(zettel (meta (back "00001012931000") (backward "00001012931000") (box-number "1") (created "20230403161923") (forward "00001012930500") (modified "20240122115245") (published "20240122115245") (role "manual") (syntax "zmk") (tags "#api #manual #reference #zettelstore") (title "Encoding of Sz Attribute Values")) (rights 4) (encoding "") (content "An attribute is represented by a single cell.\nThe first element of the cell references the attribute key, the second value the corresponding value.\n\n:::syntax\n__AttributeKeyValue__ **=** ''('' __AttributeKey__ ''.'' __AttributeValue__ '')''.\n:::\n\n__AttributeKey__ and __AttributeValue__ are [[string values|00001012930500]].\n\nAn empty key denotes the generic attribute.\n\nA key with the value ''\"-\"'' specifies the default attribute.\nIn this case, the attribute value is not interpreted.\n\nSome examples:\n* ''()'' represents the absence of attributes,\n* ''((\"-\" . \"\"))'' represent the default attribute,\n* ''((\"-\" . \"\") (\"\" . \"syntax\"))'' adds the generic attribute with the value \"\"syntax\"\",\n* ''((\"lang\" . \"en\"))'' denotes the attribute key \"\"lang\"\" with a value \"\"en\"\"."))