API: Retrieve metadata and content of an existing zettel

00001012053300 · Info · (manual) · #api #manual #zettelstore (all)

The endpoint to work with metadata and content of a specific zettel is /z/{ID}, where {ID} is a placeholder for the zettel identifier.

For example, to retrieve some data about this zettel you are currently viewing, just send a HTTP GET request to the endpoint /z/000010120533001.

# curl ''
The [[endpoint|00001012920000]] to work with metadata and content of a specific zettel is ''/z/{ID}'', where ''{ID}'' is a placeholder for the [[zettel identifier|00001006050000]].

For example, to retrieve some data about this zettel you are currently viewing, just send a HTTP GET request to the endpoint ''/z/00001012053300''[^If [[authentication is enabled|00001010040100]], you must include the a valid [[access token|00001012050200]] in the ''Authorization'' header].


Optionally, you may provide which parts of the zettel you are requesting. In this case, add an additional query parameter part=PART. Valid values for PART are “zettel”, “meta”, and “content” (the default value).

# curl ''
title: API: Retrieve metadata and content of an existing zettel
role: manual
tags: #api #manual #zettelstore
syntax: zmk

The [[endpoint|00001012920000]] to work with metadata and content of a specific zettel is ''/z/{ID}'', where ''{ID}'' is a placeholder for the [[zettel identifier|00001006050000]].

For example, to retrieve some data about this zettel you are currently viewing, just send a HTTP GET request to the endpoint

Data output

Alternatively, you may retrieve the zettel as a parseable object / a symbolic expression by providing the query parameter enc=data:

# curl ''
(zettel (meta (back "00001006000000 00001012000000 00001012053200 00001012054400") (backward "00001006000000 00001012000000 00001012053200 00001012054400 00001012920000") (box-number "1") (created "20211004093206") (forward "00001006020000 00001006050000 00001010040100 00001012050200 00001012053400 00001012920000 00001012920800 00001012921200 00001012930500") (modified "20230703174152") (published "20230703174152") (role "manual") (syntax "zmk") (tags "#api #manual #zettelstore") (title "API: Retrieve metadata and content of an existing zettel")) (rights 62) (encoding "") (content "The [[endpoint|00001012920000]] to work with metadata and content of a specific zettel is ''/z/{ID}'', where ''{ID}'' is a placeholder for the [[zettel identifier|00001006050000]].\n\nFor example, ...

If you print the result a little bit nicer, you will see its structure:

(zettel (meta (back "00001006000000 00001012000000 00001012053200 00001012054400")
              (backward "00001006000000 00001012000000 00001012053200 00001012054400 00001012920000")
              (box-number "1")
              (created "20211004093206")
              (forward "00001006020000 00001006050000 00001010040100 00001012050200 00001012053400 00001012920000 00001012920800 00001012921200 00001012930500")
              (modified "20230703174152")
              (published "20230703174152")
              (role "manual")
              (syntax "zmk")
              (tags "#api #manual #zettelstore")
              (title "API: Retrieve metadata and content of an existing zettel"))
        (rights 62)
        (encoding "")
        (content "The [[endpoint|00001012920000]] to work with metadata and content of a specific zettel is ''/z/{ID}'', where ''{ID}'' is a placeholder for the [[zettel identifier|00001006050000]].\n\nFor example, ...

HTTP Status codes


Retrieval was successful, the body contains an appropriate data value.


Request was valid, but there is no data to be returned. Most likely, you specified the query parameter part=content, but the zettel does not contain any content.


Request was not valid.
There are several reasons for this. Maybe the zettel identifier did not consists of exactly 14 digits.


You are not allowed to retrieve data of the given zettel.


Zettel not found. You probably used a zettel identifier that is not used in the Zettelstore.

  1. If authentication is enabled, you must include the a valid access token in the Authorization header ↩︎