A symbolic expression (also called __s-expression__) is a notation of a list-based tree. Inner nodes are lists of arbitrary length, outer nodes are primitive values (also called __atoms__) or the empty list. A symbolic expression is either * a primitive value (__atom__), or * a list of the form __(E,,1,, E,,2,, … E,,n,,)__, where __E,,i,,__ is itself a symbolic expression, separated by space characters. An atom is a number, a string, or a symbol. Symbolic expressions are used in programming languages like LISP or Scheme, where they denote both data structures and the program itself. This allows a LISP or Scheme program to process LISP or Scheme programs. That property is also used within Zettelstore. Symbolic expressions are relatively easy to read, to parse, and to process. === See also * [[Syntax|00001012930500]] of symbolic expressions in the Zettelstore * [[S-expression @ Wikipedia|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S-expression]]