API: Retrieve metadata and content of an existing zettel
The endpoint to work with metadata and content of a specific zettel is /z/{ID}, where {ID} is a placeholder for the zettel identifier.
For example, to retrieve some data about this zettel you are currently viewing, just send a HTTP GET request to the endpoint /z/000010120533001.
# curl ''
The [[endpoint|00001012920000]] to work with metadata and content of a specific zettel is ''/z/{ID}'', where ''{ID}'' is a placeholder for the [[zettel identifier|00001006050000]].
For example, to retrieve some data about this zettel you are currently viewing, just send a HTTP GET request to the endpoint ''/z/00001012053300''[^If [[authentication is enabled|00001010040100]], you must include the a valid [[access token|00001012050200]] in the ''Authorization'' header].
Optionally, you may provide which parts of the zettel you are requesting. In this case, add an additional query parameter part=PART. Valid values for PART are “zettel”, “meta”, and “content” (the default value).
# curl ''
title: API: Retrieve metadata and content of an existing zettel
role: manual
tags: #api #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk
The [[endpoint|00001012920000]] to work with metadata and content of a specific zettel is ''/z/{ID}'', where ''{ID}'' is a placeholder for the [[zettel identifier|00001006050000]].
For example, to retrieve some data about this zettel you are currently viewing, just send a HTTP GET request to the endpoint
Data output
Alternatively, you may retrieve the zettel as a parseable object / a symbolic expression by providing the query parameter enc=data:
# curl ''
(zettel (meta (back "00001006000000 00001012000000 00001012053200 00001012054400") (backward "00001006000000 00001012000000 00001012053200 00001012054400 00001012920000") (box-number "1") (created "20211004093206") (forward "00001006020000 00001006050000 00001010040100 00001012050200 00001012053400 00001012920000 00001012920800 00001012921200 00001012930500") (modified "20230703174152") (published "20230703174152") (role "manual") (syntax "zmk") (tags "#api #manual #zettelstore") (title "API: Retrieve metadata and content of an existing zettel")) (rights 62) (encoding "") (content "The [[endpoint|00001012920000]] to work with metadata and content of a specific zettel is ''/z/{ID}'', where ''{ID}'' is a placeholder for the [[zettel identifier|00001006050000]].\n\nFor example, ...
If you print the result a little bit nicer, you will see its structure:
(zettel (meta (back "00001006000000 00001012000000 00001012053200 00001012054400")
(backward "00001006000000 00001012000000 00001012053200 00001012054400 00001012920000")
(box-number "1")
(created "20211004093206")
(forward "00001006020000 00001006050000 00001010040100 00001012050200 00001012053400 00001012920000 00001012920800 00001012921200 00001012930500")
(modified "20230703174152")
(published "20230703174152")
(role "manual")
(syntax "zmk")
(tags "#api #manual #zettelstore")
(title "API: Retrieve metadata and content of an existing zettel"))
(rights 62)
(encoding "")
(content "The [[endpoint|00001012920000]] to work with metadata and content of a specific zettel is ''/z/{ID}'', where ''{ID}'' is a placeholder for the [[zettel identifier|00001006050000]].\n\nFor example, ...
- The result is a list, starting with the symbol zettel.
- Then, some key/value pairs are following, also nested.
- Nested in meta are the metadata, each as a key/value pair.
- rights specifies the access rights the user has for this zettel.
- "encoding" states how the content is encoded. Currently, only two values are allowed: the empty string ("") that specifies an empty encoding, and the string "base64" that specifies the standard Base64 encoding.
- The zettel contents is stored as a value of the key content. Typically, text content is not encoded, and binary content is encoded via Base64.
HTTP Status codes
- 200
Retrieval was successful, the body contains an appropriate data value.
- 204
Request was valid, but there is no data to be returned. Most likely, you specified the query parameter part=content, but the zettel does not contain any content.
- 400
Request was not valid.
There are several reasons for this. Maybe the zettel identifier did not consists of exactly 14 digits.- 403
You are not allowed to retrieve data of the given zettel.
- 404
Zettel not found. You probably used a zettel identifier that is not used in the Zettelstore.
- If authentication is enabled, you must include the a valid access token in the Authorization header ↩︎