part=meta")) "/z/00001012920516?enc=sz&part=meta") ",") (li (a (@ (href . "/z/00001012920516?enc=sz&part=content")) "/z/00001012920516?enc=sz&part=content") ".")) (p "Some zettel describe the " (a (@ (href . "00001012931000")) "Sz encoding") " in a more detailed way.") (p "If transferred via HTTP, the content type will be " (kbd "text/plain") "."))